Posted by Founder, Bicycling Monterey
Friends Are Flowers in the Garden of Life

My favorite household task
On Thanksgiving Day, one of the many blessings I’m grateful for is the friendship of my friend Sandi from Spokane, who sent me the apron you see above.
I’m also grateful for the sun and wind that dry my clothes. For more on that, see “The Beauty of Clotheslines.” And although I appreciate today’s much-needed rain, I’m looking forward to clearer weather predicted for the weekend. There’s a mountain of laundry awaiting. And hanging laundry outdoors is my favorite household task.
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This post was published on 27 November 2009. One or more changes last made to this post on 24 October 2013.
Hanging out laundry has become one of my favorite duties, and brings back memories of my youth helping Mom. I got into this healthy habit again when we were in NZ, where clothes dryers are rare. I don’t miss the RC pop bottle with sprinkler top for dampening clothes to iron. Although I do have the original sprinkler bottle we used for years in my laundry room. Love ya, dear friend. Sandi