Una colección de recursos en español sobre ciclismo: A collection of resources in Spanish about bicycling
A continuación aparecen muchos otros recursos útiles de otras fuentes. Below are many helpful resources from others.
Bicycling Monterey’s Spanish resources compilation—a volunteer effort by the founder—was the first such compilation nationwide. Kindly note that this compilation, created in 2010, has not been updated in its entirety. One or more updates last made to this page on 4 de diciembre 2024 / 4 December 2024. For additional updates, contact the resources cited or contact Bicycling Monterey.
This compilation is an anomaly on the Bicycling Monterey website, in that it is mostly a compilation of links to resources available on other sites (only a small number are resources we’ve created and published on the Bicycling Monterey site). Muchas gracias to bike advocates creating bicycling resources in Spanish. At the end of this web page, note Sección 7: Copyright reminder.
For other languages, and a bit more in Spanish, see our page here. For additional Spanish resources, plus language celebrations, click here.
Bonos de incentivo para bicicletas eléctricas destinados a los Californianos con ingresos limitados
Bonos de incentivo para bicicletas eléctricas destinados a los Californianos con ingresos limitados
Glosario Bilingüe de Términos de Transporte /Bilingual Glossary of Transportation Terms
https://ladot.lacity.gov/sites/default/files/2023-05/bilingual-glossary-transportation-terms_2.pdf – Por que? / Why? “Agencias gubernamentales, especialmente en el sector del transporte, a menudo nos comunicamos con términos técnicos y acrónimos que los miembros de la comunidad no entienden.” “Government agencies—especially in transportation—often communicate in technical terms and acronyms that community members don’t understand.”
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¿Buscando estos?
- California. en español y en inglés: Leyes de ciclismo de CA – Laws for bicyclists in CA (Spanish, English) – Summary
- California. Consejos de seguridad para ciclistas y automovilistas: https://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/driver-education-and-safety/special-interest-driver-guides/bicyclists-pedestrians/ http://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/dmv/detail/pubs/brochures/fast_facts/ffdl37?lang=es
- California. Códigos, leyes y reglamentos: https://dot.ca.gov/programs/local-assistance/fed-and-state-programs/bike-program/codes-laws-and-regulations
- California. Caltrans programas de bicicletas: https://dot.ca.gov/programs/local-assistance/fed-and-state-programs/bike-program
- California. Inteligente de movilidad y transporte activo: https://dot.ca.gov/programs/local-assistance/fed-and-state-programs/active-transportation-program
- California. Presente un informe anónimo sobre colisiones de tráfico y problemas generales de seguridad de tráfico en California: https://bikemonterey.org/presente-un-informe-anonimo-sobre-colisiones-de-trafico-y-problemas-generales-de-seguridad-de-trafico-en-california.html
La transcripción del texto de este video, y más información: “ANDAR EN BICICLETA EN LAS ACERAS además de ejemplos de ordenanzas del Condado de Monterey, California” (https://bikemonterey.org/andar-en-bicicleta-en-las-aceras-ademas-de-ejemplos-de-ordenanzas-del-condado-de-monterey-california.html).
BICICLETAS EN LA ACERA O BANQUETA: Sugerencias y ejemplos de ordenanzas municipales del Condado de Monterey, California (Youtube https://youtu.be/1PaASfWy1cY – 10 abril 2023 – “ANDAR EN BICICLETA EN LAS ACERAS además de ejemplos de ordenanzas del Condado de Monterey, California”).
Versión en español de Juan Quintana, traductor de Editorial Solutions, en Monterey, California. Texto original en inglés de Mari Lynch, fundadora de Bicycling Monterey / https://bikemonterey.org, local asociada de California Bicycle Coalition.
Región de la bahía de Monterey
- Condado de MONTEREY – Bicycling Monterey. https://bikemonterey.org/category/bicyle-lifestyles/en-espanol y https://bikemonterey.org/category/advocacy-and-infrastructure/resources-in-spanish-espanol
- Condado de MONTEREY – Bicycling Monterey. en español y en inglés: Bike law summary – bilingual.
- Condado de Monterey – TAMC. Rutas Seguras a la Escuela: https://saferoutesmonterey.org/?lang=es
- Condado de Monterey – TAMC. Agencia de Transporte del Condado de Monterey / TAMC: https://www.tamcmonterey.org/bike-pedestrian
- Condado de Monterey – TAMC. Nosotros hablamos español. Para obtener información en español sobre las bicicletas, comuníquese con Maria Montiel: https://www.tamcmonterey.org/staff
- Condado de Monterey – TAMC. Mapas (el texto en el mapa de bicicletas del condado de Monterey es bilingüe, español-inglés): https://www.tamcmonterey.org/monterey-county-bike-map
Condado de Monterey – bilingual classes and workshops – City of Greenfield Programa de paseos en bicicleta gratuito / free bike riding program https://bikemonterey.org/greenfield-recreation-bike-programs-bicycle-riding-ages-10-15-and-learn-to-ride-ages-5-12.html y Salinas Valley Taller de bicis / bicycle repair workshops https://bikemonterey.org/salinas-valley-bicycle-repair-workshops.html Bike Club for Greenfield youth https://bikemonterey.org/greenfield-csw-bike-club.html Salinas Community Science Workshops – https://bikemonterey.org/march-25-30-salinas-free-bike-repair-free-bicycle-helmets.html
- Condado de SAN BENITO – COG. Nosotros hablamos español. Para obtener información en español sobre las bicicletas, comuníquese con Veronica Lezama: http://sanbenitocog.org/contact/ – http://sanbenitocog.org/staff/ – http://sanbenitocog.org/bicycle-pedestrian/
- Condado de San Benito – COG. Mapas: http://www.sanbenitocog.org/pdf/San-Benito-County-Bike-Map.pdf
- Condado de SANTA CRUZ – SCCRTC. Comisión de Transporte Regional del Condado de Santa Cruz (RTC): Nosotros hablamos español. Para obtener información en español sobre las bicicletas, comuníquese con Luis Mendez: https://sccrtc.org/espanol/ – https://sccrtc.org/services/bike/
- Condado de Santa Cruz – SCCRTC. Mapas: https://sccrtc.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/SantaCruzCountyBikeMap2016-Front.pdf – https://sccrtc.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/09/SantaCruzCountyBikeMap2016-Back.pdf
- Condado de Santa Cruz. 7 febrero 2020 – 20 septiembre 2020 – Museo de Arte e Historia de Santa Cruz (MAH): Pioneros: la creativa historia detrás del ciclismo de montaña en Santa Cruz
Los recursos adicionales en esta página provienen de
otros condados de california
otros estados de los Estados Unidos
League of American Bicyclists aka Bike League
In addition to Spanish-language materials available for sale (https://shop.bikeleague.org/search?q=SPANISH), Bike League features some free resources in Spanish:
GRATIS – Bike Audit Tool Kit
Get the FREE download, or order a free print copy, of a new resource from Bike League and AARP—The AARP Bike Audit Tool Kit: A self-service guide for assessing a community’s bikeability. A Spanish-language version was made available in February 2024 — Kit de AARP para auditorías sobre el uso de bicicletas: https://www.aarp.org/livable-communities/getting-around/aarp-bike-audit-tool-kit-download-spanish
GRATIS – Montar Inteligent: Videos de Smart Cycling
¡Nuevos videos publicados por Bike League el 1 de mayo de 2022!
