Master CALENDAR for Bicycling Monterey County

UPDATE: Special Monterey County bike-related dates may be found in Subscriber News / Bike Buzz (e.g., Autumn 2024 dates). At this time we are no longer posting to this Google calendar.

If you’re organizing a meeting, activity, or event in Monterey County and would like Bicycling Monterey’s help in getting the word out, via Bike Buzz or social media, please phone us.

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This calendar has featured a few of the biking or bike-related activities, events, and meetings that take place in Monterey County and are open to the public. It occasionally included dates for people who bike anywhere, such as online bike events, or opportunities to offer public comment on state and national infrastructure issues.
Calendar has been provided as a public service.  No claim is made or liability accepted for participation. Scroll down for important notes for first-time users of this calendar.
Si este calendario de Google no se muestra, vaya a la barra de direcciones de su navegador y elimine las s en “https.” Ahora debería mostrarse el calendario.

NOTE: Due to the global pandemic and related restrictions, some activities may be postponed or changed to online events. If in doubt, check with the organizers.

  • Green listings=entered by Bicycling Monterey’s founder unless otherwise noted in listing (“posted by…”). To volunteer to help maintain the calendar, phone Bicycling Monterey.
  • Brown listings=auto-generated by MORCA. Some of MORCA’s may take place outside the county. (Note that MORCA requires helmets be worn by all ages—not just people under 18—at MORCA activities. Click here for more about helmets.) 
  • Amber listings=auto-generated by Velo Club Monterey. Some of VCM’s may take place outside the county. 
  • To view calendars separately, click down arrow to right of “Agenda”; note that as of 3/26/21, Velo Club Monterey is temporarily not posting events to their Google calendar (which was merged with this county calendar) and instead encourages emailing them to ask about any events.
  • For more about the merged calendars, see notes below.

Want more listings on this calendar? Phone Bicycling Monterey to volunteer to help maintain it, or volunteer with MORCA or VCM to help maintain their calendars. 

Important notes

No claim is made or liability accepted for use of this calendar.
  1. Parents or guardians are advised to accompany youth under 18 to activities and events, to ask questions, and to get acquainted with the organizers and other participants. An on-site volunteer role can be one good way to learn if an activity or event is right for your child or teen. One excellent resource for general tips is Gavin De Becker, author of Protecting the Gift:  Keeping Children and Teenagers Safe (and Parents Sane); there are child safety tips provided on
  2. Are bicycle helmets required at these activities and events—for adults, or for minors? Click here.
  3. For all rides, participants are encouraged to first review resources such as Bicycle Riding Skills, Bike Safety, and CA Bicycle Laws–for Children, Teens, and Adults. That section includes Monterey County bike-related ordinances too, such as about sidewalk riding. At minimum, review a bike law summary.

    Grab one here: Be Cool, Be Safe – Bike Law Summary & Advocating for Biking

    Or another, in Spanish and English: Leyes de ciclismo de CA – Laws for bicyclists in CA (Spanish, English) – Summary

  4. Note any age or other restrictions, and whether there is a cost (most activities and events on this calendar are free).
  5. For the most accurate, up-to-date info, check with the contact person or link provided. 
  6. Click “more details” on any listing. Hours first visible may be inaccurate, including because of Google calendar format restrictions.
  7. Google auto-generates a map in the “Where” field. That map is often completely irrelevant to the listing! Refer instead to any personalized details provided.
  8. About merged calendars: If no contact person is provided for a MORCA-generated listing (brown),  contact Monterey Off Road Cycling Association (MORCA) –; for a VCM-generated listing (amber), contact Velo Club Monterey (VCM) – If no contact person is clear for a Bicycling Monterey listing (green), contact Bicycling Monterey.
  9. About merged calendars: Because the Bicycling Monterey, MORCA, and VCM  calendars are merged in this Master Calendar, there may occasionally be a duplicate (e.g., for Sea Otter Classic). Any such duplicates will usually offer different details. If you notice conflicting information (e.g., start time), please contact us.
  10. This calendar not only includes bicycling, but also bike-related activities and events. Examples: Open Streets / Ciclovia events (for walking, biking, skating, and other active transportation);  and TAMC meetings of the Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Advisory Committee.
  11. Additional dates of interest−bike infrastructure and related issues: When Bicycling Monterey is aware that an upcoming local meeting agenda includes an item of particular interest to people who bike, that meeting may occasionally be listed on this master calendar. To stay best informed, refer to “How to get notifications about Monterey County municipal meetings affecting people who bike.”
  12. A key to commonly used acronyms is provided below. To learn much more about the Monterey County bike community, see  Monterey County Bicycling Resources / Bike Community Leaders.
Some commonly used acronyms:

How to submit a calendar listing

If you have a bike-related activity or event open to the public that takes place in Monterey County, click here.

If you have a Monterey County bike-related Google calendar, as MORCA and VCM do, please phone Bicycling Monterey.