Posted by Founder, Bicycling Monterey
Produce Delivery from Hall’s Organic Farms
A final update was made to this post June 1, 2020 at 5 p.m., as follows:
Beginning today, we will no longer be updating this post. Why? Because starting June 1, Hall’s has added info about their produce delivery (and pickup) service, and the current week’s order link, to their own website. Yay! Visit:
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Hall’s Organic Farms launched a new Community Supported Agriculture / CSA home-delivery service in mid-March 2020.
Why the new home delivery is ultra helpful. Due to the threat of Coronavirus Disease / CODVID-19, State of California officials issued a stay-home order, which began statewide March 19, 2020 and continues until further notice. We support that statewide action! See our related post
In addition, for many people, their favorite farmers markets are temporarily not operating.
Hall’s Organic Farms helps ensure that more people can have fresh, organic produce. How? By delivering it to their doorstep or gate (unless customer specifies otherwise in their order notes).
As confirmed again on 5/18/20, delivery is now free with a $30 minimum order; for orders under $30, there is a $5 delivery fee.

Where will they deliver? Hall’s Organic Farms will provide home delivery on Thursdays anywhere within 30 miles of Salinas.
Elsewhere in Monterey County? This is a large county (3,771 square miles). For longer distances within the county, please contact Hall’s (details below) to inquire about delivery. Note that as of 5/18/20, (1) home deliveries are available in Carmel Valley up to five mile south of Corkscrew Cafe; and (2) no home deliveries are made in Big Sur. However, there are pick-up options in Carmel Valley and Sur; refer below.
Order deadline: For delivery to your home, please place orders by 11:30 p.m. on Wednesday. Home deliveries are made between 7 a.m. and 9 p.m. on Thursday. (For any other options and updates, get on Hall’s email list.)
See “HOW TO ORDER” info in the orange box below.
In addition to produce grown by Hall’s, in order to offer additional fruit, and eggs, Hall’s is also sourcing other items from a variety of places. Hall’s assures that everything is 100% USDA Certified Organic and as local as possible. All imported items (coconut, mango, pineapple) are all Certified Fair Trade. The eggs are Cage-Free USDA Certified Organic Brown Eggs. If there are any questions about sourcing, please contact Hall’s.
What are the prices like? Below are some examples, current as of 4/13/20. For additional prices, and any updates, refer to Hall’s order form (in orange box below).
Price—avocados: 1 avo=$3, 2=$5, 5=$10, 12=$20.
Price—strawberries: 1 basket=$5, 2=$9, 3=$12, half flat (6)=$20, full flat (12)=$35.
Price— “Assorted Veggies Mix and Match” —vegetables and herbs that can be ordered as “mix and match” items: 1 item = $2, 6 items = $10, 9 items = $15, 13 items = $20, 21 items = $30, 30 items = $40.
Price—eggs, and more vegetables and fruit, e.g., apples, asparagus, cauliflower, citrus, fingerling potatoes. Refer to order form for current offerings and pricing.
How to pay: Indicate on your order form whether you’ll pay by the preferred method—Venmo (hallsorganicfarms)—or by cash or check.
If paying via Venmo, a charge from Hall’s can be expected sometime on order deadline day (Wednesday).
If paying by cash or check, leave cash or check in an envelope addressed to “Hall’s Organic Farms” under your doormat—or somewhere near your front door or gate, where the Hall’s delivery person can easily see it (unless you’ve told Hall’s in your order notes that you will put the cash or check elsewhere).
Pick-up option: For those who are leaving their homes (e.g., because you go out to an essential job or essential activity), there is an option to pick up your produce. Remember to support physical distancing / social distancing of at least 6 feet, per CA Governor’s order –!
How does the pick-up option work? You pick up your produce order anytime on Thursday. Where? Pick it up from the porch at 80 Monterey-Salinas Highway, just off Highway 68. Your name will be on your order. Please refrain from phoning unless you can’t find your order, or have questions. Additional Monterey County pick-up options: Corkscrew Cafe in Carmel Valley, starting at 12 p.m.; Big Sur, Palo Colorado Road at 3 p.m. and Loma Vista at 5 p.m.; and Stevenson School, Pebble Beach, TBA. There is no delivery fee for pick-up. Remember to support physical distancing / social distancing of at least 6 feet!
HOW TO ORDER: Sign up / subscribe to Hall’s weekly email notifications at You will then receive email notifications that include the order form link with the most current produce list and any other updates (e.g., order form linked below).
What is currently available? Refer to order form.
Order form:
Who referred you to Hall’s? When placing your first order, include in the notes “Referred by [your friend’s first and last name]” or “Referred by Bicycling Monterey.” Why? Hall’s wants to provide a $30 credit to customers who refer five or more new customers.
Order verification: If you have successfully placed an order, you will receive an email from Hall’s immediately after ordering.
If you did not receive an email immediately after ordering, this means Hall’s has not received your order. Please place your order again and make sure you press the “Submit” button at the bottom of Hall’s online ordering page, after reviewing your order.
Have other questions about Hall’s Organic Farms and their service? Email or text Stevie Hall at (831) 277-5207.
Want to make a change to your online order, or to place an order after the order deadline? If possible, please avoid that; Hall’s may not see it in time. However, if you do need to communicate about an order after the order deadline, please text (831) 277-5207 and Hall’s will make an effort to accommodate you.
Need to phone? If, for example, you want to ask if they can deliver a large order to South County, it’s okay to phone Hall’s at the same number to inquire.
Instagram: @hallsorganicfarms
Thank you, Hall’s Organic Farms
—and all farmers—
for growing our food!
Among related posts on this site
- Shopping Farmers Markets by Bike–Have you hugged an organic grower today?
- Bike to Monterey County Farmers Markets
- “Salinas Valley, Salad Bowl of the Nation — Who could be hungry?”
- Inmigrantes / Immigrants: “Haciendo una vida – El conocimiento es poder” / “Making a Life – Knowledge Is Power”
Yes, the strawberries below were organically home-grown by Bicycling Monterey’s founder. But if we had to rely on our own tiny strawberry patch, we’d not be eating many strawberries! Thanks to Hall’s Organic Farms, and other farmers, for satiating our appetite for strawberries.

This post was published on 18 March 2020. One or more changes last made to this post on 12 February 2021.