- Todos Somos Humanos
- Dooring y el Alcance Holandés
- Límites de Velocidad
- Arrancar, Parar, Cambiar de Marcha
- Aparcar y Aceras
- Leyes de Tráfico y Ciclismo
- Posicionamiento en el Carril E Intersecciones
- Mirar y Señalizar
- Los Carriles Bici No Son Para Los Coches
- ¿Por Qué Hay Ciclistas en Medio de la Calzada?
- Consejos Tráfico y Seguridad
- Prepárese Para Montar
Gracias, BikeLeague, por los nuevos videos en español. Dado que las leyes sobre bicicletas, como andar en las aceras, varían según la ubicación, también compartimos las ordenanzas locales sobre las aceras para el condado de Monterey.
Local ordinances on sidewalk riding and more: Monterey County cities and unincorporated areas
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Vamos a montar en bicicleta! Let’s ride a bicycle!
Esta niña sabe que las tiendas de ciclismo locales gustosamente inflarán sus llantas. Aunque muchos niños son bilingües, sus padres por lo general aprecian la opción de poder hablar en español con los empleados de las tiendas de ciclismo locales. Vea una lista de estas tiendas en la Sección 1 a continuación.
This little girl knows local bike shops are happy to put air in your tires. While many children are bilingual, often their parents appreciate being able to talk with Spanish-speaking staff at local bike shops. See a list of those in Section 1 below.
Why a Spanish resources section?
The U.S. Census report on Monterey County states: “Language other than English spoken at home, percent of persons age 5 years+, 2015-2019: 55.2%” —and the majority is Spanish.
It was also reported 5/12/11 in the Monterey County Herald that about 55% of students speak Spanish as their primary language at home.
Bicycling Monterey is grateful for the work of bike advocates and others who made this resource compilation possible.
Why? In Monterey County, many people Spanish as their primary language at home. For such families, school-aged children and teens more often have bilingual skills than the adults do, just as is common in local families who primarily speak English.
One goal of this section is to make it easier for children and teens to discuss bike skills, safety, and other bicycling-related topics with parents, grandparents, and others who are fluent in Spanish but not English. Another goal is to make make it easier for bike advocates, professionals in education, health care, law enforcement, and other fields to support more Spanish-speaking people in biking.
For input from Monterey County on the Alliance for Biking & Walking’s 10/22/14 Mutual Aid call, click here, then scroll to 7:55-16:55 in the recording of that call.
Thanks to Kera Abraham, Kevin Smith, and the Monterey County Weekly for the chart below, “Majority Rules,” published in the June 9, 2011 Monterey County Weekly.
Chart below © Monterey County Weekly. Used by permission.
Note: Pebble Beach, a private community, is not included in the above chart. However, the 2010 U.S. census indicated that Del Monte Forest (a census designated place that includes the unincorporated community of Pebble Beach) has 3.7% Hispanic or Latino residents of any race. Within Pebble Beach, the percentage of Hispanic or Latino residents was reported on Wikipedia (as of 8/1/21) as 2.3%: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pebble_Beach,_California
Did you know? Monterey County is considered by many as the Language Capital of the World. The trademarked slogan was approved by the U.S. Library of Congress; click here for background. The top indigenous languages spoken in Monterey County are Triqui, Mixteco, Zapoteco and Chatino–all native to Oaxaca, México; see a related resource, Indigenous Interpreting +. (If you are interested in a video presentation in these indigenous languages that shares a summary of CA bike laws, riding skills, safety tips, please contact me.)
This webpage includes:
Sección 1: Condado de Monterey y bahia de Monterey recursos.
Sección 2: Las legas en California y consejos de seguridad / The laws in California and safety tips.
Sección 3: More resources for Monterey County and beyond. These resources come from other California counties, from other states in the U.S., and from Mexico, South America, and Canada. They include additional bike skills/safety and other tips, maps, Safe Routes to School info, and other resources useful to Spanish-speaking people here and elsewhere.
Sección 4: Mostly out-of-print 4-H resources.
Sección 5: Acknowledgements.
Sección 6: Closing notes.
Sección 7: Copyright reminder.
Primero, a few notes:
- This webpage was first created for use by Spanish-speaking people who bike in Monterey County. Spread the word by downloading and sharing a flier: Leyes de ciclismo de CA – Laws for bicyclists in CA (Spanish, English) – Summary
- This webpage was expanded to also serve as a resource for others who care about the bicycling comfort and safety of Spanish speakers in Monterey County and elsewhere.
- School teachers and administrators, police officers, health care providers, and bike advocates doing outreach will likely appreciate your bringing these resources to their attention. Sharing resources helps us all accomplish more!
- Importante: Por favor, see “Copyright: Tenga en cuenta” at the bottom of this webpage.
About the links on this page:
- Some of the links on this page go directly to a page of Spanish text on a different website. Others require downloading a PDF. If your computer is not set up to download a PDF, you may download a free copy of Adobe Reader on the Adobe site.
- There are also a few video links on this page that require Flash or Windows Media Player, etc.
- Lo siento, any links on this page that go to other pages on the Bicycling Monterey website will lead to pages en inglés. If you might like to help translate some of those pages, please contact me.
Above: Seaside’s 2011 PAL Bike Fair included lots of live entertainment.
* * *
¡Bici! ¡Bici!
Video by David Aguilar – La cumbia de la bici: https://youtu.be/FmP9cWkRC9g
(Gracias, mi amigo Jess Martinez.)
Sección 1:
Condado de Monterey y bahia de Monterey recursos
NOTE: At the top of this web page are links for the transportation agencies for the Monterey Bay Tri-County Region (Monterey, San Benito, and Santa Cruz).

Our most current links for all California bike maps are in the Maps section of the Tips for Bicycling Monterey County guide.
