Since May 2009 and still the case as 2025 began, all work by Bicycling Monterey’s founder on this site and on all Bicycling Monterey projects has been done as an unpaid volunteer.

In addition to the other expenses of this work, the founder has paid for all project supplies not contributed by others (i.e., listed on this page) or not possible to purchase from financial contributions received.

Thank you,

Contributors of Project Supplies.

All supplies contributors

and the supplies they’ve contributed
are listed below in chronological order, 2009-2024

Please note three exceptions, where individual supplies contributors have been listed in separate posts, with links to those posts provided below:

  • See April 2013 and April 2014 for those months’ contributors of supplies for the Monterey County Probation Department Youth Center bike class.
  • See February 2016 for all contributors of gift cards or other rewards given to people who made a financial contribution to Bicycling Monterey Feb-Dec 2016.
To contribute supplies for any project, please phone Bicycling Monterey. Need ideas regarding projects you can contribute to? See “Summary of Bicycling Monterey Projects.


All project supplies were provided by Bicycling Monterey’s founder.


All project supplies were provided by Bicycling Monterey’s founder.


  1. 2011:  February 16 – Anonymous contributor provided copies of HER Helmet Thursdays Pocket Guides for the Focus the Region conference at CSUMB.
  2. 2011: May – Caz at London Cyclechic, two bicycle helmets for youth without them.
  3. 2011:  May –  Dress-Up Challenge for Bike Week (separate list below). This activity was organized by Bicycling Monterey in support of Transportation Agency for Monterey County’s Bike Week efforts for 2011.
  4. 2011:  October 16 – Solex Applied Solar Energy, Pacific Grove provided printing services for English and Spanish bicycle outreach materials for Castroville Sustainability Fair and countywide.
  5. 2011:  December 17 – Cath Tendler-Valencia and Jan Valencia volunteered their time and paid for printing services to provide a HER Helmet Thursdays Pocket Guide to Velo Club Monterey members and the wider community.
May 2011 – Dress-Up Challenge for Bike Week

Monterey County 2011 Dress-Up Challenge was a community awareness-building event, not a competition.  Raffle prizes were awarded in a free drawing, with names drawn by Megan Tolbert, Transportation Planner for California State University-Monterey Bay (CSUMB). Winners were notified, and prizes to be picked up by June 15, 2011.

  1. One Specialized Align bicycle helmet – contributed by Aquarian Bicycles, Monterey
  2. A second Specialized Align bicycle helmet!  – contributed by Aquarian Bicycles, Monterey
  3. Bottle of wine:  Symphony (white, hybrid grape, light and sweet)  – contributed by Baywood Cellars, Monterey
  4. Bottle of wine:  Tempranillo (red, fruit-forward, jammy, and a smokey finish) – contributed by Baywood Cellars, Monterey
  5. One delivery/courier service, by appointment – contributed by Green Pedal Couriers
  6. One hour of nutrition counseling, by appointment – contributed by Jody Emerson Quintana, Monterey
  7. Two hours of gardening or yard work, by appointment – contributed by David Ramos, Monterey
  8. $10 gift certificate for Cornucopia Community Market – contributed by Cornucopia, Carmel
  9. $20 gift certificate for Haute Enchilada Cafe and Gallery, Moss Landing – contributed by Haute Enchilada (a HER Helmet Thursdays participant–see the Haute Enchilada HHT listing)
  10. $50 gift certificate toward lunch for two at Schooners Bistro on the Bay, Monterey – contributed by the Monterey Plaza Hotel and Spa (a HER Helmet Thursdays participant–see the Schooners HHT listing)
  11. One jar of Chamois Butt’r – contributed by Mari  Lynch
  12. One PrimalWear t-shirt with Sea Otter Classic logo – contributed by Bicycling Monterey
  13. One Woodpecker bell – contributed by Bobcat Bicycles, Salinas
  14. A second Woodpecker bell – contributed by Bobcat Bicycles, Salinas
  15. One Planet Bike headlight and one Planet Bike tail light – contributed by Bobcat Bicycles, Salinas
  16. One Cateye headlight – contributed by Sports Center Bicycles, Seaside
  17. A second Cateye headlight – contributed by Sports Center Bicycles, Seaside
  18. A third Cateye headlight – contributed by Sports Center Bicycles, Seaside
  19. One tub of Endurance PowerBar drink – contributed by Sports Center Bicycles, Seaside
  20. One tub of Recovery PowerBar drink – contributed by Sports Center Bicycles, Seaside
  21. $10 gift certificate – contributed by Pico de Gallo, Monterey (a HER Helmet Thursdays participant–see the Pico de Gallo HHT listing)
  22. One hour massage, by appointment – contributed by Renee Shillcock,  CMT, Monterey (831) 277-8937

