Resources on Riding Skills, Bike Laws, and Safety
Bicycling Monterey’s primary tips

Bicycle Riding Skills, Bike Safety, and California Bike Laws—for Children, Teens, and Adults has tips on more than 33 topics. Most tips are relevant outside CA too.
BIKING ON SIDEWALKS, plus examples of ordinances around Monterey County
ANDAR EN BICICLETA EN LAS ACERAS además de ejemplos de ordenanzas del Condado de Monterey
Special resource for bike parties, etc.: Rideout or Rude Out? Instructions for group social rides
California bike law summaries
California Bike Law Summary (8.5 x 11 flyer)
Leyes de ciclismo de California (bilingual, 8.5 x 11 flyer)
Click here for other flyers/posters
Resources from others
Haga clic aquí – Una colección de recursos en español sobre ciclismo / Click here for our collection of resources in Spanish
E-Bike Regulations
Consumer Advisory: Is it an e-bike—or something else?
E-Bike Safety and Training Programs
Bike-Friendly Driving / Bike-Safe Driving
Tips for Commercial Drivers and People Who Bike Around Big Trucks or Buses
Bike League’s Montar Inteligent: Videos de Smart Cycling / Ride Smart: Smart Cycling Videos
League of American Bicyclists / Bike League’s online Learning Center includes Smart Cycling (in English and Spanish), Learn to Ride (for children and other new riders—in English and Spanish), Tips for Older Adults, and more. Go to and also note the FAQs