DIRECTORY: Monterey County Bicycling Resources and Bike Community Leaders

This indexed web page was first created, in 2009, to highlight Monterey County’s local bike shops (hence its URL It quickly grew into a 35-section directory of Monterey County bicycling resources! 

To find this Directory anytime:
Click the Resources tab under the banner of this site (
Or use one of the short links: or

TIPS: The INDEX is just below our video introducing some “Monterey County Bike Community Leaders.” Another way to find something in this directory is to make use of your browser’s “find” window (e.g., on a Mac, first access your “find” window by typing Command + F.) Next, type a word or phrase you’re looking for. For example, type “Caltrans”—and voila! The matches in your browser find window will lead you to Section 11(a) references to the California Department of Transportation (Caltrans). 

Can’t quickly find what you’re looking for? Feel free to phone Bicycling Monterey for help.

As 2024 begins, there is not yet an official bicycle coalition for Monterey County, or for the Monterey Bay Tri-County Region. Bicycling Monterey helps fill that gap—including by serving as a California Bicycle Coalition local partner, and by compiling this directory. Bicycling Monterey is a grassroots volunteer effort founded in 2009 by a local resident. Since 2009, and still the case as of the start of 2024, there are no paid links on this site. All information is provided as a public service.

To volunteer to redesign this page, please phone us.
The captioned, 6-min video directly below, “Monterey County Bike Community Leaders,” introduces just a sampling of the many helpful individuals and organizations found in this directory.

To find many more helpers,

see the index below.

INDEX to the 35-section directory

As usual, check with each organization, business, or individual listed in this directory for their most up-to-date information. If you have suggestions for additions or changes to this directory, please contact Bicycling Monterey.
This bulleted list serves as an index to help you locate information in the directory. Each item on the list is followed by the section number where the info is found on this web page. Resources typically of greatest interest to visitors—as well as being of interest to locals—are highlighted in green.  
  • Active Transportation Plans (infrastructure) (11)
  • American Legion Auxiliary Post 589 Lowrider Bike Show (22)
  • Amgen Tour of California (9a)
  • Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments/AMBAG (11a)
  • B2B / Bridge to Bridge ride (22)
  • balance bike camps (20)
  • benefit rides, races, and other events (22)
  • Bicycle and Pedestrian Plans (infrastructure)  (11)
  • bicycle advocacy opportunities (1)
  • Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Advisory Committee (AKA Bike-Ped Committee) (11a)
  • bicycle barometer / bike counter (8a, 11e)
  • bicycle blogs (9d)
  • bicycle classes and workshops – refer to specific types in this index, i.e., bicycle riding skills and safety instruction, bicycle maintenance/repair classes, cycling group riding classes, learn to ride
  • bicycle clubs (6, 27)
  • bicycle commuter emergency ride home program (13)
  • bicycle commuting help/ride companions,  Monterey-Salinas (9c)
  • bicycle conference (15) 
  • bicycle cops (5)
  • bicycle courier/delivery service (10)
  • bicycle equity (17)
  • bicycle exposition (14) Normally an annual event
  • bicycle facilities board and meetings, countywide (11)
  • bicycle facilities services request form AKA bike service request form (11a) – or just click here!
  • bicycle festival (14) Normally an annual event
  • bicycle film showings (31)
  • bicycle fit studio (5)
  • bicycle industry leaders (24)
  • bicycle infrastructure – advocacy (1, 11, 28)—including, in 11b, how to get notices about municipal meetings
  • bicycle infrastructure – including construction projects, and road and lane closures (11, 28)
  • bicycle infrastructure – Safe Routes to School (19)
  • bicycle laws (33) and also see Riding Skills, Safety, and CA Bike Laws section of the Tips for Bicycling Monterey County guide
  • Bicycle Leadership Conference (15)
  • bicycle locker locations are in the Bike Parking section of the Tips for Bicycling Monterey County guide
  • bicycle maintenance/repair classes (29, 17)
  • bicycle maintenance/repair services (2, 5)
  • bicycle maintenance/repair stations–on-campus DIY (21)
  • bicycle maps are in the Bike Maps section of the  Tips for Bicycling Monterey County guide
  • bicycle mechanics (2, 5)
  • bicycle party (20)
  • bicycle plans (infrastructure)  (11)
  • bicycle polo (20)
  • bicycle polo tournament (20) 
  • bicycle-powered courier/delivery service (10)
  • bicycle-powered beverage service (34)
  • bicycle races (6, 7, 14, 22) and follow links in the Serious Cyclists section of Tips for Bicycling Monterey County
  • bicycle rental locations (3)
  • bicycle roadway/bikeway conditions – and where to report (11)
  • bicycle riding skills and safety instruction (9b, 6)
  • bicycle sharing programs/rentals (3)
  • bicycle shops (2)
  • bicycle specialty services (5)
  • bicycle tours/guided rides (4)
  • bicycle traffic school (35)
  • bicycle transportation planners/traffic engineers (11)
  • bicycle valet parking service provider (10)
  • bicycles for people without the means to buy their own (17)
  • Bicycling Monterey projects (1)
  • bike-and-ride options and advocates (12)
  • Bike League / League of American Bicyclists certified “League Cycling Instructors / LCIs”  (9b)
  • Bike-Ped Committee (AKA Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Advisory Committee) (11a)
  • Bike-Ped Coordinator, TAMC and Caltrans (11a)
  • “Bike Skillz” trainings (9b)
  • Bike-share programs/rentals (3)
  • Bike Smart! (9b)
  • Bike Week/ Bike Month activities (11a) Normally an annual event in the month of May
  • bikes4all / bikes for all (17)
  • bikeways maintenance—how to report a pothole, vegetation overgrowth, or other maintenance needs (11a)
  • BMX Parks (30)
  • Break the Cycle rides (20) 
  • Bureau of Land Management / BLM (11a)
  • California Bicycle Coalition (11a)
  • California bicycle laws (33) and also see Riding Skills, Safety, and CA Bike Laws section of the Tips for Bicycling Monterey County guide
  • California State Bicycle and Pedestrian Plan (11)
  • California State Championships for High School Mountain Bike Racing (7a) Normally an annual event; some years, held in Monterey County 
  • California Trails & Greenways Conference  (15) Annual event, in Monterey County some years 
  • California Department of Transportation / Caltrans (11a)
  • Central Coast Cyclocross / CCCX, Keith DeFiebre (9d) Recurring events
  • Cesar Chavez Library family rides (20)
  • Ciclovía Gonzales (Open Streets) (25)
  • Ciclovía Greenfield (Open Streets) (25)
  • Ciclovía King City (Open Streets) (25)
  • Ciclovía Salinas (Open Streets) (25) Annual event
  • Ciclovía Soledad (Open Streets) (25)
  • Ciclovía Salinas youth internships (25) 
  • Clash of the Mallets bike polo tournament (20)
  • Clean Air Criterium (22)
  • college and university bicycling resources (8)
  • community service in lieu of fine for bike-related citation (35)
  • Complete Streets (11a)
  • Cone Zone Report (roadway conditions) (11a) Weekly report
  • Critical Christmas / Lighted Bike Parade (20) Normally an annual event in December 
  • Cycle Tracks Monterey Bay Area (28)
  • cycling group riding classes (6c)
  • discounts for people who bike (16) Thursdays year-round, with some date restrictions
  • dockless bicycle sharing (3)
  • do-it-yourself / DIY bicycle maintenance stations (21)
  • ebike concierge service (5)
  • ebikes /e-bikes / electric-assist bicycles — laws and local ordinances (33)
  • elementary school bike resources (19, 27)
  • elementary and middle school cycling clubs (27)
  • Emergency Ride Home program (13)
  • en español, Spanish-speaking bike shop staff  ¿Habla usted español? (2)
  • en español, Spanish-language biking resource materials (2)
  • Epicenter (20)
  • etiquette for Open Streets (25)
  • faith-based biking activities (26)
  • family bike rides (20)
  • Family Biking Monterey County, a program of Families of Color Monterey County (9b, 17)
  • fixed gear/fixies (18, 20)
  • Fort Ord National Monument (11d)
  • Fort Ord Recreation Trails Friends (FORT Friends) (11d)
  • Fort Ord Regional Trail and Greenway (FORTAG) project (11f)
  • Fort Ord Reuse Authority (FORA) (11c)
  • Fort Ord trail info (6a, 11c, 11d)
  • free bikes for people without the means to buy their own (17)
  • Gears 4 Good (17)
  • Global Outdoor Summit (15)
  • Golden Helmet Awards / Silver Helmet Awards (1) 
  • Gran Fondo (14) 
  • Greenfield Community Science Workshop’s bike club (6)
  • Greenfield Community Science Workshop’s bike workshops (17, 29)
  • City of Greenfield’s Recreation Department bike programs  (9b)
  • handcycle (8a)
  • HER Helmet Thursdays (16) Thursdays year-round, with some date restrictions
  • high school bike tech class (17)
  • high school cycling teams (7)
  • high school mountain bike racing teams (7)
  • high school resources (7, 19)
  • historic tour (4)
  • homeless outreach (17)
  • Interbike IBD Summit /Independent Bicycle Dealers Summit (23) 
  • Junior Development Team (7)
  • language resources—Spanish and other languages (2)
  • law enforcement officers on bikes (5) 
  • laws (33) and also see Riding Skills, Safety, and CA Bike Laws section of the Tips for Bicycling Monterey County guide
  • League of American Bicyclists /Bike League certified League Cycling Coach (9b)
  • League of American Bicyclists /Bike League certified “League Cycling Instructors / LCIs”  (9b)
  • Learn to Ride program (9b)
  • Lincoln Elementary School Cycling (27)
  • lowrider bikes (20, 22)
  • maintenance needs / report a problem on public roads or other public bikeways (11a)
  • Manzanita Park BMX (30)
  • Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca – now known as WeatherTech Raceway Laguna Seca (9a, 14, 22) 
  • Measure X Citizens Oversight Committee (11a)
  • MenstrualxCycles (20)
  • mobile bicycle mechanic (2,5)
  • Monterey Bay Air Resources District (11a)
  • Monterey Bay Racing Team see Serious Cyclists section of the Tips for Bicycling Monterey County guide
  • Monterey Bay Region bicycling resources (28)
  • Monterey Bay Lightfighters Composite High School Mountain Bike Team (7a)
  • Monterey Bay Sanctuary Scenic Trail Network (11a)
  • Monterey Bay Unified Air Pollution Control District (11a)
  • Monterey Bicycle Film Festival (31)
  • Mountain Bike Mondays (27)
  • mountain bike trail and development info (6a, 11a)
  • mountain biking (6a, 7)
  • Monterey County Health Department (25)
  • Monterey County Parks (6a, 11, 11a)
  • Monterey County Public Works & Facilities (11a)
  • Monterey County sidewalk ordinances see Riding Skills, Safety, and CA Bike Laws section of the Tips for Bicycling Monterey County guide. Also refer to audio and written materials in Bicycling on Sidewalks: Misconceptions and Advisories.
  • Monterey County Youth Center bike class (17, 29)
  • Monterey County Probation Department Youth Center bike education program (17, 29)
  • Monterey Off Road Cycling Association / MORCA (6a) Normally, weekly rides and other regularly scheduled events
  • Monterey Park Cycling (27)
  • Natividad Medical Center (9b)
  • Naval Postgraduate School (8d)
  • Naval Postgraduate School Foundation Cycling Club / NPSC (6b)
  • NorCal High School Cycling League teams (7a) 
  • Offset Project (11e)
  • Open Streets (25)
  • Open Streets etiquette (25)
  • Palma School Mountain Bike Team (7a)
  • parades with a bicycling presence (32)
  • Pedaling with a Purpose, Jacky Luna (9d)
  • people of color (17)
  • police officers on bikes (5)
  • potholes and other maintenance needs on public roads or other public bikeways (11a)
  • Psycho Cyclers (20)
  • Rancho San Juan High School Mountain Bike Team (7a)
  • recumbent bikes (3)
  • report a need for maintenance of a public road or other public bikeway (11a)
  • Ride Out Domestic Violence (22)
  • ride rules/guidelines/instrux for social bike rides, including “ride outs,” bike parties, etc. (20)
  • roadway conditions (TAMC’s Cone Zone Report and others) (11a) Weekly report
  • roadway maintenance service requests (11a)
  • Safe Routes to School (19)
  • Salinas 10-Mile Family Bike Ride for a Better Community (22) 
  • Salinas Bike Party / courteous social bike runs (20)
  • Salinas Bike Polo (20)
  • Salinas Burrito Bike Rides (20)
  • Salinas Community Science Workshop (17, 29)
  • Salinas Criterium (22)
  • Salinas High School Cowboy Racing Mountain Bike Team (7a)
  • Salinas Social Cycling (20)
  • Sand City Criterium (22)
  • school (on-campus, DIY) bike maintenance / repair stations (21)
  • Sea Otter Classic (14) Normally an annual event
  • sidewalk ordinances see Riding Skills, Safety, and CA Bike Laws section of the Tips for Bicycling Monterey County guide. Also refer to audio and written materials in Bicycling on Sidewalks: Misconceptions and Advisories.
  • Smart Cycling (9b)
  • social bike runs (rides) and community groups (20)
  • subscribe to Bicycling Monterey’s Bike Buzz—go to Contact
  • Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day (6a) Normally an annual event
  • Toro Park (6a, 11, 11a)
  • Transportation Agency for Monterey County (TAMC) (11a)
  • Twilight Rides at WeatherTech Raceway Laguna Seca (22)
  • U.S. Bicycle Market Forum (15)
  • U.S. Bicycle Route System (USBRS) (11a)
  • U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration (11a)
  • Velo Club Monterey (6c)Normally, weekly rides and other regularly scheduled events
  • Velo Club Monterey Answer Man (9a)
  • Via Salinas Valley Active Transportation Program (25)
  • Voices of Monterey Bay (6a, 11, 11a)
  • volunteering (aka community service) in lieu of paying fine for bicycling-related citation (35)
  • “We Could Car Less” columnist MacGregor Eddy (12)
  • WeatherTech Raceway Laguna Seca (9a, 14, 22) 
  • Xasáuan Today (9d)
  • and skim this page for other bicycle or bicycle-powered resources