* * *


  1. March 5 – Souza’s Alisal Pharmacy (323 North Sanborn Rd, Salinas, CA 93905; 831/ 424-7321) – A Good Neighbor Pharmacy – provided photocopies for California bike laws in Spanish and English for bike safety outreach in East Salinas.
  2. March 5 and April 25 – CopyMat of Salinas (44 W. Gabilan St., Salinas, CA 93901; 831/753-0471) provided photocopies  for California bike laws  in Spanish and English, and Spanish bike safety flier for bike safety outreach in Salinas. Did you know? Many people prefer paper copies of bike law summaries and such because they do not have easy web access. Pew Research reported in 2013 that one-third of those making less than $20,000 a year do not go online. Another third go online, but do not have Internet access at home. In 2016, the need for paper was still evident; see Pew Research’s 2016 update: “Digital divide persists even as lower-income Americans make gains in tech adoption.”
  3. August 15 –  South County Health & Safety Fair.  Youth bicycle helmets contributed as part of bike safety outreach. These contributions were made by Ariana Green, Ellie Kincaid of REI Marina, the Naval Postgraduate School Cycling Club, and Velo Club Monterey. Learn more about these contributors; click here.
  4. August 15 – South County Health & Safety Fair.  Some of the Spanish and English photocopies of bike safety info shared at this fair were contributed by  Ernesto Mireles, DDS, Greenfield & Salinas Dental Group (831) 674-5501.
  5. September 2 –   Mi Pueblo Food Center, 950 E. Alisal, Salinas (831/751-9713) provided  photocopies of  California bike laws in Spanish and English and other bike safety info for outreach in East Salinas.
  6. September 11 – Anonymous contributor provided photocopies for bike safety outreach in East Salinas.
  7. October 1 – Commute Alternatives – Blinky lights and cloth bags for community outreach.
  8. October 10 – CopyMat of Salinas (44 W. Gabilan St., Salinas, CA 93901; 831/753-0471) provided photocopies for mini-fliers for outreach in Salinas.
  9. October 10 – GTO Printers (526 E. Alisal St., Suite A, Salinas, CA 93905; 831/757-3148) provided photocopies for mini-fliers for outreach in Salinas.
  10. November 6 – Three 31-day Super Passes contributed by Monterey-Salinas Transit for youth graduating from the Monterey County Probation Department Youth Center bike class. (Learn more about MST’s support for the class in “Getting on the Right Path.”)
  11. November 6 – Three bicycle helmets contributed by Bay Bikes for youth graduating from the Monterey County Probation Department Youth Center bike class. (Learn more about Bay Bikes’ support for the class in “Getting on the Right Path.”)
  12. November 7 – Three commuter bike lights contributed by Light & Motion for youth graduating from the Monterey County Probation Department Youth Center bike class. (Learn more about Light & Motion’s support for the class in “Getting on the Right Path.”)
  13. November 9 – Four pair of riding gloves contributed by Peninsula Bike Works for youth graduating from the Monterey County Probation Department Youth Center bike class. (Learn more about Peninsula Bike Works’ suppport for the class in “Getting on the Right Path.”)
  14. Monterey-Salinas Transit, blinky lights for bike safety outreach


February 26 – Commute Alternatives – Contributed blinky lights and cloth bags for Monterey County bike outreach.