- Monterey County Bike Map (bilingual, Spanish-English) https://www.tamcmonterey.org/programs/bike-pedestrian/monterey-county-bike-map/
- City of Salinas – Bicycle Facilities Map – English | Español (pdf, 12.59 MB)
Mapa De Las Instalaciones Para Bicicletas (Esp) (PDF) (12.52 MB)
- California State University Monterey Bay (CSUMB) – English and Spanish PDF embedded here to avoid misdirected link: CSUMB Bike Map 27 July 2011/August 2011 – CMYK (Any updated versions will likely be linked on this CSUMB page.)
La infraestructura como arte: Castroville bicicleta / puente peatonal y ferrocarril cruzando sobre
¿Habla usted español?
Bicycle shops in Monterey County with Spanish-speaking staff
Who are Monterey County’s most fluently bilingual bike shop professionals? We no longer list them on this page; instead, find our most updated info in the following post:
Bilingual Spanish-English bike shop professionals in Monterey County, and other resources en español
¿Habla usted español?
Public libraries in Monterey County with Spanish-speaking staff
Ask a librarian! Looking up information on the web is so common today that many people have forgotten about an extraordinary information resource, and one of our communities’ best assets: reference librarians at local public libraries!
If you cannot find the local bike information you need, send an email to one of these libraries (links provided below). Or, phone or make an in-person visit and see if one of the reference or other librarians listed below is available. Time permitting, the librarians are happy to give you research help (gratis), by searching this website or other resources for the information you need.
Of course, with all libraries, a change in staffing may mean a Spanish speaker named here may no longer be available. Please let me know if ever you are aware of any such staff changes not yet posted to this webpage.
- City of Monterey Public Library (click here for home page en español). Para más información, hable con el personal de Servicios de Referencia (via email) al 831.646.3933 y ask for Ben.
- For the Monterey County Free Libraries system, Seaside branch is the main reference desk. You may send a question via email through the Monterey County Free Libraries website. Or, call the Monterey County Free Libraries number, (831) 883-7555, and choose extension 3 for Spanish (current as of 2/22/21). Or, contact librarians at these branches:
- Andy Ausonio Library / Castroville branch of Monterey County Free Libraries – (831) 769-8724. 11160 Speegle Street, Castroville. Ask for Irene. (Castroville Library’s collection includes bicycling books in Spanish, e.g., En Bicicleta by Cassie Mayer; El Jardin de Bicicletas by Walter Williams; ¡No Tan Rápido! by Anna Prokos; y Seguridad y las Bicicletas by Sue Barraclough.)
- Carmel Valley – Phone (831-659-2377) or go in person (65 W. Carmel Valley Road, Carmel Valley), and ask for Jennifer.
- Gonzales – (831) 675-2209. 851 Fifth Street, Gonzales. Ask for Thomas.
- Greenfield – (831) 674-2614. 315 El Camino Real, Greenfield. Ask for Evelyn or Jessica.
- Marina – (831) 883-7507. 190 Seaside Circle, Marina. Simply ask for the Spanish-speaking staff member.
This section about librarians was added to this web page 24 Sept 2011 and is not complete. Libraries with Spanish-speaking staff not yet on this list are welcome to contact me to be added.
Radio Bilingue
Lo siento, mostly in English: http://radiobilingue.org/nuestros-jovenes/montar-bicicleta-con-seguridad/
More from Radio Bilingue: http://radiobilingue.org/noticias/medio-ambiente/bicicleteros-rascuaches/
El Sol
The Californian’s Spanish edition
The Californian is the newspaper of the Monterey County seat, Salinas. Most of its non-opinion pieces are translated and published in El Sol. Here are some examples:
- “Excelencia en el ámbito del ciclismo de Salinas” – 1 Nov 2014 re: Salinas native Luciano Rodriguez https://www.thecalifornian.com/story/news/local/el-sol/2014/11/01/excelencia-en-el-mbito-del-ciclismo-de-salinas/18280111/
- Who bikes Greenfield? Estevan Rojas does, nearly every day. “Bicycling changed my life around, ” this U.S. Marine Corps veteran says. Read Valentin Mendoza’s “Recorrido ciclista para veteranos,” in El Sol. (For English, see Dave Nordstrand’s story in the Californian, http://www.thecalifornian.com/story/life/2014/10/03/bicycle-therapy-used-help-veterans/16609769/.)
¿Habla usted español?
Monterey-Salinas Transit – en MST habalamos español
Popular bike-and-ride option: MST
Contact MST for any updates to the information provided here.
- Horarios (8 am-5 pm, Lunes-Viernes)
- 1-888-MST-BUS1 (1-888-678-2871)
- E-mail: customerservice@mst.org
MST’s consejos de tránsito / transit tips include “bicicletas en los autobuses” y “instrucciones de bicicleta de carga.”
Directly below, you may download a PDF no longer on the MST website; then refer to page 18 for bike-loading instructions/instrucciones para cargar bicicletas:
Tips en inglés on taking your bike aboard an MST bus is provided in Bicycling Monterey’s bike-and-ride section.
Condado de Monterey – HER Helmet Thursdays
Un video en español que muestra una de las muchas empresas y organizaciones bilingües que participan en el proyecto HER Helmet Thursdays: https://bikemonterey.org/pico-de-gallo-monterey-esta-en-el-proyecto-her-helmet-thursdays.html.
Para obtener una lista de todos los participantes (muchos tienen personal que habla español), consulte: https://bikemonterey.org/wp-content/uploads/10th-Anniversary-HER-Helmet-Thursdays-Guide-Listings-as-of-January-2020.pdf. FAQs: https://bikemonterey.org/her-helmet-thursdays/all-participants-brief-and-detailed-listings-in-new-clickable-map.
(Quiere decir el jueves, no lunes.)
Condado de Monterey – Open Streets / Ciclovías
Ciclovía Gonzales, Ciclovía King City, Ciclovía Salinas, y Ciclovía Soledad – Bilingual posters are available on the following pages:
- https://bikemonterey.org/ciclovia-gonzales-monterey-countys-first-south-county-open-streets.html
- https://bikemonterey.org/ciclovia-king-city-a-monterey-county-open-streets-event.html
- https://bikemonterey.org/resources/ciclovia-salinas-resources
- https://bikemonterey.org/ciclovia-soledad-open-streets-in-monterey-county.html
Etiquette – en español Ciclovía Salinas – Reglas de comportamiento y la Ley – 2017 horas
Gracias to Joshua Ezekiel for recording his video text in English y en español.
