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4th Annual Intergenerational Ride for Monterey County Bike Month

The 2012-2015 annual Intergenerational Rides in celebration of Bike Month have been among Bicycling Monterey’s numerous projects that help build bike community and encourage people of all ages to ride. 
Looking for more such group rides? Refer to Bicycling Monterey’s master calendar and also to the Monterey County bicycling resources / bike community leaders directory.

Thanks to all who participated to make the Intergenerational Rides of the past four years safe and fun. Information below is from the 4th Annual Intergenerational Ride, May 9, 2015.

Below are photos and info about the Intergenerational Ride route.

Also included are tips, including taking your bike on an MST bus to Fort Ord Dunes State Park parking lot.

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4th Annual Intergenerational Ride

May 9, 2015

Free! Fun! Visitors and locals are invited to this social ride for all ages and abilities on May 9, 2015. You’ll be with a diverse bunch of cool people, kind and supportive experienced riders, and a free mobile mechanic. And you’ll have beautiful views as you bike this paved route, nearly all Class I (no cars), that is part  of the Monterey Bay Sanctuary Scenic Trail network.

Below are directions to the meet-up spot,
what to bring,
coastal trail etiquette, 
and other useful details.
Monterey Park girls at Intergenerational Ride 2014“When people say, ‘tip of the helmet,’ do they mean to tip it back like this when you get your picture taken,  so your face can be seen?”
Sillies! You girls know a bike helmet is intended to cover your forehead.  And we love it you girls came to the 2013 and 2014 rides. We hope to see you little ones again on May 9, 2015, along with teens, 30-somethings, grandparents, and every age in-between.

This is a recreational ride, not a race. If they wish, riders may be grouped with others according to desired pace and destination. We’ll also take 5-10 minute breaks several times along the way, which gives folks a chance to regroup.

The Intergenerational Ride is a great way to meet other bike-lovers.

Biker couple packs on trail - DSC00336

Who’s already planning to attend on 5/9/15?

Veterans of this ride, including…

Roy Pina of Shoreline Outdoors/Shoreline Community Church; Vera Noghera and other members of Velo Club MontereyLeague of American Bicyclists certified instructor Frank Hendersonmembers of Naval Postgraduate School Cycling Club; Monterey Park Elementary School, Salinas students; and

first-time participants, including…

Ariana Green, Bicycle and Pedestrian Coordinator for the Transportation Agency for Monterey County; longtime East Salinas bike commuter and school nurse Jeff Richman; Lincoln Elementary School cycling club members; MacGregor Eddy, “We Could Car Less” weekly columnist for the Salinas Californian;

and dozens of other people of all ages with diverse interests in bicycling!

Got flat? No worries.

Worried about an unexpected flat tire or tangled chain?

This woman with a flat and no needed innertube wasn't part of the Bike Week Intergenerational Ride, but that didn't stop Good Samaritan Robert Cepeda of of Seaside from stopping to help her--free of charge!Or maybe that basket or other accessory unexpectedly rubbing your tire?

"Yeah, I think I have something in here, Sarah, that will help with that basket rubbing against your tire."A complimentary mobile bicycle mechanic will provide minor, on-the-spot maintenance for Intergenerational Ride participants.

This year’s free service will be provided from Fort Ord Dunes to Custom House Plaza and back by a certified mechanic courtesy of Bay Bikes of Carmel and Monterey. Those wishing to be sure they ride back with the mechanic are advised to congregate at lunchtime at the picnic tables under the shade trees on the northwest side of Custom House Plaza (pictured below). Look for the mechanic, Brian Tucker, in a Bay Bikes jersey.

Natalie at far right on Intergenerational Ride 2013

Where does the ride begin? What time does it start?

We begin at the parking lot of Fort Ord Dunes State Park. Gather there by 10 a.m. Scroll down for detailed directions for reaching our  meet-up location.DSC02033

Our mechanic, Brian Tucker, plans to arrive extra early–by 9:15 or 9:30 a.m. He’s coming early so there is sufficient time to help earlybirds who know their tires need to be properly inflated.  No pump? No worries. Our free mobile mechanic (dressed in a Bay Bikes jersey), and many other riders,  are happy to share theirs.

