Posted by Founder, Bicycling Monterey
12th Anniversary of the HER Helmet Thursdays Project
On Thanksgiving 2021 we give thanks for the hundreds of businesses and organizations throughout Monterey County who participate in HER Helmet Thursdays, a Bicycling Monterey project launched in November 2009. Together, they help make Monterey County a more bike-friendly place, for residents and visitors.
The impacts of the COVID-19 global pandemic mean some HER Helmet Thursdays businesses and organizations have found it necessary to change their hours or methods of operation. And some have even closed, temporarily or permanently.
Because of the pandemic-related uncertainties that remain on the 12th anniversary of the HER Helmet Thursdays Project, Thanksgiving 2021, the guide and database of participants (provided on the Listings/FAQs page) is not being updated for now.
Before going to any participant’s location…
Please phone ahead to inquire about their current status, such as: (1) days and hours of operation; (2) indoor or outdoor service options; (3) curbside or to-go service options; and even possibly (4) closed temporarily, or closed permanently.
And wherever you go, please help stop the spread of this pandemic. Follow guidelines regarding physical distancing, masks, and more, as requested by staff or signage at a business or organization you’re visiting, or as ordered by public health officials for Monterey County or the State of California.
Here’s to 2022 being
a healthier and more
prosperous year for all!
Below, you may download a PDF of the anniversary poster:
This post was published on 1 November 2021. One or more changes last made to this post on 22 November 2021.