Other Languages: Resources for people who bike

From Germany

Scroll down for some biking resources in various languages.
Looking for Spanish-language bike resources? There are some on this page. And since Spanish is widely spoken in Monterey County, in 2010, Bicycling Monterey created a large compilation of Spanish language bicycling resources; see información en español sobre las bicicletas.

People biking in Monterey County often speak a language other than English. That includes visitors, such as these from France, Germany, Holland, and Italy. It includes Monterey County residents like this native of China, the many residents who speak Spanish, and those who speak indigenous and other languages. The U.S. Census report on Monterey County states: “Language other than English spoken at home, percent of persons age 5 years+, 2010-2014: 52.8%.”

Enjoy games? Check out Bicycling Monterey’s Guess-Their-Country Game, featuring 20 photos of people from various nations biking in Monterey County.

From China

About love of languages in Monterey County
For some bicycling scenes from around the world, check out Bicycling Monterey’s post featuring photographs by Monterey Bay native Sierra, “Bike-love inspiration from Amsterdam, Cinque Terre, Copenhagen, Paris, London, Milan, Florence, Rome, Vienna, and elsewhere.”

Biking resources

in various languages 

Bicycle part illustrations

To make best use of bike parts dictionaries, it helps most people to have bicycle part illustrations, such as these.  (Look for more; they range from beginners’ level to those with definitions and more.)

Bicycle part dictionaries/glossaries – in various languages, including Spanish
  1. ProMechanics.comBike parts in French, German, and Spanish. Italian forthcoming.
  2. SheldonBrown.com –  Le Vélo-Dictionnaire Français/Anglais and English/French Bicycle Dictionary; and alsoespañol-ingles / English-Spanish Bicycle Dictionary
  3. Safe Cyclist Teacher Master Pages from Bike Texas include a range of resources in Spanish and English, including Bicycle Parts.
Miscellaneous resources – in various languages, including Spanish
  1. League of American Bicyclists (“Bike League”) Smart Cycling Quick Guides were originally available in English and Spanish. As of 2017, they are now also available in Korean, Vietnamese, Russian, and Khmer by special order. Order from the League’s online store: http://bikeleague.secure.force.com/storepage
  2. SheldonBrown.com – Sheldon Brown’s Bicycle Articles in French, German, Russian, and Spanish
  3. City of San Jose Street Smarts has a Bicycle Safety Tips Flyer (PDF / 24 KB) in ENGLISH | SPANISH | VIETNAMESE
  4. Portland Bureau of Transportation, Oregon has Bike/Walk Maps in Somali, Nepali, Russian, Burmese & ArabicPrintable Version.  Portland also has Spanish bike/walk maps for various parts of the city.
  5. Vélo Québec is a bilingual French-English site. Various resources, e.g., “Adapter son vélo pour l’hiver”: https://www.velo.qc.ca/boite-a-outils/adapter-son-velo-pour-lhiver / “Adapt your bike for winter”: https://www.velo.qc.ca/en/toolkits/adapt-your-bike-for-winter.
  6.  Bike helmet materials in French and Spanish.
  7. Rochester Cycling Alliance resources in…
    English                NepaliSpanish               SomaliArabic                 BurmeseChinese Mandarin
  8. How to Not Get Hit by Cars:  important lessons in Bicycle Safety
    by Michael Bluejay





    Translations created independently by people who saw Michael’s site and liked it.

  9. Looking for Toronto Cyclists Union (bikeunion.to) 16-page Toronto Cyclists Handbook available in 17 different languages? Those links are no more, and instead, visit Cycle Toronto – http://www.cycleto.ca/about-cycle-toronto. Their Toronto Cyclists Handbook is available in 13 languages as of 10 Sept 2019. Below is a list of those languages, with links to the Cycle Toronto site. Please also visit their website to learn more about their work, make a contribution to thank them, and get additional info about the handbook. All their handbooks below can be accessed from the following related webpage: http://www.cycleto.ca/handbook.CYCLE TORONTO:
    العربي Arabic
    বাংলা Bengali
    中文 Simplified Chinese
    English English
    Français French
    हिन्दी Hindi
    한국의 Korean
    Português Portuguese
    Русский Russian
    Español Spanish
    Tagalog Tagalog
    தமிழ் Tamil
    ارد Urdu

Additional resources

San Francisco Bicycle Coalition has offered an urban cycling class in Chinese: How to Ride Anywhere in SF: In Chinese ()

SFBC also provides Chinese and Spanish translations of their Rules of the Road summary.

From Ukraine

Safe Routes to School – various languages

Bike to school with grandfather

Click here for National Safe Routes to School language resource section:

  • Arabic (PDF, 123 KB) — Provided by The Multilingual & Multicultural Center for Portland Public Schools, Maine Safe Routes to School Program and MaineDOT.
  • Chinese (PDF, 187 KB) — Provided by San Francisco Department of Public Health and Cecelia Wong.
  • Haitian Creole (PDF, 39 KB) — Provided by WalkSafeTM Program (Miami, Fla.)
  • Somali (PDF, 56 KB) — Provided by The Multilingual & Multicultural Center for Portland Public Schools, Maine Safe Routes to School Program and MaineDOT.
  • Russian (PDF, 108 KB) — Provide by the California Department of Public Health.

Safe Routes to School info in Spanish:   Click here to go to the “en español” page of the Bicycling Monterey website, where you’ll find Safe Routes info en espanol.

* * * * *

What about computer-generated translation sites?

While far from being a perfect solution, you may sometimes find it helpful to use sites such as Translate.Google.com to translate material from this site.  Translate.Google.com offers many different languages. Once there, type in this website address: https://bikemonterey.org

Sites that offer three or more various computer-generated translations for comparison are helpful.  See, for example, “computer-generated translation” was translated as “traduccion generados por computadora,” “generada por ordenador de traduccion,”and as “traduccion por computadora.”

Below, Italian honeymooners

Emliano and Katarina - Italian honeymooners in Monterey

Safe Biking in Tagalog (from San Mateo County Office of Education)

Short link to this page: http://bit.ly/BikeLanguages