April 20 –  Jacob and Isaac Siegel-Bottner of Pedal Born Pictures. These brothers and filmmakers contributed a DVD of “Singletrack High,” their film that can provide inspiration for Monterey County youth who may be interested in mountain biking–including boys ages 14-17 who are part of the Monterey County Youth Center bike class.

April 21 – In 2013 many Sea Otter Classic exhibitors contributed gifts to youth graduating from the Monterey County Youth Center bike class, as well as miscellaneous parts and supplies for youth participating in the class. Click here for a list of the 54 contributions, and names of the contributors.

June – Local businesses contributed supplies for the Monterey County Youth Center bike class, a class for youth. Businesses contributors included Beverly’s, Monterey (bicycle-design fabric); Cypress Garden Nursery, Monterey (bicycle-design wrapping paper); Pharmaca, Monterey (Rx bottles to hold small bike parts); and Star Market, Salinas (tape for bike parts labels).

July 9 – Mechanix Wear contributed for students participating in the Monterey County Youth Center bike class, and for their volunteer instructors, 20 pair of Original and Fast Fit gloves.

July 14 – Mi Pueblo Food Center, 950 E. Alisal, Salinas (831/751-9713) provided  photocopies of  mini-fliers referring to Spanish and English bike safety and other local biking info.

July 14 – Amezcua Insurance Services, 7 N. Hebbron Ave., Salinas (831/757-6313) provided  photocopies of  mini-fliers referring to Spanish and English bike safety and other local biking info.

July 17 – Winning Wheels Bicycle Shop of Pacific Grove contributed for youth graduating from the Monterey County Probation Department Youth Center bike class:  6 Hincapie water bottles, 1 pair Fox digit gloves, 2 pair Gore and Hincapie short-finger gloves, 1 Cycle Aware Wanda light, 1 titanium keyed Master Lock, 2 Planet Bike helmet-mount lights, and 15 reflectors.

Sept 27 – People for Bikes contributed buttons and stickers in support of Bicycling Monterey’s bicycle advocacy and bike safety outreach at the Oct 6 Ciclovia Salinas, Monterey County’s first Open Streets location.

October 3 – Association for Monterey Bay Area Governments (AMBAG) – blinky lights and Commute Alternatives reusable shopping bags for bike safety and commute alternatives outreach at Ciclovia Salinas and elsewhere.

October 3 – City of Salinas – printed copies of the Salinas bike map, in  English and Español, for bike safety and advocacy outreach at Ciclovia Salinas and elsewhere.

November – Thanksgiving week –  Some local bike shop owners are each giving a prize of their choosing directly to a customer or visitor to their shop whose name is drawn in their HER  Helmet Thursdays 4th anniversary drawing. Why? To help increase awareness about HER Helmet Thursdays, and to celebrate its role in helping to build a more bike-friendly county for visitors and locals. Click here to learn more, including some details about the participating bike shops: Bay Bikes,   Bear Bikes,  Bobcat Bicycles,  DC-10/Doug Chandler PerformancePeninsula Bike Works, Sports Center Bicycles, Tony’s Bike Shop & Skateboard, and Winning Wheels.

December 10 – Sandy and John Larson contributed five warm winter hats for students in the Monterey County Youth Center bike class. When weather is too cold, class can be held in the vocational ed room at the facility. But on brisk winter days when there’s no wind, and sunshine beckons, youth like working on their bikes in the usual space outdoors. It’s important to the Youth Center, and to their “room mother” for bike class (Mari Lynch), that they only work outdoors if appropriately dressed. Thanks to Sandy and John for making that more appealing to teens by gifting these rad hats!


January 9 – Luke Shenefield contributed assorted used bike parts and accessories for students in the Monterey County Youth Center bike class

January 26 – Bobcat Bicycles, Salinas contributed a new SST ORYGinal Lower Cable and an Odyssey Modulever Cable so used BMX bikes being repaired by students in the Monterey County Youth Center bike class could roll with greater reliability.

