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Bike Safety / Road Skills Trainings and Instructor Trainings

Update: Aug 2024 League Cycling Instructor seminar in Salinas:

For a partial list of Monterey County residents who have League of American Bicyclists / Bike League’s certification as League Cycling Instructors (LCIs) —eligible to teach Smart Cycling and various other Bike League cycling courses—refer to “League Cycling Instructors: Why, and Who in Monterey County.”

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To Bicycling Monterey’s knowledge, as of September 29, 2021, there has only been one LCI seminar in Monterey County, and that was in 2016 (see history below).

Also included below is history of some other bike skills classes in Monterey County.

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Bernard Green and Jerry Ramos, local bike advocates
The post below was previously published on August 29, 2015 with some 2016 updates. 

Bike Safety / Road Skills Trainings

and Instructor Trainings offered by TAMC

For any scheduled upcoming classes, and to register, go to the Transportation Agency for Monterey County page on Bicycle Safety Education

Questions? Contact TAMC’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator.

Much of the info below will still be of interest and relevant for future classes. Check with TAMC for any updates.

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  1. STEP 1, for ages 14 and up: September 10 and 24, 2016 (choose either date): Free bike safety training.
  2. STEP 2, an additional option for ages 18 and up: October 21-23, 2016: League of American Bicyclists certified League Cycling Instructor (LCI) training seminar. What does it cost? The cost to attend ranges from $90 to $340. Costs include that every participant must become a member of the League of American Bicyclists; an adult membership is $40/year. Cost of the seminar registration fee is $300, with partial scholarships of $250 available. About the scholarships: For Monterey County residents, and for non-residents who work in the county, TAMC is offering financial assistance of $250 toward the seminar registration fee; the seminar participant would pay the balance of the fee, $50 (and the seminar participant would also need to pay their own League membership fee). The financial assistance / scholarship is available only if the seminar participant pledges their time to teach at least one bicycle safety training within their first year of being certified. For any updates and for full details, contact the bike-ped coordinator at TAMC.

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The information below was published for earlier trainings. Although much of the info (other than the dates below) will remain relevant, check with TAMC for any changes to this information.
Heads-up, Monterey County teens and adults: Two opportunities!      [clic aquí para español]
  1. Free bike safety training, for ages 14 and up, now available through Transportation Agency for Monterey County (TAMC) in partnership with California State University Monterey Bay (CSUMB). Attend a one-time, four-hour training that will include practicing on-road bicycle riding skills as well as how to do a safety check of your bicycle and fix a flat tire. There are a variety of April-May 2016 dates to choose from; see poster below. (These dates are also on the There are various locations to choose from too: King City, Salinas, Seaside, Soledad. Please register ASAP, both to ensure there is space for you in your preferred class and also so dates won’t be cancelled due to lack of registration. With sufficient advance request, a Spanish translator can be provided. For general info or disability accommodations, call (831) 775-0903. Habla español:  (831) 775-0903. And, if you’re 18+ and interested, that bike safety training serves as a prerequisite so you can also attend…
  2. League of American Bicyclists certified League Cycling Instructor (LCI) training seminar, for ages 18 and up, offered by TAMC in partnership with CSUMB. Learn to teach others how to ride safely and legally. This weekend seminar is planned for Fall 2016 (postponed from previously scheduled dates of June 3-5, 2016).  For any updates and for full details, contact the bike-ped coordinator at TAMC.
To register, go to Transportation Agency for Monterey County (TAMC)’s new “Bicycle Safety Education” page.
Below the spring 2016 poster, learn more. Contact TAMC for any changes.

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Most of the information below remains relevant for 2016 (other than dates and locations).

The below was previously published in 2015.

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Free “Bike Skillz” Trainings in Monterey County,

a TAMC and CSUMB Partnership

Whether you’re advanced or a beginner, an adult or a teen, would you like to complete a bicycling road skills and safety training, as Jerry did? Are you age 14 or older?

See Step 1!

Tell a friend; short link to this post is Fliers below.

en español:

1st people trained IN Monterey County 001
What’s up?
The Transportation Agency for Monterey County (TAMC) is starting a new bicycle safety education pilot program, dubbed “Cycle SAFE.”  It is a two-step program designed to empower members of the community to improve their biking skills and—for those who wish to complete Step 2 also—to give back by learning to teach others how to ride safely and legally.

