Bicycling Monterey Tool Kit: Posters, flyers, social images, logo, and more
The first 8 items include California bike law summaries in English and Spanish, Bicycling Monterey general info posters and mini-flyers, guidelines for group social rides (aka bike parties or rideouts), and bookmarks! Why share? They help people find riding skills and safety resources and so much more!
Want print copies to put on bulletin boards or otherwise distribute, but don’t have a printer? Download any of these PDFs and email to a copy shop, e.g., Copy King in Monterey, or CopyMat or Fedex Office Print Center in Salinas.

Bike-Monterey-Sept-2024-Poster (1)
Option for making a laminated poster like the one held by the teen above. Email PDF to your favorite copy shop, along with these instructions (for making 5 laminated posters): “Please print this poster in color. Please print 10 copies, but print them two-sided, with both sides the same—so there will just be 5 sheets of paper. Please print them on heavy paper (such as 80 lb paper), so sunlight won’t show through if they are hung in a window. And please laminate all 5. Thank you.”
Bicycling Monterey 15th anniv – 4-to-a-pg mini fliers – BikeMontereyDOTorg
California bike law summary English
California bike law summary – bilingual (or use the larger print option below)
California – Leyes de ciclismo de CA – Laws for bicyclists in CA (Spanish, English) – Summary (one 8.5 x 11 poster, bilingual, two-column)
California – Social-Ride-Guidelines / “Group Social Bike Rides – Instrux for Participants”
A 2-page flyer, print this back-to-back (on one sheet of paper) and distribute to people you’ve invited to a group social ride (aka rideout or bike party). Why? Click here.
Bicycling Monterey – 15th annniversary – 8.5 x 11 poster
Bicycling Monterey bookmark
Designed and created by Epic Magenheim, an 11-year-old bike advocate, print and share these with your school or public library or other book-lovers!
EXAMPLES: Take a Bicycling Monterey poster to any location where community news is posted (e.g., below, public library, bike shops).
AMG Cyclery, Seaside in-store bulletin board
Below are some items to post on Instagram, Mastodon, or other social media.
Check back for other items later, or contact us.
How to share? Right click on the image, save it to your device, then post on your social media account. When posting, add the following text alongside the image:
“To support, go to”
Linking to Bicycling Monterey—Links can be posted on many other websites, with or without our URL logo or “Get to Know” image below. Here’s how:-
Bicycling Monterey welcomes reputable websites (e.g., a public service, government, or reputable business website —bearing an SSL certificate) to link to our website. Not sure if that includes your site? Simply contact us and ask.
Please contact us about appropriate text to include, or you may simply list as follows:
Bicycling Monterey —
Bicycling Monterey — Information Hub for Biking Monterey County, since 2009
Bicycling Monterey — Inspiring and empowering more people to bike, since 2009
Optionally, you may also include the following URL logo, or the “Get to Know” image below. Simply right click on the image, save it, then insert it on your site—LINKING THE IMAGE TO
Here are some examples, since 2009, of ways that others have linked to Bicycling Monterey.
Kindly note: We appreciate people reporting to us any broken links found on the Bicycling Monterey website (including any on the list below), so we can update those links. For how to report to us any broken link on this site, please refer to
- Applied Solar Energy
- Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute, a program of the Washington Area Bicyclist Association
- Big Sur International Marathon
- Bike Santa Cruz County’s “Brilliant Ideas” section
- Biking in LA
- California Bicycle Coalition
- California State University Monterey Bay
- Campaign for Sustainable Transportation
- Carey Beebe Harpsichords
- City of Monterey
- City of Salinas
- City of Seaside
- Communities for Sustainable Monterey County
- Community Alliance for Safety and Peace
- Cruz511 – Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission
- Cyclelicious
- Cycling the Pacific Coast
- Douglas Mueller, Filmmaker
- Fort Ord Bicycle-Equestrian Trails Assistance (BETA)
- Hartnell College
- Lamp Lighter Inn (example of HER Helmet Thursdays* participant
text and logo) - League of American Bicyclists
- Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca
- Mid-Ohio Regional Planning Commission
- Monterey Bay Aquarium
- Monterey County Convention & Visitors Bureau
- Monterey County Herald School Bytes
- Monterey County Weekly
- Monterey Institute of International Studies
- Monterey Jazz Festival
- Monterey Off Road Cycling Association
- Monterey-Salinas Transit
- National Steinbeck Center
- Natividad Medical Center
- Naval Postgraduate School Cycling Club
- Old Fisherman’s Wharf
- Old Monterey Business Association
- Paraiso Vineyards (example of HER Helmet Thursdays* participant calendar listing)
- Parents Place of Pacific Grove Adult Education
- Pedestrian & Bicycle Information Center
- People for Bikes – “Get Local” Resources and “Community Stories”
Image below © People for Bikes, used by permission. - People’s Climate Movement
- Portola Hotel & Spa (example of HER Helmet Thursdays participant blog post and events calendar)
- Raleigh Electric Bikes
- S.A.G.E – Green Valley Action Group Salinas Chapter of Citizens for a Sustainable Monterey County
- Sea Otter Classic (scroll to [misnomer] “Riding Monterey Trails and Backroads”)
- Smart Growth America
- Stevenson School
- Tannery Arts Center
- Transportation Agency for Monterey County
- UC-Berkeley CATSIP
- Velo Club Monterey
- Ventana Chapter, Sierra Club
- Women’s Bike Blogs by Bikestyle Spokane
* * * * * * * *
Some items formerly found on this web page may still be available. Please contact us to inquire about any other currently available items.
Still have an old poster? Laminated ones last a long time, as Trish Sullivan of Destination Salinas/Salinas 411 showed in October 2013, displaying a “Tips for Tourists Bicycling Monterey County” poster she’d had since 2009. If you need custom text on posters, or just various updated posters, please contact us.
* * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * *
*What about The HER Helmet Thursdays Project and its posters? Please note the updates below, and contact us with any questions.PLEASE NOTE this 2024 update: The HER Helmet Thursdays Project, an ecology-economy project, was launched in Monterey County in 2009. It remained active until the pandemic hit, temporarily or permanently closing many of the hundreds of participating locations. Since the summer of 2022, the database of participating locations is down. If you’d like to help restore that project, please phone us.
For related info—including why you might want to help restore this project—see this 2024 post:
Staff reference sheet is still available for participants wishing to continue: 2024 staff reference sheet, for participating businesses and organizations.
History: project portal page (including audios and videos); listings/FAQs, including 10th Anniversary HER Helmet Thursdays Guide (not updated since pandemic began).
Archived below, the 12th anniversary poster for the HER Helmet Thursdays Project
Poster – 2021 – 12th Anniversary HER Helmet Thursdays
For items to post on
social media, etc., please
scroll down.
Looking for HER Helmet Thursdays items
formerly on this page? Scroll to the end for an update.