1.  Bike Advocacy

Below: Bike advocates at a November 12, 2013 potluck in Monterey. Pictured are Chris Morfas of the California Bicycle Coalition (“Cal Bike”), Michael Baroni, Vera Noghera of Velo Club Monterey, Samantha Ollinger of Cal Bike, and local bike advocates Tiffany Decker, Shannon Wall, and Nathan Pierce.

  • BIKE ADVOCACY: Everyone on this web page is in some way an advocate for bicycling. Find your niche, or start up a new bicycling advocacy effort. 
  • BIKE ADVOCACY: Bicycling Monterey projects.
    Click here for a dozen examples of Bicycling Monterey projects. Volunteers and contributions are appreciated.
  • BIKE ADVOCACY: Golden Helmet Awards / Silver Helmet Awards: Click here for recipients of these Transportation Agency for Monterey County awards since the awards program’s inception in 2010. Included in that post is info on the nominations process.
  • BIKE ADVOCACY: See section 11 below if you’d like to get involved in advocating for new or improved infrastructure.  Especially note the Transportation Agency for Monterey County’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Advisory Committee (AKA Bike-Ped Committee), and consider attending a meeting and perhaps also applying to serve on the committee. Click here.
  • BIKE ADVOCACY: What you can do. For ideas on how to be an effective bike advocate, including how to help improve bicycle infrastructure, click here for “Bicycle Advocacy:  What you can do.” Or just phone us for ideas.
  • BIKE ADVOCACY: Volunteer or contribute to the work of Bicycling Monterey. Since founded in May 2009—and still the case as 2024 begins—the Bicycling Monterey website and other Bicycling Monterey projects  have been an entirely volunteer gig for the founder. See Day in the Life of a Bike Advocate to learn more.

Bicycling Monterey table at the Seaside PAL Bike Fair in May 2011. Assisting PAL in organizing that fair is an example of one of Bicycling Monterey’s many projects.

2.  Local Bike Shops, including ¿Habla usted español? and other languages

The complete list of local bike shops that was the first seed for this main resources page (hence the original URL has been moved to the following section of the Tips for Bicycling Monterey County guide:  LOCAL Bike Shops in Monterey County–and Tips on New and Used Bike Purchases.” There you’ll find, e.g., Bobcat Bicycles, Carmel Bicycle, CSUMB Otter Cycle Center, Doug Chandler Performance/DC-10, Epicenter Cycling, Marina Cycle & Skate, Monterey Peninsula Bike Shop, Peninsula Bike Works, Rooster Wheels, Toro Grind, Valley Bikes, Work Horse Bicycles, Winning Wheels, and others. Most of Monterey County’s local bike shops are also included  in the “Repairs and Maintenance” section of the Tips for Bicycling Monterey County guide.

Spanish speakers at local bike shops

LOCAL Bike Shops in Monterey County include some with Spanish-speaking bike shop staff.  ¿Habla usted español?  See Bilingual Spanish-English bike shop professionals in Monterey County, and other resources en español.” 

Bicycling resources in languages other than English
Various languages, including Spanish:

3.  Bike Rentals and Bike Sharing

Bicycle rentals: List of Monterey County bike rental spots has been moved to the Bicycle Rentals section of the Tips for Bicycling Monterey County guide. 

Bike-share programs: As of 8/16/21, there are no official bike-sharing programs yet in Monterey County. For some history, see “Bike-share programs in the Monterey Bay Tri-County Region.”

4.  Bicycle Tours/Guided Rides

5.  Bicycle Specialty Services

Contact these bike specialists to learn more about their areas of expertise.

Þ   Coaching and bike fit: Burnham Coaching. Chris Burnham, owner. Personal coaching for endurance cyclists (and other athletes), varied disciplines and ability levels.  Bike fit studio by appointment only.

Þ   E-Bike concierge service: Vine Cycle Tours, a new business launched in 2021. As confirmed with co-owner Jeff Lindenthal on 8/16/21, this service can be helpful for Monterey County visitors as well as residents; and it can also be useful for people contacting Vine Cycle from anywhere in the USA. 

Þ  Local mountain bike suspension service: Central Coast Suspension, based in Salinas, local drop-off only.

Þ   Mobile repair: When his schedule allows, longtime local mechanic Rob Cepeda provides mobile repair service. Phone Rob at 831.238.4683.

Þ   Various support: Devian Gilbert, Asana Cycles. Devian is a bicycle lifestylist, United Bicycle Institute certified mechanic. He was awarded a  2011 Golden Helmet Award by the Transportation Agency for Monterey County. His availability is limited as of June 2014, but when you can catch him, he is able to provide a variety of services. That includes guided rides, mobile mechanic help, and general support.  

Constables of the Peace / cops / police officers / law enforcement (“LE”) professionals

Local law enforcement professionals play a role in the Monterey County bike community, especially those cops on bikes. See some in action. Check out examples of how law enforcement is one of the many factors that help keep the bike scene cool; click here. Note too examples of cops alert for the needs of people who bike.

6.  Cycling Clubs

New in 2024: see 6(d) for Greenfield CSW Bike Club.

For more, see section 18. Our local bike clubs are a great source of info not found on this site—they are so active, there’s no way we can keep up with them!  Visit their websites.  You may also want to get on their email lists for frequent updates on all kinds of cycling-related info, plus announcements about activities such as group rides,  trail work days, and social events.

These local clubs work–and play–hard to make a more bike-friendly county, and many local cyclists are active in more than one club.  Visitors sometimes join on rides too.  See the Serious Cyclists section of the Tips guide for more info.

Safety instruction through cycling clubs:  All four clubs share some bike safety tips with their members and friends.  Refer to resources on their websites or contact them for more info. MORCA also hosts Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day, normally annually, which includes bike safety; TAKMBD was among those awarded a 2017 Golden Helmet Award from the Transportation Agency for Monterey County. 


(6a) Monterey Off Road Cycling Association

MORCA ( is a chapter of the International Mountain Biking Association (IMBA) MORCA is “A Voice for Responsible Mountain Biking in Monterey County,” and has 161 active IMBA/MORCA members as of June 2, 2024. 

Want the most up-to-date info on biking the Fort Ord trails, or on where it’s legal to mountain bike in parks? Start with MORCA’s website. Want to ride with experienced local mountain bikers? Follow MORCA on social media, check MORCA’s activities calendar, or get on MORCA’s email list. Visit MORCA’s website for various news and updates.

Also check with MORCA for updates regarding Fort Ord trails and development issues, and the reassessment of the Fort Ord Reuse Plan (also refer to “Fort Ord Reuse Authority” on this webpage).

Juan Villa provided an overview of MORCA in his Salinas Californian story 10/3/14, “Mountain bikers got to start someplace.”