Step 1

Step 1, Autumn 2015. “Bike Skillz” trainings (bicycling road skills trainings) will be offered free at various Monterey County locations. The first locations will be Seaside (October 17, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.),  Salinas (October 24, 9 a.m. – 1 p.m.), and Monterey (November 14, 1-5 p.m.).

Additional Bike Skillz trainings are likely to be scheduled for Marina  (possibly in November) and South County (possibly not until 2016, to allow time for broader community outreach). Trainings will be posted to Bicycling Monterey’s master calendar by Ariana Green of TAMC as soon as possible after they are scheduled.

What are these Bike Skillz trainings? TAMC, in partnership with CSUMB Transportation Resources (“TRIPwise”), will host these free bicycle road skills trainings to teach responsible people ages 14 and up how to conduct bicycle safety checks, fix a flat, and practice on-bike skills and crash avoidance techniques. Learn how to be more predictable and confident on the road!

The courses are appropriate for people who are new or experienced at biking. They will be taught by League of American Bicyclists certified instructors (League Cycling Instructors/LCIs).This woman with a flat and no needed innertube wasn't part of the Bike Week Intergenerational Ride, but that didn't stop Good Samaritan Robert Cepeda of of Seaside from stopping to help her--free of charge!

Space is limited, so register asap.

The Bike Skillz training is completely free! Spanish-speaking interpreter for the on-bike training will be provided upon request. Disability accommodations will also be made.

Participating requires:
  1. (FREE!) Register in advance. At this time, it is necessary to register online: (Don’t have Internet access at home? Check local public libraries, or contact Mari about other options.)
  2. (FREE!) Complete an online tutorial and test – at Print proof of completion, and bring that proof to the on-bike training.
  3. (FREE!) Complete the on-bike training with a League of American Bicyclists certified instructor (League Cycling Instructor/LCI); instructor is provided by TAMC at these Bike Skillz trainings.
  4. When coming to the on-bike training, it is required to bring proof of completion of the online test, along with a helmet and a bicycle.
About the helmet and bicycle
  • Helmet: Helmets are required by CA law for ages 18 and up. However, for Bike Skillz, they are required for all participants, regardless of your age.
  • Bicycle: Of special interest to participants who ride fixed gear, BMX, or other bicycles that are sometimes not equipped with either a pedal/coaster brake or hand brake: Participants will be riding on public roads, and CA law requires a brake. For that reason, a brake is required to participate.CA VC Section 21201. (a) No person shall operate a bicycle on a roadway unless it is equipped with a brake which will enable the operator to make one braked wheel skid on dry, level, clean pavement.”  [V C Sección 21201 Equipo requerido 21201. (a) No deberá operarse una bicicleta en la carretera a menos que dicha bicicleta esté equipada con un freno que dé al operador la capacidad de hacer que una rueda de la bicicleta resbale en pavimento seco y llano cuando se le aplique dicho freno.]
After successfully completing both the online test and on-bike training, participants will receive a certificate of completion.

Questions? Interpreter needs? Disability accommodations? Who to ask…

To request a Spanish-speaking interpreter for the on-bike training, or if you have questions, please contact Ariana Green, TAMC bicycle and pedestrian coordinator –; 831-775-4403.
For disability accommodations, please phone TAMC’s main number (831-775-0903) or email Bernard Green:


Help get the word out!
Share a link to this post –
Download a PDF of 4-to-a-page mini-fliers about the Monterey, Salinas, and Seaside “Bike Skillz” trainings:
Where will the Bike Skillz trainings be held?
  • Oct 17, 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. — at Highland Elementary School, 1650 Sonoma Avenue, Seaside.
  • Oct 24, 9 a.m. until 1 p.m. — at Hartnell College Main Campus, 411 Central Avenue, Salinas. [UPDATE: This training is now FULL. You can still let Ariana know you’d like to be in a 2016 training.]
  • Nov 14, 1 p.m. until 5 p.m. — at Trinity High School, 601 E. Franklin Street, Monterey.
  • Preregister (details above). Registrants may expect confirmation of their registration from the organizers (TAMC/CSUMB Tripwise), and to be advised about specific meet-up locations; or contact Ariana Green, –  831-775-4403.
  • TIP: Is the training location too far for you to bike there? If you are unable to get your bike there via a personal vehicle, consider taking your bike on Monterey-Salinas Transit (MST / “The Bus”). See bike-and-ride tips or go to’s Transit Tips, then scroll down to “Bicycles on Buses.”
Additional info:
  • The Bike Skillz trainings are planned to meet the requirements of the League’s Smart Cycling program component formerly known as Traffic Skills 101 (TS 101). The prerequisite of completing the free online course provided at has been assigned by TAMC/CSUMB Tripwise as a part of meeting the League’s requirements for TS 101. 

