
About Bicycling Monterey

Bicycling Monterey aka Bike Monterey provides resources and inspiration for people who bike anywhere, serves as Information Hub for Biking Monterey County, and is the county’s Local Partner of the California Bicycle Coalition.

Below the Nav Tips is an overview about the Bicycling Monterey site and projects—plus photo galleries of visitors and residents who bike in Monterey County.

Navigation Tips

  • Need help finding something? Feel free to phone us anytime.
  • To access all pages about topics shown below this site’s banner, click that tab (e.g., leading to 20-section Tips guide).
  • To access all posts about topics shown above the banner, use the Categories window in the sidebar.
  • To access all posts by month and year, use the Archive window in the sidebar.
  • For a list of all pages in this About section, scroll to the bottom of this page.
  • For our compilation of resources in Spanish, see información en español sobre ciclismo.

About Bicycling Monterey

Bicycling Monterey includes numerous bike advocacy projectsSee what people say about this work. Bicycling Monterey is renowned for accurate, reliable information. BikeMonterey.org features nearly 800 pages of original content, including thousands of original photos. 

Why we do what we do: Bicycling helps reduce the environmental impact of transportation, including carbon emissions. Bicycling improves public health, strengthens communities, and has multiple other benefits. Besides, biking is fun!

There is not yet an official bicycling coalition for Monterey County, or for the Monterey Bay Tri-County Region, as of the start of Bicycling Monterey’s 16th year (May 2024). Bicycling Monterey helps fill that gap, including with its 35-section directory of Monterey County Bicycling Resources / Bike Community Leaders. Bicycling Monterey collaborates on local, regional, state, national, and international bicycling advocacy efforts. Bicycling Monterey has helped Monterey County become a more welcoming place for people who bike; e.g., see “Helping visitors, and residents, use sustainable transportation.”

Valued by a wide mix of people, Bicycling Monterey is a trusted resource linked by local, regional, state, and national organizations, e.g., the California Bicycle Coalition, the Transportation Agency for Monterey County,  Cruz511 – Santa Cruz County Regional Transportation CommissionUniversity of California at Berkeley’s CATSIP, League of American Bicyclists, People for Bikes, and many others.

Since founded May 2009, the work of the founder on this website and on all Bicycling Monterey projects has been done as an unpaid volunteer. That’s still the case as Bicycling Monterey’s 15th year was completed. For how Bicycling Monterey began, click here.

We are grateful to all who have pitched in to help support the Bicycling Monterey work with volunteer hours, project supplies, or financial contributions.

Sharing this site with friends? Refer them to https://bikemonterey.org. There are also some alternate domain names that reach this site: https://bicyclingmonterey.com, https://bicyclingmonterey.org, and https://tipsfortourists.com.

As reported by Kera Abraham in “The Change Agent” in the Monterey County Weekly’s first special bike issue in 2011: “What started as [the founder, Mari’s] personal blog two years ago quickly evolved into an umbrella website for all things two-wheeled in Monterey County.” If unsuccessfully attempting to access any post or page of this site via the original domain name, marilynch.com/blog, substitute bikemonterey.org for the first portion of the URL for that post or page.

Ways to Support the Bicycling Monterey work

1. Contribute financially: click here for how to contribute, and FAQs.

Who has already helped? See all financial contributions.

2. Contribute supplies: contact Bicycling Monterey to find out what is most needed at this time.

Who has helped? See all contributors of project supplies.

3. Contribute time: for examples of volunteer tasks, click here; or just contact Bicycling Monterey.

Who has helped? See a list of site and project volunteers, and people who help spread the word.

Questions? Contact Bicycling Monterey.

About section

As a public service, this website has been provided for personal use free of charge. For any other use, refer to the copyright information page.


No claim is made or liability accepted for use of this site.