Posted by Founder, Bicycling Monterey
Bike Buzz: Spring 2024 News from Bicycling Monterey
This edition of Bike Buzz includes some sections about law enforcement; look for the four dark blue “Law Enforcement” headers. Those sections include pursuing justice, cops on bikes, traffic citations and alternatives to fines, and how to avoid citations—and help others avoid them—through bike law education.
May 31 ended Bike Month, but it won’t be the end of biking for her and her pup. Also not the end of Bicycling Monterey’s efforts! “Bike advocacy is an endurance sport.”
For events through the end of spring (June 19), click here.

Share PRINTABLE posters/flyers about bicycling resources. Click here to grab a NEW poster, and others.
Check the archives in our sidebar for new and updated posts by month, e.g., Part 4 of “Voices of People Who Bike” was published May 24.
To make a comment, click here.

15th Anniversary of Bicycling Monterey
Do you recognize anyone in the 15th Anniversary Gallery?

Past and future generations have inspired this Earth stewardship / bike advocacy volunteerism for 15 years. Above: the daughter and mother of Bicycling Monterey’s founder.
Since May 2009 Bicycling Monterey, a grassroots volunteer effort, empowers more people to bike—in Monterey County and elsewhere—through inspiration, information, education, and advocacy. See what people say.
On this 15th anniversary, we salute the people who’ve helped support this work; click here for an alphabetical list of Bicycling Monterey’s contributors over the first fifteen years. If you find the Bicycling Monterey site and projects of value, see how to contribute, with updated FAQs.
May is celebrated around the USA as Bike Month. May is also observed by some—including many law enforcement agencies—as Bicycle Safety Month.
First, what makes biking safer?
🚲Transportation infrastructure improvements!
🚲Responsible actions of people who drive, bike, walk, skate, scoot, etc. (For people who bike, that includes learning smart riding skills; click here .)
🚲An increase in the numbers of people who bike.
🚲Effective laws and law enforcement.
Law Enforcement, Part 1
Pursuing justice for youth struck on bicycle
We read with keen interest an April 10, 2024 Monterey Police Department press release: “Assault With a Deadly Weapon [motor vehicle], Child Endangerment, and Hit and Run Resulting in Injury – Arrest” Police investigation revealed that the arrested suspect intentionally hit, with his vehicle, a juvenile on a bicycle.
We appreciate Sergeant Greg Galin, Lieutenant Gabe Kaster, and other MPD staff working on this felony case. And we immediately remembered meeting the writer of the April 10, 2024 press release, Lieutenant Kaster, back in January 2012 (photo below)—when we were both enjoying a night ride.

Gallery below: Sea Otter Classic 2024 scenes. For more 2024 SOC scenes, plus related stories—including what’s up with the people pictured below—go to:

Spring 2024 Bike Events
(March 19 – June 19)
April 3. Transportation Agency for Monterey County Bicycle & Pedestrian Facilities Advisory Committee meeting. Public welcome to attend, either in-person or via Zoom/phone. The April 3 meeting is in Salinas; details:
April 6 – June 15, and more. Weekly on Saturdays, 11 a.m. – 2 p.m., at 45 El Camino Real, Greenfield: Bike Education Lab / Bike Repair Workshop—a free workshop organized by Greenfield Community Science Workshop. Bilingual (Spanish-English). For details, see poster below. NOTE: Their preferred phone number for bike lab and bike repair services is now (831) 233-8335.

April 6 , May 4, June 1. Monterey Off Road Cycling Association (MORCA) First Saturday Rides. Details: Special note about the May 4 ride: George Fontes Memorial gathering at his bench at 11 a.m.; check with MORCA for details.
April 8, April 11, April 20, and more. Velo Club Monterey group rides. Details: How to join VCM:
April 11. Community meeting in Pajaro about safety and operation improvements along Salinas Road and Porter Drive from south of Elkhorn Road intersection to north of San Juan Road intersection in Pajaro. This is a joint project with the County of Monterey and Caltrans. (Our apologies for late notice; we welcome phone calls about this project.)

April 13. “Get pumped for the Bike Fest,” a free event for all ages at the Marina Pump Track, draws attention to the April 18-21 Sea Otter Classic. “Get pumped” is a partnership effort of the City of Marina, Monterey Off Road Cycling Association (MORCA), and the Sea Otter Classic Foundation. Details:
April 14 – POSTPONED to July 7, 2024: Sand City Criterium.
April 18-21, Monterey County’s Sea Otter Classic—a 4-day Celebration of Cycling enjoyed by visitors and residents.
- Some 2024 SOC scenes:
- Some SOC history:; and
- SOC website:
- Save the dates for Sea Otter Classic, April 10-13, 2025.
April 19 – San Ardo Bike Repair Workshop.

