Acknowledgments: Site and project volunteers, plus people who help spread the word

Bicycling Monterey is grateful for every person listed on this page. Each one has helped on one or more occasions since 2009.

In Monterey County and beyond, public awareness has grown about the multiple benefits of bicycling—for individuals, communities, and the planet! That shift in awareness is due to the following people, and others like them around the nation and world.

  1. In the second section below, Acknowledgements: Media professionals, are names of some of the earliest media pros alert to the Bicycling Monterey website and projects. 
  2. And in the third section, Acknowledgements: Spreading the word and more, are a list of websites that spread the word, followed by names of more than 500 people who’d helped in Bicycling Monterey’s first decade by linking to this site and sharing posters, fliers, etc. Included in that list are some who helped in other ways too, such as complimentary consultations in their areas of expertise, or assisting with research.
Other ways to help include: (1) making a financial contribution, as these people did – (for how to contribute and FAQs, click here); or (2) contributing project supplies, as these people did.
ICYMI, for more than 15 years, the work of Bicycling Monterey’s founder on this website and all Bicycling Monterey projects has been done as an unpaid volunteer.
If you have questions or would like to help—or if you’ve helped and we’ve inadvertently neglected to include you on this page—please contact us. Thank you! 

1. Acknowledgements: Volunteers

Volunteers who’ve helped with this website and other Bicycling Monterey projects

Volunteers for Project:


Perhaps you’ve noticed the footer on the Bicycling Monterey site, “Empowered for Social Good by Atawe Design / Raatior Design.” In 2009, Vid Raatior recognized that Bicycling Monterey’s founder, Mari Lynch, shares his dedication to “building partnerships to empower social good for a more equitable world.Vid described the Bicycling Monterey Projects as the work of a social entrepreneur and found Bicycling Monterey worthy of his support. 

When launching Bicycling Monterey in 2009, Mari was a new user of WordPress, and Vid helped immensely. He set up a WordPress theme, whipped the content of the 20-section Tips guide into a more user-friendly format, designed the site banner, and coached her in the ways of WordPress. He shared his expertise very generously. Moreover, Vid was an absolute joy to work with from start to finish. 

Volunteers for Project:

Website and more

The son and daughter of Bicycling Monterey’s founder, Mari Lynch Dehmler, are natives of Monterey County. Both have provided various support for the Bicycling Monterey work since 2009. Mari’s daughter, Sierra, provided professional skills to boost outreach online, along with other support. Mari’s son, Nathan, generously provided computer equipment and more. The positive impact of Nathan and Sierra’s loving kindness and support for the Bicycling Monterey work is immeasurable.  

Volunteers for Project:

HER Helmet Thursdays

Custom database creator

In November 2009, Mari created the HER Helmet Thursdays project and established it in Monterey County, as a public service. The project is very time and labor intensive and has been greatly helped by the creation of this database.

In January 2010, a web expert and cyclist from Santa Cruz County recognized that HER Helmet Thursdays needed room to grow.  He kindly volunteered to provide the necessary techno leg-up.  By creating a secure custom database in January 2010, free of charge, he made the project’s growth possible.  What a caring neighbor!

Whenever you refer to the HER Helmet Thursdays listings, you are benefiting from the professional expertise and chivalry of this anonymous contributor.

Volunteers for Project:

HER Helmet Thursdays

Database support

Who generously provided—from November 2012 through spring 2022—essential technical support for the HER Helmet Thursdays custom database, including upgrades and other maintenance? Stephen Anderson of Bendyworks, Racine, Wisconsin. Another geek with a heart!

Stephen is a cyclist who had visited Monterey County. As a Ruby on Rails expert, when Stephen became aware of the need for this technical support, he graciously agreed to help. It is thanks to Stephen’s technical expertise and generosity (and his extraordinary professionalism, reliability, and communication skills) that the database has remained available—allowing people to continue accessing the HER Helmet Thursdays listings for over a decade.

Also much appreciated is Stephen’s fellow Ruby on Rails aficionado, Jordan Peterson.  The skills of these two gentlemen are much in demand, yet by teaming up, it was possible for them to carve out time to do this pro bono work as well.

Thanks for keeping us rolling, guys!

Volunteers for Project:

HER Helmet Thursdays

More database support

Justin Leong of Santa Clara County enjoys biking—whether alone, with friends, or with his brother or entire family. He’s also a tech-savvy young man who spent most of summer 2015 in Monterey County doing a computer-related internship. So what else did he do while he was here? Contributed volunteer hours in support of the HER Helmet Thursdays project and other Bicycling Monterey projects! Learn more about Justin Leong by scrolling down this page to the “Website” volunteer acknowledgements

In spring 2018, Justin Leong devoted many hours again, this time making general updates to the hundreds of HER Helmet Thursdays database listings. It required a trusted volunteer who could be counted on for accuracy in doing a tedious tech task, and Justin was the man!

Sean Roney also pitched in some volunteer hours on the HER Helmet Thursdays database in spring 2018. Thanks to Sean for contributing his time to support bike advocacy too.

Volunteers for Project:

HER Helmet Thursdays

Logo creator

Steve E. Anderson of Velo Club Monterey

On hearing that HER Helmet Thursdays needed a logo, Steve immediately volunteered to provide one.  He delivered it promptly and in good cheer, showing once again that our local roadies often quietly serve as Knights of the Central Coast.

Volunteers for Project:

HER Helmet Thursdays


Special thanks to Jerry Ramos for providing oral Spanish translation services. The gracious manner and communication skills of this Monterey County teen allowed successful outreach to new HER Helmet Thursdays participants.

Volunteers for Project:

HER Helmet Thursdays

Bike-there tips

Although Mari wrote most bike-there tips, the following local residents helped immensely by providing detailed tips on some of the more remote locations:

  1. Aaron Magenheim
  2. Jeff Richman
  3. Chuck Martin
  4. Jan Valencia
  5. Devian Gilbert

Below: Aaron Magenheim at age 16.

At 16, Aaron had been supporting bicycling in Monterey County for 10 years, since he and his dad had helped prepare the course for the Laguna Seca Challenge, which later became the Sea Otter Classic. And ten years later, Aaron was still volunteering to help others bike in Monterey County—by contributing bike-there tips and new idea for HER Helmet Thursdays.

Volunteers for Project:

HER Helmet Thursdays

Anniversary Celebrations

Bike shops are headed up by business owners, not volunteers. But they get a special shout-out for voluntarily celebrating some anniversaries of the HER Helmet Thursdays Project. Click here for links to websites of those who celebrated the 5th anniversary with a full-page ad, teaming up with the Monterey County Weekly. For those who celebrated the 4th anniversary with prize drawings in their shops, click here.

HER Helmet Thursdays participant Monterey Museum of Art provided photos for the 7th, 8th, 9th, and 10th anniversary posters. Thank you!

And community volunteer Allison Sacks provided MS Word assistance for the 10th anniversary poster. Muchas gracias, Alli!

HER Helmet Thursdays 5th Anniversary poster JQ2

Volunteers for Project:

HER Helmet Thursdays

Charter Participants

The launch of the HER Helmet Thursdays Project was only possible because of the forward-thinking Charter Participants. Of course participating businesses and organization are headed up by business owners and paid organization directors, not by volunteers. But their participation in the HER Helmet Thursdays Project is voluntary, so Bicycling Monterey wanted to give them a special shout-out here.

Volunteers for Project:

HER Helmet Thursdays

Cup of Kindness

Since 2009, seven HER Helmet Thursdays participants volunteered their time and culinary skills by graciously offering to fuel this work with nourishment when Bicycling Monterey’s founder stopped by on her community outreach rounds. How thoughtful!

  1. Taqueria del Mar, Monterey
  2. PortaBella, Carmel
  3. BayView Deli & BBQ, Monterey
  4. Pino’s Cafe, Monterey
  5. Haute Enchilada, Moss Landing
  6. El Torito, Monterey
  7. Layers, Monterey

Volunteers for Project:

Monterey County Youth Center bike education program

Instructors, Coordinator, Parts/Tools Assistance

See “Teach Teens Well” for history, details, and the most current information about the Monterey County Probation Department Youth Center’s bike education program, founded by Bicycling Monterey. In October 2011, Mari Lynch began the initial organizing to create the Bicycle Repair and Safety Class, which launched April 2012. In 2015 Mari also launched Bike Nights. As of December 2019, both the class and Bike Nights continue.

The Youth Center bike repair instruction makes it the first high school bike tech class in Monterey County! That was only possible because of volunteer instructors. In the inaugural year there were five, and three continued on as well. All are appreciated!


  1. Frank Henderson – instructor since April 2012, and still a dedicated volunteer as the class completed its 7th year in April 2019. Class coordinator since November 2018.
  2. Luciano Rodriguez – instructor July 2012 to November 2018; class coordinator August 2014 to November 2018. (On leave of absence beginning Nov 2018.)
  3. Mari Lynch – various roles. (Founder, launched class April 2012. Bike class coordinator and instructor April 2012 through July 2014. Bike Nights organizer and instructor, 2015 to present.)
  4. Korey Ericson – instructor April 15, 2012 through June 9, 2013
  5. Joseph Crabtree of Forest Hill Bike Shop – instructor April 2012 through June 2012

Parts and Tools Assistance: Another volunteer boosting the bike repair and safety class was Jim Warwick, a Salinas High School instructor and SHS mountain bike team assistant coach and advisor, who assisted Mari in sorting used parts. Gratitude also to some students in the Salinas High School construction program. Why? In May 2014, Jim and those SHS students created tool racks for use by students in Youth Center bike class. Muchas gracias!

Additional thanks: In the early years, Frank Pinto and Peter Krol took the time to become background-approved for admission to the Youth Center, in case their schedules might allow them to assist on an on-call basis. Peter was able to step in and assist on 1-2 occasions.

In summer 2019, Frank Pinto renewed his background check so he could step in to make a special presentation for the July 19, 2019 Bike Night. Thanks, guys.

Community inspiration: A shout-out also to Rosemary Soto. She was an organizer of an October 26, 2011 meeting about the Youth Center, which Mari attended. It was because of that meeting that Mari decided to found the Youth Center’s bike ed program.

Volunteers for Project:

Intergenerational Ride for

Bike Week/Bike Month

Ride escorts and other support

Bicycling Monterey founded in 2012 and organized annually through 2015 an annual Intergenerational Ride, in support of Monterey County Bike Week/Bike Month. As with all Bicycling Monterey projects, its success was because of community involvement!
For 2012, special thanks to Sports Center Bicycles of Seaside for providing a mobile bike mechanic for the Intergenerational Ride during Monterey County’s Bike Week celebration. Thanks also to Darius Rike of Monterey Off Road Cycling Association and League of American Bicyclists certified instructor Frank Henderson for their active support of this event.

