Posted by Founder, Bicycling Monterey
October calendar: Open Streets and more
REMINDER: Oct 6 in Salinas and Oct 13 in King City, enjoy car-free Open Streets!

ICYMI, Summer Bike Buzz included save-the-date notices for some special Monterey County events happening in October. Among those aretwo Open Streets / Ciclovia dates!
For more Calendar Notes for Autumn 2024 (Sept 21 – Dec 20)—including any October additions—refer to
- SALINAS: Wednesday, October 2, 6 p.m. Transportation Agency for Monterey County (TAMC) Bicycle & Pedestrian Facilities Advisory Committee (BPAC) meeting. Public welcome to attend, either in-person (at 55-B Plaza Circle, Salinas, in TAMC Conference Room) or via Zoom or phone. AGENDA AND PACKET:
- KING CITY: Friday, October 4, Bike Repair Workshop.
- FORT ORD: Saturday, October 5, 10 a.m. – 1 p.m. – Take a Kid Mountain Biking Day, with Monterey Off Road Cycling Association (MORCA), an annual event.
- SEASIDE: Saturday, October 5, 10 a.m. – 6 p.m. – Seaside Bike Swap. For details, contact
- SALINAS: Sunday, October 6, 10 a.m. – 2 p.m. – Ciclovía Salinas. Launched in 2013, Ciclovia Salinas is normally an annual event (with exception of no event in 2021).
- NORTH MONTEREY COUNTY: Wednesday, October 9, 5:30-8:30 p.m. North Monterey County Safe Routes to School committee meeting #2. For details and any changes, contact:
- SEASIDE and beyond: Friday, October 11 – meetup 5:30 p.m., roll out 6 p.m. AMG Cyclery group ride, free. AMG reminds: Bring your bike lights to make ride safer for everyone. Meet up at their bike shop, 805 Broadway Ave, Seaside for a relaxed, no-drop ride. Stops are planned for rest and photos, so everyone can have a fun time, whatever their personal riding pace. Route will be mainly the coastal multiuse trail (aka bike path). (Optionally, at about 7:30-ish, riders can meet for a no-host social gathering at neighboring business Other Brother, 877 Broadway.) Questions? Contact
- MONTEREY COUNTY: Saturday, October 12, for Greenfield High School students (only); limited space. Biking Trip to Monterey Bay. Funded by the California State Parks Outdoor Equity Grants Program, the cost to attendees is $3. To register and for other details, text or call Greenfield Community Science Workshop, 831-233-8335.
- KING CITY: Sunday, October 13, noon to 4 p.m. – Ciclovía King City. This is the second Ciclovia date for King City (the first was in 2019).
- SEASIDE TO FORT ORD: Friday, October 18. AMG Cyclery road ride, AMG to Fort Ord and back. Meet up 5:30 p.m., roll out 6 p.m. Meet-up spot is their bike shop, 805 Broadway Ave, Seaside. AMG reminds: Bring your bike lights. For event details, contact
- CALIFORNIA, Statewide: Monday, October 21 is the last day for Californians to register to vote for the November 5 General Election. (Same-Day Voter Registration [registering on Nov 5] is Conditional, so please register by Oct 21!) Voting resources for Californians and other U.S. voters.

If you have a Monterey County bicycling or bike-related activity, event, or meeting scheduled that is open to the public, contact us to have it added to this post, or to the next edition of Bike Buzz, and/or shared on @bikemonterey’s social media.
VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITY: We’ve too many bike to-dos! Contact us if you can round up more Monterey County bike calendar notes for Oct-Dec 2024.
This post was published on 4 October 2024.