Posted by Founder, Bicycling Monterey
Military role models show: Unnecessary use of fossil fuels is fuelish!
Until there is peace on earth, Bicycling Monterey’s founder values those who serve in the U.S. military with honor and integrity. Also appreciated are military personnel who serve as excellent ambassadors on the bikeways! In this post, see a sampling of those who bike in Monterey County.
These U.S. military personnel know biking is one way to reduce our dependence on fossil fuels, whether foreign or domestically produced. They know that among the multiple benefits of bicycling for individuals, communities, nations, and the planet, bicycling reduces transportation’s carbon emissions.

Monterey County has military personnel stationed here representing all branches of service.
Below: Serving in the U. S. Marine Corps, while stationed in Monterey, this Marine and his family frequently biked—reducing carbon emissions, strengthening personal health and fitness, and increasing their joy in living!
Below: Serving with the U.S. Air Force, one of the many military students who bike to school.
Whether in or out of uniform—and whether biking to school, biking to work, or biking for recreation—bicycling military personnel know there are multiple benefits of bicycling.
Among those in Monterey County are military service members assigned to Defense Language Institute / Presidio of Monterey; U.S. Army Fort Hunter Liggett; Naval Postgraduate School, Naval Support Activity Monterey , e.g., Fleet Numerical Meteorology and Oceanography Center and Naval Research Laboratory’s Marine Meteorology Division; and U.S. Coast Guard Monterey Station.
Below: Biking in the rain, a student of the Naval Postgraduate School.
NPSCC: Naval Postgraduate School Foundation Cycling Club provides inspiration and support for biking in Monterey County. Below, Donnell family members at a Twilight Ride.
Photo below provided courtesy of the Donnell family.
Photo below provided courtesy of the Adams family.
Above: U.S. Army Captain and Mrs. Jerrod Adams find there’s nothing quite like the joys of biking! And their ride to Pacific Grove includes plenty of flat terrain, which makes towing their children in the bike trailer a piece of cake for these Naval Postgraduate School Cycling Club members.
Above: An NPS student who enjoys biking for recreation as well as for commuting to classes.
Below: Active transportation—whether skateboarding, skating, biking, running, or walking—are popular with many students of the Naval Postgraduate School and Defense Language Institute in Monterey, such as the duo below.
Above and below: At the Tribute Ride for Captain Alan Poindexter.
Below, NPSCC members participating with other members of the Monterey County bike community at a Twilight Ride. Monthly Twilight Rides are held at the Monterey County raceway known since April 2018 as WeatherTech Raceway Laguna Seca.
Below: Naval Postgraduate School Foundation Cycling Club was among supporters of the PAL Bike Fair in Seaside.
Below: Members of the U.S. Coast Guard on duty in Monterey.
Among those who’ve enjoyed bicycling Pebble Beach—including biking through pregnancy—is Naval Postgraduate School Foundation Cycling Club member Dena Donnell.
Photo below provided courtesy of the Donnell family.
When schedule, stamina, or other conditions don’t allow biking all the way to your destination, consider using a bike-and-ride option, such as Monterey-Salinas Transit.
Above: The U.S. Navy’s Fleet & Family Support Center-Monterey organized a Family Fun Day at La Mesa Village in Monterey on July 21, 2017. The all-free activities—open to active-duty military, reservists, military retirees, and their families—included bicycling information and support provided by Bicycling Monterey’s founder and another volunteer, Bike League LCI Geoff Arnold.
Below: As Safe Routes Now (e.g.,“Wolf Whistles and Creepy Compliments”), Stop Street Harassment (e.g., Dealing with Harassers – in Spanish: Lidiando con Acosadores), and Hollaback (e.g., Bystander Intervention Training) know, Street harassment and other bullying stop some people from biking or using other active transportation.
That’s among the reasons the Family and MWR provide resources such as this workshop with Barbara Coloroso that was held in Monterey County.
Ride Out Domestic Violence events have been held at the U.S. Army’s Fort Hunter Liggett, such as this mountain bike race in 2012.
Military veterans are among those biking in Monterey County. Among them…
Above: Following an injury while on duty in Iraq, Maddox Habberdasher (a.k.a. Maddox, “Bow Tie Soul”) came to the Presidio of Monterey. And after his Army discharge, he decided to make Monterey County his permanent home. Learn more about this bicycling veteran in “Meet Maddox Haberdasher, stylish party-thrower,” in the Monterey County Herald.
Below: Another military veteran, now working at the U.S. Postal Service in downtown Monterey, is this Coast Guard veteran who bikes to work regularly.
The Defense Language Institute’s annual Language Day was a highlight of the school year when my daughter was young. Since then, Monterey also has an annual Language Capital of the World Cultural Festival.
For language resources for people who bike, start with Bicycling Monterey’s post
Heading to Sea Otter Classic, Monterey County’s 4-Day Celebration of Cycling? Make use of Bicycling Monterey’s SOC tips. Also note that recovering veterans with disabilities and retired veterans, as well as active duty personnel and their families, all get discounts from Sea Otter Classic; for details, go to
Bicycling Monterey’s founder, Mari Lynch, is honored to have served as a sponsor of the Naval Postgraduate School Foundation Cycling Club, donating time in support of club activities.
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This post was published on 12 April 2018. One or more changes last made to this post on 28 January 2025.