For 2013, tip of the helmet for the complimentary mobile bike mechanic Chris Paruolo goes to Bay Bikes of Carmel and Monterey. Additional thanks for escorting children in the brief Class II and Class III areas and other rider support goes to Vera Noghera and Randy Naylor of Velo Club Monterey; Rich Buaya, Jimmy Mastrom, and Barcley Stamey from the Naval Postgraduate School Cycling Club; Steve Benes of Gears 4 Good; Roy Pina of Shoreline Outdoors, Shoreline Community Church. Further support for this event was provided by Salinas Bike Party-a courteous social bike run and Ciclovia Salinas Committee members Eduardo Huerta, Mirna Cuentas, Natalie Oliver, and friends. First Presbyterian Church of Monterey and Fine Wordworking again served as the co-hosts of the Intergenerational Ride for 2013, with special thanks going to Elaine Cole, Carol Ferrantelli, and Jackie DeHoff.

For 2014, please refer to the 3rd Annual Intergenerational Ride post for names of those helping. Special thanks to Bay Bikes for providing the services of complimentary mobile mechanic Rob Burton this year; and to Steve Benes of Gears 4 Good for being on hand as a mobile mechanic during the morning hours.

For 2015, Bay Bikes again provided the services of a complimentary mobile mechanic. For more 2015 supporters, please refer to 4th Annual Intergenerational Ride post. Special thanks to Roy Pina, Vera Noghera, Ariana Green, and Jeff Richman for extra help with facilitating this year’s ride and to Naval Postgraduate School Foundation Cycling Club for their faithful participation and ride support at this annual event.

Volunteers for Project:

Dress-Up Challenge for Bike Week

Photo submitters (people who took the challenge!) 

Bicycling Monterey’s founder organized Monterey County’s first Dress-Up Challenge in support of Monterey County Bike Week 2011. This was modeled after a San Francisco Bicycle Coalition activity. In addition to individuals and organizations who contributed prizes, people volunteered their time by sending in a photo. See the photo gallery of those modeling their love for biking in Monterey County!

Volunteers for Project:

Bike advocacy outreach

Bicycle maintenance

See the summary of Bicycling Monterey projects to learn about Bicycling Monterey’s various bike advocacy outreach efforts. Among these is direct outreach by bike! Helping to keep Mari’s bicycle rolling by providing bike maintenance services free of charge:

  • Jan Valencia, Velo Club Monterey Answer Man. Jan’s wrench wizardry on Mari’s trusty bike, a Giant hybrid, has made a big difference. After Mari was riding with Jan’s wife, Cath Tendler-Valencia (AKA @eyebabe), it seemed Cath thought perhaps Mari wasn’t keeping up with her due to mechanical weaknesses of her bike.  (Ha! Not. That Cath is fast!) The plus about that gracious misconception was that Cath put the bee in Jan’s ear, and in Oct 2014, and again in July 2015, Jan did a maintenance makeover on Mari’s bike. Amazing what a difference a new chain, cassette, cables, and more can make, especially when combined with a generous dose of bike love and mechanical expertise. Thanks, Jan!
  • On other occasions, Peninsula Bike Works has also supported Mari’s direct outreach by bike. Free of charge, they kindly repaired a bent rim and adjusted brakes. Thanks, owners Sean and Micah!

Volunteers for Project:

Support launch of Ciclovía Salinas

Various roles

Bicycling Monterey is honored to be among community volunteers who—along with staff of various organizations—united to support the launch of the youth-led initiative Ciclovía Salinas, October 6, 2013. There are many bike community folks and others who volunteered or spread the word about Ciclovía Salinas, which was Monterey County’s first Open Streets. They included barricade volunteers and more; find them among those listed in Ciclovía Salinas Acknowledgements: Sponsors, Volunteers, Publicists, and More.

Volunteers for Project:

Fundraising Campaign


Special thanks to the ten women who launched Bicycling Monterey’s first fundraising campaign on December 22, 2015, with the primary component being a crowdfunding campaign at In addition to their personal endorsements of the value of this work, they volunteered time in helping get the word out: Laurel Thomsen, organizer, and Charlotte Rozier Manis,  Henrietta Stern, Holly Heimer, Jacquelyn Smith Woodward, Kathi Lares, Kay Magenheim, Misty Koger Ojure, Sandi Overstreet Laney, Terrill Keeler.

Volunteers for Project:

Website and Projects

Bike safety consultant

Mari founded the Bicycling Monterey website and serves as webmaster, content creator, and more. That involves a lot of time, including careful research to ensure accurate, reliable information.

When knowledge and research time are limited, it is so helpful to be able to count on the expertise of  Frank Henderson. Frank is a League of American Bicyclists certified  instructor (“Bike League LCI”) and TAMC 2010 Golden Helmet Award winner.

Volunteers for Project:

Website and Projects

Volunteers responding  in a variety of helpful ways

  1. Danielle Shillcock – Technical and communications consultant and other support
  2. Laurel Thomsen – Technical and other support, including for the 10th anniversary edition of the HER Helmet Thursdays guide
  3. The late Margaret Wolf –  research and support for HER Helmet Thursdays participant listings
  4. Donna Murphy Typing Service – bike valet claim checks for special events
  5. Melanie Gibbs Stackpole – for several years, provided research and support for HER Helmet Thursdays date restrictions and staff reference sheet
  6. Casey Andrews, Sierra Dehmler – creation of first HER Helmet Thursdays quick reference/pocket guide
  7. Sandi Laney – outreach for Dress-Up Challenge prizes
  8. Rebecca Robinson – research on America’s discounts-for-bicyclists programs
  9. Renee Hardenstein and Kay Magenheim – when Mari’s printer was broken, who helped out? Renee and Kay!
  10. Geoff Arnold—a local League of American Bicyclists cycling instructor—teamed up with me at an event, where he surprised me by having created a new Bicycling Monterey tabletop sign
  11. Danielle Heimer – support for direct outreach by bike
  12. Gaye Freedman – flyer distribution
  13. Also scroll down to “Acknowledgements:  Spread the Good News” then “People who help get the word out, and assist in other ways.”  Some people on that list were acting as volunteers, while others were pitching in as part of their paid work for a business or organization. All are appreciated.

Volunteers for Project:

Website and Projects

Bicycle consultants

For questions about bicycles, accessories, and more, here’s a shout-out to our  local bike shops, plus extra thanks to these individuals:

  1. Sean Rigmaiden and Micah Mozal, Peninsula Bike Works
  2. Jan Valencia, Velo Club Monterey Answer Man
  3. Devian Gilbert, Asana Cycles
  4. Kevin Cole, Safety Director (till 2016 retirement), Pebble Beach Company
  5. Phil Yenovikian – Support to touring cyclists
  6. Korey Ericson – Bike culture support
  7. Wyatt Wood – Biking in the Dark tips on tail lights
  8. Frank Pinto, Bay Bikes
  9. Steve Polk, Manzanita Park BMX
  10. Steve Aday, Marina Cycle and Skate
  11. Alex Fowler, Action Sports Construction

Volunteers for Project:


Photo models

This site would be dull without the photographs of people bicycling throughout Monterey County.  A huge thank you to the individuals who bring this site to life–and inspire others. 

Volunteers for Project:



Thank you to all the photographers who volunteer their own photos to supplement those taken by Mari. Please note their names in photo credit lines throughout this site. 

In addition, the following photographers responded to Mari’s requests to shoot particular photos. Special thanks to:

  1. Joe Strunk
  2. Leo Kodl
  3. Steve E. Anderson
  4. Rizayel Mukashev
  5. Dieter Binz
  6. Simon and Joanna Bull
  7. Bill and Susan Ragsdale Cronin
  8. Carey Beebe
  9. Mrs. Jim Warwick
  10. Bob Simon
  11. Frank Henderson
  12. Dessa Murphy, Pacific Grove Middle School
  13. Patty Ristine and Paloma Hernandez, La Paz Middle School, Salinas
  14. Bryan Perez
  15. Colleen Ingram for camera loan and time assisting with biking surfer photos
  16. Arlene Sanchez, Student-Parent Liaison, Jack Franscioni Elementary School, Soledad
  17. Alex Paredes 
  18. Nora Richman
  19. Jan Valencia
  20. Jesse Martines
  21. Jim Warwick
  22. Mark Kintz
  23. Jennifer Hickerson and Amelia Poma, Monterey Regional Airport
  24. Saul Soto, Tony’s Bike Shop, Castroville
  25. Aurelio Salazar, Jr. of Community Foundation for Monterey County, a supporter of Ciclovia Salinas
  26. Elise Ehrheart of Ecology Action of Santa Cruz (in Greenfield)
  27. Juan Saavedra, photo for Shopping by Bike section
  28. Smokes and Spokes of San Jose
  29. Sieg Magenheim – Sea Otter Classic 2022, 2023, and 2024
  30. Kay Magenheim – Generations of Cycling
  31. Sierra Rad – Sea Otter Classic 2024
  32. James Short – Sea Otter Classic 2024

Volunteers for Project:


Guest posts or related assistance

Mari has written the vast majority of the content for this site. Let’s have a diversity of voices—consider writing a guest post. Thanks to the following for leading the way.

And special thanks to the people who’ve taken the time to respond to our first questionnaire, in spring 2023. See

Voices of People Who Bike.
  1. Justine Warwick
  2. Rebecca Warwick
  3. Devian Gilbert
  4. Sierra Dehmler
  5. Phil Yenovkian
  6. James Wrona
  7. Frank Henderson
  8. Jesse Martines
  9. Robert Okerblom
  10. Alex Cappelli
  11. Rita M. Goldstein
  12. Ron Dillender
  13. Ariana Green
  14. Natalie Oliver
  15. Sarah Factor
  16. Margaret Davis
  17. Elise Ehrheart
  18. Gregg Brady
  19. Wendy Booher
  20. Tawn Kennedy, director of Green Ways to School
  21. Susan Ragsdale-Cronin
  22. Sierra Dehmler
  23. Amanda Preece
  24. Epic Magenheim
  25. Nathalie Gomez
  26. Alexandra Stampher

Thanks also to the Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments (AMBAG), Transportation Agency for Monterey County (TAMC), Monterey-Salinas Transit (MST), and California Highway Patrol for providing press releases for this site.

Volunteers for Project:


Translators and interpreters

Note: More volunteers with skills in other languages, especially Spanish, are needed. Please phone Mari if you might be able to help.

Volunteers for Project:


Proofreading and copy editing

Cath Tendler-Valencia – Cath isn’t responsible for this site’s errors, but she is responsible for improvements to the huge volume of content in Bicycling Monterey’s bike laws and safety/skills section.

Volunteers for Project:

Website and Other Support

Tech Angel

Eeek! Computer isn’t doing what I need it to. And by grace, an anonymous tech angel responds with just the right advice, faithfully, year after year. Whether it’s a hardware challenge or an Internet mystery, whatever is nudging this Lead Pencil Woman toward a brain-fry, it cannot win.  Because a phone call away is the Best. Help. Ever. You know who you are. Bless you!

