Be a Community Reviewer: Reporting broken links, and more

Please contact us with your suggestions or questions about this site, including navigation.

We appreciate your reporting report broken links. We are happy to fix those links when our available volunteer hours allow. (For more than fifteen years, the founder’s work on the Bicycling Monterey site and on all Bicycling Monterey projects has been done as an unpaid volunteer.)

How to report broken links

  • FYI, about who we link to: Since founded May 2009—and still the case at the end of Bicycling Monterey’s 15th year, April 2024—there are NO Amazon affiliate links or other pay-per-clicks on this site. All information published on this website has been provided for your consideration solely as a public service.
  • Sometimes an organization or business that we link to redesigns their website, which results in broken links. (Some website designers are far better about site redesigns that don’t introduce this problem than are others.)
  • It is helpful to let us know about broken links. Please contact us. To report broken links via email, please email us at the following address: bikingmonterey@gmail (kindly note that this email address is only for reporting broken links). Please include in your email a link to the specific Bicycling Monterey post/page where you found the broken link(s), and also copy and paste into your email the sentence(s) where you found the broken links. Thank you!
  • As noted above, when other websites are redesigned, sometimes their links still work, other times the links to them now lead to an error page, necessitating new research. Unfortunately, our available volunteer hours do not always allow tracking down the new link. For example, after thirty minutes of research, we were still unable to locate an updated link for the Monterey County Historical Society website gallery page about Mary Myron Oliver that featured photos of what bicycling was like here in days gone by, which we had referred to in our section on Cycling to Monterey County’s History Spots.
  • A 2011 note, perhaps still no longer happening: Sometimes when text that includes links to other Bicycling Monterey posts or pages (or links to other sites) are cut and moved to another spot, the links get lost, which isn’t apparent until you may click on the link someday.  In 2011 WordPress was defaulting most broken links to the founder’s business website; and while that beats getting a random error message, the founder certainly wants the link to go to the intended info, so please speak up if you find such links too!

Be a community reviewer

In the founder’s earliest days as a writer and editor, when working on textbooks that would be used in public school systems, it was necessary to have a widespread community review of a manuscript draft. Here you can serve as a community reviewer!

Your input will be helpful. Please don’t think you are being critical, just think of yourself as a community reviewer—only now the “community” is the online community of the World Wide Web, and the manuscript draft is already posted on this billboard of the world.

Yes, most of these problems the founder would recognize, if only if she had the time to carefully edit and proofread the site herself. However, she realized at the outset of setting up this public service site / bike blog that if she were going to dive in and do projects to help make Monterey County, and beyond, more bicycling friendly, she would have to tell that exacting writer/editor (her professional self) to just give it a rest. Her work on other Bicycling Monterey projects wouldn’t have been possible if she were to take time for all the usual writing/editing conventions. 

Site changes are constantly in process—including content revisions, formatting, photo work, and more.  If you’re WordPress savvy, contact us if you’d like to volunteer.

To share your own ideas

Input on content is also welcome, especially sharing your experiences of biking in Monterey County. You may do so publicly by posting a comment, or privately by contacting us. Have a lot of info to share?  Contact us about the possibility of writing a guest post.