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Bike Buzz: Autumn 2017 News from Bicycling Monterey

Below is a summary of what’s new on the Bicycling Monterey website.

To receive an email notification sent to subscribers when a “Bike Buzz” summary is published, refer to the Contact/Subscribe page.

Contributions are appreciated. For ways to contribute and FAQs, click here.

  • This Autumn 2017 “Bike Buzz,” includes a summary of new and updated posts since the last “Buzz,” August 8, 2017 through October 28, 2017. Click here for a video intro with related photos; most photos are also published in the posts below, where you learn what’s up with those scenes.
  • To keep current on happenings between issues of “Bike Buzz,” check the Archive widget in Bicycling Monterey’s sidebar for posts by month. [For example, additional October posts were published Oct 29-31, 2017 that are not listed in this Oct 28 edition of Bike Buzz.]
  • For Monterey County bike-related meetings, activities, and events, refer to the master calendar for alerts that may appear there. The sidebar includes a menu highlighting a few MoCo dates too.

Salinas: East Market Street Safe Routes to School Project, including Protected Bike Lanes

The youth below appreciates the new East Market Street infrastructure too.

Note: The WordPress auto-generated excerpts below may not always reflect the most current text of the post. For the latest information, click any title to go to the entire new or updated post.

King City Bike Rodeo and Amgen ToC 2018 Stage 3 Start and Finish in Monterey County

International, National, State, and Regional Collaborations: Bicycling Monterey teams up with others on bike advocacy efforts

Bike-share programs in the Monterey Bay Tri-County Region

Moss Landing, North Monterey County: Infrastructure update

Welcome to the Bicycling Monterey site and projects

Lighted Bike Parade AKA Critical Christmas Monterey, an Annual Event

HER Helmet Thursdays FAQs: Geographic Areas

Ciclovía Salinas 2017 — en español y en inglés — y información en español sobre las bicicletas

Big Sur Bike Tours

Audio: Bikes are taking to the streets—and it’s not where you might expect

Headsup: Check this website in November for a photographic essay from the October 15, 2017 Ciclovia Salinas.

From e-bike snob to “won me over”: Pedaling Monterey County with a boost-on-demand from e-assist

Oct 3-6: California Bicycle Summit 2017

8th Anniversary – HER Helmet Thursdays

“East of Salinas” and Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals / DACA Renewal Clinics in the Monterey Bay Region

Biking Downtown Monterey: Sidewalk riding advisories, plus Alvarado Street HER Helmet Thursdays Spots

Confused about bike laws?

“A Right to the Road”: Understanding and addressing the safety of people who bike

Inventory of Bicycle and Pedestrian Plans for Monterey County and all of California

Project: Education and advocacy on issues affecting people who bike in Monterey County, throughout California, and nationwide

Monterey Regional Airport: Bike Lockers, Bike-Friendly Restaurant and Jet Center, Airport-to-Bike-Path Tips, and More

Roundabouts on Holman Highway 68 and elsewhere — including how to navigate them

Appreciate this website or

other Bicycling Monterey projects? 

To contribute to the Bicycling Monterey work, and for FAQs, click here. Thank you.

Additionally for this time period,

partial updates were made to the following

and many more posts and pages of this site.

DIRECTORY: Monterey County Bicycling Resources and Bike Community Leaders


Back to the Books—and Bikes—in Monterey County: Tips for College Students

Gratitude List for Bicycling Enthusiasts

Image below © 2011 Monterey County Weekly.


7. LOCAL BICYCLE SHOPS in Monterey County—and Tips on New and Used Bikes


Refer to the bike calendar for Harmony at Home’s third Thursday monthly Social Rides, Break the Cycle, which meet up at Monterey County’s newest bike shop, Work Horse Bicycles.


9. BIKE RENTALS in Monterey County — Also, Guided and Self-Led Tours; and more

10. Where to Bike in Monterey County

12. Shopping by Bike

13. Bike Valet and Other Bicycle Parking—Including Etiquette and Laws


14. Hotels, Entertainment, Educational Venues, Restaurants

PARTICIPATE: How to Invite Businesses and Organizations to Participate

And last but not least, the

Financial Contributors page

has been updated.

Thanks to everyone on it!



This post was published on 28 October 2017. One or more changes last made to this post on 12 May 2024.

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