Posted by Founder, Bicycling Monterey
TAMC’s educación seguridad de la bicicleta
¿tiene una pregunta o necesita ayuda? la Agencia de Transporte del Condado de Monterey. Habla español: Contact TAMC.
September 10 or 24, 2016 (choose either): Free bike safety training, for ages 14 and up.
October 21-23: League of American Bicyclists certified League Cycling Instructor (LCI) training seminar, for ages 18 and up. Scholarships available for Monterey County residents.
Refer to the Transportation Agency for Monterey County’s page on Bicycle Safety Education for registration links, locations, and other info, including any possible date changes. Questions or need help?
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The information below was published for earlier trainings. Although much of the info (other than the dates below) will remain relevant, check with TAMC for any changes to this information.
For English, click here.
Atención, condado de Monterey: BikeSAFE2016_dposter
Entrenamiento Gratuito de Seguridad de Bicicleta
King City, Salinas, Seaside, Soledad
Habla español – Transportation Agency for Monterey County / TAMC:
(831) 775-0903
Short link to this post:
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The info below was previously published in 2015.
Habilidades de ciclismo calle
para Seaside, Salinas, Monterey
La asistencia enseñara a los adoÍescentes (14+) y adultos a andar en bicicleta con el tráfico y realizar el mantenimiento básico de bicicleta. Traductores de español estarán disponibles a petición. Aprenda más en – Habla español: (831) 775-0903.
Spanish-speaking interpreter available on request at the trainings. To request a Spanish-speaking interpreter for the on-bike training, or if you have questions, please contact Ariana Green, TAMC bicycle and pedestrian coordinator –; 831-775-4403. [10/22/15 update: Ariana indicated no Spanish interpreter was at the 10/17 or 10/24 trainings due to lack of requests. Check with her regarding 11/14 as well as 2016 trainings still to be scheduled, including in South County and elsewhere.}
- 14 Nov 2015 Monterey mini-fliers (Spanish)
- 14 Nov 2015 Monterey mini-fliers (English)
- 17 Oct 2015 Seaside and 24 Oct 2015 Salinas_mini-fliers (English)
- Still to be scheduled: Marina and King City, or another South Monterey County community
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Support the Bicycling Monterey sitio web y proyectos.
Click here for info on making a contribution.
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Click here for a list of bilingual Spanish-English bike shop professionals in Monterey County.
More Spanish resources below!
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Información en español sobre las bicicletas
Spanish-language resources were first provided on the Bicycling Monterey website in April 2010, and resources continue to be added here. For Bicycling Monterey’s compilation of resources en español, look under the Resources/Los Recursos tab, or go directly to Or use the short link,
Share with others a bike law summary flier, which includes the URL leading to those resources: Leyes de ciclismo de CA – Laws for bicyclists in CA (Spanish, English) – Summary.
Got Spanish? Love bicis?
The text of the en español resource compilation is partly in Spanish and mostly in English. To volunteer to translate some text, por favor, contact me.
Nearly all links in that compilation do take you to materials in Spanish and/or in both Spanish and English.
If you have know of additional Spanish-language bicycling resources and can recommend them with confidence, please add to the en español compilation by contacting me.
Muchas gracias!
Here are some of the kinds of materials you’ll find in the compilation,
- California bicycle laws, including equipment requirements
- Maps
- Monterey County bicycle shops–and libraries (information resource)–with Spanish-speaking staff
- Bike Week/Bike Month information
- Ciclovia Salinas information
- Helmet information, including fitting a helmet (helmets are required in California for persons under age 18)
- Safety tips for all ages
- Tips for parents on helping children learn to bike safely
- Safe Routes to School information
- And much more
Below, a scene from the Seaside PAL Bike Fair, May 2011.
Below, Jaime and Isabel Enriquez.
Jaime, now in his early 20s, loves to bike!
Below, Wendolyn del Valle and Sierra Dehmler.
Learning another language via friendship is the most fun of all!
This post was first published May 20, 2011, with subsequent updates.
This post was published on 8 October 2015. One or more changes last made to this post on 4 February 2020.