Posted by Founder, Bicycling Monterey
Bike Buzz: September 2016 News, and Reflections, from Bicycling Monterey
Bicycling Monterey’s new and updated posts and pages for August 28 through September 29, 2016 are directly below.
“Remember September,” a sampling of photos published on Bicycling Monterey during each of the past seven Septembers, ends this post.
But first, here’s the most recent list of participants in one of the many Bicycling Monterey projects, HER Helmet Thursdays. This 11-page guide lists the Monterey County businesses and organizations that give males and females who bike 10-50% discounts on Thursdays. HER Helmet Thursdays – Quick Reference Guide – updated 1 September 2016.
All Bicycling Monterey projects are provided by the founder on a volunteer basis.
Click here for ways to give and FAQs.
New posts
In recognition of World Tourism Day, a new post about the 20-section Tips guide and other Bicycling Monterey resources: Tips for Bicycling Monterey County, for Tourists and Locals
Watchful Eyes: People bicycling help, by seeing what people driving miss. (Photo below provided by Sheriff Steve Bernal.)
Monterey-Salinas Transit: What to do when bike racks on buses are full, or when there’s no rack on an MST trolley. Plus many more MST tips!
Cop Alert: Cops alert for the needs of people who bike
Updated posts and pages
(not a complete list of all updates)
Bike-and ride section updates include, in the Amtrak section, tips from local resident Steve Blum. (Photo below provided by Devian Gilbert.)
Oct 1: Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day with Monterey Off Road Cycling Association (MORCA) was updated regarding the 2016 event’s location change. (Photo below provided by Kay Magenheim.)
Monterey Regional Airport: Bike Lockers, Bike-Friendly Restaurant and Jet Center, and Airport-to-Bike-Path Tips updated with link to October 1 Community Day in celebration of the airport’s 75th anniversary.
October 5 Twilight Ride – This month’s host is Monterey Off Road Cycling Association (MORCA). October’s ride is from 5:00 to 7:00 p.m.
Master Calendar has numerous updates, as usual. Among the many calendar highlights: Ciclovia Salinas, October 9, 2016. Ciclovia Salinas remains—for now anyway—just an annual event. NOTE: The calendar includes many activities, events, and meetings not found elsewhere on the Bicycling Monterey website. Special thanks to Monterey Off Road Cycling Association and Velo Club Monterey for auto-feeding their calendars into Bicycling Monterey’s master calendar.
Bicycling Monterey’s post about Oct 9: Ciclovía Salinas was updated with a link regarding health-building aspects of Open Streets. (Poster provided by Ciclovia Salinas.)
Oct 21-23 League Cycling Instructor (LCI) training updated regarding financial assistance is also being offered to out-of-county residents who work in Monterey County.
Some contributor rewards remain available, and that short list is featured on its own page. It’s been updated with a form that allows you to quickly submit your request for a reward right there.
The HER Helmet Thursdays Listings/FAQs page was updated with the most recent Quick Reference Guide: HER Helmet Thursdays – Quick Reference Guide – as of 1 September 2016
Monterey Jazz Festival – Free Bike Valet Parking, plus Pure Water Stations was updated for the September 16-18, 2016 event.
Bicycling Monterey’s Contact page—which covers postal mail, how to submit a calendar listing, subscribing, updates or new sign-ups for HER Helmet Thursdays, guest posts, online social media, phone calls, and email—has been updated to reflect the reduced availability of support.
September sunset in Pebble Beach
Remember September…
Trips down memory lane, seven Septembers past
2009-2015 images from the Bicycling Monterey website
Unless otherwise indicated, all photographs in this post were taken by Mari Lynch. Whether photographs were shot by another photographer or by Mari, respect copyright; click here for details.

Above, posted September 2009 in About Mari, founder of the Bicycling Monterey website and projects.

Above, September 2010: a Salinas couple, the Greenlaws, at HER Helmet Thursdays spot the National Steinbeck Center.
Above: In September 2011, this photo was added to NPS Provides Inspiration and Support for Biking in Monterey County. It shows a greeting for Twilight Cycling participants and others at Mazda Raceway Laguna Seca. The greeting was arranged by the Naval Postgraduate School Foundation Cycling Club in appreciation for the HER Helmet Thursdays Project and its creator, Mari Lynch, an NPSCC sponsor (NPS Tri-Fold Info Flyer v5).
Above, September 2012: This photo, shot by Mari at a bike social in Monterey, was included in Bike Community News – Indian Summer 2012.
Above September 2013 photo was shot by Mari at the September 12, 2013 barricade volunteer training for the inaugural Ciclovia Salinas.
Above: September 2014 photo is by Juan Saavedra. He kindly shot the photo to help highlight the list of bike parking racks at the Del Monte Shopping Center. That bike rack list was created by Mari for the 20-section Tips for Bicycling Monterey County guide’s Shopping by Bike section. Thanks also to daily bike-to-work commuter and DMC’s executive administrator, Andrew Breault, for confirming those locations.
Below: This September 2015 photo highlights bicycle parking available above one of our local beaches, Del Monte Beach.
This post was published on 29 September 2016. One or more changes last made to this post on 2 August 2018.