January 29 – Tony’s Bike Shop, Castroville contributed a new upper cable so a used BMX bike being repaired by a student in the Monterey County Youth Center bike class could roll with greater reliability.

February 5 – Bay Bikes contributed a Park CT-3 chain tool pin for the Monterey County Youth Center bike class.

February 19 – Three 31-day Super Passes contributed by Monterey-Salinas Transit for youth graduating from the Monterey County Youth Center bike class. MST knows The Bus is a helpful transportation option that can make it easier for teens to arrive at school or work on time, whether they bike-and-ride or just ride the bus that day.  Thanks to MST for celebrating bike class students with these helpful grad gifts. (Learn more about MST’s support for the class in “Getting on the Right Path.”)

February 21 – Dark Timbers is a standout–including their black lanyards, so perfect for name tags for Monterey County Youth Center bike class. The boys love those great quality and cool looking lanyards, and we love Dark Timbers for providing them. They must’ve known we felt apologetic, asking students to put on our funky homemade name tags. It’s sometimes surprising what gets teenagers to smile, and we’ve found the Dark Timbers lanyards do. They generously provided not just a few but a package of 85, taking bike class well into the future! We’re all  set!

February 21 – Dark Timbers also surprised us with 9 orange and 14 black hats for Monterey County Youth Center bike class. We appreciate Dark Timbers for their sensitivity and generosity, not only about gang colors but about our recent cold snap. And that they know even without a cold snap, teens like that sense of belonging they often feel simply by donning popular duds like these beanies. Thanks again, Dark Timbers!

February 28  – Dannie Ryan and spouse, miscellaneous new and used bike parts for Monterey County Youth Center bike class. Muchas gracias!

April 11 – Light & Motion, photocopies of acknowledgement for Sea Otter Classic vendor contributions for Monterey County Youth Center bike class. (Learn more about Light & Motion’s own support for the class in “Getting on the Right Path.”)

April 13 –  In 2014, 36 Sea Otter Classic exhibitors contributed gifts to youth graduating from the Monterey County Youth Center bike class, as well as miscellaneous parts and supplies for youth participating in the class. Please click here for a list of the 36 contributors and the items they contributed.

April 15 – People for Bikes contributed buttons and stickers in support of Bicycling Monterey’s bike advocacy and bike safety outreach to children, teens, and adults.

May 5 – Little Bellas, which chose Toro Park, Salinas for its first “CA Sundays” session, knew of Bicycling Monterey’s bike advocacy and safety outreach. Little Bellas asked Bicycling Monterey for ideas on some areas of greatest need in Monterey County. In response, Little Bellas contributed 13 bicycle helmets to Dr. Martin Luther King Jr. Academy in East Salinas to be gifted to students who bike. Tip of the helmet to Little Bellas for reaching out to help more children of all income levels bike!

May 5 – Little Bellas contributed 2 bicycle helmets to the Salinas Police Department’s PAL program. Little Bellas knows about Monterey County’s cool cops on bikes, including Salinas PD–and their commitment to law enforcement and other practical help that make Salinas better for youth and others who bike.

May 7 – Marta Schild, Oury Grip USA contributed 10 pair of grips and 5 t-shirts, along with decals, for students in the Monterey County Youth Center bike class.  We appreciate that not only are their grips popular for their quality, everything from Oury is made in USA too!

May 7 – Santa Cruz Bike Church contributed a variety of used bike parts for youth in the Monterey County Youth Center bike class.  Items included v-brakes, u-brakes, a few used brake pads in caliper and linear pull style, several rear and front derailleurs (standard and bolt-on and 2 and 3 ring), chains, and miscellaneous small parts, such as springs for u-brakes, chain-ring bolts, and a few brake straddles. And to top it off, they provided some educational tips for the class coordinator in the process. Thanks to Jillian Rose and all the crew at Santa Cruz Bike Church–very helpful neighbors!