Volunteers for Project:


Additional tech support

  1. Daniel Saenz of Daniel Saenz Designs /, another helpful neighbor from Santa Cruz, stepped in at times when WP design issues, in particular, puzzled me. That’s very fortunate for this site’s readers!
  2. Jason Wehmhoener, yet another Santa Cruz geek and helpful neighbor, is wise in the ways of WordPress and more.  Jason was on the alert more than once when I waved the red flag, and he responded with just the right tech tip at just the right time.
  3. Steven Lienhard, yes, another Santa Cruz geek! You might be looking fruitlessly for a HER Helmet Thursdays detailed listing if it were not for Steve’s knowledge of a particular plugin made by Frank Bültge.  Thanks, neighbor!
  4. Frank Bültge of for creating and freely providing a WordPress search-and-replace plugin that served the HER Helmet Thursdays project. And wouldn’t you know it—Frank loves to bike!
  5. Cory Piña was a great help by assisting with puzzling website issues in summer 2019, as well as by founding and organizing meetings of a WordPress Monterey Meetup group!

Volunteers for Project:


Miscellaneous support

Justin Leong of Santa Clara County contributed volunteer hours in support of the HER Helmet Thursdays project, as mentioned above. This tech-savvy guy also pitched in to help with various Bicycling Monterey website tasks, including site banner redesign, website link updates, and more. Not only is Justin smart, skilled, and reliable, he exuded kindness and helpfulness. He consistently asked if there was anything he could do to be of help, then carried out whatever was requested of him, completing the tasks with flying colors. This caring individual is also an interesting conversationalist, making every chance to connect a pleasure. We’d sure love to clone him—or keep him!

* * *

2. Acknowledgements: 

Media Professionals

Shout-out to all bike-savvy media, including the following and others who have interviewed Mari about the Bicycling Monterey work: Cedar Street Times, CSUMB Otter Radio, KKUP, KRML, KSBW, the Monterey County Herald, Monterey County Weekly, Radio Bilingüe, Salinas Californian, Women’s International Perspective (The WIP), and more.

Below are some of the first. And the media beat goes on—e.g., Monterey County Weekly’s Oct 6, 2021 “Monterey County Now” column by editor Sara Rubin:

Savvy journalists with an ear to the ground

Even though not volunteers, Bicycling Monterey wants to acknowledge the following media pros. They gave the HER Helmet Thursdays Project an early boost via print, television, and the web. Especially appreciated are these highly alert media professionals who picked right up on this story:

And the buzz continues about bicycling-friendly Monterey County, including HER Helmet Thursdays.  While media acknowledgements listed on this page are not comprehensive, here’s a shout-out to the Monterey County Weekly for their special bike issue, “Spoke Word” (May 12-18, 2011), including “Moving Motivation,” “Pedal Perks,” “Two Speeds,” and more.  Tip of the front wheel to Weekly staffers and contributors, including:

  • Christy Khoshaba
  • Joey Large
  • Kathryn Doore
  • Kera Abraham, Assistant Editor
  • Mark C. Anderson, Managing Editor
  • Nic Coury, Staff Photographer

The Monterey County Weekly also recognized the third anniversary of the HER Helmet Thursdays Project in “The Weekly Tally (Nov 21-28, 2012 issue).

The signs of our bicycling-friendly county are everywhere.

Help spread the word by sharing posters, widgets, fliers, and pocket guides.

3. Acknowledgements:

Spreading the word

The following have linked to this site during Bicycling Monterey’s first decade (partial list):

Bike Santa Cruz County’s “Brilliant Ideas” section, Biking in LA, California Bicycle Coalition, California State University Monterey Bay, Campaign for Sustainable TransportationCarey Beebe Harpsichords, City of Monterey, City of Salinas, City of Seaside, Communities for Sustainable Monterey County, Community Alliance for Safety and Peace, Cruz511 – Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission, Cyclelicious, Cycling the Pacific Coast, Douglas Mueller, Filmmaker, Fort Ord Bicycle-Equestrian Trails Assistance (BETA), Hartnell College, Lamp Lighter Inn, League of American Bicyclists, Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca, Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission , Monterey Bay Aquarium, Monterey County Convention & Visitors Bureau, Monterey County Herald School Bytes, Monterey County Weekly, Monterey Institute of International Studies, Monterey Jazz Festival, Monterey Off Road Cycling Association, Monterey-Salinas Transit, National Steinbeck Center, Natividad Medical Center, Naval Postgraduate School Cycling Club, Old Fisherman’s Wharf, Paraiso Vineyards, Parents PlacePedestrian & Bicycle Information Center, People for BikesPeople’s Climate Movement, Portola Hotel & Spa—e.g., blog post and events calendar, S.A.G.E – Green Valley Action Group Salinas Chapter of Citizens for a Sustainable Monterey County, Sea Otter Classic, Smart Growth America, Stevenson School, Tannery Arts Center, Transportation Agency for Monterey County, UC-Berkeley CATSIP , Velo Club Monterey, Ventana Chapter – Sierra Club, Washington Area Bicyclist Association’s program Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute, Women’s Bike Blogs by Bikestyle Spokane.

People who help get the word out, and assist in other ways

Online, on-air, in-print, in-person, and other support

The list below includes people who…

  • share news via their websites or online social media, or by hosting presentations at meetings
  • provide radio and television air time, or publish articles in print media
  • offer complimentary consultations in their areas of expertise, or assist with research
  • or help in other ways
Please bring others to my attention, so their names can be added.

This list is in approximate chronological order. 