April 22 – Earth Day.
Some Monterey County 2024 Earth Day events, compiled by Celia Jiménez:
On Earth Day or any day, climate change is a vital reason to speak up for bicycling!

May – Fifteenth anniversary of Bicycling Monterey. For Monterey County’s population alone, there are over 430,000 people. If even 200 people became a Pedal Pusher by setting up an automatic monthly contribution of just $10 a month, it would make a significant difference in what Bicycling Monterey can accomplish! See ways to contribute and FAQs.
May 1-31: Bike Month
- Nationwide, May is traditionally celebrated as Bike Month, e.g., in 2024 the League of American Bicyclists observes Bike to School Day—aka Walk, Ride, and Roll to School Day—on May 8 (some related local resources; and Bike to Work Day on May 17 (related local resources
- People from throughout the USA responded to Bicycling Monterey’s questionnaire for Bike Month 2023. In Bike Month 2024’s final week, the last of their responses will be published; see — Voices of People Who Bike, Part 4: Infrastructure, Socials, Community, and More, followed by Part 5.
- Monterey County: Check with Transportation Agency for Monterey County’s bike-ped coordinator for any possible TAMC-supported Bike Month events for May 2024. In the 1996 photo below, the daughter of Bicycling Monterey’s founder is holding a T-shirt from TAMC’s 2nd annual celebration of bicycling, May 16, 1996. Beginning in 1995, TAMC observed Bike Day; later, Bike Week; and since 2014, Bike Month.

May 1. Transportation Agency for Monterey County (TAMC) Bicycle & Pedestrian Facilities Advisory Committee (BPAC) meeting. Public welcome to attend, either in-person or via Zoom/phone. The May 1 meeting is in Greenfield; details: Note that the May 1 TAMC BPAC agenda includes updates about the Fort Ord Regional Trail & Greenway (FORTAG):
May 3: San Lucas Bike Repair Workshop.
May 4: It’s pouring rain in Monterey County again! If you’re biking, see
May 6-29: Greenfield Bike Riding Program, a free coed program for ages 8-13 by the City of Greenfield Recreation Department.

May 15, 6-8:30 p.m. Safe Routes to School meeting at the Castroville Library (11160 Speegle St., Castroville). Dinner, interpretation, and childcare will be provided at this public meeting open to anyone interested in joining the Castroville Safe Routes to School steering committee, or learning more. Questions? Contact Ariana Green at TAMC: Thanks to Supervisor Glenn Church for the notification.
May 16, 3-5 p.m. at Patriot Park, 1351 Oak Ave, Greenfield. Free helmet giveaway, sponsored by Greenfield Police Dept in partnership with Monterey County Health Dept. Limit of one helmet per youth, and youth are encouraged to bring their bike, scooter, or skateboard. Details:
May 18, 9 a.m. – noon. – Fort Ord Dunes State Park Volunteer Bike Tour. All types of bicycles, e-bikes, or non-motorized active transportation (skateboards, scooters, etc.) are welcome to join. A mobile bike mechanic will be available throughout the event. This is a special Bike Month edition of California State Parks—Monterey District’s monthly volunteer project at Fort Ord Dunes State Park and is co-sponsored by California State Parks Foundation. Sign-ups required. Please note details re: youth, waivers, helmets, etc.: Poster provided below.

May 18, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. For teens and children, Kids Bike Safety Day event at Roberts Lake in Seaside (Roberts Ave at Canyon Del Rey Blvd), organized by Seaside Police Department (SPD). On a first-come, first-served basis, SPD will be giving away bicycle helmets, lights, and bells provided by Transportation Agency for Monterey County. Event will include a short bike ride in the Roberts Lake area. For details, see poster below.

May 24-26. California Roots Festival / Cali Roots. Free bike and skateboard valet service available. Tips:
May 25. Greenfield Bike Repair Workshop.
May 25. Memorial Day through Labor Day, Monterey-Salinas Transit Summer Trolley service resumes.
June 5. Transportation Agency for Monterey County Bicycle & Pedestrian Facilities Advisory Committee meeting. Public welcome to attend, either in-person or via Zoom/phone.
June 6. Monterey Neighborhood and Community Improvement Association meeting, Project Selection (Voting Night). Council Chamber, 6 p.m. Note an April 28, 2024 letter to the Monterey Herald re: this meeting: Refer to Log No. 27 on page 3 of
June 11 – Twilight Cycling at Laguna Seca.
All dates. Do you bike-and-ride (or even just ride) Monterey-Salinas Transit? Check MST’s website for news releases about holiday schedules and more.
SAVE THE DATE for the next Monterey County Open Streets:
Ciclovía Salinas, October 6, 2024.
If you have a Monterey County bicycling or bike-related activity, event, or meeting scheduled that is open to the public, contact us to have it added to this post and/or shared on @bikemonterey’s social media.
Social Media? ICYMI…
How to subscribe to Bicycling Monterey:
If stamina or schedule don’t make it feasible to bike all the way to your destination, remember that e-bikes aren’t the only way to get a boost! Bike-and-ride options can be great, including Monterey-Salinas Transit (MST).
For current tips, see “Monterey-Salinas Transit: What to do if bike racks on buses are full, and other MST tips.”
Photo below of Marina Transit Exchange provided by Ikuyo Yoneda-López of MST (used by permission).

