Resources / Los Recursos
All pages of the Resources / Los Recursos section are linked from this portal page. To explore other content on the Bicycling Monterey website, scroll to the bottom of this page.
Looking for Bicycling Monterey’s primary resources on Riding Skills, Bike Laws, and Safety, including some in Spanish? Click here.
TOOL KIT: Posters, flyers, social images, logo, etc. Click here for current items, including California bike law summaries, Monterey County tips, and more.
DIRECTORY: Monterey County Bicycling Resources and Bike Community Leaders, a 35-section directory.
CALENDAR NOTES: For biking and bike-related activities, events, and meetings, check Subscriber News, e.g., Autumn 2024 Calendar Notes. (How to subscribe? Refer to our Contact page.) Calendar Notes are primarily focused on Monterey County.
SPANISH: información en español sobre las bicicletas is the first compilation of Spanish-language biking resources of its kind in the USA. It was compiled by Bicycling Monterey in 2010, with numerous subsequent updates.
Where to report a bikeway maintenance need in Monterey County, or maintenance needs for California State Highways
ADVOCATE, Local, State, National: Bicycling Advocacy: What you can do offers ways to be a positive changemaker, helping to impact bicycle infrastructure, legislation, and other issues that affect people who bike.GET MEETING NOTIFICATIONS, Monterey County:
How to get notifications about Monterey County municipal meetings affecting people who bikeMonterey County Bike-Ped (aka BPAC) meetings: Bicycle & Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) -Transportation Agency for Monterey County
BIKE-AND-RIDE: An intro to bike-and-ride options, the portal to this site’s detailed bike-and-ride section. When stamina, schedule, infrastructure, or other factors aren’t conducive to biking all the way to your destination, please consider a bike-and-ride option, such as a bus, personal vehicle, train, etc.
RIDING SKILLS, BIKE LAWS, AND SAFETY: Primary resources, including some in Spanish; click here.
OPEN STREETS / CICLOVIAS: Monterey County’s Open Streets resource page features Ciclovía Salinas resources and history, plus announcements about other Open Streets locations in Monterey County—e.g., Ciclovía Gonzales, Ciclovía Greenfield, Ciclovía King City, and Ciclovía Soledad.
DISCOUNTS FOR PEOPLE WHO BIKE: The HER Helmet Thursdays Project, an ecology-economy project, was launched in Monterey County in 2009. Questions? Please phone us. Project 2024 update: Resources: 2024 staff reference sheet, for participating businesses and organizations; project portal page (including audios and videos); listings/FAQs, including 10th Anniversary HER Helmet Thursdays Guide (not updated since pandemic began).
LANGUAGES OTHER THAN SPANISH/ENGLISH: Other Languages and related resources includes a sampling of biking info in a variety of languages, and a bit more en español. Also featured is info on Monterey County’s love for languages.
To explore other content on the Bicycling Monterey website:
- Need help finding something? Feel free to phone us anytime.
- To access all pages about topics shown below this site’s banner, click that tab (e.g., leading to 20-section Tips guide).
- To access all posts about topics shown above the banner, use the Categories window in the sidebar.
- To access all posts by month and year, use the Archive window in the sidebar.
- Scroll to the bottom of the About page for a list of all pages in that section.
- ICYMI above, for our compilation of resources in Spanish, see información en español sobre ciclismo.