Contact / Subscribe / Social Media, etc.


☎️ Phone calls

  1. You are welcome to phone any day or hour that is convenient for you.
  2. Voice calls only (no texts). Phone 831.375.6278.  Please note the following.
  3. We’re happy to pick up your call immediately if we’re available and either of the following apply:
    🚲 caller ID displays a name or number we recognize; or
    🚲 a real person (not a robot) is in the process of leaving a message.
  4. If we don’t pick up immediately and you’d like a return call, please leave your name, a callback number with a United States area code, and a message indicating the general nature of your call. Thank you.
  5. If you do not receive a callback, perhaps your callback number or message were unclear, or there was a technical failure. Please feel free to call again. You may also want to check that your voicemail is set up to receive messages and is not full.
  6. Kindly note: If you choose not to leave a message, no problem. However, be aware that our system may assume a caller leaving no message is a spam risk and may block your number from reaching us in the future. To prevent your number being blocked, leave at least a short message, e.g., “No need for a call-back, but we’re not a spammer and may want to call again sometime.”

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🚲 If  your circumstances allow, please help support the Bicycling Monterey work with a donation. For how to donate and FAQs, click here. Thank you.🚲 

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🧑🏽‍💻 Email

  • Established email correspondents: Those of you who have already been communicating with us by email are welcome to continue emailing us your updates and other communications.
  • Donors: If you choose to include an email (or postal mail) address with your donation, we are happy to send you a written acknowledgement, as indicated in the FAQs.
  • All others: We sincerely welcome you to phone us with your questions anytime. (We wish that our available time allowed responding to new inquiries via email; unfortunately, it doesn’t.)
  • Follow ups to phone conversations: Again, we welcome phone calls. After we’ve spoken, occasionally a follow up by email makes sense, for mutual ease; please feel free to ask.
  • If you prefer emailing to phoning, and you have a general question about bicycling in Monterey Countysomething not specific to the Bicycling Monterey website and projects—consider emailing one of the other Monterey County bicycling resources.

📪💌 Postal mail

 Postal address:
Mari Lynch
Founder, Bicycling Monterey
PO Box 3041
Monterey, CA 93942-3041

Social Media

(1) Communicating via online social media (OSM):
Our social media accounts have notifications set to “off,” so replies may be delayed. Also, replies to social media communications cannot be promised. Phone calls are welcome anytime!
(2) Following on social media:
Where to find Bicycling Monterey on Mastodon, Instagram, Youtube…
  • Mastodon: Bicycling Monterey’s main social media spot, since Nov 2022, is Mastodon, a decentralized social network. Bicycling Monterey’s account is with a North American regional Mastodon service provider created for our neighboring San Francisco Bay Area; follow us at

    As stated on, no matter what Mastodon service provider (aka server or instance) you choose for setting up your account, “with one account you get access to a whole universe of social apps—the fediverse.” As active transportation professional and advocate Barb Chamberlain of Spokane, WA wrote: “I opened a Mastodon account [at] and entered the fediverse. It deliberately avoids global search, and hashtags are essential. #BikeTooter is among the most common hashtags on Mastodon. People new to Mastodon may find the following resources helpful: and

  • Instagram: @bikemonterey –  Bicycling Monterey is sometimes active on Instagram, a Meta company. Follow us at

  • YouTube: Bicycling Monterey has a channel on YouTube, a Google company. We post only some of our videos there; see 

    NOTE: You may want to do as we do: make use of Duck Duck Go’s Duck Player. The Duck Player “lets you watch videos on YouTube without privacy-invading ads, and keeps what you watch from impacting your recommendations.‌” Details:

    Whats our favorite social spot?
    Talking directly with people, by phone or in person!
    What about other social media platforms?
  • X (formerly known as Twitter): Bicycling Monterey was active on Twitter @bikemonterey from November 2009 until November 2022. We don’t anticipate returning to that platform.
  • Facebook: There is no Bicycling Monterey account on Facebook, a Meta company. In December 2015, Bicycling Monterey’s founder became active on Facebook with a personal account, and whenever active there, primarily posts about bicycling.
  • Nextdoor, Pinterest, Reddit, Snapchat, TikTok: Bicycling Monterey has no account on those or other social media platforms. We welcome you to share there about Bicycling Monterey; however, please read the “Sharing” info directly below.
(3) Sharing on social media 
  • You are welcome and encouraged to share links to, or links to posts and pages of this website. 
  • If you want to share more than a link—such as Bicycling Monterey photos or text (beyond what’s auto-generated by Facebook or other social media platforms when you share a link)—it’s necessary to first request and receive written permission from us. Refer to Respect Copyright(click here).

📰 Subscribe to Bicycling Monterey

How to subscribe: From the address that you’d like subscribed, email us at the address displayed below. In the subject field of your email, write “subscribe.” In the message portion, simply tell us your name and how you found out about Bicycling Monterey. Thank you.
SubscribeToBikeMRY [AT] gmail [DOT] com
FAQs about subscribing
  • Emails are not currently sent to subscribers alerting them to every new post. Instead, subscribers receive an infrequent newsletter, “Bike Buzz” (click here for a sampling), or other infrequent email communications from us.  (Please note that the seasonal Bike Buzz newsletters are frequently updated, e.g., with additional special events. We may, or may not, post those updates on Mastodon Or you may wish to simply revisit the most recent newsletter now and then, to skim it for updates.)
  • We enjoy hearing what subscribers’ bike-related interests are. However, if you’d like a response (other than being subscribed), please phone us. Thank you.
  • We use our subscribers’ contact information only to contact you ourselves, as our privacy policy states.

Report a broken link

We appreciate people reporting broken links. For how to do that, please refer to

✍🏽 Submit a guest post, etc.

If you’d like to submit a guest post—or photo, art, or other content—for the Bicycling Monterey website, please phone us before submitting it. 

©  Permissions requests

Respect copyright. All material on this website is copyright protected. The internet has made theft of intellectual property easy; it has not made theft ethical, or legal.
  • Before any reuse of Bicycling Monterey photos, text, or other material, phone us to discuss your need for reuse of material, and to obtain an email address where you may send your written request. 
  • To learn more, refer to our copyright page.

🔗 Policy on products and services mentioned

Since founded May 2009 and still the case as 2025 begins, all information published on this website has been provided for your consideration solely as a public service. There are NO Amazon affiliate links or other pay-per-clicks on this site. In addition, no financial compensation has been received for any references to individuals, organizations, services, or products. 

This may or may not change in the future, in order to help sustain this work. (Total financial donations since 2009 average less than $4 per day, before fees and expenses.) If the policy changes, it will be in alignment with our values (e.g, no Amazon affiliate links). For any possible policy updates, or if you have any questions, please phone us anytime. For a related notice, click here.

♥ Thank you for your interest in Bicycling Monterey

  • To make a donation in any amount to help support the Bicycling Monterey work, and for FAQs, click here.
  • To contribute project supplies, or to volunteer time, please phone us. Thank you.

Yes! Bicycling Monterey is happy to provide old-school phone support!

  • Need help finding something? Feel free to phone us anytime.
  • To access all pages about topics shown below this site’s banner, click that tab (e.g., leading to 20-section Tips guide).
  • To access all posts about topics shown above the banner, use the Categories window in the sidebar.
  • To access all posts by month and year, use the Archive window in the sidebar.
  • Scroll to the bottom of the About page for a list of all pages in that section.
  • For our compilation of resources in Spanish, see información en español sobre ciclismo.