Condado de Monterey – Bike Month
Some years (e.g., in 2014), bilingual Spanish-English posters for Monterey County Bike Month activities have been available from the Transportation Agency for Monterey County (TAMC). Check with TAMC about the current year: http://www.tamcmonterey.org/programs/bike-pedestrian/bike-month/.
Condado de Monterey – Sea Otter Classic
(For current year’s info, contact https://seaotterclassic.com.)
Nota de prensa: Sea Otter Classic fechas del evento de 2014. – El anual Sea Otter Classic vuelve al Laguna Seca Recreation Area de California del 10 al 13 abril 2014. Ciclocross, carreras de bicicleta de carretera, carreras de mountain bike, gran fondo, sin bicicleta, y festival, 10-13 abril 2014 el Sea Otter Classic!
Condado de Monterey – Safe Routes to School
Condado de San Benito – Safe Routes to School leadership
San Benito County is a leader in the Monterey Bay Region, the first to provide, en español y en inglés, Safe Routes to School maps. http://sanbenitocog.org/suggested-walking-and-bicycling-routes-to-school/ http://sanbenitocog.org/SRTS.php
“El condado de San Benito Rideshare está trabajando siempre para mejorar el acceso y la seguridad para los ciclistas y los peatones en nuestra comunidad. Usted podría enviar un mensaje por correo electrónico a Verónica Lezama, Coordinadora de Rideshare o llamarnos al (831) 637-POOL.”
Condado de Santa Cruz – Regional Transportation Commission (RTC)
en español – Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission has a 12/9/11 video about the roles and functions of the RTC. Contact them for the video link: https://sccrtc.org/espanol/
As mentioned above, at the top of this web page are links for the transportation agencies for the Monterey Bay Tri-County Region (Monterey, San Benito, and Santa Cruz).
Próspero Año Nuevo 2012! A Santa Cruz County family arriving in Pacific Grove.
Sección 2:
Las legas en California y
consejos de seguridad
The laws in California and safety tips
Monterey County is fortunate to have the police department in its county seat and largest city, Salinas, to be the first PD on the West Coast 100% trained in police legitimacy and procedural justice. Click here to learn more, as well as to read about the bike-friendliness of Salinas PD and many other Monterey County cops. Some local cops are bilingual Spanish-English– e.g., Salinas police officers Richard Lopez and Raul Rosales, who serve the Hebbron Heights neighborhood of East Salinas.
Department of Motor Vehicles (DMV)
Hey, a bicycle isn’t a motor vehicle! True. Still, bicycle laws are among California Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV) regulations.
Consejos de seguridad para ciclistas y automovilistas http://www.dmv.ca.gov/portal/dmv/detail/pubs/brochures/fast_facts/ffdl37?lang=es
The DMV website includes Reglas y seguridad para ciclistas /Bicycle Rules and Safety page. It has links to Vehicle Code sections for bicycles–as well as the bicycles section of the DMV Driver Handbook–and a variety of related information. Unfortunately, as of 10/18/11, the main DMV page is available in Spanish, but some pages it links to–such as the Equipment Requirements web page–are only available in English/“Disponible sólo en inglés.”
Leyes de ciclismo de California – Gracias, Orange County Transportation Authority
en español y en inglés: Leyes de ciclismo de CA – Laws for bicyclists in CA (Spanish, English) – Summary
Special thanks to Jon LeMaster of Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA.net) for granting Bicycling Monterey permission to use OCTA’s Spanish translation of a portion of the California Vehicle Code.
The PDF above includes: en bicicleta de noche se requiere el siguiente equipo / equipment required on bicycles ridden at night. Those essential details about lights and reflectors/night riding requirements and more were found under the heading “Leyes de ciclismo de California“/”California Vehicle Code” in the Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA.net) brochure “Explora Orange County“: English / Spanish. Some other info in that brochure may also be of interest to people outside Orange County too. Muchas gracias, OCTA.
From the California Highway Patrol (CHP)
Spanish and English versions of the Bicycle Riding pamphlet may be available from your local CHP; however, they are often older editions. To get the most current information, refer to the CHP website’s Community Outreach section, which provides the most current printable PDFs. Go here: http://www.chp.ca.gov/Programs-Services/Services-Information/Bicycle-Safety
Download 6-page PDF:
En California, los ciclistas y los pasajeros menores de 18 años deben llevar un casco que cumpla con los estándares de ANSI o Snell. / In California, bicyclists and bicycle passengers under the age of 18 must wear a helmet that meets ANSI or Snell standards.
Above: Greenfield Police assisted Bicycling Monterey in fitting youth with free helmets at the South County Health and Safety Fair in 2012.
Bicycle Helmet Fit Guide
First, an excellent resource for all things helmets is http://helmets.org, which includes some info in Spanish: http://helmets.org/spanish.htm
en español:
- http://one.nhtsa.gov/people/injury/pedbimot/bike/EasyStepsSpan/index.htm
- http://www.cdph.ca.gov/HealthInfo/injviosaf/traffic/Documents/BikeHelmetSPAN01-VOSP.pdfF)
- COMO PONERSE EL CASCO PROTEJA LA CABEZA DE SU NIO! (PDF) http://www.cdph.ca.gov/HealthInfo/injviosaf/traffic/Documents/BikeHelmetSPAN01-VOSP.pdf
Fitting a Bicycle Helmet Right
Fitting a Bicycle Helmet (Ajuste del casco de bicicleta) video
Also see DOT, NHTSA, and Tucson-Puma sections below.
Above: A little visitor on the Alvarado Mall (between Custom House and Portola Plazas), Monterey.
Whoops! Helmet isn’t covering the forehead. See “fit” tips above.
The intention for this webpage is to share many different types of Spanish-language bicycle resources. Helmets are included, although they are not the sole focus here. However, the Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute–bhsi.org in Arlington, Virginia–the helmet advocacy program of the Washington Area Bicyclist Association–does focus on helmets. Their site includes resources not found on this webpage, such as Spanish flash cards for teaching children bike safety.
Below – Seaside PAL Bike Fair, May 2011
Below: Frank Henderson, safety instructor, coaching a beauty queen at the Seaside PAL Bike Fair, May 2011
In Seaside, a Kids Bike Safety event, including a ride around the lake, was scheduled for ages K-5 on 17 May 2013.
5-17-13 Bici Seaside – espanol – 5-17-13 Bike Seaside – English
More Safety Info
Lo siento, the Bicycling Monterey website’s section “Bicycle Riding Skills, Bike Safety, and CA Bicycle Laws—for Children, Teens, and Adults” is only available in English. However, Spanish-language safety resources referred to in that section are provided throughout this web page.