May 25 – As part of Bicycling Monterey’s bike advocacy and safety outreach in the Alisal / East Salinas, raffle prizes are being gathered to provide to the Bread Box Community Center for their 5/31 bike rodeo. Learn more here (scroll down). First to contribute is Deborah Warcken of Carmel Valley, a member of Velo Club Monterey, who provided a pair of Cannondale bike gloves.

May 26 – Jim Warwick provided materials, and Jim and various students in the Salinas High School construction program rallied to create tool racks for use by students in the Monterey County Youth Center bike class. Hooray! This is something that’s been wanted for a long time. Youth Center bike class had its second anniversary 4/15/14, and the racks are an encouraging boost toward a successful third year.  Many thanks!

June 22 – Natividad Medical Center provided 10 chap sticks for students in the Monterey County Youth Center bike class. (And because she heard that the bike class boys so appreciated chap sticks, she also provided additional ones for the general population of youth there.)

June 23 – Natividad Medical Center provided photocopies of materials in Spanish and English for bike advocacy and safety outreach in Salinas. This contribution is an example of Natividad’s community health outreach and bike crash and injury prevention efforts.

July 31 – Peter Fox, on behalf of Kryptonite, provided a Kryptolok Series 2 STD with 4′ Flex for a graduate of Monterey County Youth Center bike class. Having a bike you’ve fixed up yourself is nice. Being able to use that bike for commuting to school or work–because you now have proper locks to keep it secure!–is even nicer.

August 19 – Steve McShane, McShane’s Nursery, provided a pair of athletic shoes for a graduate of Monterey County Youth Center bike class. Steve knows that now that this young man has been released from the Youth Center, transitional support for his participation in biking and other sports is one way to help him engage successfully in healthy activities. Gracias, Mr. Council Member.

December 4 – Eleven locally owned bike shops celebrated the 5th Anniversary of The Helmet Thursdays Project by sponsoring a commemoration ad in the Monterey County Weekly. Thanks also to the Weekly for co-sponsoring the ad with those bike shops. See the names of the shops, along with contact info and links to their websites, in the 5th Anniversary post.

December 6 – Cath Tendler-Valencia provided a HER Helmet Thursdays 5th Anniversary poster and a copy of the Quick Reference Guide for display at Velo Club Monterey’s annual holiday party, and subsequent use.

December 16 – Natividad Medical Center provided 10 youth bike helmets for bike safety outreach in East Salinas. This contribution is an example of Natividad’s community health outreach and bike crash and injury prevention efforts.


March 18 – Natividad Medical Center provided 12 youth bike helmets and three bags of blinky lights for bike safety outreach in Monterey County. This contribution is an example of Natividad’s community health outreach and bike crash and injury prevention efforts.

April 19 – Hearty thanks to the following vendors at the Sea Otter Classic Expo who contributed gifts for a local teen who attended Monterey County Probation Department Youth Center bike class. We are grateful that each one has helped this youth be better equipped for cycling. We also appreciate the good wishes and encouragement they passed along with their gifts.

May 6 – Natividad Medical Center provided photocopies of materials in Spanish and English for bike advocacy and safety outreach in Monterey County. This contribution is an example of Natividad’s community health outreach and bike crash and injury prevention efforts.

May 30 – Transportation Agency for Monterey County provided a dozen reflective pantcuff straps for bike advocacy and safety outreach.

July 8 – Employees of Natividad Medical Center contributed 32 bicycle helmets for bike safety outreach to Monterey County youth. This contribution is an example of Natividad’s community health outreach and bike crash and injury prevention efforts.

July 8 – Middlebury Institute of International Studies at Monterey provided photocopies of bike law summaries in Spanish and English, along with mini-fliers, to help share biking information at the 6th Annual MIIS Information Fair on August 25.


January 20 – In support of fundraising for the Bicycling Monterey website and projects, Dan Frechette and Laurel Thomsen contributed rights to use of their music in some of Bicycling Monterey’s new videos.

