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4th Anniversary Prizes from Local Bike Shops Honoring the HER Helmet Thursdays Project

Owners of ten local bike shops are giving prizes
to celebrate HER Helmet Thursdays. See those shops below.

They know some people may have missed buzz from KUSP, the Weekly, KSBW, the Californian, the Herald, and other sources about the HER Helmet Thursdays project. So bike shops are helping to raise awareness with prize drawings!Old Capitol Books

Hmmm…Maybe we oughta buy a couple of helmets while we’re at a bike shop. HER Helmet Thursdays is not about wearing a helmet, but helmets do serve as the “coupon” to get discounts at all except lodging places. (Above, shopping by bike at Old Capitol Books in downtown Monterey.)

Between now and Thanksgiving 2013,

enter a prize drawing at any or all of the shops listed below.

  1. Bay Bikes, Cannery Row (on the Monterey Bay Coastal Trail) 585 Cannery Row, Monterey; 831/646-9090. UPDATE: Bay Bikes is no longer in business. 
  2. Bay Bikes, Carmel (at the mouth of Carmel Valley, just off Class I path; look up for nearby windmill)   3600 The Barnyard, Carmel; 831/655-BIKE. UPDATE: Bay Bikes is no longer in business. 
  3. Bay Bikes, Downtown Monterey(in downtown Monterey/Old Monterey, next to East Village) – 486 Washington St, Monterey; 831/375-2144. UPDATE: Bay Bikes is no longer in business. 
  4. Bear Bikes (in North Salinas, between Sherwood Gardens and Alvin Square; look for  neighboring Kawasaki Suzuki motorcycle dealership) – 1288 North Main, Salinas; 831/444-8460. UPDATE: Bear Bikes is no longer in business. 
  5. Bobcat Bicycles (in Oldtown Salinas, parallel to and one block east of Main; not far from the Amtrak station and downtown Salinas MST bus plaza) – 141 Monterey, Salinas; 831/753-7433.
  6. DC-10/Doug Chandler Performance (next to the Cycle Stop Honda shop) – 517 Abbott, Salinas; 831/422-3270.
  7. Peninsula Bike Works  (just off freeway, not far from El Estero Lake, and very near Naval Postgraduate School’s 10th street gate) 1271 10th St, Suite C, Monterey; 831.643.BIKE (2453).
  8. Sports Center Bicycles (close to Class I path near Roberts Lake and Embassy Suites) – 1576 Del Monte Blvd, Seaside; 831/899-1300. UPDATE: Sports Center Bicycles is no longer in business. 
  9. Tony’s Bike Shop & Skateboard, Castroville. UPDATE: Tony’s Bike Shop & Skateboard is no longer in business. 
  10. Winning Wheels (downtown PG; above Lighthouse Ave, below Pine Ave) – 318 Grand Avenue, Pacific Grove; phone 831/375-4322. (No website, but on Facebook.)

Questions? Contact Mari, 831.375.6278.

Look for this poster at the bike shops:

POSTER ANNOUNCING – 4th Anniv of HER Helmet Thursdays – bike shop drawing [click to view]

Ask for an entry form, and get ready to name 3 HER Helmet Thursdays spots:

To raise awareness, ENTRY FORMS/drawing slips [click to view] ask for the name of 1 participating business or organization from each of the 3 HER Helmet Thursdays categories:

Educational/Entertainment venues
Restaurants, and related spots
No worries, your knowledge isn’t being tested! Feel free to grab 3 names from this list of hundreds of spots:

HER Helmet Thursdays – Quick Reference Guide – as of 3 October 2013 – View PDF


  • Is it okay to enter more than once? It’s fine to enter the drawing at all of these bike shops. However, it’s appropriate to enter just one time at each shop.
  • Is it necessary to buy something to enter the drawing? No purchase required.
  • What are the prizes? Each bike shop’s prize will be different–whatever the shop owner selects.
  • Other questions? Contact Mari, 831.375.6278.

Tell your friends!

Help build a more bike-friendly county, for visitors and locals. Print and share these 2-to-a-page fliers:

Bike Shops giving prizes for 4th Anniversary of HER Helmet Thursdays

Another option is to share with your online friends a link to this post. Here’s the short link:

What is HER Helmet Thursdays?

HER Helmet Thursdays is a long-term ecology-economy sustainability project that encourages bicycling. How? By offering discounts on Thursdays year-round to males and females who bike!

How does HER Helmet Thursdays work?

Quick Links to the HER Helmet Thursdays project includes how to get the discounts, and related info.

A countywide project

Beginning in 2009, charter participants led the way, and now there are hundreds of participating spots, in 18 Monterey County cities and unincorporated areas, including:

Big Sur, Carmel, Carmel Valley, Castroville, Corral de Tierra, Del Rey Oaks, Gonzales, Greenfield, King City, Marina, Monterey, Moss Landing, Pacific Grove, Salinas, San Ardo, Sand City, Seaside, and Soledad!


Award-winning places

Curious which HER Helmet Thursdays spots won “Best of Monterey County” in the Monterey County Weekly’s annual readers poll for 2013? Click here.

Thank you, local bike shop owners

Gratitude to the following local bike shop owners for being Monterey County bike community leaders year-round!

And special thanks for helping to build a more bike-friendly Monterey County by highlighting the HER Helmet Thursdays project through your shop’s prize drawing:

Saul Soto of Tony’s Bike Shop, Castroville; Bryan Williams of Bear Bikes, Salinas; Devin Meheen of Bay Bikes, Carmel and Monterey; Sean Rigmaiden and Micah Mozal of Peninsula Bike Works, Monterey; Mark Roth of Sports Center Bicycles, Seaside; Bob Bradfield of Bobcat Bicycles, Salinas;  Sherry and Doug Chandler of DC-10/Doug Chandler Performance, Salinas; and Hector, Ophie, and Erick Chavez of Winning Wheels Bicycle Shop, Pacific Grove.

Last but not least…

Stephen Anderson of Racine, Wisconsin is the guy who kept HER Helmet Thursdays rolling this year. How’s that? Visit the Acknowledgements page to find out.

Below: The Monterey County Weekly recognized the third anniversary of the HER Helmet Thursdays Project in “The Weekly Tally” (Nov 21-28, 2012 issue).

This post was published on 24 October 2013. One or more changes last made to this post on 15 April 2023.

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