Las aceras / Sidewalks
What about riding on the sidewalk? Sometimes that is illegal, and it is usually not safe either. That is discussed in the Bicycling Monterey’s Riding Skills, Personal Safety, and California Bike Laws section. Note: Algunas ciudades y condados prohiben andar en bicicleta sobre banquinas o aceras. (Some cities and counties prohibit riding bicycles on sidewalks.) Others prohibit persons over a certain age riding on the sidewalk.
For the City of Salinas (with tips for elsewhere too), see the following post, which includes a 90-second audio: https://bikemonterey.org/bicycling-on-sidewalks-misconceptions-and-advisories.html . The Californian article linked there was unfortunately not translated by the California for its Spanish edition El Sol.
A helpful resource is:
From the Active Living Resource Center
English Version – Bicycle Safety – What Every Parent Should Know
Spanish Version – Seguridad en Bicicleta–Lo que todo padre debe saber (en español)
From Ecology Action of Santa Cruz:
- For commercial drivers, in English: http://www.ecoact.org/PDF/TrafficSafety_Flyer.pdf …
- Para los conductores de vehiculos comerciales, en español: “INFORMACIÓN SOBRE LA SEGURIDAD DE LOS CICLISTAS PARA LOS CONDUCTORES DE VEHÍCULOS COMERCIALES” http://www.ecoact.org/PDF/TrafficSafety_Flyer_spanish.pdf …
- For bicyclists, in English: “Sharing the Road Safely with Trucks and Buses” http://www.ecoact.org/PDF/bike_safety_trifold.pdf …
- Para ciclistas, en español: “compartiendo las calles de manera segura con camiones y autobuses” http://www.ecoact.org/PDF/bike_safety_trifold_SP.pdf …
From the Pedestrian and Bicycle Information Center and Volusia Transportation Planning Organization (FL):
Watch this 18-minute video, Walk and Ride: Bicycle and Pedestrian Safety
- en español http://www.walkinginfo.org/videos/pubdetail.cfm?picid=81
- en inglés http://www.volusiatpo.org/bicycle-pedestrian-program/safety-video/
Via Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission (SCCRTC)
Watch this video en español y en inglés: Transportandose en Bicicleta/Getting There by Bike, a Bicycle Safety video produced by Jeanne LePage, formerly of UC Santa Cruz, now of Ecology Action, Santa Cruz. You may also be able to obtain from Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation Commission (SCCRTC) a copy on DVD. Contact SCCRTC to inquire about present availability.
Funding for Jeanne’s video was provided by the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration. See more NHTSA resources below.
From the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA)
- Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety among Hispanics: A Marketing Toolkit
- For English as Second Language (ESL) Teachers and Learners
- Bicycle Safety Activity Kit (Paquete de actividades de seguridad en bicicletas)
- Fitting a Bicycle Helmet (Ajuste del casco de bicicleta) video
- Kids and Bicycle Safety (Los niños y su seguridad al montar en bicicleta)
- Bikeability Checklist (Lista de revisión para ciclistas)
From the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) – Federal Highway Administration
Materiales para promocionar la seguridad de peatones y ciclistas hispanos
Materials for Hispanic Pedestrians and Bicyclists
Cal Trans – General Info – Proporcionando Transporte de Calidad a la Costa Central de California
Plan para Bicicletas y Peatones del Estado de California (CSBPP)
en el área de la peninsula de Monterey: (831) 372-0862
Para información en español, lláme a Susana Zavala, portavoz de relaciones públicas al: (805) 549-3138, o escríbale a: susana_zavala@dot.ca.gov.
Departamento de Transporte de California, Distrito 5
50 Higuera Street
San Luis Obispo, CA 93401-5415
Para información en inglés, lláme a
Penny Gray, Bicycle Program Manager
Departamento de Transporte de California
Office of Special and Discretionary Programs Division of Local Assistance Penny Gray 916- 653-2750 e-mail: Penny_Gray@dot.ca.gov
* * * * *
A continuación aparecen muchos otros recursos útiles de otras fuentes.
Below are more helpful resources from others…
Photo: on Fremont Avenue in Seaside
Sección 3:
More resources for
Monterey County and Beyond
Below, a local woman biking East Salinas.
Be inspired by the work of other communities:
- League of American Bicyclists / Bike League: May 20, 2019: http://www.bikeleague.org/content/reaching-more-people-bike-education-spanish. Oct 2014: Report from Bike League – see “Bike Equity Today” post, then download the report, a 66-page PDF. May 2013: “The New Majority: Pedaling Towards Equity (click here for announcement)” from the Sierra Club and the League of American Bicyclists/Bike League has relevance for Monterey County and our tri-county Monterey Bay region. “The New Majority: Pedaling Towards Equity” (click here for the report) indicates consistent disparities and inequities in the manner in which people of color, women, and youth — including groups that are bicycling at higher rates and have more to gain in terms of bike benefits — are engaged in bicycling-related matters.
- Equity is also a theme of the 2015 California Bicycle Coalition summit. #bikes4all
- Monterey and San Benito Counties have the highest percentage of undocumented immigrants in California, as reported in an August 3, 2011 San Jose Mercury story by Claudia Melendez Salinas. “Researchers at the Public Policy Institute of California determined that about 62,000 undocumented immigrants live in Monterey and San Benito counties — 13.5 percent of the population.” (In an October 27, 2011 story, Melendez Salinas reported that Monterey County is the U.S. county with the highest percentage of immigrants who have committed no crime but are detained and deported.) That 8/3/11 Merc story also reported that “Los Angeles County has the largest number of undocumented immigrants with more than 900,000, or 9.3 percent of the population.” The Los Angeles County Bicycle Coalition (LACBC) realized in 2008 that Spanish-language bike resources are greatly needed, and even moreso those that are culturally relevant. This is a need now being met by LACBC’s City of Lights – Ciudad De Luces. (Some of their resources are linked under “Los Angeles” on this webpage.) “Aussies, others ask: Immigration – What’s up with U.S. policies?” and “ICE Advisory for People Who Bike – Immigrants and Law Enforcement in Monterey County.”
- Información relacionada en este sitio web / Related information on this website Inmigrantes / Immigrants: “Haciendo una vida – El conocimiento es poder” / “Making a Life – Knowledge Is Power”
- The need was also recognized in other communities (see resources on this webpage), including Amarillo, Texas–see Bringing Bicycle Education to Spanish-Speaking Communities and Pedestrian and Bicycle Safety among Hispanics.
