Posted by Founder, Bicycling Monterey
Why stop now? Perennials biking Monterey County

Above: Drew, a Pacific Grove resident, 26 October 2024
Sexism, racism, lookism, ageism…. None of the -isms serve a community well. And that’s true when it comes to the bike community too!
“Aging? Aren’t we all!” as the Elvirita Lewis Foundation pointed out.
In this post, meet perennials biking in Monterey County—people who help change stereotypes about age.
(Perennials? Check out Laura L. Christensen’s take on that choice of word:
Below you’ll see some people who found that their energy and enthusiasm for bicycling was rekindled in the later decades of life. You’ll also see others who never stopped riding since childhood, and don’t plan to let age end their love for biking anytime soon.
The joys of biking are shared by people of all types and all ages—from tots to teens to centenarians, and every age in-between.
Out on the bikeways, notice the diversity in who’s biking. Wave or say howdy—including when those people on bikes don’t look like you. As People for Bikes says, “No matter how we ride, we can ride as one.”
This post was first published May 8, 2012. Later I saw a June 19, 2014 report in the People for Bikes blog, “Bike use is rising among the young, but it is skyrocketing among the old” (emphasis mine–that’s the term they used for people ages 60-79, those sillies).
Maybe you’ve heard of 102-year-old Frenchman Robert Marchand (now 105 and still riding—see update by Gretchen Reynolds in the 2/8/17 New York Times) or 103-year-old Octavio Orduño of Long Beach (update: who died at age 106—see 1/30/15 update by Esmeralda Bermudez in the Los Angeles Times). Or 80-year-old Katherine Jeter of Spartanburg, South Carolina. Think they are the only perennials who bike? Think again!
For a short video message from the rider below, Paul—photographed on January 31, 2025 in the city of Monterey—see “Visitor, 88, finds courteous drivers in Monterey.”
Ask this gent, spotted on his bike next to El Estero Lake, Monterey.
What’s a little grey hair?
For most people, it’s not an indicator it’s time to hang up the bike.
There are many riders in Monterey County still wise to the benefits of biking as the years roll on.
This post’s photos show examples across several generations of perennials (formerly referred to as “elders”) in Monterey County.
Bobbie Kamil (below) and her husband, John Ittelson, have a high priority on their packing lists when they pack for any trip: folding bikes. And the bikes perform well at home too, as on Bobbie’s ride from their Monterey home to Seaside for some shopping.
In January 2025, we met Bobbie again—yes, on a bicycle!
This Prunedale couple doesn’t let lack of Class I bikeways near their home keep them from enjoying a relaxing ride. They’re wise to bike-and-ride philosophy: Any mile of biking beats a mile of driving! So they toss their bikes in their vehicle and head for the Monterey Bay Coastal Trail.
The gentleman below, a local business owner, decided that getting back to bicycling for the first time in years would be a fun way to boost his physical health.
“Yeah, my daughter will be glad to see Dad is getting more outdoor exercise again.”
At Ciclovía Salinas, perennials like the gentleman above are among the most enthusiastic supporters.
Above, Elliott of Aptos was at the Old Monterey Farmers Market in July 2015. His son, daughter-in-law, and grandson (that’s two more Elliotts!) own Bike Newport, a bike shop in Newport, Oregon.
Below, Jan Valencia, a TAMC Golden Helmet winner, and fellow rider Cath Tendler-Valencia. Just try to keep up with these two. You may be a 20-something, but if you’re not in top form, serious cyclists Jan and Cath will likely be far ahead of you on the bikeways!
Hey, that’s San Franciso! That’s right, well over a hundred miles from here. Actually, weekend century rides are pretty standard fare for Jan and Cath. And weekdays? Both pack on the miles, including Jan’s regular Seaside-to-Salinas bike-to-work commute.
Photo courtesy of the Valencias.
Jan and Cath don’t discriminate when it comes to age. They’re happy to bike with teens and 20-somethings too, even when the young ones are slower than these seasoned riders.
For the Salinas Bike Party, when the inaugural party took place in August 2012, Cath and Jan provided bicycle maintenance and rider support. What kept SBP’s launch night fun for a rider who broke down? Yup, Cath and Jan!
