Posted by Founder, Bicycling Monterey
Summer 2018: Ciclovía Salinas Youth Internships
Are you looking for a fun internship? Ciclovía’s youth summer internship offers free food, community service hours, and so much more! Apply now using :
— Ciclovía Salinas (@CicloviaSalinas) May 22, 2018
For history and more about Monterey County’s first Open Streets, Ciclovía Salinas, click here.
“I wish I could bike in the street, mama!”
You can, on Open Streets days—Ciclovía Salinas, “Where the streets are yours – ¡Donde las calles son suyas!”
Youth Interns
help make that reality—
for people of all ages—
through their work to make the next
Ciclovía Salinas possible.
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The information below was previously published May 12, 2017 and has not been updated for 2018. Check with Ciclovia Salinas for any updates.
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If you live in Salinas and are a student age 13-18 (or just graduated high school in Summer before the next Ciclovia Salinas date), scroll down to learn how to apply to become one of the youth interns.
(Are you 19? Don’t live in Salinas? Check with Ciclovia Salinas. The guidelines above appear to be flexible, per their 6/27/17 Facebook post.)
Photo below: Monterey Park, South Salinas girls on an Intergenerational Ride: “You mean we don’t always have to come to places like the coastal trail to take a long bike ride without any cars? You can do that at Ciclovía Salinas? We wanna go!

How to apply
You may either apply online via or if you prefer, you may instead pick up a print copy at the Building Healthy Communities office, 606 Williams Road, Salinas (behind Rite-Aid). (Call 831/717-1384 before going to the office, to be sure someone is there).
Applications were officially due June 16, 2017. Below are general instructions, along with several options for turning in your application.
Questions? Contact Andrea Manzo, 831-717-1384 –
Criteria for Youth Interns include that youth must:
- Live in Salinas.
- Be a student age 13-18, or have just graduated high school in Summer 2017. (Note: In previous years it was 14-18; 13-year-olds are also now welcome to apply.)
- Be available during necessary dates (typically July through October).
- Demonstrate a commitment to making positive changes in Salinas.
Applications can be turned in any of these ways:
- by email: – And please include an email subject line: “Internship Application_Your Name.”
- in-person: take to the Building Healthy Communities office, 606 Williams Road, Salinas (behind Rite-Aid) – (Call 831/717-1384 before dropping off to be sure someone is at the office.)
- by postal mail: Ciclovia Salinas, c/o Building Healthy Communities, 606 Williams Road, Salinas, CA 93905 – Attn: Youth Internship Ap
- in-person: when school is in session, another option may possibly be taking your completed application to a designated teacher at a Salinas high school. (Check with Andrea Manzo at Ciclovia Salinas about this for upcoming dates. In the past this was an option; for example, for the 2014-15 school year, these teachers could accept applications: Alisal High School, Mrs. Mares; Everett Alvarez High School, Mrs. Caetano; North Salinas High School, Mrs. Farley; and Salinas High School, Mrs. Sharp.)
To learn more about Ciclovia Salinas…
Including Facebook, Twitter, and other contact info, along with background information, click here.
Hey, maybe we oughta apply for Youth Internships!
Yeah, us too!
And let’s be sure the females are well represented again!
Yeah, we can tell our teen friends.
Looking for the HER Helmet Thursdays spots pictured in this post? They are Tacos El Jalisciense on Alisal at Madeira, and Yangtse’s Taste of Thai on Main. Find a list highlighting all Salinas places with those discounts on Thursdays for males and females who bike in tips on bicycling Salinas.
Photo of 7 boys: Courtesy of Jim Warwick.
This post was published on 12 May 2017. One or more changes last made to this post on 20 July 2021.
Hi, Pablo. So glad you’re interested. Contact the Ciclovia Salinas committee directly about applying for a youth internship spot. Phone them at 831-717-1384 or email If you don’t hear back from them promptly, please give me a call (831-375-6278). Also, just fyi, Bicycling Monterey’s main page about Ciclovia Salinas is under the Resources / Los Recursos tab; here it is:
Please send me an application