- A free Mutual Aid Conference Call about outreach to Spanish-speaking communities was sponsored by the Alliance for Biking and Walking/People-Powered Movement on 9/14/11. This Mutual Aid call featured representatives of the Toronto Cyclists Union, Atlanta Bicycle Coalition, and Los Angeles Bicycle Coalition. I participated in this call, as I have in other bike-advocacy webinars, and you can too. Contact the various bike advocacy organizations to see what they are offering, and if you can, give them your support to help them continue their work. These are the groups that create the resources linked on this page! (To support the Bicycling Monterey work, click here.)
- Our Monterey Bay region neighbors in Watsonville (Santa Cruz County) have created a Bike Shack serving the community. While not specifically a Spanish-language program, many supporters and participants are Spanish-speaking, and their event posters, etc. are typically bilingual. Watsonville Bike Shack Cooperative is at
555 Main Street (behind Ramos furniture), Watsonville;(831) 296-0326; find them at Watsonville Bike Shack Cooperative on Facebook.
- Our Monterey Bay region neighbors in San Benito County have terrific Safe Routes to Schools maps available, en español y en inglés. More on Safe Routes below.
- For Monterey County users: Seeing the Spanish-language bike resources from other places can also inspire new resources to be created for Spanish speakers here. For example, it can support progress toward a local Rutas Más Seguras a la Escuela/Safe Routes to School program. See “Kids Biking to School” regarding related efforts in Monterey County.
- Consider “When labels don’t fit: Hispanics and their views of identity,” by Paul Taylor, Mark Hugo Lopez, Jessica Hamar Martínez and Gabriel Velasco, released by the Pew Research Center on April 4, 2012.
- As the Monterey County Herald’s 4/5/11 editorial, “Stories prompt opinions on exclusion,” stated: “Sure, bilingual publications, signs, ballots, etc., could lead to a divided nation, but the way to deal with that is not to withhold important information from a significant part of the population. Warning signs, important announcements and key public documents should not be English-only for reasons of safety, order and fairness.” Thanks again to OCTA.net for their Spanish-language summary of California DMV’s bike laws. Leyes de ciclismo de CA – Laws for bicyclists in CA (Spanish, English) – Summary
en Español – Rutas Más Seguras a la Escuela
Safe Routes to School (Bicycling and Walking)
Monterey County’s Health Department is among those here who sometimes work toward Safe Routes to School. For inspiration, refer to Oberstar Urges Bicycle Leaders to Seek Support for Safe Routes to School, and check out:
- San Benito County (our neighbor in the Monterey Bay tri-county region), which has Safe Routes to School maps, en español y en inglés. Questions? Verónica Lezama, (831) 637-POOL.
- California Contacts and Success Stories, including Chula Vista, Marin, and Riverside,
- Sonoma County Safe Routes to School website, which has many Spanish documents available for download, including the Encouragement Resources.
- Portland, Oregon’s Safe Routes to School info in Spanish.
- Atlanta Bicycle Campaign, Georgia –in Spanish:Información Para Los Choferes y Monitores de Los Buses Caminantes – Guidelines for Walking School Bus.
- Click here for National Safe Routes to School Spanish resources, and you’ll find [plus 2/28/21 update: https://www.saferoutespartnership.org/resources/spanish-language]:
- Talking Points – Centro Nacional de Rutas Escolares Seguras – Temas de discusión
- Parent survey, available in English and Spanish; asks for info including what factors affect whether parents allow their children to bike or walk to school
- A Spanish brochure mentioned on the national site was not available as of 5/22/11.
- Fire Up Your Feet is a core program of the Safe Routes to School National Partnership. Fire Up Your Feet.org ofrecerá una amplia variedad de recursos apropiados para cada edad, y materiales educativos para fomentar la actividad física con la familia y en la escuela…[click para mas informacion].
Street harassment and other bullying are a serious issue for personal well-being and safety. Among the many negative impacts, they often keep children, teens, and adults, male and female, from using active transportation—biking, walking, skating—as well as discouraging use of buses or other public transit. A few related resources in Spanish are linked from Bicycling Monterey’s post “Street Harassment and Other Bullying: Ways to help stop it“—e.g., Lidiando con Acosadores and Barbara Coloroso‘s bully-spanish-handout.
Below: Jesse Martines was helping the Green Pedal Couriers team, which offered free bike repair at the Seaside PAL Bike Fair, May 2011.
From other California counties:
San Diego
San Diego es Mueve Pedaleando – San Diego is Pedal Powered
Benefits of biking are outlined in a fun way in this video from the San Diego Association of Governments, available in 30-second and 90-second lengths. The song in the background is in English only, but the printed text is displayed in Spanish in these en español versions.
en español 90 sec: San Diego es Mueve Pedaleando
en español 30 sec: San Diego es Mueve Pedaleando
Santa Barbara
The Spanish Language Outreach Committee of the Santa Barbara Bicycle Coalition was launching in April 2011 a Community Mobile Bike Shop (Taller Movil Comunitario de Bicicletas).
Their Youth Bike/Pedal Power classes include a Spanish-language application form:
Pedal Power: (Junior high & High school students):18 hours of instruction
“Participants learn bike mechanics, confident commuter skills, and go on rides around Santa Barbara. All participants can earn a refurbished bike at the completion of 6 weeks. No experience required.”
English registration forms available here.
Spanish registration forms available here.
Santa Barbara County bike maps:
- Santa Barbara County – South
- Santa Barbara County – North
Los Angeles
Map of Safer Streets for Biking (PDF 7.1MB) – “This map has detailed safer, recommended streets for biking in Central, South-Central, East, and parts of West LA. This is the English version of the following map.”
Mapa de las Calles Más Seguras Para Viajar (PDF 5.5MB) – “Esta es una mapa que describe las calles más seguras para viajar en el Centro, el Sur Centro, el Este y partes de Oeste de la Ciudad de Los Ángeles.”
Guía de Recursos de Bicicleta en Español created by Ciudad De Luces/City of Lights: Empowering Latino Cyclists Through Community Building, Advocacy, and Education. Ciudad de Luces was established in 2009 by the Los Angeles Bicycle Coalition. Ciudad de Luces also has La Bici Digna Bike Repair Space (roughly translated as “A Bike Worth Living For”). Check out their site to learn more! Below is a video of some of their bike safety outreach; visit their website for details.
Thank you to the Los Angeles Bicycle Coalition for this public service announcement. Learn more.
TU FAMILIA PSA – LACBC, REI, City of Lights from Jordan Melograna on Vimeo.
