Posted by Founder, Bicycling Monterey
Californian: Salinas bike riders offered discounts – the HER Helmet Thursdays project
“Salinas Bike Riders Offered Discounts at Local Businesses,” by Daniel Strain, was a front-page story in the Salinas Californian, February 1, 2010. Check it out below!
The 9th anniversary of the HER Helmet Thursdays Project—one of many Bicycling Monterey projects—was Thanksgiving week 2018. Hundreds of businesses and organizations provide 10-50% HER Helmet Thursdays discounts, on Thursdays year-round, for people who bike. See Quick Links to the HER Helmet Thursdays Project for the latest info.
Below: Mari Lynch, founder of Bicycling Monterey, designed the HER Helmet Thursdays Project, in which businesses and organizations give 10-50% discounts on Thursdays to people who bike.
Photo by Scott MacDonald, shot 1/27/10. Photo above and 2/1/10 front page below © 2010 by the Salinas Californian. Used by permission.
Mari’s neighbors got a chuckle out of “she didn’t know her neighbors.” Having lived at the same rural Monterey County address since 1981, Mari knows her immediate neighbors! The neighbor the story refers to lives miles away, on Mari’s route between home and town.
What does it cost to participate?
- As of the start of 2019, there is still no fee to participate! Mari created and launched the project as a gift to her home county. Since 2009, she has done this work entirely unpaid.
- Volunteers and contributions to maintain and expand the project are appreciated.
© 2010 by the Salinas Californian. Used by permission.
This post was published on 1 February 2010. One or more changes last made to this post on 10 January 2019.