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Biking Down Memory Lane

Was looking for a particular photo in my packed family photo cupboard when I came upon these.  Sweet times from biking days gone by….

Above: Diane Kirckof and Jane Marquette of Estes Park, Colorado stayed in my home while visiting Monterey County in 1984.

Above: Renee Shillcock, a dear friend and then also a City of Monterey gymnastics instructor, pictured with my daughter. The t-shirt celebrates Monterey County’s second annual celebration of bicycling, which evolved from Bike Day into Bike Week, then Bike Month.

Below, my daughter again, on a beautiful Central Coast morning. The telltale sheet thrown over the flower bed, to prevent frost damage, attests to the dip in temperatures the night before.

That red tricycle came with a detachable handle. I used it for a short time when she was younger, to slow her trike when going down a steep hill. It spared her a few scuffed knees, like the one visible in this picture.

Many families now prefer balance bikes, but back then her next step was a two wheeler with training wheels.

My daughter with her beloved Grammie, my mom.

My family attended the Strawberry Music Festival for many years, and we’d take our bicycles and the Burley trailer. It was great for hauling a sleeping child and misc stuff home from the late-night music stage.

There were many other occasions when the Burley came in handy too, including room for friends.

Below, my mom, about age 12, with with her cousin Joyce. 

Across the Monterey Bay, when I lived in Santa Cruz, my biking buds included Debby Martin and her sister Terry.

Below, biking with my friend, and Well-Being coworker, Gerri Dayharsh on West Cliff Drive.

Santa Cruz is where biking really won my heart.


This post was published on 1 June 2010. One or more changes last made to this post on 26 April 2024.

  1. Gregg says:

    So many years and so many memories…

  2. Floann says:

    Beautiful pics, Honey! Yes, our sweet Nathan certainly won our hearts! Remember the first time as if it were yesterday! And Mom certainly filled the bill for our children! Love ya, Sis

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