Another Los Angeles leader: Multicultural Communities for Mobility, a project of Community Partners. “MCM conducts culturally competent, multilingual safety and advocacy workshops, programs, and campaigns, in coalition with low-income focused groups in the City of Los Angeles.” See their Spanish resources page: http://www.multicultimobility.org/resources/
Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA.net) is modest–they’ve done a great service to California’s Spanish-speaking cyclists by providing in their brochure some specifics, en español, about the CA Department of Motor Vehicle (DMV) equipment requirements! Find those much-needed details under the heading “Leyes de ciclismo de California“/”California Vehicle Code” in their “Explora Orange County” brochure: English / Spanish
You can download the full PDF of the Bikeways map below, or you can request a copy of this map by contacting Commuter Connection at sharetheride@octa.net or (714)560-5588.
![]() |
Bikeways Map download PDF |
San Francisco
From the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency/Agencia Municipal de Transporte de San Francisco – 311 • www.sfmta.com/bikes
San Francisco Guía para Ciclistas/Bicycle Guide
“An illustrated 52-page guide with tips on how to ride your bicycle safely on the City’s streets using diagrams and graphics to help the urban cyclist learn about essential skills – being seen by motorists, communicating with motorists, and riding predictably and confidently as part of traffic flow.”
San Francisco Bicycle Coalition
A 16-page guide…
Family Bike Guide http://www.sfbike.org/wp-content/uploads/2014/03/SF-Bicycle-Coalition-FamilyBikingGuide.pdf
South San Francisco Walking and Biking Map
Manejando bicicleta llega a muchos lugares (y mas): http://www.ci.ssf.ca.us/index.aspx?NID=481 – Download mapa: http://www.ci.ssf.ca.us/DocumentView.aspx?DID=811
El ColectíVelo http://www.colectivelo.org/ Un taller comunitario y bilingüe de bicis. – Spanish bilingual community bike shop.
Santa Clara
City of San Jose Street Smarts
Bicycle Safety Tips Flyer (PDF / 24 KB)
“A good resource for any amateur or experienced bicyclist, as well as being beneficial for the entire family. Some of these tips may surprise you!” This is a handy single sheet (print two-sided) of tips.
These three items were shared by Paul Zykofsky, Associate Director of the Local Government Commission in Sacramento – www.lgc.org. These documents are not primarily focused on bicycling. However, they are included as a resource for Spanish-speaking activists working toward more livable communities, with safer conditions for walking and bicycling.
http://www.lgc.org/freepub/docs/community_design/fact_sheets/safety_and_health_spanish.pdf http://www.lgc.org/freepub/docs/community_design/fact_sheets/safety_and_health_english.pdf http://www.lgc.org/freepub/docs/community_design/fact_sheets/calles_mas_seguras.pd (Disponible sólo en español.)
From other states of the U.S.
Bike West Hartford’s site includes some resources in Spanish, e.g., https://bikewesthartford.org/safety/
Resources from Bike Easy in New Orleans include their full Bike/Walk Activity kit in Spanish. Scroll down the following page to download from their site: https://bikeeasy.org/our-work/education/bike-education-resources/
Cambiando Poder: Vídeos de Capacitacíon de Mecánica de Bicicletas / Shifting Power: Bike Mechanics Training Videos, an excellent resource from Bikes Not Bombs, made available free at http://bikesnotbombs.org/shifting-power Please share this resource with others interested in bike repair.
Safe Routes to School, Massachusetts has some info in Spanish (and other languages). Among those, as of 2/28/21, are backpack flyers, pedestrian safety tip sheet, driver awareness leaflet, and arrival/dismissal backpack flyer. Scroll down the following page: https://www.mass.gov/info-details/safe-routes-to-school-education
Portland Bureau of Transportation has Spanish bike/walk maps for various parts of the city. And they have Safe Routes to School info in Spanish.
The Bicycle Transportation Alliance of Portland has Educational Resources, including a brochure: “Seguro en Bicicleta.” This Safe Biking: Quick Tips color-printed brochure illustrates the basics of on-street riding. Appropriate for ages 10 to adult.” Purchase copies.
Safe Kids Wisconsin fact sheets (PDF)
New York
From the state of New York (be aware some guidelines may differ for California), a Bike Smart brochure:
From the Tucson-Pima County Bicycle Advisory Committee:
Two videos in Spanish: (1) Ponte listo, ponte el casco, protege a los tuyos; y (2) Conduce con tus 5 sentidos.
Booklet: Share the Road Comparta el Camino: Guia para ciclistas y motoristas.
Safe Cyclist Teacher Master Pages from Bike Texas – a range of great resources in Spanish and English, from “How to fix a flat” – “Cómo Arreglar una Ponchadurato” to “Helmet sizing and adjustment” – “Midiendo y Ajustando el Casco.”
Walk-and-Roll San Antonio Resources
Bicycle Safety: Some basic bicycling safety tips – English or Spanish.
From Atlanta Bicycle Coalition, Short Public Service Announcements (PSAs) for drivers and bicyclists in the Atlanta region were created in Spanish and English. Visit their website (AtlantaBike.org) to listen; here’s the full list [ http://www.atlantabike.org/psas ].
Arlington, Virginia’s Commuter Page includes Be a PAL–Predictable, Alert, Lawful. A street scene with tips for people who bike, walk, or drive, sharing streets includes a Spanish version, Consejos sobre seguridad y cortesia.Visit their website to learn more.
Bike Arlington has a helpful one-page poster. The document offers color or black-and-white printing options; pages 1-2 are in English and pages 3-4 in Spanish – Sobre dos ruedas o a pie: Cómo compartir el camino/ Two Wheels or Two Feet: Sharing the Way. Visit the Bike Arlington website to explore other resources, and click here for their related webpage.
From League of American Bicyclists / Bike League
Order Smart Cycling resources from bikeleague.org: Guía Rápida para el Ciclismo Seguro is the Spanish-language version of the League of American Bicyclists’ popular Quick
Also available from the League’s store: Manual para un Ciclismo Seguro. http://www.bikeleague.org/content/reaching-more-people-bike-education-spanish
From Canada
Manual para ciclistas de Toronto Español – Todo lo que necesita saber sobre cómo practicar ciclismo en la ciudad en un solo libro – Segunda edición, 2016 from Cycle Toronto – http://www.cycleto.ca/about-cycle-toronto. Their Toronto Cyclists Handbook is available in 13 languages as of 11/20/18. All their handbooks can be accessed from the following related webpage: http://www.cycleto.ca/handbook.
From Mexico
If using the following resources for bicycling in countries other than Mexico, remember that bike laws in Mexico will often differ from bike laws in U.S. states or wherever you’re riding.