Royal Calkins, writing for Voices of Monterey Bay, 10/31/17, provided a worthy report—especially of interest regarding Toro Park and other Monterey County Parks. Refer to Bicycling Monterey’s post “Sharing Monterey County Parks and Other Public Lands: Administration, Care, and Use.”

(6b) Naval Postgraduate School Foundation Cycling Club

The Naval Postgraduate School Foundation Cycling Club is active in both road and mountain biking. The club includes approximately 100 active and over 300 legacy members. Members include military officers attending NPS or the Defense Language Institute, and others all over the world, as well as instructors, support personnel, and spouses. All these can enjoy an active calendar of regularly scheduled club events.

Members also support bike advocacy in Monterey County and serve as ambassadors / role models on the bikeways. Learn more in “NPS Provides Inspiration and Support for Biking.”

(6c) Velo Club Monterey

Note: As of 3/23/22, Velo Club Monterey’s URL redirects to Additional VCM website content is still accessible (as of this date) at

Velo Club Monterey supports local bike advocacy in many ways; see “Velo Club Monterey – Roadies who love parties–and so much more” for three dozen examples. Read some of the history of VCM in the 4/26/13 Carmel Pine Cone; click here, then scroll to page 22A. 

VCM Group Cycling Classes. In April 2017, Velo Club Monterey launched a new Intro to Group Riding Series:

(6d) Greenfield Community Science Workshop’s Bike Club 

Announced in February 2024 as a bike club for older elementary school and middle school and high school students, Greenfield Community Science Workshop now also has a GSW Bike Club. Details:

7.  High School Cycling Teams 

(7a) High School Mountain Biking Teams in the NorCal League

Monterey County teams compete in California’s NorCal League, a Chapter League of the National Interscholastic Cycling Association (NICA). Winning competitors go on to State Championship competitions. The State Championships were held in Monterey County for the first time in 2014, at Laguna Seca.

As stated on the NorCal site, “Regardless of ability level, the NorCal League is committed to providing a positive experience for all student-athletes, and helping them to create strong body, mind and character through the sport of cycling.” To find a team:

For a look at some Monterey County teens engaged in this sport, see our post “Monterey County Teens Bike: California State High School Mountain Bike Championships and elsewhere.”
NICA’s NorCal League included the following Monterey County teams, to our knowledge, as of October 24, 2023:
  • Salinas High Cowboy Racing Mountain Bike Team. This co-ed team was the first organized public high school MTB team in the county. As of April 18, 2024, the current contact is Bob Agan; email: As of October 23, 2024, the team’s website at is down; for a little history on this site–click here. In 2017 the Salinas High School Cowboy Racing Mountain Bike Team was among those awarded a 2017 Golden Helmet Award from the Transportation Agency for Monterey County.
  • Monterey Bay Lightfighters Composite Mountain Bike Team is a co-ed team that includes students in grades 9-12 from any Monterey County public, private, or homeschool/unschool, unless your school already has its own team. As of April 18, 2024, the team is primarily composed of youth from Monterey and surrounding cities; if you’re from another Monterey County community, please contact the coach to inquire about the possibility of participating too. Learn more about the team; click here. For more info, contact Head Coach Todd Roberts 831-402-4277 (or via email:
  • Rancho San Juan High School is a public school in the Salinas Union High School District. Rancho San Juan High School Mountain Bike Team and has been a NICA team in the NorCal League since the founding of the school in 2019. The mountain bike team director and head coach (still current as of May 15, 2024) is Molly Bauer. For more info, contact via email: Ms. Bauer hosts a website for the team on Google at 
  • Palma School Mountain Bike Team was launched with a meeting in January 2013. As of April 18, 2024, the team is not currently active, although Palma has one or more independent riders who participate in NICA races, which NICA rules allow. Some history: Team contacts were George Garibay 831-422-6391 and John Pattullo, 831-970-6537. Read Tom Leyde’s 5/31/14 Off 68 story, “Palma mountain bike team hits the trails.” Palma is a boys’ school but Tom’s story gave this heads-up about their MTB team: they were “hoping to add a handful of Notre Dame girls.” 
  • ARCHIVED NOTE: Millennium Charter High School has closed. Millennium remained listed on NICA’s website as of 3/23/22, with a contact of Paul Delbick- 818-585-7886 /

(7b) Other High School-Aged Cycling Competitors

Junior Development Team: An opportunity for local youth offered by Gordon and Sue Martine, with sponsors including Chapin Cycling Race Team and Velo Club Monterey, and others. Learn more on the VCM website. For more info about the junior team, contact Gordon and Sue at (831) 649-0451.

Note: As of 3/23/22, Velo Club Monterey’s URL redirects to Additional VCM website content is still accessible (as of this date) at

8.  College and University Resources

In addition to the schools mentioned below, see tips for college students in Back to the Books—and Bikes—in Monterey County.

(8a) California State University Monterey Bay / CSUMB

TRIPwise Biker: CSUMB has a wide range of bike-related services and support for the CSUMB community. Check out their biking resource section: Among CSUMB resources is a handcycle. To connect with others interested in handcycling, you may wish to contact Monterey County Disability Reviews.

CSUMB has what may be the first bicycle counter in Monterey County, a solar-powered bike counter on Inter-Garrison Rd between East Campus and Main Campus. Learn more in the sustainability section of CSUMB’s bicycling page:

Otter Cycle Center:  CSUMB’s Otter Cycle Center is a campus bike center with bike rentals for students as well as maintenance/repair and other support, including organized rides. Contact the Otter Cycle Center to learn more:

(8b) Hartnell College

Alternative Transportation page includes bicycling information. 

Photo below courtesy of Frank Henderson.

(8c) Monterey Institute of International Studies / MIIS

The Community/Life in Monterey/Local Resources/Transportation section includes a Cycling in Monterey page.

(8d) Naval Postgraduate School 

The Naval Postgraduate School campus has some of the campus has some of the best bicycle parking in Monterey County. Kindly note that on the NPS campus, bicycle helmets are required for cyclists of all ages.

There is a Naval Postgraduate School Foundation Club (NPSCC), as listed in the clubs section of this directory. NPSCC is “dedicated to supporting NPS students who enjoy riding bicycles for recreation, exercise, and competition.” A club brochure is typically distributed to new students at the NPS clubs fair, which is normally held at the school each quarter, e.g., NPS Tri-Fold Info Flyer v5.

9.  Other Bicycling Support

(9a) Velo Club Monterey Answer Man

Jan Valencia

Contact via VCM’s website, or catch Jan on Twitter – @jvalen –

Note: As of 3/23/22, Velo Club Monterey’s URL redirects to Additional VCM website content is still accessible (as of this date) at

Jan has generously helped visiting and local cyclists for many years, both as Velo Club Monterey’s Answer Man and informally. Contact Jan for reliable local tips and sound cycling advice on road biking in Monterey County and beyond.

Jan is a good source for keeping up on race events in Monterey County, among other things. He’s a good contact for local tips and how to get involved in such events as Amgen Tour of California!

For example, Amgen TOC’s Stage 4 Men’s Start at WeatherTech Raceway Laguna Seca on May 15 2019; Amgen TOC’s Stage 3 Start in King City and Stage 3 Finish at WeatherTech Raceway Laguna Seca on May 15, 2018; Stage 4 Conclusion at WeatherTech Raceway Laguna Seca on May 18, 2016, the first time an Amgen event was at the raceway. Amgen’s Stage 4 Start was in Monterey on May 14, 2014. The Stage 5 Start was in Seaside on May 19, 2011.

As for Amgen TOC in 2020, there won’t be one! On October 29, 2019, Amgen TOC tweeted: “AEG…today announced that they will put the Amgen Tour of California race on hiatus for the 2020 racing season.”

(9b) Bicycle Riding Skills and Safety Instruction

Free bicycle road skills/safety trainings have been offered in Monterey County, thanks to a collaborative effort by the Transportation Agency for Monterey County and California State University Monterey Bay’s TRIPwise. The first of these basic road skills/safety classes (first dubbed “Bike Skillz”) were in 2015. In 2016, also offered was the county’s first League of American Bicyclists (“Bike League”) certified League Cycling Instructor (LCI) seminarLearn about both, including who to contact to express your interest in possible upcoming classes, on this site; click here.

League Cycling Instructors (LCIs)

As of July 9, 2020, to my knowledge, there are three certified LCIs in Monterey County. If you know of other LCIs, or League Cycling Coaches (LCC), who reside in the county, please phone me, so they can be added to this resource directory.

  1. Frank Henderson, LCI #1432, has been an LCI since 2005. Frank is available for classes and workshops, helmet fitting, to assist at helmet giveaways, and generally presenting information on safe street cycling. Watch this video of Frank sharing bike safety tips.  See for more about what he does. Frank was awarded 2010 Golden Helmet Award by the Transportation Agency for Monterey County (TAMC). Contact Frank: by phone 831-755-6738, or email fhenders[AT] hartnell [DOT] edu
  2. Geoff Arnold, LCI# 5437, received his LCI training in Monterey County on October 21-23, 2016 under Ron Durgin. His community volunteering includes volunteering with Bicycling Monterey, serving on the Central Coast YMCA board of directors, and much more. Geoff is the sole Monterey County resident who received LCI certification at the first in-county training, organized by TAMC, as announced on Bicycling Monterey. (There were additional new LCIs certified at Monterey County’s first training too; all were residents of Santa Cruz County or other counties.) Contact Geoff by phone 831.297.3890 or email: email4garnold [AT] gmail [DOT] com
  3. Glenn Tozier, LCI #4063, became an LCI in the summer of 2013, receiving his training in Fresno under Ron Durgin. Glenn moved to Monterey County in September 2014. He may be reached at his workplace, Monterey Peninsula College, where he is employed as a digital services librarian— contact Glenn at

Looking for some former Monterey County LCIs? Some recent updates:

  • 2020: Bernard Green, LCI #4064 (certified in Fresno in 2013, and further certified by the League as a League Cycling Coach in 2018). Bernard is dedicating himself to a new area of public service on July 10 and will soon be departing Monterey County. Bernard’s extraordinary commitments to public service, both local and national, are appreciated.
  • 2019: Former Prunedale resident Chandra Rapley, LCI #5763 (certified in Bakersfield, CA in 2017). Chandra moved from Monterey County in 2019.
  • 2018: Former county residents Lauryn Ricigliano, LCI #4475, and Adisa Vaughn, LCI #4476 (certified in 2016 in Davis, CA), announced on May 20 their move from Monterey County to Nevada. 
Additional instruction opportunities

City of Greenfield’s Recreation Department launched in September 2023 a “Greenfield Bike Program” including Learn to Ride for ages 5-12 and Bicycle Riding for ages 10-15: For updates, contact Recreation Activities Leader Nathalie Gomez by phone, 831-304-0150 or email

Local bike clubs offer safety tips or instruction.  Refer to bicycle clubs in the index of this web page.