Law Enforcement, Part 2
Do law enforcement officers in Monterey County still patrol by bicycle?
Not as many as would like to! The gallery below shows some over the past 15 years.

Law Enforcement, Part 3
Traffic citations for people who bike—and alternatives to fines
In the first quarter of 2024 Bicycling Monterey has received increasing numbers of Monterey County court referrals—youth referred to us after being cited while biking. Why? Among Bicycling Monterey projects is a Bike Equity Project: Alternative to Fine for Traffic Citations.
Some but not all of those citations were issued to youth participating in loosely organized group social rides. What’s the prob? Grab links to recent media reports in; and more importantly, please note that the post includes this PDF—share it with youth and adults who are planning such rides, so they can help participants avoid citations, injuries, or other undesirable outcomes.
- Most people who bike genuinely want to bike responsibly—for their own increased safety, and that of others who share streets, multi-use paths, and sidewalks (where allowed).
- Unfortunately, that’s not true of all people who bike! For some, their behavior is intentionally irresponsible. A local League of American Bicyclists LCI told us in April 2024 that not only had they seen numerous reports about people on bicycles riding in a dangerous manner, “terrorizing motorists” in both Marina and Salinas, they “have personally encountered groups of young people on bicycles at the Marina Farmers Market on two occasions, and both times they were riding recklessly and swerving at pedestrians, myself included.”
Gallery below: Salinas Bike Party, a Courteous Mass—how we rolled in 2012.

Law Enforcement, Part 4
Education beats citation (whenever appropriate). Anyone who rides on public streets benefits from education about bike laws. That’s true whether they’re part of a group social ride, are a bike-to-work commuter, a student cycling to school, someone biking to shop, biking to worship, or biking for any of the many reasons people bike!
Share PRINTABLE posters/fliers
Help others bike legally, and with greater safety (the purpose behind most bike laws). Share the flyers provided below: bike law summaries (English only, or bilingual Spanish-English), general info flyers and mini flyers, and group social ride guidelines.
Among ways to share: (1) Print and post on a community bulletin board or in a store window (with store manager’s permission); (2) print and distribute at meetings, events, or at your bike shop or other business; (3) share a link on social media; or (4) keep a copy with you, to offer someone as opportunities arise.
Print and share Bicycling Monterey’s NEW general info poster/flyer—8.5 x 11.
CALIFORNIA BIKE LAW SUMMARY – Bilingual (Spanish-English)
Share a Bicycling Monterey general info mini flyer (4-to-a-pg).
Share a Group Social Rides flyer.
Print a copy of this 2-page document back-to-back and you have a handy sheet to distribute at your next bike party / bike run / rideout, etc.
See what hundreds of people say about Bicycling Monterey.
A chair of the Transportation Agency for Monterey County Bicycle and Pedestrian Advisory Committee wrote to Bicycling Monterey’s founder in October 2023: “Thank you for all your efforts to support our mission. You are a great asset for the bicycling community, and that is an understatement!”
A Pedal Pusher (monthly financial contributor) concurred about the value of this work, writing to us in March 2024: “Thanks for your dedication, hard work, and boundless energy! You give so much to help keep us all safe. Just wish our infrastructure could better support your efforts…..I ride the crumbling sidewalks because my little Tikit foldup bike can’t manage on regular roadways that are so hazardous, including the drivers in parked cars who open their doors onto the travel lane without looking. I ran into one once, which was enough to send me to biking on sidewalks.”
Yes! Better infrastructure is vital! That’s why we devote so many hours to education and advocacy about infrastructure issues—locally, regionally, statewide, and nationally, including as Monterey County’s rep on the California Bicycle Coalition’s Policy Advisory Council.
ICYMI, over 15 years the more than 22,000 hours of work by the founder on all Bicycling Monterey projects has been done as an unpaid volunteer. See ways to contribute and FAQs.
Bicycling has multiple benefits for individuals, communities, and the planet. Whatever your reason for valuing the work of bike advocates—public health and safety, reducing traffic congestion and carbon emissions, strengthening community relationships, or other reasons—your support is appreciated.
Happy springtime!
We welcome comments. You may leave a reply below, or contact us.
This post was published on 8 April 2024. One or more changes last made to this post on 8 September 2024.