Posted by Founder, Bicycling Monterey
Bike Buzz: Spring 2022 news from Bicycling Monterey
Happy spring! Directly below are snippets of news, followed by photos of some Monterey County winter scenes (21 Dec 2021 – 19 Mar 2022). At the end of this post, see recent samplings from our Twitter stream.
Special dates
- March 25, 11 a.m Fridays for Future’s Global Climate Strike actions on March 25 include a march in Monterey from Window on the Bay Park to Colton Hall. Local organizers include Middlebury Institute of International Studies student Maddy Springfield; follow @maddyspring21 on Twitter for details and announcements of future local actions. Bicycling helps reduce transportation’s impact on climate change!
- April 6, 6 p.m.Transportation Agency for Monterey County Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Advisory Committee agenda includes a presentation by the California Department of Transportation / Caltrans on the District 5 Active Transportation Plan. Also on the agenda is a Caltrans presentation on the Complete Streets Directive. A link to the agenda and how to participate (via Zoom or phone), along with why participate, are included in Bicycling Monterey’s post here.
- April 6-9 California Bicycle Coalition Summit in Oakland. Details:
- April 7-10 Monterey County’s Sea Otter Classic. Details:
Report a pothole, uneven pavement, vegetation or other debris in a bike lane, or similar conditions that interfere with safe, efficient travel by bicycle. How? Refer to our post here.
Photo below: Mark Thomas Drive, Monterey

- Congratulations to the youth of Salinas on the 9th Ciclovia Salinas, held March 20. Monterey County Open Streets history and locations are on our resources page here.
- Congratulations also to the youth who participated in Norcal Interscholastic Cycling activities at East Garrison / Fort Ord, “Fun at the Fort,” March 18-20. Monterey County’s high school mountain teams are included in Bicycling Monterey’s 34-section directory of Monterey County Bicycling Resources here.
- Among California bike-related legislative efforts for 2022 is a revised version of 2021’s Bicycle Safety Stop, as Bicycling Monterey announced here.
- In case you missed it, new books in 2021 include Cycling for Sustainable Cities, edited by Ralph Buehler and John Pucher. As we announced here, among public libraries where you can check out this book is the City of Monterey Public Library:

Can it be that many years already? Yes! Bicycling Monterey’s 14th year begins in May 2022. In case you missed it, for an outline of how this work began, see our 10th anniversary post here.
Reasons to make a monetary contribution to the Bicycling Monterey work are included on the “Ways to contribute and FAQs” page here. Special thanks to Texas residents Evelyn Contreras-Lozano and Mateos Lozano for being the first new contributors of 2022, and to Edith Frederick of Salinas and Kathleen Jones of the San Francisco Bay Area for renewing their status of “Pedal Pushers”—people who set up automatic monthly contributions to help support this grassroots public service. Did you know? This website and other Bicycling Monterey projects have been a volunteer effort for the founder since 2009.
To subscribe to Bicycling Monterey emails, refer to our contact page here. We send emails to subscribers infrequently. For more frequent doses of bike buzz, follow @bikemonterey on Twitter:

Happy Springtime!

For more buzz, follow @bikemonterey on Twitter.
Rest in Peace,
Jay Bartow
This post is dedicated in memory of the Rev. Dr. Jay Bartow of Del Rey Oaks, pastor emeritus of First Presbyterian Church of Monterey.
13 June 1945 – 22 February 22 2022
This post was published on 24 March 2022. One or more changes last made to this post on 19 December 2024.