At the start of the Intergenerational Ride, while folks are gathering, please look for volunteer Roy Piña. He will be helping with the Intergenerational Ride Sign-In Sheet. Every participant is to enter their name and city or county of residence.

11-inch – Intergenerational Ride Sign-In Sheet

Pastor Roy 2386Community volunteers who are
veterans of past years’ Intergenerational Rides—
and helpful go-to folks if you have questions at the ride—include

Roy Piña (above)

and Vera Noghera (below)

Vera of VCM 12 Nov 2012 2439 (2)Above, Vera Noghera of Velo Club Monterey was greeting (now former) U.S. Transportation Secretary Ray LaHood here. Curious to know more about Vera and VCM’s year-round bike advocacy? Click here.

Frank Henderson (below)

is another veteran of the Intergenerational Rides, having attended every year. Frank Henderson is a League of American Bicyclists licensed certified instructor (LCI) and Transportation Agency for Monterey County Golden Helmet winner. As KION reminded viewers in a 2/12/14 broadcast, Frank is a great resource for your riding skills and safety questions. Bring yours to ask of this local expert.

Frank volunteers at the Aquarium most Saturdays, including this one. That means that if you have questions for him, ask on the way to Custom House Plaza (he’s off to the Aquarium after we reach the plaza).

Naval Postgraduate School Foundation Cycling Club

Every year you’ll see some NPS jerseys on this ride. These riders turn out faithfully to provide a special measure of support. Read about that below, in the section about children on this ride.

Look for the blue and gold for more helpfulness and good cheer!

NPS Twilight Ride 5-18-11 044

Among the many other kind, supportive riders who’ll be there are Jeff Richman of Salinas and Ariana Green of Santa Cruz County.

Both Ariana and Jeff are new to the Intergenerational Ride in 2015, yet both are experienced riders and can be counted on to be helpful.

Ariana Green


Jeff RichmanJeff Richman in MoCo

Photo above courtesy of Jeff Richman.

Other experienced riders from the Monterey County bike community will be on hand too. Arrive by 10 a.m. so you won’t miss the brief intros.L to R: Darius and Jerrica Rike of MORCA; Frank Henderson, League instructor; Rob Cepeda of Sports Center Bicycles; Judy Merritt, and Lizzie, Greg, and little John Storer of First Presbyterian Church of Monterey.

C’mon, c’mon, c’mon, Dad! Let’s get going!
Jerrod Adams - kids in trailer

Photo above courtesy of Jerrod Adams

We’ll aim to start pedaling no later than 10:15 or so. It’s important to be mindful that little ones can get restless if adults linger and chat too long at the outset of a ride. At short breaks on the ride, and at lunchtime, there will be chances to visit with folks more.

This year, there’s one change: At the beginning, bike community groups and others are still invited to introduce themselves, but very briefly. Then, at several spots along the way, we will pause biking for 5-10 minutes or so to regroup. At these spots, organizations or individuals may wish to briefly share something about the joy they find in biking. Wanda; Lizzie, Greg, John Storer; Frank Henderson; Lilly's papa and Lilly; Sarah Aung; Jerrica Rike; Rob Cepeda; Judy Merritt; and Darius Rike.

This change will also make it easier for riders of all paces to stay together for the duration of the ride. Remember: C-o-m-m-u-n-i-t-y ride, not a race.

Have a bike-related flier or card you’d like to share? Anyone is welcome to make such items available to interested others during the ride.

Signs - share trail (new) 001

Bike laws and trail etiquette

Get ready! In advance of the Intergenerational Ride, please check out these resources at Bicycling Monterey. Questions? No worries. Contact me.

For more info: CA Bicycle Laws and Personal Bike Safety / Skills–Tips for Children, Teens, and Adults (FAQs on more than 29 topics, including share-the-trail etiquette)

Remind riders to leave one earbud out, as this guy does, so they can hear if another rider calls out to them. Besides, it’s CA law, VC Section 27400.

Is the ride suitable for children?

Children of all ages—supervised by parent or legal guardian—are welcome.