  1. Megan Tolbert, Monterey Green Action
  2. Tony Price for the Seaside-Sand City Chamber of Commerce on KNRY
  3. Monterey County’s Bike Shops and Services
  4. Family Cycle Center, Capitola
  5. Jim Ryan, Monterey Off Road Cycling Association (MORCA)
  6. Jan Valencia, Answer Man, Velo Club Monterey
  7. Steve E. Anderson, Velo Club MontereyAKA Knights of the Central Coast
  8. Julie Caris,  Monterey Plaza Hotel & Spa – Cafe la Strada, Duck Club, Schooners, Vista Blue on Facebook
  9. Denice Amerison, North Monterey County Chamber of Commerce
  10. Em Lee’s Carmel on Facebook
  11. Denise Wyer, Chef’s Pride/Fishwife and Turtle Bay; and the Pacific Grove Chamber of Commerce
  12. Joyce Day Meuse on KNRY
  13. David “Doc” Reichbaum
  14. Erik’s DeliCafe
  15. Kaki Chen, Transportation Agency of Monterey County
  16. MAJ Chris Bachl, Naval Postgraduate School Foundation
  17. California State University-Monterey Bay (CSUMB)
  18. Guy Lasnier, KUSP Central Coast Public Radio
  19. Donna Brown, Sea Otter Classic 2010
  20. Kate and Ali Daniels, Women’s International Perspective’s radio show
  21. Devian Gilbert, Asana Cycles
  22. Dorothy Becker, First Presbyterian Church Women, Monterey
  23. Natasha Merkle, Naval Postgraduate School Earth Day Celebration
  24. Monterey County Weekly – Earth Day editorial on HER Helmet Thursdays
  25. Trish Sullivan, Destination Salinas – National Train Day
  26. Frank Pinto, Joselyns Bicycles, Monterey
  27. Nicole Gustas, Monterey County Convention & Visitors Bureau/See Monterey blog:
  28. City of Monterey Solid Waste and Recycling Division – website Transportation page, and Facebook
  29. Paula Ross
  30. New Monterey Business Association, for spreading word about Bicycling Monterey and the HER Helmet Thursdays project, via website links
  31. Asana Cycles
  32. Ray Napolitano
  33. Janie Rommel-Eichorn and the Rotary Club of Carmel Valley
  34. National Steinbeck Center
  35. BLUE Ocean Film Festival 2010:  A Global Film Festival and Conservation Summit
  36. Sustainable Pacific Grove
  37. Sustainable Salinas
  38. Sustainable Seaside
  39. SF Station, for weblink to a Seaside presentation
  40. MAJ Arleigh (Bill) Dean and the Naval Postgraduate School Foundation Cycling Club
  41. Giovanna Kha Marino of the NPS Foundation
  42. InfluenceGuy on Twitter
  43. Burnham Coaching on Twitter
  44. Shawna Routh, Monterey Institute of International Studies
  45. Cath Tendler-Valencia, Velo Club Monterey
  46. Stuart Thompson, Monterey Wine Groupie
  47. Bobby Richards, Lamp Lighter Inn, Carmel-by-the-Sea
  48. NorCal Bikers
  49. Mark Davidson of Mountain Bikers of Santa Cruz
  50. Aquarian Bicycles, Monterey
  51. MacGregor Eddy, Living Car-Free in Monterey County slideshow and workshop
  52. Eric Squires of Light and Motion
  53. Hunter Harvath and Zoe Shoats, Monterey-Salinas Transit (MST), Transit Tips; and for steady communications to ensure current accuracy of Bicycling Mon terey’s bike-and-ride tips
  54. Jon LeMaster of Orange County Transportation Authority ( – permission to use OCTA’s Spanish translation of bicycle section of California Vehicle Code
  55. Focus the Region Conference
  56. Lacey Raak, City of Monterey
  57. Bobcat Bicycles, Salinas
  58. Casey Andrews, CSUMB Otter Radio
  59. Cima Collina Winery – Food and Wine Notes
  60. Mirabel Group
  61. Cantinetta Luca
  62. Sea Otter Classic 2011 
  63. Sports Center Bicycles, Seaside
  64. Earth Cycles, Santa Cruz
  65. Todd Wills, Naval Postgraduate School Earth Day 2011
  66. Kevin Smith, Director of New Media – Monterey County Weekly – Local Blogs section
  67. Sally Smith, Big Sur International Marathon
  68. Abe Lincoln, Chair of Local Organizing Committee, Seaside Stage of Amgen Tour de California
  69. Tina Rosa, City of Seaside Police Department, Police Activities League (PAL)
  70. Monterey Green Action on Facebook
  71. Tripwise at CSUMB on Facebook
  72. Michael Baroni, Green Pedal Couriers, on Facebook and at bike valet stations
  73. Megan Joyce, Monterey Institute of International Studies – MIIS Office of Student Services
  74. Susan Ragsdale-Cronin – letter to the editor and acknowledgement in Monterey Herald essay, “There’s nothing like riding a bike
  75. James Serrano, Transportation Planner for the City of Salinas
  76. Rich Deal, Ride Ambassador for Bike Week 2011, and City Traffic Engineer for the City of Monterey
  77. Hotel Les Maurs, Healdsburg, CA – on Facebook
  78. Kaki Cheung, TAMC, Monterey County Bike Week 2011
  79. Bike to Work Santa Cruz / Santa Cruz Bike Week
  80. Velo Club Monterey
  81. Scott MacDonald, The Salinas Californian
  82. Erik and Anneka Esborg, People for Bikes
  83. Gabe Alvizo
  84. Diego Tapia
  85. The City of Seaside
  86. Jerrod Adams, Jarrod Gillam, Seth Hooper, Cameron Ingram, David Ramsaur, and others of the NPS Cycling Club
  87. Lalo Villegas and Kevin Mead, City of Salinas Police Department
  88. Darius Rike and Michael Do Couto, Monterey Off-Road Cycling Association (MORCA)
  89. Jesse Martines on Facebook
  90. Book Buyers on Facebook
  91. San Francisco Bicycle Coalition on Facebook
  92. Jay Bartow, Mark Peake, Joe Callaway of First Presbyterian Church, Monterey; John Clark of Steady Job, Steady Life program; and Real Goods Solar installers
  93. Carol Ferrantelli and Elaine Cole of First Presbyterian Church, Monterey – Bike Week/Month “Bike to Worship” announcements
  94. Anna Brones, Light & Motion on Twitter
  95. Officers Tucker and Kastor, City of Monterey Police Department
  96. John and Kimberly Beardshear, Remembering Kyle
  97. Richard Graves, Clutch Couriers, In Memory of Zachary Parke
  98. Steve Laufer, Central Coast Public Radio KUSP
  99. BETA  – Ft Ord Bicycle-Equestrian Trails Assistance, blogroll on website
  100. Katie DeClercq, Project Bike Trip
  101. Jenn Gerard of Monterey Green Action, Environmental Film Cafe
  102. El Mariachi Restaurante
  103. Erik Esborg, Bikes Belong and People for Bikes; Jeanne Le Page, Ecology Action of Santa Cruz;  Patricia Lopez and Tina Rosa, Seaside Police Activities League; and Zoe Shoats, Monterey-Salinas Transit;  all of whom made the National Night Out outreach to cyclists so successful.
  104. Denyse Frischmuth, Sustainable Pacific Grove
  105. Jan Stotzer, Monterey Jazz Festival
  106. Carey Beebe Harpsichords
  107. Hartnell College
  108. Chris Johnson, Carmel-by-the-Sea Police Department
  109. Mike Deighton, Lighthouse Lodge & Suites, on Facebook
  110. Karen Rose Corcoran, Museum of Monterey, on Facebook
  111. Kristina Montellese, Montellese Family Chiropractic, on Facebook
  112. Veronica Lezama, San Benito County Council of Governments
  113. Laura Ramirez – proofreading of Spanish outreach flier
  114. Brighid O’Keane, Dave Snyder, and Jim Brown, California Bicycle Coalition
  115. Monterey Bay Aquarium
  116. Dave Clark, Monterey Park Neighborhood Watch on Facebook
  117. Cory Caletti, Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission and Ariana Green, former intern with SCCRTC and former transportation planner for the City of Monterey (as of Jan 2013, Ariana is a transportation planner for the Transportation Agency for Monterey County)
  118. Susan Kent, Monterey County Health Department
  119. Connor Barr, Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca
  120. Henrietta Stern and Fort Ord Recreation Trails Friends
  121. Claudia Meléndez Salinas, School Bytes Blog, Monterey County Herald – intro to Bicycling Monterey
  122. Sarah Sponaugle, Blue Ocean Film Festival 2012
  123. Matthew Sundt and Steve Blum, Velo Club Monterey
  124. Kaki Cheung, Debbie Hale, and Kristen Hoschouer, Transportation Agency for Monterey County
  125. CalBike Report
  126. Paraiso Vineyards
  127. Jackie Pelley, Portola Hotel & Spa—e.g., blog post and events calendar
  128. American College & University Presidents’ Climate Commitment – CSUMB Report
  129. Souza’s Alisal Pharmacy, Salinas
  130. CopyMat of Salinas
  131. Terry Gomez and Omar Chombo, Clinica de Salud del Valle de Salinas
  132. Constantino Lozano, Over the Top Cycling
  133. Bike Shack, Watsonville
  134. Novie Ayson Monterey County Youth Center
  135. Jane Leatham, First Presbyterian Church of Monterey for church notices regarding intergenerational ride
  136. Santa Cruz Pedicab
  137. Stephanie Nelson, Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments
  138. Dena and Tyler Donnell, Naval Postgraduate School Cycling Club
  139. Jeannie Pruitt-Retamoso, Sea Otter Classic
  140. Jeff Lindenthal, Salinas High School Cowboy Racing Mountain Bike Team
  141. Alex Cappelli, Velo Club Monterey
  142. Mark Roth, Sports Center Bicycles, Seaside
  143. Warren Anderson, Stevenson School
  144. Dave & Holly Cycling the Pacific Coast, benefiting leukaemia & lymphoma research
  145. Rita Dalessio and Neil Agron, Ventana Chapter of the Sierra Club, Beyond Oil Campaign
  146. Shawn Carden and Dawn Allen
  147. Jeanie Ward-Waller, Ride America for Safe Routes
  148. NPS Cycling Club re teaching local scouts: Lieutenant Commander Jeremy Clark (USN); Lieutenant Angela Lefler (USN), Public Affairs Officer for the Cycling Club; Major Andy Sheehan (USAF), Club Sponsorships; Captain Nolan Semrau (USAF), Club President; and Lieutenant Matt Mckenzie (USN), Club Vice-President.
  149. NPS Foundation Announcements
  150. Marissa Herold, Bay Bikes
  151. Monterey Bay Blues Festival – Outreach to visitors seeking bike-there tips
  152. Lisa Rike, Monterey Off Road Cycling Association – 2012 Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day
  153. AmeriKen Houwat, Monterey Off Road Cycling Association – HHT outreach on the bikeways
  154. Jeff Richman – AIDS LifeCycle ride
  155. Kathy Richman, for faithfully serving as a research support for bike Salinas tips
  156. Andy Cook, 2012 Bike Week, Transportation Agency for Monterey County
  157. Tim Orr and Jan Stotzer, 2012 Monterey Jazz Festival
  158. Ben Gomberg, Monterey Public Library – Research assistance
  159. Office of Mayor Dennis Donohue – Sharing availability of bicycling resources with City of Salinas website visitors
  160. Jacques Mercadal, the Stunning Image – re Shawn [Carden]
  161. Captain Nolan Semrau (USAF) re Tribute Ride for Captain Alan Poindexter
  162. Andrew Kipsey, Bridge Restoration Ministry
  163. Anna Fahey, Sightline Daily: News & Views for a Sustainable Northwest – “Babes on Bikes II”
  164. Matt de Nesnera of KION
  165. Jacqueline Tualla of KION, for bike safety component in her story about the local 7/31/12 bicycle crash
  166. Applied Solar Energy for sharing news of Bicycling Monterey on their website post about the Castroville fair
  167. Nathan Pierce, for online conversations and otherwise sharing the news about bicycling in Monterey County; and for again serving as bike valet volunteer coordinator for Monterey Jazz Fest
  168. Jeremy Wedlake, NPS Cycling Club – helmet delivery for South County youth 8/15/12 outreach
  169. Lisa Rike, Monterey Off Road Cycling Association (MORCA) – Outreach re Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day
  170. Vera Noghera, Velo Club Monterey – VCM board presentation for South County youth 8/15/12 outreach
  171. Salinas Police Department, for their support of increasing awareness about bike safety and CA bike laws; also to Salinas PAL
  172. Theresia Rogerson of the Santa Cruz County Health Services Agency for passing along news of Bicycling Monterey
  173. Saskia Lucas, coordinator of the first Santa Cruz Open Streets event
  174. Rob and Kath Garcia for outreach to youth
  175. Jan and Cath Valencia of, for mobile mechanic and other assistance to fellow bikers at Salinas Bike Party
  176. Organizers of Salinas Bike Party, who wish to remain anonymous, for building community and initiating new opportunities for enjoying the pleasures of biking Salinas
  177. Tammy Blount and Cree Crawford, for MCCVB’s growing interesting in bicycling
  178. Helen Singley and Ericka Mayorga of Greenfield Village Apartments for welcoming a bicycling presence at the first South County Health & Safety Fair
  179. Claudia Meléndez Salinas, School Bytes Blog, Monterey County Herald, “Back to School:  A new chance to start biking”
  180. Megan Joyce, Monterey Institute of International Studies – MIIS Office of Student Services – 2012 Info Fair
  181. Kelly Violini, Monterey County Fair – Sharing news on FB re the fair’s first bicycle valet service
  182. Sasha Tepedelenova, AMBAG – support for bike safety and biking/alternative transportation outreach
  183. Virginia H. Mendoza – oral translation at East Salinas community gathering
  184. Octavio Gutierrez – affirmation of bike-and-ride for serious cyclists
  185. Helen Singley, Raul Rodriguez, and other Greenfield Rotary Club members
