Posted by Founder, Bicycling Monterey
Bike Pacific Grove

Above: Pacific Grove resident Drew, biking Alder Street alongside Washington Park in October 2024.
When bicycling Pacific Grove, kindly note:
(1) Sidewalks. The City of Pacific Grove municipal code states “No person shall ride a bicycle upon any sidewalk.” For that and other Pacific Grove regulations related to bicycling, refer to
- If you feel it might be more appropriate to revise that complete prohibition (for example, perhaps to specify “upon any sidewalk within the business district”), advocate for that with PG officials.
- If the ordinance is revised to allow some sidewalk riding, PG officials may want to include language reflecting that sidewalks aren’t designed for the speed bicycles normally travel; they’re designed for pedestrian speeds. Language could be included similar to that in Salinas and Monterey codes, e.g., “Any permitted bicycle riding on sidewalks must be done with due caution and reasonable speed. Bicyclist must yield to all pedestrian traffic and give an audible signal before overtaking and passing a pedestrian.”
- Also refer to Bicycling Monterey’s 9o-second audio and much more in “Bicycling on Sidewalks: Misconceptions and Advisories.”
(2) Other areas of PG. Also note some specific areas where bicycle riding is prohibited in PG, e.g., Perkins’ Park:
(3) Multi-use trail. In the 20-section Tips for Bicycling Monterey County guide’s “Section 3. Bicycle Riding Skills, Bike Safety, and CA Bicycle Laws—for Children, Teens, and Adults,” note part 12, “Share the trails–for harmony and safety / share-the-trail etiquette and regulations.”
(4) E-bikes / eBikes. Effective March 20, 2020, as reported 2/20/20 by Pam Marino in the Monterey County Weekly, Class 1 and Class 2 eBikes are allowed on the PG section of the coastal trail, restricted to a max speed of twelve miles per hour. The speed limit applies to traditional (strictly people-powered) bicycles too. Class 3 eBikes are prohibited on the PG section of the trail, as are motorized scooters.
Learn about the classes of e-bikes in “Regulations for E-Bikes / Electric-Assist Bicycles and Other Non People-Powered Bikes.”
(5) Dennis Taylor reminded in his Monterey Herald 2/25/20 story about e-bikes and more, “Pacific Grove bans pedicabs, certain bikes on Rec Trail,” that “cyclists need to dismount their bikes and walk them along the trail through Perkins Park.”
(6) The Transportation Agency for Monterey County’s Bicycle and Pedestrian Committee has representatives for the City of Pacific Grove. The general public is welcome to attend these meetings, and to participate (e.g., speak up during public comment times). Learn more:
Did you know?
In Pacific Grove, beginning in 2009 and continuing into the pandemic, some PG businesses and organizations have participated in the HER Helmet Thursdays Project.
Yes to all of this! And don't forget, we are a @HERHelmetThurs partner.
— Passionfish (@Passionfish) February 26, 2019
Pacific Grove’s first HER Helmet Thursdays participants
Before claiming a Thursday discount, please refer to their listing details in the HER Helmet Thursdays Quick Reference Guide: 9th Anniversary Edition – HER Helmet Thursdays Guide – Participants as of 23 November 2018. For FAQs, click here.
Café Ariana
China House
First Awakenings
Happy Girl Kitchen
Lighthouse Lodge & Cottages
Pacific Grove Museum of Natural History’s Museum Store
Peppers Mexicali Café
Point Pinos Grill
Taste Café & Bistro
Toasties Café
Winning Wheels Bicycle Shop (January 17, 2024 update: Owners of Winning Wheels, the Chavez family, announced that in a few weeks they will be closing their shop of 38 years.)
Bicycling to a
Pacific Grove beach?
Click here for tips.
* * *
Archived note about May 3, 2019 activity
Among Monterey County 2019 Bike Month activities is a new event organized by Pacific Grove Chamber of Commerce, to be held as part of PG’s First Friday activities on the evening of May 3, 2019. People who bike are encouraged to bring their bicycles to Lighthouse Avenue in downtown Pacific Grove, then participate in a group ride around the downtown area. Members of Velo Club Monterey will be assisting with the ride; see There will also be a bicycle decorating contest, with prizes awarded. For details on the decorating contest and for all other info about Pacific Grove’s May 3 Bike Night, contact the Pacific Grove Chamber of Commerce at (831) 373-3304.
This post was originally published on April 26, 2019 and has been republished on February 7, 2021 with one update (#6 above).
This post was published on 7 February 2021. One or more changes last made to this post on 27 October 2024.