Overview of the Guide

This guide, provided as a public service, was first published in 2009, with many subsequent updates.

For additional updates, or if you have questions, please contact us.

This Salinas couple enjoys cruising their town by bike. Click here for tips on biking Salinas, the Monterey County seat and its largest city.

Tips for Bicycling Monterey County

Tips for Bicycling Monterey County© is provided free for personal use.  This guide and the information throughout this site provide nearly 800 web pages of bicycling information for the county’s residents, visitors, and others. Respect copyright.


The index below, created in 2009-2010, is very limited. At this time, you will probably find it more helpful to use the search window and the following navigation tips:
  • To access all pages about topics shown below this site’s banner, click that tab (e.g., leading to 20-section Tips guide).
  • To access all posts about topics shown above the banner, use the Categories window in the sidebar.
Feel free to contact us with questions or comments.
If you wish to use the index, you will probably want to open a second window in your browser, and in that window, bring up the list of short links to the 20-section guide. In parentheses below is the number of the section where you’ll find that topic addressed in the Tips for Bicycling Monterey County 20-section guide

Although you’re welcome to email me your questions, a phone call will usually get a quicker response. It’s fine to phone me (831/375-6278) anytime that’s convenient for you.

Questions and comments

Note: Pages (including the 20-section guide) differ from posts on this site, in that you can’t add a comment directly to the individual pages.  Want to add something from your own experience? Contact me.

How the guide came to be

As mentioned in “About Bicycling Monterey,” biking—and helping our Monterey County visitors out on the bikeways—are two of my greatest pleasures,  so Tips for Bicycling Monterey County evolved naturally.

I’ve lived and biked in Monterey County since 1981, and I originally compiled this mix of tips with tourists in mind.  (That’s why the slug for section titles says “tips-for-tourists”; to avoid broken links, it hasn’t been changed.) The Tips guide, and entire website, soon expanded to also meet many needs of residents who like to bike.

Although the guide originally focused on the Monterey Peninsula, info on biking in Salinas and around North and South County were added to the site promptly.  The guide and entire website are a living document, constantly being revised, so check back for ongoing updates on bicycling all over Monterey County.

Sampling of people you’ll meet here

In addition to the Monterey County bike community leaders found on this site’s directory of bicycling resources, there are many off-the-radar bike advocates and bike community leaders among us.  There are people who bike representing a variety of ages, abilities, and interests out on the Monterey County bikeways. On this site, you’ll see people such as:

This beautiful planet…know it and love it!

Spending time in nature is a great motivation for safeguarding it. Through cycling, you come to love the Monterey Bay region of this precious Earth even more, and will be increasingly alert for additional ways to help keep it beautiful.

If you’re a visitor, please return to bike again soon.  And let your friends know too that Monterey County is a bicycling friendly place–the signs are everywhere!

–Mari Lynch

This guide was revised and expanded from the previous edition published May 2009.  Revisions are ongoing.  All links were reconfirmed November 1, 2009; thereafter, please report any broken links.