  186. Richard Masoner, Cyclelicious – for steady info and support for people who bike in the Monterey-San Francisco Bay regions and beyond
  187. Community Hospital of the Monterey Peninsula’s Peninsula Wellness Center on Twitter and Facebook
  188. Devin Meheen of Bay Bikes
  189. Mark Kintz
  190. Eric Cushman and the Monterey County Weekly for ongoing recognition of the HER Helmet Thursdays project.
  191. Angela Lefler and the Naval Postgraduate School Cycling Club members, for responding to requests for general bike community support.
  192. Pat Ottone, the Ottone Restaurant Group, for being a charter participant in HER Helmet Thursdays and for continued support
  193. HER Helmet Thursdays participants Hahn Wines, Passionfish, PeterBsBrewpub, and  Portola Hotel, for steadily sharing news about the project on Twitter.
  194. The Monterey Plaza Hotel on behalf of HER Helmet Thursdays participants Cafe La Strada, Schooners, and Vista Blue Spa, for sharing news about the project on Twitter.
  195. Celeste White and White Page Communications for sharing news about Bicycling Monterey and the HER Helmet Thursdays project on Twitter
  196. Lisa Mitchell, the Monterey County Herald, for research support
  197. Larry Parsons, the Monterey County Herald,for coverage on the City of Monterey Multimodal Mobility Plan
  198. League of American Bicyclists and the Alliance for Biking and Walking, for tweeting @HERHelmetThurs news about bike-friendly Monterey County
  199. Lea Davison and Sabra Davison of Little Bellas, for tweeting news about @BikeMonterey and bike-friendly Monterey County
  200. MIIS and MPC for sharing Bicycling Monterey and HER Helmet Thursdays news via Twitter and Facebook
  201. Jeanne Le Page, Ecology Action of Santa Cruz, for helping keep Bicycling Monterey in touch with our neighboring Santa Cruz County’s bike news.
  202. Chris Nelson, for hosting Mari Lynch about Bicycling Monterey and HER Helmet Thursdays on KRML’s 3/27/13 Pub Talk
  203. Henri Stern of Monterey Off Road Cycling Association (MORCA), Angela Lefler of the Naval Postgraduate School Cycling Club, and and Vera Noghera, Velo Club Monterey for serving as club information resources for Bicycling Monterey
  204. Waste Management Monterey for steadily sharing news about Bicycling Monterey and the HER Helmet Thursdays project on Twitter
  205. Cyclelogical for repeatedly tweeting Bicycling Monterey’s news about bike-friendly Monterey County.
  206. Kevin Suess, Normal, IL geography teacher and bike advocate, for repeatedly sharing news about bike-friendly Monterey County
  207. Cody Meyer, AMBAG, for delivering items for bike safety outreach
  208. Dennis Renault, sharing bike news with others
  209. James Serrano, traffic planner, City of Salinas – history and updates on City of Salinas transportation; and again regarding Ciclovia Salinas traffic control plan/detour map
  210. Andy Cook of TAMC, Bicycle Sharing Feasibility updates
  211. Ariana Green of TAMC, Complete Streets assessment info, including Salinas outreach
  212. Rachel Gonzalez, Central Coast Youth Sports Organization – spreading news of the Bicycling Monterey resources in South County
  213. Alan Romero, a planner with Monterey Bay Unified Air Pollution Control District, for highlighting some facts for the bike community about how the work of MBUAPCD impacts bicycling
  214.  Christopher Kidd of Alta Planning in Oakland, board member of the California Bicycle Coalition, for compiling list of 535 local jurisdictions (cities, counties) in California and their sidewalk cycling rules. Kidd’s work shortened Bicycling Monterey’s research time in expanding the sidewalk info in bike laws and safety tips
  215. Richard Masoner of Cyclelicious for highlighting Kidd’s research in the Cyclelicious 11/16/12 sidewalk riding post
  216. Angel Garibaldo, Salinas Valley Chamber, for spreading the word about the joys of biking Salinas
  217. Salinas Californian, for sharing news of the 2013 Intergenerational Ride via their Education Digest (4/15/13, page 2)
  218. Ann O’Rourke, Monterey Bay Unified Air Pollution Control District, for sharing April-May bike community calendar in highlighting Clean Air Month
  219. Richard Masoner of Cyclelicious for helping others find info on 2013 Bike Week/Month activities for Monterey County
  220. Ana Gabriela Ibarra and Natalie Oliver for updates on Ciclovia Salinas
  221. Peter Mounteer, writer, and Marge Ann Jameson, publisher of Cedar Street Times, for Peter’s story, “Intergenerational Bike Ride” (5/3/13, page 15)–and for including the HER Helmet Thursdays project as well
  222. Rachel Zentz of the Salinas Californian for sharing news of the annual Intergenerational Ride in  “Education Digest” (4/15/13) and in “Events Calendar”
  223. Allyson Thommen of the Monterey County Convention and Visitors Bureau for sharing news of the annual Intergenerational Ride in her  “This Weekend’s Top Events” (5/8/13) at; and again for Ciclovia Salinas (10/3/13)
  224. Sharon Gavin, Community Outreach Coordinator, Transportation Agency for Monterey County, for 5/30/13 “Your Town” interview.
  225. State Senator Bill Monning, Breathe California-Central Coast, and the Monterey Bay Unified Air Pollution Control District for honoring Mari Lynch, Bicycling Monterey, and HER Helmet Thursdays for contributions to clean air – and thanks also to nominator Holly Heimer
  226. Brian Stettenbenz, Monterey Plaza Hotel, for spreading news of HER Helmet Thursdays and Bicycling Monterey on Twitter
  227. Tom Cassera, League of American Bicyclists instructor in Santa Cruz County, for sharing news on Twitter, and for general support
  228. Isaiah Bautista, age 6, and dad, Julio, for help preparing bike advocacy materials
  229. Lynn Moimboissee for her video and blog post linked in “11-Mile Fort Ord Ride: Friends of the Fort Ord Warhorse
  230. Claudia Meléndez Salinas, School Bytes Blog, Monterey County Herald, for helping to get the word out about Ciclovía Salinas with her post “Ciclovía coming to Salinas
  231. Garland Thompson, City of Salinas, for serving as an information resource on the Salinas Youth Poet Laureate program
  232. Elise Ehrheart, Ecology Action of Santa Cruz, for follow-up regarding EA link updates for Bicycle Safety Tips for Youth included in Bicycling Monterey’s CA Bike Laws and Safety Tips
  233. Jim Toy, for sharing news of Bicycling Monterey in the Sports & Recreation section of Monterey Peninsula Toy Box
  234. Roddick Guthrie, for sharing news of Bicycling Monterey in the Bicycling Salinas section of Street Smart Salinas
  235. Bookbuyers Monterey, for spreading news about Bicycling Monterey’s Shopping-by-Bike tips
  236. Old Capitol Books, Monterey, for spreading news about Bicycling Monterey’s Shopping-by-Bike tips
  237. Zoe Shoats, Monterey-Salinas Transit, for updates on bike lockers at MST transit centers
  238. Cory Houston, Mechanix, for going the extra mile in supporting the Monterey County Youth Center bike class
  239. Deborah Lynch, CalTrans, for communications on infrastructure work affecting Monterey County bike paths
  240. Elise Ehrheart, Ecology Action of Santa Cruz, for update on TAMC-contracted bike safety events for Monterey County kids
  241. Mary Lauran Hall and Alliance for Biking and Walking, for making available (e.g., to benefit  Ciclovia Salinas) mutual aid calls on coordinating volunteers for Open Streets events
  242. Open Streets Santa Cruz sharing Bicycling Monterey resources on Facebook
  243. Andrew Kipsey, for updates on B2B Ride 2013
  244. Monterey Museum of Art (La Mirada and Pacific)  on Facebook and Twitter, announcing HER Helmet Thursdays
  245. De Tierra Vineyards on Facebook, announcing HER Helmet Thursdays
  246. Deborah Warcken, for spreading the news about Ciclovia Salinas on Facebook
  247. Cheri Miller, Mayor/City Manager’s Office, City of Salinas
  248. Ray Corpuz, City Manager, City of Salinas
  249. Michael Ricker, City of Salinas, for spreading the word about Bicycling Monterey resources; and again for delivering Salinas bike maps for safety outreach
  250. José Eduardo Huerta for extraordinary work on Ciclovia Salinas, including graphic arts
  251. Andrea Manzo, Building Health Communities-East Salinas, for communications regarding Ciclovia Salinas
  252. Ricardo Navarro of KION for coverage about Ciclovia Salinas
  253.  James Serrano, Gary E. Petersen, Robert Russell, and other City of Salinas staff for working hard to evaluate whether City should support Ciclovia Salinas–before reaching their recommendation of YES
  254. City of Salinas Council for fully supporting the first Ciclovia Salinas on 10/6/13, per their 9/24/13 vote
  255. Steve McShane for spreading the word about Ciclovia Salinas resources available on the Bicycling Monterey website.
  256. Karen  Kefauver for spreading the news about Ciclovia Salinas.
  257. Natalie Oliver, Andrea Manzo, Eduardo Huerta, Maria Cardenas, and Ana Gabriela Ibarra for communications regarding Ciclovia Salinas.
  258. And thanks to the many, many individuals and organizations who partnered with Bicycling Monterey and others in doing what we all could to boost Monterey County’s first Open Streets–the youth-led initiative, Ciclovía Salinas! Please see the list of all their names; click here.
  259. Cathy Faber of InterContinental the Clement Monterey,  Todd Wessing of Hotel  Pacific, and Ralph Bozzo of Gino’s Fine Italian for faithfully responding to HER Helmet Thursdays email communication.
  260. Susie Brusa of Rancho Cielo for spreading news on Facebook about Bicycling Monterey’s Bike Salinas tips and Mari’s Salinas Californian commentary on Ciclovia Salinas.
  261. Jane Parker for spreading news on Facebook about Bike Salinas tips.
  262. Monterey County Disability Review for sharing news of Bicycling Monterey’s advocacy for handcycling
  263. Trish Sullivan of Destination Salinas / Salinas 411 for sharing Tips for Bicycling Monterey County with visitors.
  264. Joel Hernandez Laguna for distributing Bicycling Monterey’s bike laws and safety tip fliers for Spanish speakers.
  265. Gerard Ross and others in the Salinas Police Department for consistently positive support for the rights of bicyclists
  266. Darius Rike and Monterey Off Road Cycling Association for merging MORCA’s calendar with Bicycling Monterey’s, saving me alot of time!
  267.  Jose A. Arrollea, Community Alliance for Safety and Peace Future Futuro, for spreading news about Bicycling Monterey resources for youth and their families, via their website
  268. Monterey Contemporaries for spreading the news about HER Helmet Thursdays on Facebook
  269. Point Pinos Grill for spreading news of HER Helmet Thursdays on Facebook
  270. Cycle Tracks Monterey for spreading news of HER Helmet Thursdays 4th anniversary on Facebook
  271. Over the Top Cycling for spreading news of HER Helmet Thursdays–including by suggesting this cool idea
  272. People for Bikes on their blog, for sharing news of Bicycling Monterey in their holiday rides post
  273. Bicycling Magazine, on their site, for sharing news of Bicycling Monterey in their holiday rides story
  274.  Paraiso Vineyards, for spreading the buzz about HER Helmet Thursdays in Soledad
  275. AjY on Foursquare for spreading the buzz in “What’s good here in  Pacific Grove: Toasties is in the HER  Helmet Thursdays project
  276. Sweet Elena’s on Facebook, for spreading the buzz on Facebook that they’re in the HER  Helmet Thursdays project
  277. Hotel Pacific on Facebook, sharing the news that 10 local bike shops are giving prizes to celebrate the 4th anniversary of HER Helmet Thursdays
  278. for referring to Bicycling Monterey’s Spanish resources section
  279. California by Bike tour for plans to benefit Bicycling Monterey; and organizers of the local gathering for creating such a fun evening for the public
  280. Chris Cain of Monterey Bay Racing Team for sharing a heads-up with the bike community regarding Madonna Del Sasso’s bike rodeo (click here)
  281. Sonja Rindermann and Nigel Fuentes, Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca, for sharing info about Bicycling Monterey
  282. Domenico’s on the Wharf, for spreading the buzz on Facebook that they’re in the HER  Helmet Thursdays project
  283. Grant Leonard of the Transportation Agency for Monterey County for press release regarding Transportation Excellence Awards
  284. Barb Chamberlin, executive director of Bicycle Alliance of Washington, for sharing news of Bicycling Monterey re Bikestyle’s list of Women’s Bike Blogs
  285. Austin McInery and Katie Stiyer of National Interscholastic Cycling Association for recognizing Monterey County’s awesome coaches  through #NICAhypehead contest
  286. Team Velo Girls on Facebook
  287. Road Rash Guard on Facebook
