Posted by Founder, Bicycling Monterey
October: Rideshare Month 2012
El mes de Viajemos Juntos Octubre del 2012
CONTACT: Sasha Tepedelenova, Planner
PH: 831-264-5087 Email:
Este año marca la 29ª celebración anual de “El Mes de Viajemos Juntos.” El Mes de Viajemos Juntos es la promoción anual de los tres condados del Área de la Bahía de Monterey que fue creada para aumentar la conciencia acerca de los beneficios de elegir modos de transporte sostenibles como transporte compartido por auto o ven, el autobús, el andar por bicicleta o a pie, y el trabajar en casa por medio de sistema de computadora. A los viajeros que se trasladan por su cuenta se les pide que se comprometan a usar un modo de transporte sostenible, al menos un día durante “El Mes de Viajemos Juntos”, del octubre, con el objetivo de contribuir a aliviar nuestras calles y carreteras, mejorar la calidad del aire y ahorrar energía y costos de transporte.
Regístrese en “EL Mes Viajemos Juntos” para una para tener la oportunidad de ganar increíbles premios!
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Mas información
en español sobre las bicicletas
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Thank you to AMBAG for providing their Spanish translation of Ridesharing Month information (and the English as well).
Marina, Calif. – October 12, 2012 – This October marks the 29th annual Rideshare Month celebration in the Monterey Bay region. The local rideshare programs, Commute Alternatives (Monterey County), Rideshare (San Benito County), and Commute Solutions (Santa Cruz County) want to encourage all commuters in the tri-county area to carpool, vanpool, bike, walk, take the bus, or telecommute during Rideshare Month 2012. This is a great opportunity to try a different mode of transportation to build the habit of ridesharing in the long term. The campaign aims to help keep our air cleaner and reduce congestion. All Rideshare Month 2012 participants are encouraged to report their sustainable transportation trips to help track the campaign results and to earn the chance to win one of over 60 prizes. Employers in the region are invited to contact their local rideshare coordinator and inquire about how their companies can benefit from Rideshare Month 2012. They can also request a worksite presentation about ridesharing and how to green the commute of their employees. Free assistance in finding a carpool is also available over the phone.
To participate, visit for English or for Spanish. Commuters who don’t have Internet access can submit paper registration forms. For more information or to request a registration form, contact:
Monterey County: 422-POOL
Santa Cruz County: 429-POOL
San Benito County: 637-POOL
This post was published on 12 October 2012. One or more changes last made to this post on 30 October 2013.