Do you like mixing it up? Multigenerational rides help build new relationships. The Intergenerational Rides for Bike Month were organized by Bicycling Monterey 2012-2015.
Below, in May 2011, is Jan with fixie rider extraordinaire Jesse Martines. Jess and Jan got acquainted when they both rode with Rich Deal, City of Monterey traffic engineer. Jan, Jess, and other riders were giving Rich input about needed infrastructure improvements.
Keep up with Jan on Twitter @jvalen, or email Jan, the Velo Club Monterey Answer Man, via Cath is occasionally on Twitter too, @eyebabe.
Uh, yeah. That’s why you can usually reach Jan on Twitter. He checks his phone regularly.
These folks say: Bike-and-ride to the trail suits us just great!
Below: Bike advocate and ever-cheerful bicycling enthusiast Leo Kodl is pedaling all the time–as he was this January 2014 day, spotted at the Monterey Post Office.
Whether he’s on his folding bike, a standard road bike, a recumbent, or some other people-powered wheels, Leo puts on many a mile. His cheery nature alone would be ample evidence of that!
Like Leo, this gentleman also knows how to avoid potential parking problems at the Monterey Post Office: bike!
Below, Geurt and Stien van Burken, visiting from the Netherlands, at a light on Munras in downtown Monterey. (Photo courtesy of their daughter Christine.)
Don Williams is a Vietnam veteran who is out cleaning up the City of Monterey streets regularly. Read about him in Tom Leyde’s story in the Monterey County Herald: “Monterey’s clean-up Lizzard.” Some look for “Lizard Man,” so note the spelling; by any name, this veteran continues to serve!
Below, this gentleman in Sand City keeps as many recyclables out of the landfill as he can tote on his bike.
Below, City of Monterey Mayor Clyde Roberson was first a bicycling mayor in 1983 and again in 2014-2022. Learn more about Clyde; click here.
MacGregor Eddy of East Salinas, a longtime transit user and avid walker, launched her “We Could Car Less” column in the Salinas Californian in 2014. In 2015, she decided she’d take up biking again for the first time in 50 years. An annual Intergenerational Ride? “Yes! I’m coming!”
Photo courtesy of MacGregor Eddy.
The gent below was biking up the Munras hill in Monterey, off to his saxaphone lesson–one of a multitude of trips he makes by bike.
And his smiling eyes speak well for the joy that biking brings.
Spotted these women on Lighthouse in New Monterey, by Hula’s Island Grill & Tiki Room, a HER Helmet Thursdays spot.
Ed’s career expertise demands many working hours at the computer. That makes those hours with his handcycle on the bikeways a very desirable way to keep life in balance.
Robert Kelly (below) frequently bikes from his home in Toro Park, Salinas to his son’s home in Pacific Grove. Below he’s on Garden Road one early afternoon, already been there and heading back.
Chris and Alyce Broome of San Luis Obispo pack their folding bikes for trips, much preferring to see the sites by bike than car. Besides, it keeps them trim and makes treat stops–like this one at Paris Bakery in downtown Monterey–no problem, just pleasure.
Jim Willoughby of Pacific Grove demonstrates how he keeps his health in check.
A little grey hair is not going to stop this doc’s mission. He was biking Salinas on the Okerblom California Springtime Protest Pedal to stop distracted driving.
Jerry Gervase loves to shop by bike–saves him searching for a parking spot at Trader Joe’s!
Maybe riding is some of what inspires Jerry’s frequent laughter, and the wonderful humor that has made him such a popular columnist. As the lyrics of “Camera” by Crosby, Stills, and Nash proclaim: “Children…watch me on my bicycle
And laugh with me as I ride.”
For retired radio station manager John N. Dick, there’s no need for a mountain bike or any other special type of bicycle. His trusty Schwinn is all he needs to enjoy the many pleasures and benefits of biking Salinas–including views like the beautiful fields across from Zeph’s One-Stop on South Main Street.
On this day, he learned another good reason to bike Salinas and elsewhere in Monterey County: Zeph’s and many of Zeph’s neighbors–including Gino’s, Ellie’s, and Lalla Lounge–are among the hundreds of businesses and organizations countywide who participate in the HER Helmet Thursdays project. That means they reward people who bike with discounts on Thursdays year-round.