Local bike shops sometimes offer safety instruction too.Contact local bicycle shops and inquire. Another option is to research chain stores in Monterey County, such as REI; some may offer bike safety instruction.

Natividad Medical Center does some education about bicycle crash and injury prevention and has supported community health outreach about bike helmets and more. Contact Kristen Spencer of Natividad Medical Center – spencerkc [AT] natividad [DOT] com, phone (831) 772-7357.

Bike Smart, a program of Ecology Action of Santa Cruz, has put on bicycle safety trainings for some Monterey County children. In 2013-14, this local work was contracted by the Transportation Agency for Monterey County. For 2015, local work is funded by the Transportation Agency for Monterey County and by Community Foundation for Monterey County and the Monterey Peninsula Foundation. In 2016, City of Monterey also contracted with Ecology Action to put on bike rodeos. Historically, Ecology Action has operated in Santa Cruz County. Now that they are active in Monterey County, they are seeking local volunteers to assist them with their Bike Smart trainings at Monterey County schools. For a related post at Bicycling Monterey, click here. To volunteer, contact Kira Ticus by email – kticus [AT] ecoact [DOT] org – or by phone 831-515-1338

(9c) Bike commuter help/ride companions between Monterey Peninsula and Salinas

Bike commute between the Peninsula and Salinas? Frank Henderson has done that for years.  He is available, as a volunteer, to help others enjoy this bike commute too.  Beginners welcome!  Click here for more details.

(9d) Bicycle blogs

Listed in alphabetical order, the following do not comprise a complete list of all bicycling-related blogs in Monterey County. If you have a bike blog to add to this list, please contact Bicycling Monterey.

10.  Bicycle-Powered Courier/Delivery Service

As of 8/16/21, we are unaware of any active bicycle courier/delivery services in Monterey County.


Green Pedal Couriers. 
(Check with Michael Baroni for updates; Green Pedal is mentioned in About section for his business NitroCycle, Current contact info is at
A Monterey native, Michael was among those awarded a 2017 Golden Helmet Award from the Transportation Agency for Monterey County. As with many businesses affected by global pandemic, GPC owner Michael Baroni advised on 8/16/21 that his Green Pedal Couriers business, established in 2009, had closed. He also
 advised 8/16/21 that he was not currently providing bicycle valet parking service for various Monterey County events, due to the pandemic; he anticipated resuming offering bike valet service in 2022. To reach him for the latest updates, see his contact info on his NitroCycle website,


Angela Herrera planned to start, with her friend Jade Stephens, a Salinas-based bike courier service in 2015, as announced 7/12/15 in the Californian. Both Angela and Jade are on Facebook; check with them for updates.

11.  Bicycle Infrastructure

  • Express appreciation to those who are working to make bike infrastructure better. 
  • Be a voice for the needs of people who bike by attending and speaking up at bike-ped and other traffic, engineering, and planning meetings (more on that below).
  • Budget cuts have resulted in cuts to staff hours in many places. When making a request or posing a question to a staff person, be mindful of that. If  your circumstances permit, ask how you can help. Whether by serving on a city board or committee, a countywide committee, or in other ways, consider being part of the solution with regard to bicycle infrastructure needs.
  • See “Bicycle Advocacy:  What you can do.” Participate locally as well as on the state and national level. No funds to travel to conferences? Participate in webinars, mutual aid calls, and similar opportunities.
Active Transportation Plans / Bicycle and Pedestrian Plans  / Bike Plans

(11a) Infrastructure Countywide

including (but not limited to) Maintenance Needs / Where to Report a Problem; Roadway Condition Reports (Cone Zone Report); Road and Lane Closures; Bicycle & Pedestrian Facilities Advisory Committee (AKA Bike-Ped Committee); Annual Bike Month; Measure X Citizens Oversight Committee; and more

NOTE: The primary Monterey County resource in this section (11a) is Transportation Agency for Monterey County. Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments (AMBAG), California Bicycle Coalition (CalBike), California Department of Transportation (Caltrans), Monterey County Public Works, and U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration are listed before TAMC simply so those other resources aren’t overlooked in this lengthy section.

If you’re looking for the latest information about the Monterey Bay Sanctuary Scenic Trail Network’s Monterey County section, contact Transportation Agency for Monterey County: , e.g., the Santa Cruz County section, contact Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission:

Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments (AMBAG)

You’ll no longer find “Commute Alternatives” resources on the Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments (AMBAG) website. AMBAG does still have some bicycle-related info on their site. 

California Bicycle Coalition (CalBike)

Design Best Practices, including Class IV and more.

California Department of Transportation / Caltrans

Although bicycling is prohibited on some state highways (e.g., freeways), many state highways include Active Transportation (biking, walking, skating, scooting, etc.). Among state highways are many community main streets and intercommunity rural connectors.

Caltrans Complete Streets
Caltrans Complete Streets Action Plan 2022-23, released July 2022:

Some previous documents are archived below:

Maintenance needs
To report a pothole or other damage or problem on any California state highway, submit a maintenance service request to Caltrans:
Caltrans road information / roadway conditions reports

Caltrans District 5 Bicycle and Pedestrian / Complete Streets Coordinator
Rawan Al-Jamal is Branch Chief for Equity, Climate Change & Complete Streets for Caltrans District 5 and is the senior planner responsible for D5 Complete Streets. (current as of 8/3/22)

Caltrans Complete Streets Action Plan 2022-23, released July 2022:

To contact Rawan with input or questions:

(as of 8/3/22, former Caltrans D5 Bike-Ped Coordinator Audrey Ogden is still listed on that page—Caltrans intends to update their site asap) 

Caltrans District 5 general information

Monterey County: Salinas area, 831-753-0187; and Monterey Peninsula area, 831-372-0862.

Caltrans public information officer 

For the Monterey Bay Tri-County Region (Monterey, San Benito, and Santa Cruz Counties), as of Jan 2022, remains Kevin Drabinski. He can also provide answers to any questions or input provided in Spanish. Contact Kevin at or by phone at (805) 549-3138. For additional Caltrans media contacts for District 5, and other districts, refer to:

The Caltrans Bicycle Program (statewide)

The contact for the Caltrans Bicycle Program is Paul Moore (previously was Deborah Lynch). Contact Paul at:
Bicycle Facilities Unit
Division of Local Assistance, MS-1
California Department of Transportation
P.O. Box 942874
Sacramento, CA 94274-0001
Phone: (916) 653-2750

Caltrans Active Transportation Program (ATP)

Active Transportation Program (ATP) web page

(The California Department of Transportation no longer features a Bicycle Transportation Account (BTA) web page —the annual program providing state funds for city and county projects that improve safety and convenience for bicycle commuters. Instead, BTA has been consolidated with others, e.g., refer to the ATP web page.

Caltrans – U.S. Bicycle Route System (USBRS)

Related Caltrans web page:

For Monterey County, the Transportation Agency for Monterey County (TAMC) is a key Caltrans Active Transportation Plan partner; direct local questions to TAMC’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator. Learn more in our TAMC section below. 

Monterey County Public Works & Facilities

To stay informed, you may sign up for email notifications from County of Monterey With regard to County of Monterey meetings, also note—click the User Guide tab, then scroll down to “Sign Up for Alerts.”

Some bike infrastructure projects (e.g., the Davis Road bike lanes between Rossi and Blanco) are a project of the Monterey County Public Works Department. If you have questions about such a project, you may wish to contact Paul Greenway, assistant director of public works, or Patricia Lopez, a senior project manager; or 831-755-8998. As with most local municipal agencies, staff appreciates inquirers keeping in mind that they typically are juggling many responsibilities, and they may not be able to respond to questions immediately.

The county website includes the following page on road closures and information:

Monterey County Public Works maintenance needs / report a problem with public roads and bridges, storm drains within the public right of way, and other issues. For details, see:!/
Also see Transportation Agency for Monterey County info below, “TAMC –  Maintenance needs / report a problem.”

U.S. Department of Transportation, Federal Highway Administration 

Feb 2019 report “Bikeway Selection Guide” is among bicycling resources on U.S. Department of Transportation website:

Transportation Agency for Monterey County (TAMC)

The Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator a.k.a. bike-ped coordinator is the primary go-to person for Monterey County bike-walk issues. Look for the name of current coordinator at; and for other contact info, refer to TAMC’s staff page
 TAMC’s staff page typically indicates some of the individual staff members’ bike-related assignments, such as wayfinding plan, bike map, Safe Routes to School, and more. For example,
TAMC staff involved in bike projects as of Nov 2021 included (but weren’t limited to) Ariana Green, Laurie Williamson, and Aaron Hernandez. (Note:
TAMC’s fall 2020 site redesign means you can no longer search for all bike-related roles on a single TAMC staff page.)

Archived notes (some recent history): Bike-ped coordinators for TAMC have changed frequently. They have included former TAMC staff members Andy Cook and Kaki Cheung, who completed that work at TAMC in June 2014 and June 2013 respectively. As of June 2014, Ariana Green was bike-ped coordinator, a position she later shared with Virginia Murillo (including when Ariana was on leave from TAMC Aug 8, 2016 to late Feb 2017). For 2016-2018, Virginia took on a more active bike-ped role, until her resignation from TAMC effective Sept 7, 2018. As of September 2018, Stefania Castillo was TAMC’s bike-ped coordinator. In July 2019, Madilyn Jacobsen joined TAMC as a transportation planner and later transitioned into the bike-ped coordinator role; she served in that role until her resignation from TAMC, with her last day being Sept 24, 2021. In Nov 2021, Janneke Strause (who formerly worked with the City of San Jose Bike & Ped Committee and also served as executive director of Bike Santa Cruz County) joined TAMC as a planner; Janneke served as TAMC’s bike-ped coordinator—until 2024, when she went on leave from TAMC, planned for Feb 1, 2024 until June 2024. For several months in 2024 Aaron Hernandez temporarily served as bike-ped coordinator; and by Aug 30, 2024 the new bike-ped coordinator was Ariadne Sambrano.