February 26 and subsequent 2016 dates – Contributors of rewards for the Bicycling Monterey fundraising project, and items they contributed, are all listed on a separate page of this site; see Thank you to contributors of rewards for fundraising campaign (2016).

April 16 – Clif Bar, assorted bars, four boxes of 12, a thank you/snack for Youth Center bike class instructors and other volunteers. (Note: In addition, this contributor today contributed eight more boxes of bars as Rewards Available for Bicycling Monterey Contributors.

April 16 – Action Wipes, 25 Action Wipes Single Pack, a thank you for volunteers.  (Note: In addition, this contributor today contributed another 25 Single Pack plus a 30-Sheet Soft Dispenser Pack as Rewards Available for Bicycling Monterey Contributors.

April 16 – Adventure Sports Journal, seven 100% cotton lightweight t-shirts; various sizes and colors, for youth outreach and fundraising project volunteers

April 16 – Saris Cycling Group – 4 pair everyday Saris sunglasses and 8 Saris beverage cozies for outreach activities

April 16 – Saris Cycling Group – stickers for outreach, including youth attending Monterey County Probation Department Youth Center bike class and others

April 17 – BikeFlights – one package stickers for outreach activities

April 16-17 – People for Bikes – 4 bags PFB buttons and 4 packages PFB stickers for outreach activities

April 17 – Park Tool – stickers for outreach, including for youth attending Monterey County Probation Department Youth Center bike class and others

July 19 – Transportation Agency for Monterey County provided 25 bike/ped lights, 20 reflective pant cuff bands, and 26 bike bells for bike advocacy and safety outreach.


March 13 – Transportation Agency for Monterey County provided for bike advocacy and safety outreach: some pocket-sized Smart Cycling “Quick Guides” published by the League of American Bicyclists, in Spanish and English; some bike/ped lights and reflective pant cuff bands; and some Monterey County bike maps.

March 14 – Transportation Agency for Monterey County provided for bike advocacy and safety outreach: pocket-sized League of American Bicyclists Smart Cycling “Quick Guides,” 40 in Spanish and 25 in English; and 40 Monterey County bike maps.

April 24 – Action Wipes contributed a package of their new mini-packs of 10-sheet body wipes, in support of Bicycling Monterey’s outreach by bike. They’ll help us arrive at our destination fresh, so helpful for such rides as biking to businesses and organizations to invite them into the HER Helmet Thursdays project.

April 24 – Hearing of Bicycling Monterey’s support for public libraries, Scott Fitzgerald contributed a copy of B is for bicycles, on behalf of the Fitzgerald company Buddy Pegs. Scott coauthored the book with Jannine Fitzgerald. B Is for Bicycles was illustrated by Kathleen Hanson.

April 24 – Dylan Melamed, Southwest field service rep for Smith Optics, contributed a pair of Smith Questa Chroma Pop Polarized sunglasses, to protect the eyes and increase the enjoyment of the sights seen when doing bike safety and other direct outreach by bike. How thoughtful!

April 24 – Clif Bar contributed snacks for Bicycling Monterey volunteers—a box of 12 of their new Nut Butter Filled Coconut Almond Butter bars.

May 24 – In presenting Mari with a 2017 Golden Helmet Award, the Transportation Agency for Monterey County presented her (and all GHA award recipients) with a gift certificate for a local bike shop, valued at $100. This allowed getting a new chain, brake pads, seat cover, and tune-up service on her bicycle, which she uses regularly for local education and advocacy direct outreach by bike. Thanks!

June 29 – Transportation Agency for Monterey County provided for bike advocacy and safety outreach: 2 sheets of “Team Monterey County” stickers; 10 pocket-sized League of American Bicyclists Smart Cycling “Quick Guides” in English, and 24 in Spanish; 17 Monterey County bike maps; and 6 TAMC bike bells.

July 15 – Kayti Christianson, Biologist, on behalf of Burleson Consulting, Inc. Environmental Services contributed 16 reusable water bottles for boys participating in Monterey County Probation Department Youth Center bicycling education.