  288. Carmel Mission Inn on Facebook and Twitter
  289. Gears 4 Good on Facebook
  290. Mike Samuelson, Open Streets Project
  291. Mary Lauran Hall, Alliance for Biking and Walking, which selected Mari Lynch, Bicycling Monterey as a finalist for the 2014 Susie Stephens Joyful Enthusiasm award
  292. Holly Heimer, Laurel Thomsen, and Sandi Laney for nominating Mari, named a finalist, for the Alliance for Biking & Walking  (scroll down)
  293. Isaac M, organizer, Monterey Bay Outdoor League Meetup, for sharing info about Bicycling Monterey and HER Helmet Thursdays (and folks, if you want to share fliers with others–which is how Isaac got the info–click here)
  294. Fisherman’s Wharf/Wharf I, for sharing the news via weblink
  295. Ann McGrath and Eric Palmer of the City of Monterey – Amgen Stage 4, May 2014 promotion – website resources section
  296. National Bike Summit 2014 #nbs14 advocates on Twitter for sharing many @bikemonterey and @herhelmetthurs ideas
  297. TAMC Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Advisory Board members for sharing news of Bicycling Monterey site and projects via meetings and in the community
  298. Steve Lynch, Floann Younker, and  E. J. Lynch, for interest and encouragement about the Bicycling Monterey work
  299. Liz Soto, Deputy City Clerk, City of Salinas, for facilitating communications with city officials about expanding biking ops in Salinas
  300. Emily Glanville of Ecology Action, Santa Cruz, for including Monterey County in regional links on the Santa Cruz Bike Links page
  301. Jaime Rios, Public Information Officer of California High Patrol’s Monterey office, for supporting public education regarding  CA’s Three-Foot Passing legislation, and for reaching out about how CHP can support Bike Month safety activities
  302. Alex Cappelli for being a steadfast bike community supporter, including as a resource person gathering info for bike film fest
  303. Faith Torgensen, Museum of Monterey, for helping keep MoM staff apprised of HER Helmet Thursdays participation
  304. Nancy Selfridge, City Council, City of Monterey and Udo Rehfeldt for news about the Monterey Bicycling Film Festival
  305. Cyclelogical, for shout-outs on Facebook and Twitter about the Monterey County Youth Center bike class
  306. Jeff Lindenthal for info on the CA State High School MTB Championships and updates on the Salinas High Cowboys
  307. Jade Stephens for info on the Menstrual X Cycles
  308. Cody Meyer of AMBAG for delivering Cycle Tracks resources to be shared at bike community events
  309. KUSP for 5th anniversary shout-out to Bicycling Monterey on Twitter
  310. Don Chapin III for communications regarding Salinas race events
  311. Victor Kong of Star Market for being a great community supporter, including a drop-off and pick-up point for Bike Month posters
  312. Dennis Duke for updates on New Monterey bike infrastructure news
  313. Marge Ann Jameson of Cedar Street Times for tweeting Bicycling Monterey news, including about the 2014 Intergenerational Ride
  314. City of Monterey for tweeting @bikemonterey news
  315. City of Salinas for tweeting @bikemonterey news
  316. City of Pacific Grove for tweeting @bikemonterey news
  317. Monterey Public Library for sharing Bicycling Monterey resources via library lobby bulletin board
  318. Kimberly Brown, on-call staff at City of Monterey Casanova Oak Knolls, for info exchanges re bike repair class
  319. Bob Shanteau for sharing resources on roundabouts
  320. Jake Scott of Bike Fetish for referral leading to contribution to students of Youth Center bike class
  321. Carrie Crook of The Wharf Marketplace for invitation to participate in Earth Day event, and for sharing information about Bike Month
  322. All the unnamed individuals who helped distribute Bike Month posters to more remote locations in the county
  323. Sarah Murer of People for Bikes for follow-ups re bike safety and advocacy outreach materials
  324. Interbike, for sharing Bicycling Monterey tips about IBD Summit and Bicycle Leadership Conference on Facebook
  325. City of Monterey Communications Office, for sharing news about HER Helmet Thursdays on Facebook
  326. London Bridge Pub, for sharing news about HER Helmet Thursdays on Facebook – “Commercial Wharf II says: It’s unanimous!”
  327. Tom Kabat for reaching out with encouraging words
  328. Gordon and Terri Babbitt, David Craft, and other parents for brightening everyone’s day by bringing their children to the Intergenerational Bike Ride; and Natalie Oliver for likewise brightening our day by bringing her parents and grandparents!
  329. Samantha Harrison, Residence Inn Salinas, for spreading news about HER Helmet Thursdays and other Salinas biking info on Twitter
  330. Salinas City Council Member Jose Castañeda for sharing Bicycling Monterey news and resources on Twitter.
  331. Lt. Jeff Jackson of City of Monterey Police Department for sharing some additional bicycle security links for Bicycling Monterey’s bike security section.
  332. Kristen Osland, Natividad Medical Center employee (with a focus on community outreach to help with the effects of criminal violence, and to reduce bicycle and pedestrian related injuries), for sharing news about Bicycling Monterey site and projects
  333. Leo Kodl, avid cyclist and Defense Language Institute employee, for his steady encouragement, since the first year, about the value of the Bicycling Monterey website; and for being a source of helpful info about recumbents!
  334. Larry Imwalle of Action Council for sharing Bicycling Monterey news via Twitter
  335. Dorrie Coman, Porter Youth Center Facility Director, for inviting Mari/Bicycling Monterey to share info at the Youth Center’s Bike Month rodeo; and Daniel Saia, PYC employee, for his welcome too
  336. Richard Dobias on behalf of Keith DeFiebre and Central Coast CycloCross, for submitting CCCX events for Bicycling Monterey’s calendar
  337. Tracey and James Lawrence of Monterey Bay Composite Team for updates on the team
  338. Molly K. Smith, Auxiliary President for American Legion Post 589, for info about their lowrider bike show
  339. Jeffrey Ernest of, for extra support on the 3rd Annual Intergenerational Ride
  340. Ariana Green of TAMC for research assistance regarding local infrastructure
  341. Kristi K. Burns, principal of Dr. Martin Luther King, Jr. Academy, East Salinas, for follow-up regarding bike helmet giveaways
  342. Laurel Burchfield, Transportation for Michigan Coordinator, for sharing news about Bicycling Monterey via a 6/27/14 T4M blog post
  343. Roberto Robledo, senior writer for the Salinas Californian, for arranging a news brief about the need for volunteers for Monterey County Youth Center bike class
  344. Kera Abraham, assistant editor of the Monterey County Weekly, for connecting bike advocates, helping to increase the effectiveness of Monterey County bike advocacy
  345. Sergeant Gerard Ross and Sergeant Bryan Cupak of Salinas Police Department for above-and-beyond patrol service assisting people who bike
  346. Peter Fox of Kryptonite for his prompt, helpful response to a request for bike security equipment for a teen who had graduated Monterey County Youth Center bike class
  347. MacGregor Eddy, “We Could Car Less” columnist for the Californian, for sharing news of Bicycling Monterey site and projects
  348. Kenneth Chrisman of MORCA for communications regarding  proposal for a pump track at Toro Park
  349. Maria Osorio of MIIS for supporting the sharing of bike info at the annual MIIS info fair
  350. Traci and Tony Williams for being on the alert for Youth Center bike class volunteers
  351. Michael Fechter and Tia Sukin for communication regarding outreach to homeless
  352. Sasha Tepedelenova of AMBAG for updates on Emergency Ride Home program
  353. Ariana Green of TAMC for updates on misc projects
  354. Ariana Green of TAMC and Rich Deal of City of Monterey for follow-up regarding confusing lane marking at Mark Thomas and Aguajito, Monterey
  355. James Serrano for prompt response to query about viability of ghost bike or other lasting memorial to honor Adrian Garcia
  356. Mirna Jaime Acuna on Facebook
  357. SoCal High School Cycling League on Facebook
  358. Debbie Hale of TAMC for support of the work of Bicycling Monterey, and copyright law, by requesting permission to reuse of Bicycling Monterey photos
  359. Allyson Thommen of the Monterey County Convention and Visitors Bureau for careful attention to the guest post on their blog about Ciclovia Salinas
  360. Jim Wrona for supporting the helpfulness of the Master Calendar for Bicycling Monterey County with his annual updates on Critical Christmas
  361. Ameriken of MORCA for tweaks and general tending of MORCA calendar, supporting helpfulness of Master Calendar for Bicycing Monterey County
  362. Marlo Mendoza of Monterey County Youth Center for sufficiently advance notice to bike class volunteers regarding mandatory trainings
  363. Richard Gray, Patty Esparza, and Marlo Mendoza for meeting with Luciano Rodriguez and Mari Lynch toward a successful third year of Youth Center bike class
  364. Kathleen Novoa, Big Sur Kate, for helpful input about our Big Sur coast and the impact of the new Three Feet for Safety law
  365. Jeff Lindenthal for the heads-up, and Jeff Wriedt for helpful input about the KC Fontes benefit Twilight Ride
  366. Susan Benjaram for updates on Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day for 2014 and 2015
  367. Kenneth Chrisman for info on potential pump track for Toro Park
  368. Steve McShane for info on the biking Historical Tour in Salinas
  369. Open Streets Project for sharing resources about Ciclovia Salinas
  370. Community Foundation for Monterey County for sharing resources about Ciclovia Salinas
  371. Return of the Natives Restoration Project for sharing resources about Ciclovia Salinas
  372. Alex Magana, Marina Police Department school resources officer, for reach-out about Marina Bike Rodeo
  373. Jairo Hernandez of Monterey County Health Department/Safe Routes to School for including Bicycling Monterey in the Health in All Policies Summit 2014 in Seaside
  374. Dennis Taylor of the Salinas Californian for reference to Mari’s sidewalk riding information in his 9/29/14 “Salinas Drivers: So much mayhem, so little time”
  375. Bike 2 Work Nevada for sharing on Facebook Mari’s sidewalk tips
  376. Bike SoMi (South Miami, FL) for sharing on Facebook a link to Mari’s tips for college students
  377. Truckee Meadows Bicycle Alliance/Bike Washoe on Facebook
  378. Jack Long and Janet Long, for being local–and touring–roll/role models and sharing their inspiring story with media
  379. Mark Anderson of Monterey County Weekly for updates on Monterey County restaurants and other businesses and organizations participating in the HER Helmet Thursdays project
  380. Areli Carreón of Bicitekas and Maria Sipin of Multicultural Communities for Mobility for teaming up with Mari to share multicultural and multilingual resources on an Alliance for Biking & Walking mutual aid call; and Brighid O’Keane of the Alliance for inviting this presentation
  381. Andrew Kipsey for his very helpful same-day heads-up when a video update resulted in a broken link
  382. MacGregor Eddy and Dennis Taylor of the Salinas Californian for bringing up important bike law and safety topics, including sidewalk riding
  383. Roberto Robledo, senior writer for the Salinas Californian, for his profile of Luciano Rodriguez, coordinator of the Monterey County Youth Center bike class; also translated and published in El Sol, “Excelencia en el ámbito del ciclismo de Salinas
  384. Erik Cushman, Publisher, and the Monterey County Weekly for supporting the 5th Anniversary of The HER Helmet Thursdays Project by discounting a full-page ad in the Monterey County Weekly; click here
  385. Eleven locally owned bicycle shops for celebrating the 5th Anniversary of The HER Helmet Thursdays Project by purchasing a full-page ad in the Monterey County Weekly; click here
  386. Juan Quintana for tech support re 5th anniversary poster
  387. Steve Benes of Gears 4 Good for responding to heads-up about a local youth in need of a bke
  388. Chris Pia of California Highway Patrol for outreach regarding bike law and safety in Pebble Beach, on behalf of the Del Monte Forest Property Owners Association and the Pebble Beach Community Services District; see Bicycling Monterey’s reminders here
  389. Nicholas Takashi Santana for communications about Clash of the Mallets, Monterey County’s first bike polo tournament
  390. Grant Leonard and Ariana Green, Transportation Agency for Monterey County, for communications about TAMC’s 2015 Bicycle Secure Program
