Posted by Founder, Bicycling Monterey
COVID-19 resources for Monterey County, California and beyond
Información en español – California:
The following are official information resources—state, county, national, and global—about Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19).
State of California:
Monterey County:
U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC): –
PLEASE NOTE the CDC guidelines on Why Outside is a Safer Choice, including about outdoor physical distancing, e.g., “Outside, at least 6 feet apart” and outdoor mask wearing, “If you can’t stay at least 6 feet apart from people who don’t live with you, wear your mask.”
World Health Organization (WHO):

In addition, for FAQS from the California Bicycle Coalition about bicycling safely during the COVID-19 pandemic, go to
As CalBike reminds there: “Please follow the advice and orders of your local authorities, no matter what this document [CalBike’s web page] might say.”
For example, temporarily, the two signs below were on the City of Monterey section of the Monterey Bay Sanctuary Scenic Trail network (those specific restrictions no longer apply—those photos were shot in 2020).

For an archive of posts regarding COVID-19 published in the Monterey County Weekly, refer to:
For official information resources, refer to those linked in the black-and-gold box above.

This post was published on 21 June 2020. One or more changes last made to this post on 1 May 2022.