July 21 – Geoff Arnold contributed three sheets of stickers and one tabletop sign (image below), plus his time in creating them, to help get the word out about the Bicycling Monterey site and projects, along with an instructional message board to support Bicycling Monterey’s educational outreach.

July 21 – Fleet & Family Support Center-Monterey contributed photocopies of CA bike law summaries, share-the-road tips, helmet-fitting tips, and mini-fliers for the Bicycling Monterey booth at Family Fun Day, La Mesa Village, Monterey.

July 21 –  Transportation Agency for Monterey County contributed for Family Fun Day, La Mesa Village, Monterey the following items: “Team Monterey County” stickers; Monterey County bike maps; TAMC bike bells; and pocket-sized League of American Bicyclists Smart Cycling “Quick Guides.”

November 3 – Transportation Agency for Monterey County provided for bike advocacy and safety outreach in Salinas, Seaside, and North and South County and elsewhere: pocket-sized Smart Cycling “Quick Guides” published by the League of American Bicyclists, in Spanish (88) and English (50); and Monterey County bike maps (100).


February 5 – Transportation Agency for Monterey County provided for bike advocacy and safety outreach in Salinas, Seaside, and North and South County and elsewhere: pocket-sized Smart Cycling “Quick Guides” published by the League of American Bicyclists, in Spanish (25) and English (25); Monterey County bike maps (30); and bike-ped lights (25).

March 5 – Transportation Agency for Monterey County provided for bike advocacy and safety outreach in Salinas, Seaside, and North and South County and elsewhere: pocket-sized Smart Cycling “Quick Guides” published by the League of American Bicyclists, in Spanish (50) and English (1); Monterey County bike maps (50); and bike-ped lights (20).

June 16 – Manzanita Park BMX provided two copies of 2018 Rule Book: The Official Rules of USA BMX | BMX Canada, and two copies of “New Rider Manual,” a special edition of Pull Magazine, in support of the bicycle education program at the Monterey County Probation Department Youth Center. Special thanks to Steve Aday of Marina Cycle and Skate for facilitating this contribution.

June 20 – Transportation Agency for Monterey County provided for bike advocacy and safety outreach throughout Monterey County: pocket-sized Smart Cycling “Quick Guides,” in Spanish (30); Monterey County bike maps (60); bike-ped lights (25); bells (20); sticker sheets (6); Bike Month challenge poster (2), and bike Month poster (1).

October 26 – Transportation Agency for Monterey County provided for bike advocacy and safety outreach throughout Monterey County, bike-ped lights (25); and for that outreach plus for Youth Center bike education, pocket-sized Smart Cycling “Quick Guides,” in Spanish and English (20); Monterey County bike maps (20).

November 8 – TAMC provided some additional Monterey County bike maps.


April 12 – Brilliant Reflective, single pack of 8 stick-on Reflective Strips for outreach to homeless people who bike.

April 12 – Clif Bar – three boxes of 12 Fruit Smoothie Filled Clif Bars for outreach to homeless people who bike.

April 12 – People for Bikes – seven bundles of PFB Ride Spot stickers for community outreach to teens and others.

April 13 –  (1 hat),  (2 pair gloves),  (1 fender flap) for Monterey County Probation Department Youth Center bike class students.

April 13 – Thanks to  Peaty’s for contributing stickers for Monterey County Probation Department Youth Center boys

April 14 (at Ciclovia King City) – Transportation Agency for Monterey County provided for bike safety outreach bike-ped lights (15).

July 19 – Transportation Agency for Monterey County provided for bike advocacy and safety outreach throughout Monterey County: Smart Cycling “Quick Guides” in English (67); MoCo 2016 bike maps (47); and bicycle bells (47).

November 21 – Lindsey Dehmler contributed 25 comic books and 60 pens—holiday gifts for the boys attending the December 13th Monterey County Probation Department Youth Center Bike Night.

