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POSTPONED: Tree-Planting Event in Mo...

In addition to reducing fossil fuel consumption, planting trees is another...

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Bike to Worship

Bike to church, mosque, satsang, synagogue, or other place of worship. Be...

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A new year brings new beginnings wit...

Can’t deny it. For most of us, there are many beautiful places where we...

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Eco Wisdom of a Bike-Friendly Faith ...

Some people bike to First Presbyterian Church of Monterey—e.g., City of...

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The Beauty of Clotheslines

Above and below: Mother Nature applying the #1 rated fabric...

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Eco Author Matthew Sleeth

For the most recent info about Matthew Sleeth on this site—including about...

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International Earth Day Eve Simulcas...

For the most recent info about Matthew Sleeth on this site—including about...