TAMC’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Advisory Committee (AKA Bike-Ped Committee)
Monthly Meetings: TAMC Bicycle & Pedestrian Facilities Advisory Committee — Public welcome
Note: TAMC redesigned their website in fall 2020 with the unfortunate result that nearly all our links to TAMC’s site now lead to an error message. We wish that our available volunteer hours allowed us to change our hundreds of outbound links to TAMC’s site. You may find that using TAMC’s search window turns up the info you’re seeking—or not. Another option is to do an advanced web search (i.e., typing in your browser’s search window “” along with keywords regarding the info you’re seeking). Or contact TAMC for help. You may wish to start here and here
The public is encouraged to attend TAMC’s bike-ped meetings. Meetings will be of greatest interest to adults, teens, and older children. When in-person meetings are held, sandwiches/snacks are usually served.
Note the vacancies on the committee members roster, including vacancies in the alternate positions. Those are places in the county not being well represented. If interested in applying for a committee position, refer to and contact TAMC’s bike-ped coordinator.
Meeting schedule, agendas / packets, and minutes, including upcoming meeting locations are all provided online at the TAMC site. That and other info is linked from the bike/ped committee page You can ask to receive emails notifying you of upcoming meetings, and letting you know when the agendas/packets are available.

How? Scroll down TAMC’s Contact page to “Would you like to receive our agendas?” and then scroll that box for a list of options.People not online can request to receive information by postal mail, or can view some info at certain public libraries. Ask TAMC for details.

TAMC’s Cone Zone Report (weekly roadway condition reports)

For a weekly report on major scheduled road and lane closures for Monterey County, the Cone Zone Report provided by TAMC, refer to  

Note: Not all work done by Caltrans will necessarily be announced in TAMC’s scheduled closures, as was the case with the June 2013 fence work (pictured below) on the Viejo Road bike path, on Carmel Hill, parallel to Highway 1. Stay alert by checking in with other local resources too, such as Velo Club Monterey.

New fence photo courtesy of Carey Beebe, July 2013.

Carmel Hill fence July 2013

TAMC –  Maintenance needs / report a problem with public roads or other public bikeways
You may report needs by using the online form Bike Service Request Form AKA Bicycle Facilities Service Request (click here). Contact TAMC if you need the old print version form to fax,  postal mail, or hand deliver to them.
Using TAMC’s form, you can report bikeway conditions needing attention, such as: potholes, debris on shoulders or bikeways, bikeways not clearly marked, damaged or missing bikeway signs, traffic signal not triggered by bicycles (no bike detection), vegetation overgrowth, construction obstacles, and other conditions interfering with safe and efficient travel by bike.

Note: For state highways, such as CA SR68, the Monterey-Salinas Highway, you can report a pothole or other maintenance need directly to Caltrans:

City and county staffers can be very busy, and occasionally it takes a follow-up report (“squeaky wheel gets the grease”) to move an item—such as sweeping gravel out of the bike lanes on a recently resurfaced Garden Road in Monterey—up their priority list. If your email or call hasn’t been responded too after a reasonable length of time, perhaps try a reach-out on social media.

TAMC’s Bicycle Secure Program—Bicycle racks, lockers, and repair stations 

In 2015, a three-year “Bicycle Secure Program” was launched, providing free bike racks, lockers, and repair/maintenance stations, as well as skateboard/scooter racks. See TAMC with your questions. Click here for more details.

TAMC’s Complete Streets

Visit TAMC’s Complete Streets web page, and respond to requests for Complete Streets input.

TAMC and Bike Month

TAMC’s Bike Month website section:

Additional info on the Bicycling Monterey website: Bike Month 2017 and Bike Month portal for some prior years.

Below: The daughter of Bicycling Monterey founder Mari Lynch is holding a t-shirt from the Transportation Agency for Monterey County’s 2nd annual celebration of bicycling, May 16, 1996.

2nd Annual - 1996 - Monterey County Bike Week

History of  Monterey County Bike Day / Bike Week / Bike Month Every May from 1995-2012,  TAMC made a special effort to encourage more people to bike Monterey County year-round. In 2012, some of the Monterey County activity was taken on by Ecology Action of Santa Cruz; see their Tri-County Bike Week site, For 2013, with regret, TAMC’s usual Annual  Bike Week was not held, and to keep the energy moving, TAMC contracted with Ecology Action to do bike rodeos at up to eight Monterey County schools. As Monterey Bay Unified Air Pollution Control District (MBUAPCD) knows,  there are many ways to celebrate Bike Week / Bike Month, and for 2013, Bicycling Monterey and others helped keep Bike Week/Month alive. Then for 2014, volunteers from TAMC’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee not only made it possible for Bike Week to return, but expanded it to Bike Month!  Gratitude to all who worked hard to make this happen.

In 2015, TAMC advised TAMC’s bike/ped advisory committee that volunteers and grant applicants were encouraged to make a robust Bike Month happen; see page 4 of the October 2014 minutes of TAMC’s bike/ped advisory committee:

For more Monterey County Bike Month history, click here.

Below: Kaki Cheung, a former bike-ped coordinator for the  Transportation Agency for Monterey County. Kaki is shown using the Cycle Tracks app in Salinas.

Measure X Citizens Oversight Committee

On November 8, 2016, TAMC’s Transportation Safety and Investment Plan and Retail Transactions and Use Tax, Measure X was approved by Monterey County voters. As stated in TAMC’s 2017 Annual Report, this made Monterey a “self-help county” through a 3.8% sales tax “dedicated to improving Monterey County’s transportation network.” As further stated in the report, on March 22, 2017, the TAMC Board of Directors appointed a Citizens Oversight Committee to ensure that “taxpayer safeguards identified in the Transportation Safety & Investment Plan are met.” A list of twenty “Organization/Interest Group” representatives appointed includes “Bicycling Advocate” Victoria Beach and alternate Claire Rygg (update: Rygg is no longer serving on this committee). For full list of committee members, refer to To learn more about Measure X and the Citizens Oversight Committee, contact TAMC.

(11b) Infrastructure – Cities of Monterey County

To stay informed, get on email lists of local cities regarding topics of interest to you. See our May 2021 post “Bike advocacy: How to get notifications about Monterey County municipal meetings affecting people who bike.” (Below is only a sampling of local cities.)

Individual cities, even small ones, usually have a city traffic engineer and/or city planner. Refer to cities’ websites for public works departments, traffic engineering, and planning.

Greenfield: Sign up for emails at

Monterey: Sign up for emails; for the sign-up link, scroll down to “Subscribe to the Boards and Commissions Interest List and any other email lists that interest you!” To be sure you get notifications of upcoming decisions on bike-related topics, you may also wish to check in with the Traffic Engineering Office

Salinas: On the City of Salinas news page, there’s link to their connect page (social media and email connections); scroll down that page for current email sign-up options On the Traffic & Transportation Engineering page, there’s info on the Traffic and Transportation Commission and its meetings. 

Seaside: As with all such meetings in local cities, the public is welcome to attend Seaside’s Traffic Advisory Committee meetings. Details: While agendas for any month may not include specifically bike-related topics, pedestrian and other active transportation topics will likely also be of interest to many people who bike Seaside. Questions? Contact assistant engineer Leslie Llantero (email preferred). Locate additional Engineering Department staff, Planning Division staff, and Public Works staff

(11c) Infrastructure – Fort Ord Reuse Authority (FORA)

Background: As summarized by Fort Ord Recreation Trail Friends (FORT Friends), the former Fort Ord military base was approximately 22,000 acres. In 2012, about 15,400 acres were designated as the Fort Ord National Monument. About 1,300 additional acres adjacent to the Monument are designated Monterey County habitat/open space. The remaining areas are slated for development as described in the Fort Ord Reuse Plan; see Fort Ord Reuse Authority / FORA.

Among Fort Ord Reuse Authority activities are sometimes events such as the Fort Ord Trails Symposium – Regional Trails, Transit & Economic Vitality. Bike advocates may wish to get on some FORA email lists to help stay apprised of the most relevant info.  One of particular interest will be that of the Post Reassessment Advisory Committee (PRAC). To receive those emails, submit your request to Josh Metz at (831) 883-3672 or josh [AT] fora [DOT] org. Or just check that section of the FORA website now and then, for meeting minutes and more; as of 1/20/15, under the website’s Boards and Committees section, see BRP [Base Reuse Plan] Post Reassessment Advisory Committee.

Another relevant list for many is that of the FORA Environmental Services Cooperative Agreement (ESCA) Remediation Program. As of 1/20/15, that list is maintained by Laura Vidaurri. (831) 883-3506 ESCA Hotline – ~

(11 d) Fort Ord National Monument area

Fort Ord National Monument is under the jurisdiction of the U.S. Department of the Interior’s Bureau of Land Management (BLM). Contact the Central Coast Field Office for further info about Fort Ord National Monument.

FAQ: Are helmets required for biking at Fort Ord National Monument? Click here.

Among partners of the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) is Fort Ord Recreational Trail Friends (FORT Friends). FORT Friends began in 2007 and is a  501-c-3 non-profit group (June 2012) comprised of local trail users who share a passion for the Fort Ord trails. Included are hikers, runners, mountain bikers and road cyclists, equestrians, dog walkers, and others, since FORT Friends believes all non-motorized trail users can enjoy public lands together through mutual respect and consideration. FORT Friends partner with local trails groups and serve as an info clearinghouse. Learn much more at

11(e) The Offset Project

Office of The Offset Project, downtown Monterey, has a bike rack out front—and chances are that bike rack is well used by TOP staff.


The Offset Project is a nonprofit founded in Monterey County in 2007 by Kristin Cushman. Learn more on TOP’s website. TOP set a goal of raising $20,000 through the Monterey County Gives 2015 campaign in order to install a bicycle barometer / bike counter; learn more in the Monterey County Weekly’s 11/26/15 story, “The Offset Project aims to undo daily damage to the Earth,” by Ana Ceballos. The Weekly story states the barometer “would track and quantify how carbon emissions are reduced by biking. The barometer would go in Monterey, at a precise location yet to be determined.” The fundraising goal was not met by 1/1/16, so TOP continued their fundraising in 2016, with a goal to install “an Eco-totem Bike Counter somewhere in Monterey County.”

Contact TOP for any updates on their bike counter vision as well as for any additional ways they incorporate bicycling into their work. For related info, see #11 in Bicycling Monterey’s end-of-year newsletter for 2016.

The Offset Project also currently organizes and staffs the Monterey Bay Regional Climate Action Compact, mentioned in Bicycling Monterey’s climate change post.