December 4 – Kay and Sieg Magenheim contributed 10 pairs of socks and 10 post-it and pen sets—holiday gifts for the boys attending the December 13th Monterey County Probation Department Youth Center Bike Night.

December 13 – Transportation Agency for Monterey County provided for bicycling education and safety outreach at the county’s Youth Center and throughout Monterey County: Smart Cycling “Quick Guides” in English (25) and Spanish (18); bicycle bells (25); bike/ped lights (25).


All project supplies were provided by Bicycling Monterey’s founder.


October 10 – Bicycling Monterey appreciates that many military personnel are part of the bike community. We were happy to be able to pass along to Norma of Monterey County Blue Star Moms the following items for their next care package shipment to military personnel serving overseas. We are grateful to the four contributors to that effort: Enduro, a package (150 grams) of Beta Red; Richard Smith, CEO of Fluid, a package (752 grams) of Recovery; GU Energy Labs, a box of 12 packets (60 grams) of Liquid Energy; and Tyler McKay, Global Athlete Manager and Event Coordinator,  Ryno Power, eight 45-gram packets of Hydration Fuel drink mix. 

October 10 – Jeremy Kneisly, Creative Director, Tasco MTB, two pair of gloves for Monterey County Probation Department Youth Center bicycling education.

October 10 – Handup Gloves, one pair of gloves for Bicycling Monterey’s community outreach by bike.

October 10 – Jake Huseby of Bliz USA for two pair sunglasses for youth without them, and one pair for Bicycling Monterey’s community outreach by bike.

October 10 – Andy Wilkoff of Handlebar Jack, one Handlebar Jack for bicycle maintenance and instruction.

October 10 – Richard Stum, Owner,  EOGear, one Crazy Quilt / upcycled century bag for community outreach by bike.

October 10 – Seth Kendall, Jenson USA, a POC Omne Air SPIN helmet in support of Bicycling Monterey’s HER Helmet Thursdays Project.


August 17 – Nic Sims and Scott Boulbol on behalf of Lizard Skins, one pair Lizard Skins Monitor 3SZN gloves for community outreach by bike in wet or cold weather.

September 7 – Grover Meyrose contributed, for use by individuals who Bicycling Monterey understands do not have a budget at present that would allow them to purchase a high quality, lightweight bicycle: (1) Litespeed Obed titanium hardtail mountain bike, signed by W. David Lynskey, made in USA in 1994, with WTB Pure saddle —plus Rockshox tire pump, Wahoo Speedplay Comp chromoly pedal system, and Bontrager gel cork handlebar tape; (2) Litespeed Liege brush titanium road bike, signed by W. David Lynskey, made in USA in 1999—plus Specialized mini tire pump, Bontrager standard 700x20c-25c 48 mm presta tube, and two additional tubes.

October 13 – Light & Motion contributed one VIS 1000 + Vya Switch combo light set for community outreach by bike.


April 21 – Park Tools contributed two MTB-5 Rescue Tools for community outreach by bike.

July 17 – Eric Henderson of Meteorite PR on behalf of Sweet Protection, contributed one Falconer 2Vi Mips bicycle helmet.


April 17 – Anna Avery of New Local PR, on behalf of Thousand, contributed a Crossbody Handlebar Bag.We provided the bag to a teen participating in Bicycling Monterey’s project Alternative to Fine for Traffic Citations, so they were better equipped to bike safely.

April 21 – Scott Sisto, Territory Manager and Max Waldron, Marketing Associate of Kali Protectives contributed a Kali Chakra Youth Plus (with QuadCore) youth helmet.

May 17 – Barbara Bastian contributed one used Swagman Mighty Rack hatchback-style vehicle bike rack in support of our outreach by bike in more remote areas of the county.


March 8 – Jack Holmgren, Take a Look rearview mirror, in support of direct outreach by bike.

March 9 – TriEye photochromatic sunglasses with rearview mirror, in support of direct outreach by bike.

Thank you.

Any updates to this page will be made at our earliest opportunity.

Questions? Contact us.