- Jalisco – Manual de Ciclismo Urbano (2016) http://info.jalisco.gob.mx/sites/default/files/leyes/manual_de_ciclismo_urbano.pdf [a 112-page manual]
- Querétaro – Guía de conducción en bicicleta (2018)
- Oaxaca – Manual de Ciclistas (2018) http://casadelaciudad.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/MANUAL-DE-CICLISTAS.-IMPRENTA.pdf
Thanks to Paul Zykofsky, associate director of the Local Government Commission in Sacramento, California for recommending the following manual:
Manual Del Ciclista Urbano de la Ciudad de Mexico – http://www.sma.df.gob.mx/sma/links/download/biblioteca/flippingbooks/manual_ciclista_urbano/ [a 194-page manual]
Additional resources from Mexico:
Bicitekas. Founded in 1998, this Mexico City-based group promotes biking as a healthy and environmentally friendly transportation choice. Bicitekas also works to earn the respect of motor vehicle drivers and to improve infrastructure.
Bicitekas also helped found a national organization linking biking advocacy groups across Mexico, BiciRed.
You’ll find many videos among the resources on the website of Pueblo Bicicletero. It is “a colectivo ciudadano que promueve el uso de la bici como medio de transporte para tener una movilidad urbana sostenible en el Área Metropolitana de Monterrey.” (This refers to Monterrey, Mexico, not Monterey, California.)
From South America
Gracias, SecretaríaCulturaBtá – @CulturaenBta:
Usar la bici hace parte de transformar nuestro entorno.
Sección 4:
Mostly out-of-print
4-H resources
5 enero 2012 update: 4-H bicycle project books are “designed for youth bicycle enthusiasts and volunteers starting a bicycle club as well as for improving an existing bike program.” For English, visit this page of 4HMall.org. As a former 4-Her myself, I had hoped to find available updates of the Spanish versions of the 4-H bike project books.
What to know, as of 5 January 2012:
There is not currently a Spanish version of the bicycle curriculum at the national level. The need will definitely be considered when bicycle curriculum is revised in the future. If you would like to use Spanish-language 4-H bicycling curriculum materials, and hope these will be updated, you may contact Tara Wheeler to express your interest:
Tara D. M. Wheeler, MPA
Project Director, Curriculum
National 4-H Council
7100 Connecticut Avenue
Chevy Chase, MD 20815
The five 4-H Spanish bike project publications listed below are mostly out-of-print and have not been recently updated. The Oregon Outreach website listed them as follows and also referenced classes and resources from Oakland, but the Oakland number listed was disconnected.
Typing “bicicleta” in the search window of this site: http://anrcs.ucdavis.edu/Publications/ – will turn up a PDF and an Excel sheet referencing some material. Again, these are not being currently recommended. The list is archived here simply for future reference.
- Tu Bicicleta y Tú, Unidad 1
- Your Bicycle and You, Unit 1
- Discusses types of bicycles, parts of a bicycle, adjusting to your size, and riding safely. $1
- El Mantenimiento de tu Bicicleta, Unidad 2
- Maintaining Your Bicycle, Unit 2
- Discusses adjusting and repairing your bicycle. $1
- Amplia tus Conocimientos de Ciclismo, Unidad 3
- Enlarging Your Cycling World, Unit 3
- Describes how you can personalize your bicycle with accessories. Discusses planning trips. $1
- Comparte tus Conocimientos Sobre Bicicletas
- Share Your Knowledge About Bicycles
- Two page handout on sharing knowledge about the 4-H bicycle program with others. 50¢
- Guía Para Líderes (de Bicicleta)
- 4-H Bicycle Guide for Leaders
- Outlines responsibilities and curriculum for leaders. $3
* * * * *
Sección 5:
Muchas gracias!
My gratitude to the many individuals, organizations, and government agencies for their dedication, time, and skills in making these Spanish language bicycling materials available.
Special thanks to:
- Orange County Transportation Authority (OCTA.net) for “Leyes de ciclismo de California“/”California Vehicle Code” translation about required equipment, such as lights and reflectors.
- San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency (sfmta.com/bikes) for the San Francisco Bicycle Guide. The translation about aceras/sidewalk riding is especially helpful to cyclists in parts of Monterey County, and the entire SF guide has a lot of information applicable to our county and other counties.
- The Bicycle Helmet Safety Institute – bhsi.org (helmet advocacy program of the Washington Area Bicyclists Association/WABA.org) in Arlington, Virginia for their research that has contributed some of these items on this webpage.
Sección 6:
Closing notes
Siento no tener más información en español en Bicycling Monterey website. Hablo muy poquito español ¡y no muy bueno!
- Unlike my kids, my own Spanish language skills are meager, thus the en español webpage differs from the rest of the Bicycling Monterey website (it is primarily a link compilation directing you to Spanish-language biking resources created by others). Nonetheless, much research time went into creating this webpage. Please refer to the copyright note below.
- Spanish translation needs include this entire en español webpage. Please contact me if you can help.
- It is recommended that all links be confirmed before sharing, to be sure they lead to the most current editions available. And, as usual, check that the content is accurate, up-to-date, and culturally sensitive.
- Please contact me if you know of excellent resources that can be added to the links provided on this page.
- Spanish-language resources linked in the “Bicycle Riding Skills, Bike Safety, and CA Bicycle Laws—for Children, Teens, and Adults” section of the Tips for Bicycling Monterey County guide are already included on this en español web page.
Por favor, hágamelo saber si usted tiene alguna pregunta. Please let me know if you have any questions.
Contact me. Muchas gracias!
Amigas en condado de Monterey
Nuestro amigo Wendolyn y mi hija, Sierra, le dirán: ¡no hay forma más agradable de aprender otro idioma que en compañía de un amigo!
* * * * *
Sección 7: Copyright reminder
Tenga en cuenta – Please note
To learn more about copyright, refer to our copyright page (click here).
- This Spanish-language bicycling resources page has been compiled and shared for non-commercial use. Much research and other time went into its creation. It is provided online, free of charge, for personal use only. Respect copyright.
- This page is an anomaly on the Bicycling Monterey website, in that it is chiefly a compilation of links to resources available on other sites. A brief excerpt from this page is allowable; however, it requires a credit acknowledging bikemonterey.org, along with giving appropriate and specific direction to the original source.
- In addition, after following this web page’s links to other websites, if you want to reuse any of their content, contact those copyright holders to request their permission in advance.
- To re-use any Bicycling Monterey material, first refer to the copyright page (click here). If you have questions, contact Bicycling Monterey (click here).
* * * * *
If you found info on this site valuable, please make a contribution to help maintain and expand these resources.
This webpage was first published 25 June 2010, with some subsequent updates.