Posted by Founder, Bicycling Monterey
Calles Completas / Complete Streets, City of Monterey
Check with City of Monterey Planning Office for survey deadline. (Following the March 4, 2021 meeting, the survey was planned to remain open “for a while.”)

Reunión virtual organizada por la ciudad de Monterey y el contratista Kimley-Horn.
Virtual meeting hosted by the City of Monterey and contractor Kimley-Horn.
La discusión abordará qué son las “calles completas” y qué significan para la ciudad de Monterey. La ciudad está interesada en recopilar comentarios del público sobre sus preferencias y experiencias.
The discussion will address what “Complete Streets” are, and what it means for the City of Monterey. The city is interested in gathering feedback from the public on their preferences and experiences.

This post was published on 26 February 2021. One or more changes last made to this post on 7 March 2021.