Posted by Guest Post
Musician Sarah Factor’s bike story
Sarah Factor appreciates that people usually listen to her with rapt attention. But most often, they’re listening to her songwriting performances. This time, she hopes we’ll tune in carefully for another reason.
On the evening of May 23, 2013, Sarah Factor, a Toronto-born singer-songwriter, was biking as usual. This particular evening, she was on her bike in Brooklyn, where she’s currently based.
Here’s what Sarah wants us to know.
Tonight I was hit by a car while riding so I come to you with a little story. My lights were stolen off my bike a couple nights ago, and tonight was the first night since then that I rode without lights, in almost total darkness.
I was riding a few blocks up to the bike store on my way home to get new lights, and before I made it there, a car hit me and drove away. My bike was screwed up, I was in shock, and sitting in the middle of the road. Thank goodness for the kind souls who stopped (and didn’t run me over) to make sure I was okay. Thank goodness for the bike store that was open till 9 pm, and I made it just in time for them to fix my bike so I could ride it home with new lights.
Moral of the story is, please wear a helmet and have front and back lights on while riding at night. It’s not funny or cute to ride dangerously. You really don’t want to get hit.
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Sarah first visited the Monterey Bay region in 2011, including a stop on West Cliff Drive, Santa Cruz (pictured above). She returned in 2013, during a San Francisco to San Diego trip.
Below: Sarah Factor may be Canadian, but she’s a Cali girl at calf.
Sarah found the organically grown strawberries at Swanton Berry Farm north of Santa Cruz to be the Best. Strawberries. Ever. Click here (then scroll down) to read a little more about Sarah’s visit to Swanton.
Photo at the top of this post: Sitting in on guitar and vocals with Sarah at one of her New York music gigs was Monterey County native Sierra Dehmler, aka Passport Voyager. Click here for some of Sierra’s bike photos and stories.
This post was published on 23 May 2013. One or more changes last made to this post on 1 January 2020.