  391. Julie Armstrong of Big Sur International Marathon for being available as a bike info resource at Monterey Bay Region Economic Summit
  392. Bud Colligan of Monterey Bay Economic Partnership for communications on Twitter
  393. Dave Crozier of the Monterey County Sheriff’s Department and Safe Kids Monterey program
  394. Penny Butler for website feedback
  395. Steve McShane, Salinas City Council Member for District 3,  for interest in the pros and cons of sidewalk riding
  396. Eric Petersen, chair, TAMC Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee, for update regarding City of Salinas Bicycle Committee, and for submitting info for the bike calendar
  397. Ron Dillender, principal,  Lincoln Elementary School, Salinas, for update about cycling club
  398. Maria Montiel, Transportation Agency for Monterey County, for monthly communications to bike-ped committee members and others
  399. City of Monterey tweeter for informative City Council meeting tweets and for sharing Bicycling Monterey tips on Twitter
  400. Anna Herrera of Pajaro Middle School for communication about PMS and Bicycling Monterey resources
  401. Rosemary Hernandez, Child Development Coordinator, Pajaro Valley Unified School District-Pajaro Family Resource Center, for forwarding communications to Pajaro Middle School student council members
  402. Austin McInery of National Interscholastic Cycling Association for communications regarding Salinas High student K.C.Fontes, winner of GU Extraordinary Courage Award, and for steady Twitter communications with @bikemonterey
  403. Roberto Robledo of the Californian, Sherry Chandler of Doug Chandler Performance, and Jan Valencia of Cycle Stop Honda for partnering up in securing extra copies of K.C. Fontes Californian story
  404. KION on Facebook
  405. Prunedale Improvement Project on Facebook
  406. Carey Beebe of Carey Beebe Harpsichords for helpful input about a confusing bike lane arrow on Mark Thomas Drive
  407. Laura Vidaurri of Fort Ord Reuse Authority ESCA remediation program for sharing news of the Bicycling Monterey resources on Twitter
  408. Hank Armstrong, Monterey Bay Aquarium, for sharing news with staff about Bicycling Monterey resources
  409. Sarah-Mae Nelson, Monterey Bay Aquarium, for communications on Twitter–and for her leadership in climate change education and literacy
  410. Rich Masoner, Cyclelicous, for tracking down PDFs about biking near trucks and buses (remedying broken links)
  411. Donna Zirwes and Allyson Thommen of Monterey County Convention and Visitors Bureau, for sharing Bicycling Monterey resources at MCCVB’s Sea Otter Classic booth
  412. Steve Benes of for sharing Bicycling Monterey resources at Gears 4 Good’s  Sea Otter Classic booth, and also for creating a new mini from one of the posters
  413. Kristen Spencer, Natividad Medical Center employee (with a focus on community outreach to help with the effects of criminal violence, and to reduce bicycle and pedestrian related injuries), for facilitating support for bike safety outreach (see List of Contributors of Project Supplies)
  414. Theresa Wright, Transportation Agency for Monterey County, for writing and distributing a 2015 press release about the 4th Annual Intergenerational Ride
  415. James Serrano, traffic planner for City of Salinas, for his leadership, shown by responding affirmatively to our encouragement to be among the small group of attending the first Caltrans-hosted Class IV bikeways summit in Sacramento
  416. Virginia Murillo of the Transportation Agency for Monterey County for being available as a bilingual contact person for TAMC, including for contact regarding Bicycle Secure Program, Wayfinding project, and Bicycle Map update
  417. Maria Montiel of TAMC for communications with bike-ped committee members and interested members of the public
  418. Dominic Lucchesi of Hostelling International, Monterey branch, for reach-out about Bike Travel 101, a Bike Month 2015 event
  419. Zoe Shoats, MST, for confirming MST details (a bike-and-ride option) for the Intergenerational Ride for Bike Month 2015
  420. Kevin Smith, Director of New Media, Monterey County Weekly, for his extra dedication to publishing accurate information
  421. Sierra Dehmler for sharing the League of American Bicyclists (AKA Bike League) 5/11/15 blog post,  #WhyIRide – “Seeing the World Anew” with her online social circles. This League blog post featured Mari’s “We’re All Heroes on This Bus,” first broadcast on KUSP 9/6/09. Sierra and the others listed directly below are especially appreciated for voluntarily helping as Bicycling Monterey’s “online street team.”  Bicycling Monterey is not on Facebook, Instagram, and other online social sites, with the exception of Twitter. Having volunteers who help with online social outreach frees up more of Mari’s hours for the many other Bicycling Monterey tasks. Thank you!
  422. Paula Ross for sharing “Seeing the World Anew” with her online social circles
  423. Laurel Thomsen for sharing “Seeing the World Anew” with her online social circles
  424. Dan Frechette for sharing “Seeing the World Anew” with his online social circles
  425. Charlotte Rozier Manis  for sharing “Seeing the World Anew” with her online social circles
  426. Anneke Prins  for sharing “Seeing the World Anew” with her online social circles
  427. Blessed Earth for sharing “Seeing the World Anew” with their online social circles
  428. Bettina Hotelling for sharing “Seeing the World Anew” with her online social circles
  429. Ray Napolitano for sharing “Seeing the World Anew” with his online social circles
  430. Larry Pizzi for sharing “Seeing the World Anew” with his online social circles
  431. Cammie Essad Lynch for sharing “Seeing the World Anew” with her online social circles
  432. Transportation Agency for Monterey County, Prunedale Improvement Project, and San Juan Road Interchange Project for sharing “Seeing the World Anew” with their online social circles
  433. Nathan Pierce for sharing “Seeing the World Anew” with his online social circles
  434. Sandi Laney for sharing “Seeing the World Anew” with her online social circles
  435. Salinas City Council members José Castañeda (District 1), Tony Barrera (District 2), and Steve McShane (District 3) for their leadership and enthusiasm in proclaiming May 2015 as Bike Month in the City of Salinas
  436. Monterey City Council for proclaiming May 2015 as Bike Month in the City of Monterey (tip of the helmet to @cityofmonterey and Council member @haffaalan on Twitter for their responsiveness to @bikemonterey’s suggestion)
  437. MacGregor Eddy for her ongoing community outreach and bike advocacy via her “We Could Car Less” column in the  Californian, including her 5/24/15 column about Monterey County Youth Center bike class
  438. Bernard Green, CSUMB transportation outreach coordinator, for info about the 5/30 “bike skillz” training at CSUMB
  439. Raj Bergundy for reaching out about the 1st anniversary memorial ride for Adrian Garcia
  440. Sgt Gerard Ross of Salinas Police Department for extra courtesy and support extended to the bike community on 1st anniversary memorial ride for Adrian Garcia
  441. Ariana Green of TAMC for posts to the master bike calendar
  442. Devin Meheen, Jason Burnett, and Victoria Beach for responding to questions about the proposed Rio Road bike lanes; and Nick of Bay Bikes for follow-up communication
  443. Joel Pablo of the Clerk of the Board’s office, Monterey County Board of Supervisors, for replies and follow-up communications
  444. David Hober and Jordin Tucker of the Monterey Police Department for distributing to PD staff bike law summary fliers in Spanish and English, including for National Night Out
  445. Michael Moore and Jesucita Robles of the Monterey County Sheriff’s Office for their interest in bike law summary fliers and other bicycling resources
  446. Armando Mendoza and Raul Garcia of the Greenfield Police Department for their interest in bike law summary fliers and other bicycling resources
  447. Andrew Breault, Executive Administrator of the Del Monte Shopping Center, for surveying changes of the DMSC’s bike rack locations
  448. Mark Kaufmann and Velo Club Monterey for merging VCM’s calendar with Bicycling Monterey’s, saving me alot of time
  449. Amy Naranjo and Cory Caletti of Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commision for sharing Bicycling Monterey resources with Cruz511 website users
  450. Scott Clegg, Marina Police Department, for communications regarding bicycle safety and law enforcement
  451. Diane Solomon, radio host for sharing Bicycling Monterey resources with KKUP-Cupertino listeners via her on-air interview with Mari
  452. Erik Thurmann of Castroville branch, Monterey County Free Libraries for photos of display featuring new bike-related items contributed to the library in appreciation for the work of Bicycling Monterey
  453. Ann Bixler and David Hart, Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca, for communications regarding Amgen 2016 in Monterey County
  454. Jennifer Butz, director, Monterey County Probation Department Youth Center, for facilitating scheduling of dates for Bicycling Monterey’s new in 2015 bike ed gatherings added to the YC’s bike education program
  455. Wendy Booher and Jeannie Pruitt-Retamoso for communications regarding 2016 Sea Otter Classic
  456. Keith DeFiebre for social media shout-outs
  457. Doris Chen for serving as a role model (including in video) of people who bike as part of their commitment to Earth Stewardship
  458. Victor Henry of Monterey Public Library for serving as an especially helpful information resource for library patrons looking for bike maps and other bicycling info
  459. Felicia Aguilar and Ali Manouchehrizadeh, co-hosts for 6/20/16 “Alza Tu Voz / Speak Out” program on Radio Bilingüe, for interviewing Jerry Ramos and Mari Lynch on bike topics; and producer, host, and youth radio coordinator Jesús (“Chui”) Ramírez
  460. Eliana Coronel for communications regarding the Third Annual Adrian Garcia Memorial Bike Ride
  461. Judith Pacheco of Indigenous Interpreting + for facilitating provision of bicycles for two South County II+ team members
  462. Steve Blum for outreach, and for ticklers on infrastructure issues
  463. Ted Rogers of Biking in LA for the kind shout-outs on social media and for linking to Bicycling Monterey on his blog
  464. Rich Masoner of Cyclelicious for numerous links to and shout-outs about Bicycling Monterey
  465. Renee and Ty Hardenstein for numerous kindnesses
  466. Lynn Hamilton for sharing many Bicycling Monterey links on Facebook
  467. Edith Frederick for being the first person (and as of 5/1/17, thus far the only) person to set up an automatic monthly contribution to support the Bicycling Monterey work
  468. Chris Flescher for encouraging words, including shout-outs on social media
  469. Geoff Arnold for encouraging words and spreading the news, including on social media and out on the bikeways
  470. Susan Merfeld, Community Affairs Director, Pebble Beach Company for helpful response to someone’s question about temporary signage
  471. Royal Calkins, whose own work inspired Bicycling Monterey’s post “Sharing Monterey County Parks and Other Public Lands: Administration, Care, and Use.”
  472. Richard Masoner of Cyclelicious and Karl of Alpha Roaming for pointing out the March 16-22, 2018 cover story in the Carmel Pine Cone. See Carmel Confusion: Part II.
  473. Cath Tendler-Valencia, organizing list for HER Helmet Thursday database updates
  474. Sean Roney, besides helping with HER Helmet Thursdays database updates, Sean’s support for bike advocacy includes sharing Bicycling Monterey news on social media too.
  475. Detox, a member of Los Angeles groups Night Riders and the Mountain Riders Bicycle Club of LA, for a video interview 
  476. Pico de Gallo, for a video interview in Spanish
  477. Monterey Museum of Art, for video interview about the HER Helmet Thursdays Project 
  478. Portola Hotel & Spa, for video interview about the HER Helmet Thursdays Project 
  479. Alvarado Street Brewery, for video interview about the HER Helmet Thursdays Project 
  480. Monterey Hotel, for video interview about the HER Helmet Thursdays Project
  481. MYO Pure Frozen Yogurt, for video interview about the HER Helmet Thursdays Project =
  482. Karen Loutzenheiser, art director for the Monterey County Weekly, for recognizing the beauty of the new Castroville bridge
  483. Lawrence Denis Freitas of Aptos for contacting us with input on transportation needs for Pajaro and Castroville, which we referred to Transportation Agency for Monterey County
  484. Linda Khamoushian, senior policy advocate, California Bicycle Coalition, for reach-out regarding Bicycling Monterey support for SB 127