And the pedaler below? He’ll be glad when the Monterey Bay Sanctuary Scenic Trail network is completed. Biking Highway 1 through Moss Landing at present is not his favorite piece of the route between Monterey and Santa Cruz. The improvement planned for that Moss Landing bridge will benefit him and other residents and visitors.
Jack Long of Seaside covers a lot of miles too, and he usually fills in those poor infrastructure gaps with high visibility apparel. While nothing tops safer bikeways, being more visible can help compensate in some situations.
Below, Jack is on the Class I trail in Monterey. And in the photo below that, see Jack biking General Jim Moore (Class II bike lanes) with his partner, Janet.
Janet Beaty and Jack Long of Seaside stay conditioned for bike touring by not skipping local hills, such as General Jim Moore Boulevard (below). By the way, a HER Helmet Thursdays spot in that vicinity that has beautiful views is Bayonet Bar & Grill at Bayonet and Black Horse Golf. Be rewarded for biking that hill by getting a discount at the Bar & Grill on Thursdays.
Learn more about Jack and Janet in Dennis Taylor’s 10/9/14 story in the Monterey County Herald, “Seaside couple bikes 2,300 miles to 50th reunion.”
Who cares about greying? Between good companionship and biking, I’m staying in my prime!
Yeah, the wife says she’s concerned about me losing my balance on two wheels. She’s just like the wife of that 103-year-old cyclist in Long Beach, Octavio Orduño! But ya gotta keep the wife happy. So I followed Octavio’s example and got a recumbent!
At age 92, Joe Datsko bikes 60 miles a week, as reported in a story picked up by the Monterey County Herald on 6/23/13.Click here.
Yeah, me too!
On arrival at the Portola Plaza on a sunny afternoon, this gent was feeling great. Something about that long morning on the bike…
Grey? Jay Bartow, Pastor Emeritus of First Presbyterian Church of Monterey is working on the no-hair-at-all look now. It goes well with retirement–as does more biking! Jay retired in 2011 after 38 years at First Pres. Let’s see what Pastor Mark Peake’s head looks like after 38 years!
One of the great things about biking to work is instead of needing to go to the gym for my cardio at the end of the day, I can putter in the garden–or watch the game!
Life’s too short to slow down before it’s time. I think I’ll try to beat the record of that 103-year-old guy in Long Beach.
Sure, I’ll pause for a picture. Anything for bicycle advocacy!
Greying keeping Frank Henderson from biking? You’ve gotta be kidding! That would be fuelish. Besides, there’s work to be done–Frank’s bike leadership is much in demand. This 2010 Golden Helmet Winner and certified League of American Bicyclists instructor is a volunteer bike class teacher at the Monterey County Youth Center, among many other volunteer gigs. You’ll see Frank at the annual Intergenerational Ride for Bike Week too, being available to share safety tips in support of fellow riders.
Joseph Crabtree would echo Frank’s statement. He’s happy in the saddle, and off the bike, there’s much bike work to be done as well, at his Forest Hill Bike Shop! Joseph was also a key volunteer helping to launch the Monterey County Youth Center bike class.
Oh! This greybeard cyclist is an avid cyclocross racer too.
Okay, bike’s all set. Those safety checks and minor tuneups for ten bucks remind me of 1950s prices! Now off for my ride!
Al Baumann from Petaluma, California was biking Monterey County when I met him April 18, 2018. He and Sue Roussel from Ashland, Oregon were excitedly eyeing the hills they’d be tackling in a Sea Otter Classic e-bike race.
Al is modest; in his own words, this perennial refers to himself as “NoAirAl Baumann—slowest but oldest in the eBike race.” We’ll see about that! Best wishes to both these SOC competitors.
“What’s up with caring about a little grey? I just cover mine up with a helmet anyway,” says this Nutcase Helmets staffer, spotted at an earlier Sea Otter Classic Expo.
In 2018, Nutcase Helmets is back. Find Nutcase/Pro-Tec/661 in SOC Expo 2018 booth 260-261.
For Bicycling Monterey’s 2016 video “Why Stop Now?” click here.
Short link to this post:
This post was previously published May 8, 2012, with some subsequent updates.
This post was published on 18 April 2018. One or more changes last made to this post on 1 February 2025.