11(f) Fort Ord Regional Trail and Greenway Project (FORTAG)

The Fort Ord Regional Trail and Greenway Project (FORTAG) — which has sometimes been referred to as the Fort Ord Recreational Trail and Greenway Project — is an exciting project that was presented to the Transportation Agency for Monterey County’s bike-ped committee in 2015. Contact FORTAG or TAMC for updates. As noted on, “The FORTAG project is a grassroots proposal; more information on the background and development can be found here:” See 2024 update:

12.  Bike-and-Ride Options and Advocates

Can’t bike all the way to (or make the return trip from) your destination?  Refer to the bike-and-ride section of the Tips for Bicycling Monterey County guide.  You’ll find tips there for making use of the Monterey-Salinas Transit System (MST) buses, and other bike-and-ride options, including bike racks for personal vehicles, trains, taxicabs, hotel shuttles, airport shuttle, corporation aviation, and rental cars.

Watsonville? Yes! The MST goes out of county too!

Bike-and-ride advocates would include just about everyone on this page! However, a particular vocal advocate of multimodal transportation, including bike-and-ride, is the MacGregor “Goya” Eddy. She wrote the Californian’s “We Could Car Less” column until the Gannett-owned Californian cancelled it (just as Digital First-owned Santa Cruz Sentinel cancelled Karen Kefauver’s “Spin City”). Eddy is a Salinas resident and an alternative mode traveler. Contact her by email at wecouldcarless [AT] gmail [DOT] com.

13.  Emergency Ride Home for Commuters

This program is now managed by the Transportation Agency for Monterey County (formerly managed by the Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments/AMBAG).

What’s the benefit of registering with the Emergency Ride Home program? If you use your bicycle or another form of alternative transportation–such as the Monterey Salinas Transit system (MST bus)–even one day a week, you can get reimbursed for taxi or rental car fee of up to $60 if a family emergency occurs (e.g., illness or crisis) or if you are asked to work late (unexpected overtime required by employer).

Read details and restrictions on the TAMC website, where the application form is also provided.

Bike commuters, here’s another heads-up: U.S. taxpayers can make use of bicycle commuter tax benefits.

14.  Sea Otter Classic

A four-day Celebration of Cycling  

Scheduled dates for Sea Otter Classic in Monterey County, as of February 1, 2025, include:

April 10-13, 2025; April 16-19, 2026; April 15-18, 2027; April 20-23, 2028; April 19-22, 2029; April 11-14, 2030; April 17-20, 2031.

For any changes, refer to For the most current information about SOC and full details, go to

History: Sea Otter Classic began in Monterey County in 1991, known the first two years as the Laguna Seca Challenge. It grew from a single day of bicycle racing to become a four-day Celebration of Cycling. Sea Otter in Monterey County is regarded as the bicycle world’s premiere festival and one of the world’s largest. In its final years of more than thirty years of local ownership (Sea Otter Classic was acquired by Life Time –, Sea Otter Classic began expansion to other countries; in 2023, that includes SOC in Europe and Canada. For 2023 attendance figures and other 2023 updates about Monterey County’s SOC, you may wish to refer to:

Sea Otter entices bike-loving people to visit Monterey County for its world-renowned pro and amateur racing and much more! The four-day event includes North America’s largest consumer bicycle exposition, along with Sea Otter Village featuring lots of fun, free activities for kids and others. Learn more about SOC on this site:

15.  Bicycle and Bike-Related Conferences

U.S. Bicycle Market Forum. Launched April 9-10, 2025 by People for Bikes.

Bicycle Leadership Conference.
During Sea Otter Classic week 2009-2019, Monterey County welcomed the Bicycle Leadership Conference. That tradition ended for Monterey in April 2019.
Update, July 1, 2020:

The new website for the Bicycle Leadership Conference, scheduled to be held in Santa Cruz as of 2021 (later moved to Tucson, AZ), is:

Global Outdoor Summit. The inaugural summit was scheduled for April 13-15, 2021 in Monterey. The summit website (formerly the BLC site) is:

California Trails & Greenways Conference took place in Monterey in 2017. “California Trails & Greenways 2017 provided three days of high-quality education and networking opportunities for urban, rural, and backcountry trail professionals.” Click here to learn more.

16.  The HER Helmet Thursdays Project

The HER Helmet Thursdays Project, established November 2009, is one of many Bicycling Monterey projects. Suitable for any geographic location, HER Helmet Thursdays was created and launched in Monterey County as a public service by Bicycling Monterey founder Mari Lynch. People of any gender help HER / Mother Earth by bicycling and are rewarded with 10-50% discounts at participating businesses and organizations on Thursdays. For details, see “LISTINGS, How to Get the Discounts, and FAQs about HER Helmet Thursdays.” For history, audio and video intros, and other info, see the HER Helmet Thursdays portal page  (“Quick Links”).

Note that in 2017, bike shops were added to the project. See “Bike to Shop, including HER Helmet Thursdays discounts.

Dates:  Ongoing, year-round, with some date restrictions.

17. Bicycle equity / #bikes4all / bikes for all; bikes and bicycle gear for people without the means to buy their own; and homeless outreach

Bicycle equity / #bikes4all / bikes for all: Many of the individuals and organizations in this bike community leaders directory, including Bicycling Monterey, endeavor to support bicycle equity / bikes-for-all efforts in a variety of ways, often quietly behind-the-scenes. This includes matters related to economic circumstances, language, physical abilities, fitness level, age, race, immigration status, and more. As Bicycling Monterey says, “Sexism, racism, lookism, ageism…. None of the -isms serve a community well. And that’s true when it comes to the bike community too.”

Dr. Adonia Lugo, bicycle anthropologist, publisher of the blog Urban Adonia, and manager of the Bike Equity Network wrote regarding Bicycling Monterey: “You put your region’s diversity front and center in your work.”

Some of these bike community leaders—such as Gears 4 Good, homeless outreach team Michael Fechter and Tia Sukin—make bike equity the primary focus of their efforts, so they’re highlighted here in Section 17. (If you know of others, please contact me so they can be listed too.)

Bikes and bicycle gear for people without the means to buy their own: When people think of Monterey County, they often think of affluence in Carmel, Pebble Beach, and elsewhere. But Monterey County also includes, for example, the Salinas Valley, Salad Bowl of the Nation — which includes many who go hungry. You’d also likely be very surprised by the people whose budgets do not, at this time, allowing purchasing a bike, even a used bicycle. Many also cannot purchase essential bike gear required by law, such as headlights for night riding or helmets for people under 18.

Greenfield Community Science Workshop’s bike repair workshops have included workshops not only in Greenfield but also GCSW mobile workshops in Chualar, Gonzales, King City, San Ardo, San Lucas, Soledad, and any other Salinas Valley locations. Check with them for other possible locations, for future dates, and for all updates and details. NOTE: As of April 17, 2024, their preferred phone number for bike lab and bike repair services is now (831) 233-8335. Learn more: 

Salinas Community Science Workshop launched in May 2021 and sometimes offers free bicycle repair and free bike helmets, e.g., in March 2024:

Cerney mural at Monterey County Youth Center

Among other Monterey County bike equity efforts:

  • Gears 4 Good is a small nonprofit organized by Steve Benes. Although he began the work on the Monterey Peninsula, as his resources and volunteer time allow, Steve is happy to serve locals throughout Monterey County. For people who cannot afford a bike, Gears 4 Good is sometimes able to provide bicycles for transportation to work or school, or simply if driving is not an option for them. Gears 4 Good is a 501 (3) (c) nonprofit, since March 2013. Website as of 4/13/23 is a subpage of website for Steve’s bike shop, Toro Grind: . Email Steve with your questions if you or someone you know needs help obtaining a bike. Steve also welcomes people to contact him with offers to assist him in this philanthropic endeavor.
  • Homeless outreach: Husband-and-wife team Michael Fechter and Tia Sukin help the homeless in a variety of ways. Among those is that (as of 8/11/14), on Saturdays, at Dennis the Mennis Park in the El Estero Park Complex, Monterey there is a “Bike Church” with two mechanics helping the homeless fix their bikes. Michael and Tia would like to expand to provide this service on Sundays too, from approximately 10-11 a.m.  on the benches next to the volleyball courts at Window on the Bay Park, Monterey. (Both parks are City of Monterey facilities; click here for directions.) To volunteer or learn more, contact Michael and Tia at 843-276-7655. Click here for related story about Church on the Beach AKA Shame-Free Church by Claudia Melendez Salinas. Also see Dennis Taylor’s 12/20/14 Monterey County Herald story, “Monterey homeless-help group...,” which includes info about Bill Weller’s bike mechanic services, provided to anyone in need at “Pass the Word” gatherings at Dennis the Menace Park; and that some bikes have also been gifted to those in need.
  • Graduates of the Monterey County Probation Department Youth Center bike repair and safety class would benefit from contributions of bike helmets, U-locks, lights, pumps, tool kits, and more.  This is the first high school bike tech class in Monterey County. The class serves 14- to 17/18-year-old boys who come from all over the county. See “Teach Teens Well” to learn more.
  • Various local needs: See How to help: Bikes, gear, skills for youth and others without for additional needs.
  • Family Biking Monterey County was launched October 2016 by Families of Color Monterey County (FoCMC), established July 2016. Contact them to learn about their wide range of activities. They offer balance bike camps and are dealers for related product manufacturers, e.g., helmets and bicycles, and have bike kits and clinics available for purchase as well. (FAQ note: “For safety, quality of instruction, and the continued support of our Community Sponsors the only balance bikes we allow at our clinics are WOOM1s and Stampede® Charger Balance Bikes.”) FoCMC was awarded a 2017 Neighborhood Grant from the Community Foundation for Monterey County and a 2017 Golden Helmet Award from the Transportation Agency for Monterey County. Hear an audio interview with the founders, Adisa Vaughn and Lauryn Ricigliano, in Episode #150 (June 7, 2017) of Salinas Underground Podcast:  [Update, April 7, 2018: announced “FoCMC is ending.”  Their last day was May 20, 2018, per their Facebook page, and on May 21,  they announced they are relocating to Nevada and can now be reached via] 

18. Fixed Gear / Fixies

Note: If riding on California roadways, bicycles must be equipped with a brake that allows an operator to execute a one-braked-wheel skid on dry, level, clean pavement. CVC 21201(a).


F.N.B. / Fixed Not Broken was a Fixed Gear Cycling Club for which dates are not currently being scheduled.  See guest post by co-founder Jesse Martinez,  “Spinning Spokes and Telling Jokes: The birth of the FNB ride group.” Jess and his buddies now have a small bike team in Salinas dubbed WEREFAST (We Enjoy Riding Everyday Fast And Smart Too).  Watch a 12/5/13 video by Jay Dunn for the Salinas Californian featuring WEREFAST riders, along with more photos by Dunn and a story by Becky Bach. Click here.