  485. Robin Lucas of Off the Chain for headsup about the first Discovery Classic in San Benito County

  486. Sandra Degnan of the Monterey County Probation Department Youth Center for assistance in preparing instructional handouts for Youth Center Bike Nights

  487. Dawn Mathes of Pebble Beach Company for response regarding biking Pebble Beach concerns
  488. Timothy Orr of the Monterey Jazz Festival for updating MJF bike-related information
  489. Elvira Molina for inaugural Ciclovia Gonzales information
  490. Lisa Rheinheimer of MST for prompt attention to broken South County link on the MST site
  491. Ryan Cronk of South County Newspapers for his enthusiasm for sharing information about bicycling safety and local ordinances
  492. Frank Henderson for manuscript review
  493. Alejandra for 2018 (6th annual) Ciclovia Salinas info
  494. Tim David for reach-out about him possibly organizing an e-bike group
  495. Cath Tendler-Valencia for response to request for updates on local recumbent ride groups
  496. Don Parslow of MV Transportation for info related to Standdown for Homeless Veterans transportation
  497. Roslyn Springer for reach-outs about high school mountain bike teams
  498. Todd Roberts for updates about the Monterey Bay Lightfighters
  499. Tyller Williamson for taking time to research bicycling issues affecting the City of Monterey and other parts of Monterey County
  500. Michele Lamelin of Epicenter Cycling for helping to get the word out about Ciclovia Salinas need for barricade volunteers
  501. Danielle Shillcock for assisting with updating PDF of local Open Streets etiquette
  502. for their kind Nov 2019 newsletter mention of the Bicycling Monterey work
  503. Mateos Lozano and Sunrise Movement Salinas for spreading the word about Bicycling Monterey’s activities, and how they’re one way to act on climate
  504. Monica S. Muñoz, executive assistant and Supervisor John M. Phillips (Monterey County District 2), for advocacy regarding 2020 maintenance of Castroville’s bike-ped bridges
  505. Mark Kaufmann, president, Velo Club Monterey, for responding to our request by updating Bicycling Monterey links on VCM website
  506. Henrietta Stern, secretary, Monterey Off Road Cycling Association, for responding to our request for MORCA webmaster to update links
  507. Jeff Frost of Sea Otter Classic for responding to our request on behalf of U.K. residents interested in racing at SOC and what licenses may be required by SOC
  508. Kevin Claxton, development associate for California Bicycle Coalition for communication regarding CalBike Dream Ride
  509. Christopher Blevins for contacting us about the Monterey County Youth Center bike program we launched in 2012 and an Outride matching-funds grant opportunity
  510. Connie Spreen and Rebecca Connie of Experimental Station for responding to our request for providing video file of “Stay in Your Lane” for use in virtual class for Monterey County Probation Department Youth Center
  511. Old Monterey Business Association for link to Bicycling Monterey in their blog post about an annual holiday season bike ride
  512. Rachel Duchak, Morning Edition host and producer, Central Coast Public Radio KCBXfm, for social media shout-outs about “inspiring @bikemonterey”
  513. Andrea Renny, traffic engineer, City of Monterey, for responding to communication regarding infrastructure concerns
  514. Sean Roney for headsup about confirmed date for Ciclovia Soledad, media stories about Greenfield Community Science Workshop’s bike repair workshops, etc.
  515. Rod Judd of People for Bikes for communication about PFB website
  516. David Rodriguez Munoz of the Salinas Californian for responding to our request for translation of a Californian article for El Sol
  517. Mark Dennin of Congressional Rep Jimmy Panetta’s office, for contacting us regarding proposed e-bike rebate legislation, and Hillary Marston of that office for follow-up communication
  518. Gina Cole and Grace Voss of Santa Cruz County for agreeing to rep the Monterey Bay in a Bike League Summit virtual meeting
  519. Jim Shivers, public information officer, Caltrans District 5, for responding to our request to update Caltrans website about Active Transportation Program public outreach survey
  520. Jesus Ramirez / Chuey of Radio Bilingue for link to Safe Routes to School talk shown on “Speak Out”
  521. Marley Blonsky for communication regarding efforts she, Kailey Cornhauser, and Shimano are making to help the bike industry and bike communities become more size inclusive
  522. Jaki Canterbury of Slow Fiber, Monterey for communication about skirt guards
  523. Monterey County Supervisor Wendy Root Askew, City of Monterey Council Members Tyller Williams and Alan Haffa, City of Seaside Council Member Jon Wizard, and other elected officials who share on Twitter info from Bicycling Monterey, California Bicycle Coalition, etc. 
  524. Abby Ostovar for communication regarding City of Monterey bicycling infrastructure and related issues
  525. Andrew Kipsey for update on The Bridge Restoration Ministry’s benefit ride for 2021
  526. Andrew Liu for pointing us to some specific statutes on California traffic law, in response to our request
  527. Pam Marino of Monterey County Weekly for her pandemic-related health news, as a reliable local information resource that Bicycling Monterey and others can share with confidence
  528. Sara Rubin, editor, Monterey County Weekly for keeping her finger on the pulse of local bike news, and sharing  some of that with MCW readers
  529. Amanda Preece for sharing Bicycling Monterey info on Twitter
  530. Jack Holmgren for sharing Bicycling Monterey info on Twitter
  531. Paola Berthoin for infrastructure advocacy on Hwy 1, Carmel area; Carmel Valley Road; and elsewhere
  532. Natalie Popovich for communications regarding Pacific Grove and other Monterey County bicycling infrastructure and related issues
  533. Martin Wegenstein for communications regarding District 5 and other Monterey County bicycling infrastructure and related issues
  534. Michael Hulfactor for infrastructure advocacy regarding Upper Hatton Road, Carmel
  535. Kevin Dayton for sharing bike-related alerts on Twitter
  536. Jissella Duarte, librarian, City of Salinas, for communications regarding Sean Briscoe’s bike-related presentation and video 
  537. Kim Cole, community development director for City of Monterey, for her attention to Bicycling Monterey’s concerns about measures needed to encourage bicycling while still ensuring safety with regard to development of new hotel at 2101 North Fremont Street, Monterey
  538. Peter Smith for contacting us about used bike equipment he had available to donate; we referred him to Veterans Transition Center, allowing veterans to benefit
  539. Jose Miguel Sanchez, assistant engineer with Monterey County Department of Public Works, Facilities, and Parks for his responsiveness regarding concerns about traffic speeds on Salinas Rd in Pajaro
  540. Jessica Perez, Chronic Disease Prevention coordinator, Monterey County Health Department, for flyers about the Greenfield Community Science Workshop’s bike workshops
  541. Sandy Degnan, Monterey County Probation Department Youth Center, for updates on pandemic restrictions at the Youth Center
  542. Frank Henderson for updates on his bike-related community activities during the pandemic 
  543. Andrew Easterling, traffic engineer, City of Salinas, for updates about traffic-related commissions and committees
  544. Bryan Hance and Lily Williams of Bike Index for communications regarding the service provided by nonprofit Bike Index
  545. Jung Hwa Kim for sharing info about Bicycling Monterey with Pacific Grove officials and others
  546. David Rivera, community outreach via flier distribution 
  547. Amanda Preece, outreach via retweeting @bikemonterey tweets
  548. Matt Hess, outreach via retweeting @bikemonterey tweets 
  549. Bike Santa Cruz County, outreach via retweeting @bikemonterey tweets
  550. Martha Boyd, outreach via retweeting @bikemonterey tweets
  551. Sam Winter, outreach via retweeting @bikemonterey tweets
  552. Claudia Melendez Salinas, outreach via retweeting @bikemonterey tweets
  553. Kathleen Jones, outreach via retweeting @bikemonterey tweets
  554. BJ Wishinsky, outreach via retweeting @bikemonterey tweets
  555. Kera Abraham, outreach via retweeting @bikemonterey tweets
  556. Biking in LA, outreach via retweeting @bikemonterey tweets
  557. Luis Alejo, outreach via retweeting @bikemonterey tweets
  558. Michael DeLapa, outreach via retweeting @bikemonterey tweets
  559. Evelyn Contreras-Lozano, outreach via retweeting @bikemonterey tweets
  560. Epic Magenheim, designing and distributing bookmarks about biking and the Bicycling Monterey resources
  561. City Manager Steve Adams of King City for his prompt response to our call requesting information
  562. Nathalie Gomez, sharing Bicycling Monterey flyers at the California Bicycle Summit
  563. Ikuyo Yoneda-López of Monterey-Salinas Transit, for responding to our questions in May 2024
  564. Eziequel Camberos, sharing posters and fliers in Salinas
If you’ve volunteered time on any of Bicycling Monterey’s bike advocacy projects and your name is not yet included on this list, please phone Bicycling Monterey. We’d like to add you to this this acknowledgements page! Gracias.

Bicycling Monterey “Street Team”

This is a grassroots effort, and those who share the news with others are making a vital contribution.  We appreciate everyone sharing the good news via such methods as:
  • telling others the old-fashioned way (which never goes out of style), by word-of-mouth
  • keeping mini-fliers in their purse, pocket, pack, or panniers so they have something at hand to pass along to folks they’re chatting withscreen-shot-2016-10-12-at-8-49-54-pm
  • sharing links via online social sites, such as Facebook and Twitter
  • displaying posters or fliers

Contact Bicycling Monterey for tips on how to help.

Derrick Chao and Kyle Ingebretson of the San Francisco Bay Area just learned about the Bicycling Monterey resources and the HER Helmet Thursdays Project.

Taqueria Del Mar was one of the first 100 participants in HER Helmet Thursdays.

* * * * *

If you found information on this site valuable, please consider making a contribution to help maintain and expand these resources.  Even the smallest contribution is meaningful and appreciated.

Click here for ways to contribute and FAQs.

Thank you,

Mari Lynch, Founder, Bicycling Monterey