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Conference Call Option for TAMC Bike-Ped Meetings

Questions? Contact TAMC — habla español.

The information in this post was confirmed with TAMC staff prior to its publication. However, please note the following update. Source: TAMC bike-ped committee Nov 7, 2018 meeting packet, page 22: “Committee members and the public have asked about teleconference options for Committee meetings. Staff consulted with legal counsel on Brown Act requirements for a teleconference option. If Committee members plan to call in, the location from which they call must be accessible to the public. The location where the Committee member is calling from must also be published on the agenda, thus Committee members would have to notify staff of their intent to participate via teleconference well in advance of agenda publication.”

* * *

The public is welcome at Monthly Meetings of the Transportation Agency for Monterey County (TAMC) Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities Advisory Committee.

Monterey County is large (3,771 square miles), and attending these “bike-ped meetings,” held on a weekday evening, simply isn’t do-able for many of the people who are interested. The meetings originally took place solely in the county’s largest city and county seat, Salinas, where TAMC’s office is located. Later some of the meetings were scheduled for the Monterey Peninsula city of Sand City.

In 2018, the meeting location for one of the dates that was originally scheduled for Sand City will be moved to a South County location, as reported in the Californian’s “We Could Car Less” column on 1/25/18. The columnist, MacGregor Eddy, also reported a new option for participating in these meetings: by conference call. The column referred to the conference call option as being “for panel members”; however, it’s expect to be an option for the general public too.

Watch the upcoming TAMC bike-ped agendas for the conference call phone number. Contact the bike-ped coordinator at TAMC for more info:

Photo below: La Plaza Bakery & Cafe, Greenfield. All the La Plaza locations in the county—including Gonzales, Greenfield, and Soledad, as well as Salinas—are charter participants in the HER Helmet Thursdays Project, launched in 2009. See their addresses below.

For any updates to the addresses below—and to refer to their detailed individual listing before biking there to claim a Thursday discount—click on the La Plaza Bakery & Café listings in the HER Helmet Thursdays Guide.

La Plaza Bakery & Café-33 Third St, Gonzales
La Plaza Bakery & Café-150 El Camino Rd, Greenfield

La Plaza Bakery & Café East Slns – 20 N. Sanborn Rd, Salinas
La Plaza Bakery & Café West Slns -1036 N. Davis Rd, Salinas
La Plaza Bakery & Café East Slns – 107 Bardin Rd, Salinas

La Plaza Bakery & Café-901 Front St, Soledad

This post was published on 25 January 2018. One or more changes last made to this post on 3 January 2020.

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