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People who bike: Justin Humble

When you pause to chat with people who bike,


you see and learn things you miss when someone is in a car.


For starters, we learned that the gentleman pictured above
–who took off his sunglasses for our conversation–


has beautiful blue eyes.


We also learned that he happens to be Christian and attends Calvary Chapel Monterey.

We sensed his genuine Christian humility–and his name happens to be Justin Humble!


Thank you, Justin, for being a good steward of the earth


by reducing carbon emissions every time you bike for transportation!


BTW, we were able to give Justin a heads-up about a beautiful, peaceful new rest stop appreciated by people out biking or walking nearby: the Jay Bartow Memorial Garden at solar-powered, bike-friendly First Presbyterian Church, 501 Eldorado, Monterey.

Bicycling Monterey has sometimes posted about the importance of rest stops, and we’re pleased to share a new tip about this one!

At FPC’s driveway/bikeway entrance is the sign pictured below. The garden (not pictured) is right between El Dorado Street and the church’s main building or sanctuary.

There is a bike rack at the garden’s entrance, where you can park your bike while you stroll the garden path, or sit and relax on a bench, or —if you brought a snack or lunch—sit at a picnic table and replenish your body, as well as your spirit. When you pedal away, you’ll surely feel renewed from your time at this rest stop.

Questions about FPC?

The late Rev. Dr. Jay Bartow and Rev. Mark Peake.

This post was published on 26 July 2024. One or more changes last made to this post on 27 July 2024.

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