19.  Safe Routes to School

As of February 2021, for Monterey County Safe Routes to School information, contact Ariana Green of the Transportation Agency for Monterey County, – 831-775-4403, and visit TAMC’s new Safe Routes to School website launched this month,

For related info for Monterey County, click here for Bicycling Monterey’s Bike to School compilation, then scroll to Schools in Monterey County: Support for Kids Who Bike. For other related posts, check Archived notes: Partial history of Safe Routes to School efforts in Monterey County

For additional resources, visit the Safe Routes to School national partnership: Bicycling Monterey and others sometimes participate in SRTS webinars to become more effective in advocacy. Check out the SRTS webinar schedule: You may also be interested in looking over the California SRTS pages, Some SRTS resources are also found in Bicycling Monterey’s en español resources page.

20. Social Bike Runs (Rides), Bike Parties, “Ride Outs,” Community Ride Groups, Bike Polo Players, History Rides, and More

If you’re organizing a bike party or other social ride, especially in an urban area, consider the challenges and lessons learned by regional neighbors.

When putting the word out about your dates, it can be helpful to share resources such as ride rules / guidelines / instrux  /—e.g., Social-Ride-Guidelines-Monterey-County-CA— and bike law summaries, e.g., Bike law summary – Spanish and English

Social bike runs may include…
  • annual events, such as Critical Christmas / Lighted Bike Parade
  • monthly events, such as the Harmony at Home rides
  • weekly events, such as Monterey Bay Coastal Trail meetup;
  • occasional recurring gatherings, such as the Salinas Burrito Bike Rides organized by Deadend Magazine and friends–which especially highlight beach cruisers, custom, and lowrider bikes;
  • organizational activities, such as Epicenter’s August 2015 bike night
  • one-time special events, such as the Rolling Historical Tour of Salinas on 10/12/14 (popularity of a one-time event may lead to it recurring)

Keep an ear to the ground, as many of these events are spontaneous, short-notice, or fairly underground. You may hear buzz about them on this site, or on Twitter @bikemonterey; on other social media; or simply out on the bikeways. One thing that all social bike runs tend to have in common is to “get on a bike, have fun”!

Cesar Chavez Library

As MacGregor Eddy reported in her “We Could Car Less Column” in the August 18, 2016 Californian (click here, then scroll down), Cesar Chavez Library in East Salinas had its first library-sponsored bike ride, organized by librarian Carol Lovos, on August 13, 2016. Ask the librarians if they plan more.

Monterey Bay Coastal Trail meetup group

As of December 2014, there were over 60 riders meeting regularly to bike the Monterey Bay Coastal Trail. Find them on; look for “Monterey Bay Coastal Trail ride.”

Salinas Psycho Cyclers

Salinas Psycho Cyclers is a community of people who make biking foundational to their lifestyle. (Psycho Cyclers community, founded in 2010, sprung from the earlier Salinas Valley Fixed Gear. SVFG was made up of fixed gear/track bike riders with group rides, races, and other events.)

As well as polo games, Psycho Cyclers has sometimes hosted races and group social rides too. Read their statement of philosophy and purpose, as posted in the “About” section of Psycho Cyclers FB community page  –

With regard to polo…

Salinas Bike Polo community includes Monterey County’s first bike polo group, also known as Salinas Psycho Cyclers. Psycho Cyclers Polo/Salinas Bike Polo has been branching out with teams within the club, especially since 2014, when there was a resurgence of polo interest locally. Connect with Psycho Cyclers polo group/Salinas Bike Polo on FB at:

MenstrualXCycles of Salinas (see contact info below) hosted Bike Polo 101 on July 11-12, 2015. Contact them about future activities.

Clash of the Mallets bike polo tournament

Clash of the Mallets was Monterey County’s first bicycle polo tournament and is anticipated to become an annual event. The first was co-presented by Salinas Bike Polo AKA Salinas Pedal Junkies and Fresno Pedal Junkies. For photos at Bicycling Monterey and links to other coverage, click here. Reach Salinas Bike Polo players via Facebook: contact person has relocated to Fresno.)

MenstrualXCycles aka 831 Menstrual Cycles

Who says males dominate the bike world? Not Monterey County’s newest (as of May 7, 2014) social bike run, 831 Menstrual  Cycles of Salinas.  Their first ride was March 16, 2014 and among their goals is making a strong community of female bicyclists in the 831. For  information, contact them directly. Find them on Tumblr: You may also email menstrualXcycles [AT] gmail [DOT] com or visit the Facebook page for MenstrualXCycles: – On Twitter

Salinas Bike Party

Salinas Bike Party took a break, then in summer 2018, after 3+ years of quiet, Salinas Bike Party again became active on Instagram: SBP scheduled a ride in honor of the retirement of Bryan Williams and his Bear Bikes shop. Watch their Instagram account for any forthcoming rides.

History of Salinas Bike Party:  Rob Garcia founded Salinas Bike Party, a courteous social bike run launched August 3, 2012, and numerous SBP rides were held in 2012 and 2013. SBP welcomed all types of bicycles, anyone willing to cruise in tune with Salinas Bike Party rules. (Also note a newer version, Social Ride Guidelines for Monterey County California.)  Click here to see more scenes from SBP. Salinas Bike Party was among the nation’s bike parties highlighted in journalist Ron Cassie’s story, “Bike Party – a fresh new way to take back the streets,” in the 5/3/13 Grist. (See Bicycling Monterey’s comment on the story–click here, scroll down.)

Even during years when SBP-organized rides are not happening, Rob often has the buzz about impromptu social bike runs. He also regularly volunteers at scheduled bike activities, such as these (yup, he was seen volunteering at two of that weekend’s events). Rob has been a strong community supporter, including of the bike scene in Salinas and vicinity.

Salinas Social Cycling

Also check in with Salinas Social Cycling to see what social rides may be happening. The Salinas Social Cycling Facebook page welcomes posts about bike-friendly events–“having to do with bicycling and local events in and near the Salinas Valley.”

Break the Cycle Evening Rides

As part of their mission to end cycles of bullying and violence, Harmony at Home has organized casual social bike rides. The first was scheduled for 9/21/17. They’d originally scheduled monthly rides for third Thursdays through June 2018 and decided to cancel some of those dates. Check with them for any updates.

Critical Christmas / Lighted Bike Parade

Save the date for this free community event, which normally takes place annually. Event was founded by Jim Wrona, who organized it for over two decades, with communications primarily through the event Facebook page: Event history and tips:

21.  Do-It-Yourself (DIY) Bicycle Maintenance Stations

  • Additional bike maintenance stations are beginning to pop up around Monterey County, at schools and other locations. Check with the Transportation Agency for Monterey County about TAMC’s current availability of free bike maintenance stations; learn more here.
  • The first DIY bike maintenance station in Monterey County was at Salinas High School (established 8/27/12, for any SHS students). Click here for announcement.
  • CSUMB had the second (as of 8/29/12, pending installation). Per Megan Tolbert, DIY stations will become part of CSUMB’s Wise Biker resources ( Contact CSUMB with questions.

22.  Recurring Bike Rides or Races

The below is a sampling of such rides or races that take place in Monterey County. You’ll find more throughout this site, and elsewhere online. Many others on this web page also host rides, races, or other bike-related events whose benefits include supporting charities. 

The Sand City Criterium launched September 11, 2022, with its second crit is scheduled for July 23, 2023. For details, visit the Monterey Bay Racing Team website: 

  • B2B / Bridge to Bridge – benefiting Bridge Restoration Ministry’s residential program for people in recovery.Andrew Kipsey IMG_0909
  • Twilight Rides – monthly at WeatherTech Raceway Laguna Seca, typically benefiting a variety of  local clubs and charities.
  • Salinas 10-Mile Family Bike Ride for a Better Community. Annual event, with part of the proceeds to benefit Salinas schools.
  • Ride Out Domestic Violence – organized by Fort Hunter Liggett’s Family Advocacy Program to raise awareness about domestic violence. To see this all-ages race continue annually, please register early to avoid event cancellation.

The  Salinas Criterium (AKA Salinas Valley Criterium) and Salinas Clean Air Criterium are under the umbrella of nonprofit Pedali Alpini, Inc. Race opportunities include those for girls and boys, ages 10-18, as well as for adults. Questions? (831) 442-VELO (8356). Bike advocate and TAMC Bike/Ped Advisory member Eric Petersen is an alternate contact for the Salinas Criteriums: (831)758-2474.

American Legion Auxiliary Post 589 is making their Lowrider Bike Show an annual event.  Click here for details. To keep in touch about future plans, contact Legion Auxiliary President Molly K. Smith, 831-759-0484.

23.  IBD Summit/ Independent Bike Dealers Summit

“The premiere educational and networking event for independent bicycle retailers.”

A Retail Academy & Industry Networking Event. The Sea Otter Classic and Interbike partnered on this new event in Monterey in 2012, and the IBD Summit returned to Monterey in 2013 and 2014. Many bicycle dealers who attended Sea Otter Classic’s special 2011 Dealer Days enjoyed the 2012-2014 IBD Summits.

For 2015, IBD Summit shifted to Tempe, Arizona. Visit to learn more.

24.  Bicycle Industry Leaders

Monterey County is home of Light & Motion. Learn more about this local company, which designs, manufactures, and assembles many of its lights right here in Monterey County. Click here.

Tip of the helmet to Light & Motion for being a  contributor of graduation gifts to youth of the Monterey County Probation Department Youth Center’s bicycle repair and safety class.

25. Open Streets in Monterey County: 

Ciclovía Gonzales, Ciclovía Greenfield, Ciclovía King City, Ciclovía Salinas, Ciclovía Soledad

For confirmed dates and detailed info, refer to Bicycling Monterey’s OPEN STREETS resources page or check with the sources cited. 
Monterey County Health Department 

Monterey County Health Department is typically active in organizing and supporting our county’s Open Streets / Ciclovia events. As of May 2021, a contact at MCHD regarding bike-related projects is Jessica Perez, Chronic Disease Prevention Coordinator. Jessica has been an employee of MCHD for the past seven years. For updates on any Ciclovias or other bike-related projects that MCHDP is currently involved in, contact Jessica by phone or email at: 831-755-8975, In addition to her work as an employee of the County, in her personal life Jessica enjoys volunteering in support of bike-related community efforts. Jessica loves to ride her bike and to help bring bike joy to others!