Most parents and guardians will be delighted by the safety of this route. If you choose to travel that far, note that there’s one very brief section, behind the Sand City shopping centers, where it’s necessary to share the road with cars.  (See “Tioga” area on bike map, and the three photos directly below of this area taken from our rides in 2013 and 2014.)



Each year,

Naval Postgraduate School Foundation Cycling Club riders

are among this ride’s beloved “spandex-clad heroes.”

They provided parents with young children, and others, a watchful eye in the brief tricky spots on this route. See Bicycling Monterey’s comment here, and note the photo below from the 2013 ride, provided courtesy of Steve Benes of Gears 4 Good. (By the way, don’t have a bike, or the funds to purchase a used or new bike? Contact Steve at Gears 4 Good about his free recycled bicycles for those who need a ride.)

VLUU L200 / Samsung L200

Then you’re quickly back on Class I (no cars) trail.

sign - mobay coastal trail sand city

Regardless of helpfulness from NPS, Velo Monterey, and other experienced riders, remember that responsibility for the safety of all minors rests with their own parent or guardian.

Any minors attending must be supervised by their parent or guardian. Everyone participates at their own risk. Read more about that below (scroll down), including that all participants are to sign-in.

Class I, no cars! And out here, not congested with pedestrian traffic either.

The ride starting point (Fort Ord Dunes State Park parking lot) is part of a section of Monterey County’s Class I (no motor vehicles) bike/multi-use trail system that is not heavily traveled, yet still includes miles of beautiful coastal views. The ride continues on all Class I bikeway, other than that one exception behind the Sand City shopping centers.

And not only will you be biking Class I, the longest stretch of the day’s ride will have three paved lanes:  a striped two-lane path for cyclists, with a separate lane alongside for runners and walkers.

Yes, part of the fabulous Class I path that will be enjoyed by the InterGen riders!

What if I’m not super fit?

The ride is mostly flat. What about the few gentle hills? Even if you haven’t pedaled uphill in a while, no worries. Some folks will be glad to get off and walk with you as needed. This ride is simply for fun, not competition. The point is to be at ease and enjoy the day on our beautiful bikeways. No matter your fitness level, you are encouraged to come and be supported by a happy community of people on bikes!

Below: On the 2012 Intergenerational Ride. This is again part of the route on 5/9/15.Sarah appreciated that Rob didn't mind waiting for her. Even though Rob's a strong rider, he pedaled whatever pace in good humor, enjoying the company of Sarah and the others, and being able to support her return to the bikeways!

Biker - Sue Kim MIIS in color tweaked

What kind of bikes?

All non-motorized wheels are welcome. That includes all types of bicycles, including beach cruisers, BMX, cargo, commuter, fixed gear, lowrider, mountain, recumbent, road, tandem, touring, trail-a-bike, vintage, and other people-powered bicycles. And you bet, little ones in bike trailers or on mounted bike seats are very welcome!

Above photo courtesy of Jan Valencia.

Recumbent rider and skateboarder - 1-1-12

You say your bike is in disrepair but you have a skateboard, skates, or non-motorized scooter? Come! Skaters, skateboarders, scooters are welcome to join us–we appreciate those forms of non-motorized, active transportation also. Kindly be sure to follow the usual trail etiquette and laws, including that helmets are required by CA law for people under age 18, whether skateboarding, skating, scooting, or bicycling.

Skateboarders - young military

People will be riding old clunkers as well as spiffy new bikes, so come with whatever you have. This isn’t a bike fashion show. Just come!

But speaking of fashion…sure, we hope you fashionistas will come and add your colorful pizzazz to the ride!

Burrito ladies - 5-19-13 chic

Maddox - Bow Tie Soul - IMG_1451 (2)

How far will we go? And what about lunch?

Some riders (perhaps young children who need to get home earlier for naps) may ride a shorter distance. Riders are encouraged to travel the pace and distance most comfortable for them.

Have other plans for the afternoon? Feel free to come out at 10 a.m. to say hello, hear the intros, and ride with us a short while.