Pictured below, at the 5/30/15 bike skills training: “Bike Skillz” instructor Bernard Green, a CSUMB student; and Jerry Ramos, a Hartnell College student.

North Monterey County resident Jerry Ramos, the Monterey County Supervisorial District 2 Representative on the Transportation Agency for Monterey County’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Advisory Committee, was one of the first two people so trained within Monterey County…Bernard Green and Jerry Ramos - students at CSUMB and Hartnell1st people trained IN Monterey County 001

…along with Mari Lynch.

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Join them!
Take a bike skills training class.

Then also consider becoming an LCI.

Maybe you’ve heard about League of American Bicyclists (“Bike League”) certified instructors AKA League Cycling Instructors/LCIs). Perhaps you’ve even considered attending a seminar to become an LCI, but found the seminar registration fee and necessary travel prohibitive. TAMC is planning an LCI seminar in Monterey County. And scholarships will be available for Monterey County residents. Would you like to attend a local League Cycling Instructor/LCI seminar? Are you age 18 or older? See Step 2 below.

Step 2

Step 2. TAMC plans to host a Bike League certified instructor (LCI) training seminar. This will likely be held in Monterey County in the winter or spring of 2016. It is anticipated to be open to people throughout the region.

Why is TAMC hosting LCI training? TAMC wants to help Monterey County residents get appropriate training so they are prepared to effectively conduct bicycle safety trainings for adults and children.

In order to enroll in the LCI seminar, candidates must first successfully complete the bicycle safety training (see “Step 1” above). Admission fee for LCI seminar is $300, but TAMC will offer scholarships to Monterey County residents.  Participants receiving scholarships would be required to pledge their time to teach at least one bicycle safety training within their first year of being certified; TAMC will provide all the materials necessary to hold a bicycle safety training.

  • All LCI seminar participants must be age 18 or older, due to the League’s insurance policy.
  • Details about the process of becoming an LCI are provided on the Bike League website: Everyone participating in an LCI seminar must first successfully complete the League’s prerequisites (i.e., the Smart Cycling Program). To meet that prerequisite, you may wish to take advantage of Monterey County’s free Bike Skillz trainings. NOTE: Visit the Bike League website for the most accurate and current info about prerequisites.
  • To learn more, contact Ariana Green, TAMC bicycle and pedestrian coordinator or Bernard Green at CSUMB Transportation Resources.
  • LCI seminar dates will be posted to Bicycling Monterey’s master calendar by Ariana Green as soon as possible after they are scheduled.
  • The seminar location is yet to be determined, but the seminar will be held in Monterey County.
To my knowledge, as of January 4, 2016, Monterey County has never had an LCI training here, and our county has only three LCIs—all listed on Bicycling Monterey’s main resources page. Two of them are involved already with these Bike Skillz classes:
  • Frank Henderson, a Marina resident and Youth Center bike class volunteer who has been an LCI (#1432) since 2005; and
  • Bernard Green of Los Angeles, a student of CSUMB the past three years, who became an LCI (#4064) upon receiving his training in Fresno.
Frank Henderson and Bernard Green
are TAMC award-winning local bike advocates
and valuable community resources.

Below: Frank Henderson at the Seaside PAL bike fair in 2011, where he conducted a bike rodeo.

Frank Henderson May 2011 at Seaside PAL Bike Fair


It wasn’t in the News and Media section of TAMC’s website, so you may have missed this: Transportation Agency for Monterey County issued a Request for Proposals for Monterey County Youth Bike Safety Trainings, with proposals due December 1, 2016. Review the 29-page request for proposals.

This post was published on 4 March 2019. One or more changes last made to this post on 20 June 2024.

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