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Tips for dog-lovers biking Monterey County, and elsewhere

Being in the fresh, open air while getting about—as you are on a bicycle—is so much more enjoyable than being cooped up in car. That’s not only true for her, it’s true for her dog too!

Trio and pup on Cannery Row trail

Biking with “human’s best friend” does require some extra care,
for your dog’s benefit and safety
and for that of other pets and people around you.


Below are resources for biking with a dog anywhere, plus some tips specific to Monterey County. All photos were shot in Monterey County.

Sometimes people bike with their dog in a trailer or other carrier, as shown in some photos below. Others have their dog on a leash. The resources shared at the end of this post include pros and cons of various options.

Biking with your dog does require extra effort. For example, staying in the proper lane while keeping your dog a safe distance from others can be more challenging at times, as the woman directly below was experiencing.
Be a good ambassador for bicycling. Check out tips under “First things first” at the end of this post.

Monterey riders 053

And of course, whether biking with or without a dog, know general riding skills and safety tips, your state’s bike laws, and local county/city ordinances about sidewalk riding and more. The 20-section Tips for Bicycling Monterey County guide addresses those topics in section 3, Bicycle Riding Skills, Bike Safety, and CA Bicycle Laws–for Children, Teens, and Adults.
Monterey-Salinas Transit / “The Bus”

If using Monterey-Salinas Transit  / “The Bus”—a popular bike-and-ride option—note MST’s pet policy. As of March 2017, pets are only allowed in caged carriers. Find the pet policy in MST’s Transit Tips (and scroll down that section for “Service Animals” exceptions and details).

For Bicycling Monterey’s general tips on bicycles and MST, start here.

Monterey County’s annual Celebration of Cycling, Sea Otter Classic

Monterey County’s four-day Celebration of Cycling is the Sea Otter Classic. It’s a fun event for all ages and abilities, for people interested in all types of bicycles for all sorts of reasons. Plan ahead to be in harmony with SOC’s dog policy; scroll down SOC’s “About Us” page to their “Dog Policy / Local Resources.”

Dog-friendly Carmel-by-the-Sea

Carmel-by-the-Sea is known as an especially dog-friendly city. Check out Bicycling Monterey’s biking Carmel tips. Note too the advisory about bicycles on sidewalks in Carmel.

Among Monterey County’s most famous dog-lovers was the late Doris Day, whose April 3rd birthday was typically celebrated with fanfare at bike-friendly, dog-friendly The Cypress Inn, a HER Helmet Thursdays spot in Carmel-by-the-Sea.

More Monterey County resources for pet owners
Below: biking on the Cannery Row stretch of the Monterey Bay coastal trail.

Dog and guy Can Row June 2010 256

 Ever since he was a little boy and the training wheels came off his first bicycle, this young man—spotted biking  Seaside in October 2015—has loved riding. His dog makes a great companion, including on night rides like this one.

Gerardo BMX - Marisco's Seaside - with dog


Dennis and Sally on Big Sur Coast 1-8-14Above: Dennis and his faithful companion Sally biking the Big Sur coast.

Cargo bikes, trailers, and such carry a wide variety of goods, as well as people. Here are some bikes carrying dogs in Monterey County.
Below: This couple, spotted at the foot of bike-friendly Wharf II in Monterey, had a comfy fabric pup-carrier on her bike, in Monterey.

Below: toting Fido on the trail between Wharf I and the Coast Guard pier.

 Dog in carrier with man


Often seen…
in South Salinas is a gentleman biking with his two dogs; see him in Juan Villa’s 10/2/15 piece in the Salinas Californian. Do keep in mind the importance of leash length.

First things first

Wherever you ride, please first take time to sift through advice such as the following.

Bicycling Monterey is not specifically recommending all tips offered by resources on this bulleted list. These are simply shared as a starting point for your own research.

Enjoy the ride!


This post was published on 2 November 2015. One or more changes last made to this post on 31 May 2024.

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