Many riders will bike to Custom House Plaza, Monterey. (How far is that? From Fort Ord Dunes State Park to Custom House Plaza is about 7.7 miles, or 15.4 miles round-trip.  Google bike directions say that takes about one and a half hours, but we take our time! Allow perhaps 4-5 hours for greeting one another at the start, biking the round-trip, and having lunch–or even longer if we often stop to savor views en route.) 

On arrival at Custom House Plaza, folks can visit while enjoying a “brown bag” lunch (bring your own sandwich or other food).  There are shaded picnic tables, or if it’s chilly, enjoy the plaza’s benches in the sunshine.

Remember: The picnic tables are the lunchtime spot where folks will gather who want to be sure they can ride back with the complimentary mechanic.
Natalie at far right on Intergenerational Ride 2013

Closest public restrooms at lunchtime? Two are just off the bike/multi-use trail by Wharf II.

One is on the trail side of the building to the right of these Intergenerational Riders, the Bachofner family of Seaside.

IMG_0066Another public restroom is that building to the left of this couple, at the foot of Wharf II.Kristin Meagher and friend wharf 2 trail - DSC00333

If you prefer to purchase lunch…

Check in with the mechanic upon arrival at the Custom House Plaza. At that point, he and picnicking riders will likely have an idea of the approximate time they’ll depart the Custom House Plaza area to ride back to the Fort Ord Dunes parking lot. (Estimated time? Maybe 12:30 or 1 p.m. It varies, depending on bathroom trips, length of time folks want to visit, etc.)

An alternative to bringing your own “brown bag” lunch is to purchase lunch at one of the many restaurants near Custom House Plaza. Below are three examples: HER Helmet Thursdays spots The Wharf Marketplace, Pino’s Cafe, and Peter B’s Brewpub. (Even though Saturdays aren’t a day for the Thursday discounts, it’s cool to support extra bike-friendly spots!)

Natalie Oiver and family 10 May 2014 Intergenerationa Ride - at Wharf Marketplace

Pinos storefront Dan 5-6-12Thru 5-15-12 183

May 9, 2015 is also the date of Springfest Arts & Crafts Faire at the Custom House Plaza. These events typically feature food booths. Very handy for Intergenerational Riders who don’t pack their own lunch!

Basket shopping at Custom House Plaza

What to bring

Dress in layers, and for possible fog or wind. Bring:

Everyone participates at their own risk

On May 9th at the Fort Ord Dunes State Park parking lot (ride meet-up point), locate the printed copy of the Intergenerational Ride Sign-In Sheet and sign in.

No first aid or medical support will be provided.

MIIS student Navindra from Portland and friend (2)

Rain or high winds cancel event

Check @NWSBayArea or another weather source. Phone 831.375.6278 if you are uncertain whether prediction of rain or high winds cancelled the event.

Bikers - Aleksander and Agnieszka Simpson of C Vly child seat

Bike-and-ride tips to reach event

Many people who aren’t bicycling to reach the Intergenerational Ride’s departure point, Fort Ord Dunes State Park parking lot, will bring their bike/s on or in their personal vehicle.

Others may want to consider using Monterey-Salinas Transit (MST / “The Bus”) for their bike-and-ride. Included in that bike-and-ride  section of Tips for Bicycling Monterey County are tips on taking your bike aboard MST.

For anyone who plans to use MST to reach the Intergenerational Ride, here are some helpful tips graciously confirmed as accurate on 4/27/15 by Zoe Shoats of

  • For any updates about MST service (including MST route updates), contact
  • The MST stop nearest the Fort Ord Dunes State Park parking lot is at Divarty & 2nd, but it is only served by Line 17 from Marina.
  • Lines 16 and 18 serve the stop at 2nd Ave & 5th St, which is also nearby.
  • Another option is to reserve a ride with MST’s On-Call Marina service (note zones). It will serve Divarty & 2nd upon request.
  • MST’s On-Call Marina is not a fixed route, so it will not show on Google Maps.  (Bus stops can be readily found using Google Maps. It is very handy. Simply zoom in far enough and you’ll see bus stops. If you hover your mouse over the bus stop icons, you’ll see which lines service those stops.)MST - Cini closeup
Driving direx

Drivers coming from Monterey on Highway 1:

  1. Take Lightfighter exit.
  2. At second light, turn left onto 2nd–you’ll see signs for MIRA, Marina High School, Panetta Institute, District 4 Supervisor, and FT ORD DUNES STATE PARK.
  3. At second stop sign on 2nd, turn left onto Divarty.
  4. Keep following the FT ORD DUNES STATE PARK directional signs.
  5. At first stop sign on Divarty, turn right.
  6. Follow signs to park entrance.

