Inspiring and empowering more people to bike, since 2009
1 minute read time
More people bicycling benefits everyone—even people who don’t bike!
More people biking reduces carbon emissions and traffic congestion, improves public health, strengthens communities, boosts economies, and cultivates JOY.
Bicycling Monterey, founded 2009, is Information Hub for Biking Monterey County and local partner of the California Bicycle Coalition. Bicycling Monterey also provides inspiration and resources for people who bike anywhere!

In the video below, see people biking in 2024 and prior, set to “We’re All Heroes,” a 2009 public radio message by the founder on what led to Bicycling Monterey being launched that year. Then be a bike advocacy hero: Help inspire and empower more people to bike: Make a donation to support the Bicycling Monterey work. Or phone us about contributing project supplies or volunteer time.
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See what people say about the Bicycling Monterey site and projects—comments from bike advocates, Monterey County residents, people who live outside Monterey County, transportation professionals and municipal leaders, media professionals, and participants in project Alternative to Fine for Traffic Citations.
Bicycling Monterey is a grassroots volunteer effort with a shoestring budget (see total donations since 2009). Imagine how much more could be accomplished with more donations! Please pitch in; make a donation now, in any amount. Questions? See FAQs. Thank you!