Ciclovía Gonzales

The inaugural event was September 9, 2018. Details: This was a joint project by the City of Gonzales, Monterey County Health Department, Via Salinas Valley Active Transportation Program, and Building Healthy Communities-East Salinas (organizers of Ciclovia Salinas).

Ciclovía Greenfield

A Ciclovia Greenfield is being planned; check our Open Streets page for any confirmed date. (Meanwhile, you can check with the Monterey County Health Department about progress with planning for Ciclovia Greenfield, or to volunteer to help with preparations. Related info: Transportation Agency for Monterey County 1/4/17 bike-ped committee packet; see page 2 and 35:

Ciclovía King City

The inaugural event was April 14, 2019. Details:

Ciclovia Salinas logo

Ciclovía Salinas

The seventh annual was October 6, 2019. Bicycling Monterey’s OPEN STREETS resources page includes lots of Ciclovia Salinas info:  contact info; resources, including—in English y en español—the Ciclovía Salinas Open Streets etiquette; a summary about Ciclovía Salinas (who, what, when, where); how it happens (barricade volunteers, youth internships, and other volunteer opportunities); and history. Included there are links to photo galleries, inaugural year acknowledgements, plus links to all other Ciclovía Salinas posts on the Bicycling Monterey website.

Monterey County’s first Open Streets, Ciclovía Salinas, was celebrated by the Open Streets Project as one of the first dozen Open Streets locations in California. (And it was one of only 89 locations in the entire United States as of 11/23/13, according to the list on the Open Streets Project’s initiatives page.)

Ciclovía Soledad

The inaugural event was scheduled for 2020, then postponed due to global pandemic, and will be rescheduled. Details:

26. Faith-Based Biking Activities

Shoreline Outdoors: Roy Pina, a pastor on the staff team at Shoreline Community Church, is the person to contact for Shoreline Outdoors.

Other faith communities show support for bicycling too. For examples, see “Eco Wisdom of a Bicycling Friendly Faith Community” (First Presbyterian Church of Monterey); and “Downtown Salinas church asks: What would happen if we changed the ways we moved around?” (First United Methodist Church); plus more in bike to worship.

27. Elementary and Middle School Cycling Clubs

Monterey Park Cycling: Click here to learn about Monterey Park Cycling,  a bike club for students of Monterey Park School, a Salinas City Elementary School. With the active support of two cyclists–former principal Ron Dillender and educator Cliff Siegel–these K-5 South Salinas kids began learning by bike. Check them out, then play a fun game of copy-cat and start a cycling club at an elementary school you are part of! (As of  the 2014-15 school year, Susana Lowery has replaced Ron Dillerman as principal. Check with the Susana to learn if the club is continuing.)

Lincoln Elementary School Cycling: When Ron Dillender moved to a position as principal at Lincoln Elementary School, which is another a Salinas City Elementary School, he started a cycling club there too. (As of 2015-16 school year, Ron has moved on again, to a new position with SCES, now serving the district as a Principal on Special Assignment and Director of Curriculum and Instruction. Check with the Lincoln Elementary office to learn if the club is continuing.)

Among elementary schools whose principals have expressed interest in following Ron’s lead are the above two schools and also Loma Vista.Here’s to more schools with cycling clubs! Thanks to Ron for his leadership in helping more children bike. Ron Dillender remains a strong advocate to help students gain a love of riding and their communities by getting to know  neighborhoods by bike.  Questions? Contact Ron via the Salinas City Elementary School district office.

Mountain Bike Mondays, San Benancio Middle School: Mountain Bike Mondays, for middle schoolers (and for 4th and 5th graders with parents present). Refer to page 5 of the March 2016 issue of  “The Oak Leaf,” the San Benancio Middle School newsletter, or contact Gretta Williams, (831) 214-0978 / or the school for any updates or changes. 

Mountain Bike Mondays: “A Monterey Bay junior (6th to 8th grade) mountain biking club that provides education, experience, confidence, and fun in a non-competitive setting.” Contact via Facebook page, or email

28. Monterey Bay Region Bike Resources

AMBAG and Monterey Bay Air Resources District, found elsewhere on this web page, serve the Monterey Bay Tri-County region–which includes San Benito and Santa Cruz Counties, as well as Monterey County.

The Bicycling Monterey website’s primary focus is Monterey County. However, if you type the names of a few of our Monterey Bay neighbors, e.g.,  “Santa Cruz,” ‘Watsonville,” and “San Benito,” in the site’s search window, you’ll find them here! To narrow your focus, see “Search Tips/Navigating This Site.”

Some of the many good biking resources from San Benito and Santa Cruz Counties are highlighted on this site in the Bike Maps section of the Tips for Bicycling Monterey County guide.

Cycle Tracks Monterey

Want better bicycle infrastructure in the Monterey Bay region? One suggested way is to help gather data by using CycleTracks / Cycle Tracks. Data from AMBAG’s Cycle Tracks bike route data project will be used to finish a bicycle demand model. This will ultimately be used to help plan and fund bike projects. Learn more, and start using it, by going to: As with all info on this page, check with the source (in this case AMBAG) for updates.

29. Bicycle Repair/Maintenance Classes and Workshops

Bicycle maintenance classes and workshops for the general public are sometimes available locally.

30. BMX Parks


Manzanita Park BMX, 17100 Castroville Blvd., Prunedale/Salinas 939078814  (Prunedale is a census-designated place and the Post Office lists the address as both Prunedale and Salinas);  phone 831-663-1269. Track operator through 2013 was Steve Polk. Track operator currently (as of 3/19/14) is Steve Aday, 831-594-0207. Visit (that URL will redirect to ), and check out their News section.

  • Manzanita Park  is operated by the North [Monterey] County Youth Recreation Association, as indicated by the Monterey County Parks website (as of 9/3/13). Click here for the county’s Manzanita Park web page with some details on Manzanita Park BMX. The county lists the NCYRA phone contact for more info: 831-663-0859.
  • Manzanita Park is a good place to meet up with others who want to create more places to legally ride BMX in Monterey County. While Manzanita itself, at this time, is a track that facilitates the racing aspect of BMX, Steve Polk had indicated that the Board would like to put in a pump park. See how you can help make that happen! Whether you’re into BMX racing or BMX for recreational and social riding, visit Manzanita Park and get acquainted with others who want to see more great BMX ops locally.

What about skate parks? What about biking (BMX or any bicycle) at skate parks such as the skate park across from Virginia Rocca Barton elementary school in Salinas? “No bicycles” signs are posted, because these areas have been aside for use by skaters and skateboarders. Hey, skaters need a place to call their own too! It’s tough when neighborhood residents have no other place to ride BMX, and it makes sense that it’s tempting to take your BMX to the skate park. Get involved in advocating for more BMX parks in Monterey County. Feel free to contact me if you’d like to discuss.

31. Bicycle Film Showings

  • Schedule a bike film night open to the public. Contact us or another bike community leader to facilitate discussion before or after the film. (Examples: Environmental Film Cafe in Monterey and Sustainable Pacific Grove meeting; click here for both.)
  • Contact us to arrange a public presentation or private house party featuring short bicycling films. Ask us about opportunities for Q&A time and discussion as well.
  • Contact Sean Briscoe about “The Wandering Bike: From Steinbeck Country to the City of Angels.”
  • Contact Daniel Troia to arrange a showing of “The Road Less Traveled,” a documentary of his bike journey with Luke Young, which benefited Dorothy’s Place of Salinas. (January 2024 update: As reported in Bicycling, beginning 12 Jan 2024, Daniel’s film “We’re All In This Together” is available for viewing on various platforms. For details, go to
  • During the annual Sea Otter Classic, one or more bike films sometimes premiere in Monterey, such as “Pedal Driven” or “Singletrack High.” 
  • The Monterey Bicycle Film Festival may be a recurring event. Click here for info about the festival that was held in May 2014.

32. Parades with Bicycling Presence

There are some very cool parades in Monterey County, most annual, and many often include a bicycling presence.

Most parades require advance sign-ups by parade participants, so check those deadlines if you want to organize a group of bicyclists to ride in a parade. Here are some examples: California Rodeo’s Kiddie Kapers and Colmo del Rodeo Night Parade; City of Monterey 4th of July parade; Pacific Grove Holiday Parade of Lights;  Salinas Holiday Parade of Lights.  (On the Bicycling Monterey website, view Kiddie Kapers bicyclists and 4th of July parade bicyclists.)

33. Ebikes /e-bikes / electric-assist bicycles  — laws and local ordinances

There are different classes/types of e-bikes, and regulations vary by class as well as by geographic locale. For an introduction, refer to Bicycling Monterey’s post “Regulations for E-Bikes / Electric-Assist Bicycles and Other Non People-Powered Bikes — in Monterey County and Elsewhere.”

34. Bicycle-powered beverage service

NitroCycle opened in 2019 and is owned and operated by Michael Baroni. To reach this Monterey native with a passion for bicycling, refer to contact info at was voted Best EcoFriendly Business by Monterey County Weekly Readers Poll in 2022 –

35. Options in lieu of fine for bicycling-related citation

If you get a ticket while bicycling, California law allows—for certain infractions—attending class to reduce the fine. Such an option may be available for Monterey County residents, especially minors; refer to Bike Equity Project: Alternative to Fine for Traffic Citations. 

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If you found info on this site valuable…
Please consider making a contribution to help maintain and expand these resources.  A contribution in any amount is meaningful and appreciated.

* * * * *

The Bicycling Monterey website and projects are recognized by the League of American Bicyclists, California Bicycle Coalition, the Alliance for Biking & Walking (scroll down), Cruz511 – Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission, Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute, Open Streets Project, Smart Growth America, UC-Berkeley CATSIP, Bike Santa Cruz County, the  Association of Monterey Bay Area Governments, City of Monterey, City of Salinas, City of SeasideTransportation Agency for Monterey County, Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca, Monterey-Salinas Transit, National Steinbeck Center, Monterey Bay Aquarium, Monterey County Convention & Visitors Bureau, Monterey Bay Unified Air Pollution Control District, Community Alliance for Safety and PeaceCommunities for Sustainable Monterey CountyMonterey Institute of International StudiesCalifornia State University Monterey Bay, Hartnell College, Stevenson School, Big Sur International MarathonMonterey Jazz FestivalSierra Club-Ventana ChapterMonterey Off Road Cycling Association, Naval Postgraduate School Foundation Cycling Club,Sea Otter Classic, Velo Club Monterey, Tannery Arts Center, and many others, and recommended and featured by media including KSBW, the Monterey County Weekly, the Salinas Californian, and the Monterey County Herald.