About the departure point

Just off the Fort Ord Dunes State Park parking lot, there are benches with a stunning view of the coast, and a scenic boardwalk with signs about the area’s natural features.

A disabled accessible port-a-potty is located at the north side of the parking lot.

Tell others about the May 9, 2015 ride by sharing a link to this post (short link is or by printing and sharing a poster.

Download a poster:

Poster – Intergenerational Bike Ride 9 May 2015

Why isn’t the meet-up location and route on the poster? Folks reading the poster are directed to this website or to telephone, so they will have necessary details before they come to the ride. Not online, by choice or necessity? We dig! Personally, we love to unplug from technology and talk with people directly. Feel free to phone us anytime, 831.375.6278.

Below: On the 2012 Intergenerational Ride. This is again part of the route on 5/9/15.Sarah appreciated that Rob didn't mind waiting for her. Even though Rob's a strong rider, he pedaled whatever pace in good humor, enjoying the company of Sarah and the others, and being able to support her return to the bikeways!

Wonder if experienced, ultra-fit cyclists can be counted on to be genuinely helpful to newbies, out-of-shape folks, or others who just need some help? Ya just gotta hang out with the right people–and they’ll be on this ride!

Among helpful riders turning out again in 2015 will be Velo Club Monterey members, those roadies who love to party–and so much more. We’ve watched VCM members firsthand, like Jan Valencia and Cath Tendler-Valencia, who served as kind maintenance support at the inaugural Salinas Bike Party ride.

I can personally vouch for the fact that many of our ultra-fit cyclists encourage, rather than chuckle, at we who are far less in shape. When I started Bicycling Monterey in Spring 2009, I was doing steep, 1,000-ft climbs 5-6 days a week. Yup, in shape! After a vast increase in my office hours doing all this volunteer bike advocacy, my own miles–and fitness–have diminished. Riding with Cath and others like her means their good cheer, patience, and kind support will boost your spirits on any hills. And remember: this ride is mostly flat anyway!

Maybe you saw Steve, Charlie, and Devian of VCM serving as Knights of the Central Coast for visitors with young children. These are more of the sort of caring people you will find at the Intergenerational Ride!

A little help from Velo Mtry for HarrisonsAbove photo courtesy of Steve Anderson.

Last in from Custom House Plaza - 5-11-13

Above: Among the attendees of the 2013 ride.

Below: Among those at the 2012 ride.

Jerrica & father Darius Rike, 5-12-12 at Intergen Ride

Below: Among those at the 2014 ride:


Below: MacGregor Eddy has been checking out the scene and says, “Yes! I’m coming!”

ME with bike at Dunes Park

Help ensure that all ages are represented!

Been a while since you’ve biked, and need some inspiration? For a gallery of elder cyclists, click here.

For “Generations of Cycling,” a Salinas-area family of cyclists, click here.

From the Greatest Generation to Generation AO, come ride with us. And invite your family, friends, and neighbors.

 Curious what prior years’ Intergenerational Rides  were like?

A lot of people driving on Highway 1, or biking on the old bike path most visible from the freeway…

…don’t realize there is a “bike freeway,” AKA “bike heaven,” just below!

Part of  InterGen ride route. Don’t worry, those downhill swoops help boost you up most of any uphills. 

Yup, pretty nice, eh! Above, you’re looking at bike and pedestrian lanes, no motorized vehicles allowed!

(Click on image to enlarge.)

Below: Part of the 5/9/15 route. Pictured is the mobile mechanic for the inaugural ride in 2012, Rob Cepeda of Sports Center Bicycles, Seaside. Here’s a shout-out to local bike shops! We love how they support this ride.

 InterGen ride, eh?

Sweet! Let’s go.

This post was published on 8 April 2015. One or more changes last made to this post on 19 September 2024.

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